17 research outputs found

    A Faster-Than Relation for Semi-Markov Decision Processes

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    When modeling concurrent or cyber-physical systems, non-functional requirements such as time are important to consider. In order to improve the timing aspects of a model, it is necessary to have some notion of what it means for a process to be faster than another, which can guide the stepwise refinement of the model. To this end we study a faster-than relation for semi-Markov decision processes and compare it to standard notions for relating systems. We consider the compositional aspects of this relation, and show that the faster-than relation is not a precongruence with respect to parallel composition, hence giving rise to so-called parallel timing anomalies. We take the first steps toward understanding this problem by identifying decidable conditions sufficient to avoid parallel timing anomalies in the absence of non-determinism.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2019, arXiv:2001.0616

    Dependences in Strategy Logic

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    Strategy Logic (SL) is a very expressive temporal logic for specifying and verifying properties of multi-agent systems: in SL, one can quantify over strategies, assign them to agents, and express LTL properties of the resulting plays. Such a powerful framework has two drawbacks: First, model checking SL has non-elementary complexity; second, the exact semantics of SL is rather intricate, and may not correspond to what is expected. In this paper, we focus on strategy dependences in SL, by tracking how existentially-quantified strategies in a formula may (or may not) depend on other strategies selected in the formula, revisiting the approach of [Mogavero et al., Reasoning about strategies: On the model-checking problem, 2014]. We explain why elementary dependences, as defined by Mogavero et al., do not exactly capture the intended concept of behavioral strategies. We address this discrepancy by introducing timeline dependences, and exhibit a large fragment of SL for which model checking can be performed in 2-EXPTIME under this new semantics

    VLDL Satisfiability and Model Checking via Tree Automata

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    We present novel algorithms solving the satisfiability problem and the model checking problem for Visibly Linear Dynamic Logic (VLDL) in asymptotically optimal time via a reduction to the emptiness problem for tree automata with B\"uchi acceptance. Since VLDL allows for the specification of important properties of recursive systems, this reduction enables the efficient analysis of such systems. Furthermore, as the problem of tree automata emptiness is well-studied, this reduction enables leveraging the mature algorithms and tools for that problem in order to solve the satisfiability problem and the model checking problem for VLDL.Comment: 14 page

    Probabilistic Input-Driven Pushdown Automata

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    Dependences in Strategy Logic

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    Strategy Logic (SL) is a very expressive temporal logic for specifying and verifying properties of multi-agent systems: in SL, one can quantify over strategies, assign them to agents, and express LTL properties of the resulting plays. Such a powerful framework has two drawbacks: First, model checking SL has non-elementary complexity; second, the exact semantics of SL is rather intricate, and may not correspond to what is expected. In this paper, we focus on strategy dependences in SL, by tracking how existentially-quantified strategies in a formula may (or may not) depend on other strategies selected in the formula, revisiting the approach of [Mogavero et al., Reasoning about strategies: On the model-checking problem, 2014]. We explain why elementary dependences, as defined by Mogavero et al., do not exactly capture the intended concept of behavioral strategies. We address this discrepancy by introducing timeline dependences, and exhibit a large fragment of SL for which model checking can be performed in 2-EXPTIME under this new semantics

    Multiparty testing preorders

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    Variants of the must testing approach have been successfully applied in service oriented computing for analysing the compliance between (contracts exposed by) clients and servers or, more generally, between two peers. It has however been argued that multiparty scenarios call for more permissive notions of compliance because partners usually do not have full coordination capabilities. We propose two new testing preorders, which are obtained by restricting the set of potential observers. For the first preorder, called uncoordinated, we allow only sets of parallel observers that use different parts of the interface of a given service and have no possibility of intercommunication. For the second preorder, that we call individualistic, we instead rely on parallel observers that perceive as silent all the actions that are not in the interface of interest. We have that the uncoordinated preorder is coarser than the classical must testing preorder and finer than the individualistic one. We also provide a characterisation in terms of decorated traces for both preorders: the uncoordinated preorder is defined in terms of must-sets and Mazurkiewicz traces while the individualistic one is described in terms of classes of filtered traces that only contain designated visible actions and must-sets.Fil: De Nicola, Rocco. Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca; ItaliaFil: Melgratti, Hernan Claudio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; Argentin

    Behavioural Preorders on Stochastic Systems - Logical, Topological, and Computational Aspects

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    Computer systems can be found everywhere: in space, in our homes, in our cars, in our pockets, and sometimes even in our own bodies. For concerns of safety, economy, and convenience, it is important that such systems work correctly. However, it is a notoriously difficult task to ensure that the software running on computers behaves correctly. One approach to ease this task is that of model checking, where a model of the system is made using some mathematical formalism. Requirements expressed in a formal language can then be verified against the model in order to give guarantees that the model satisfies the requirements. For many computer systems, time is an important factor. As such, we need our formalisms and requirement languages to be able to incorporate real time. We therefore develop formalisms and algorithms that allow us to compare and express properties about real-time systems. We first introduce a logical formalism for reasoning about upper and lower bounds on time, and study the properties of this formalism, including axiomatisation and algorithms for checking when a formula is satisfied. We then consider the question of when a system is faster than another system. We show that this is a difficult question which can not be answered in general, but we identify special cases where this question can be answered. We also show that under this notion of faster-than, a local increase in speed may lead to a global decrease in speed, and we take step towards avoiding this. Finally, we consider how to compare the real-time behaviour of systems not just qualitatively, but also quantitatively. Thus, we are interested in knowing how much one system is faster or slower than another system. This is done by introducing a distance between systems. We show how to compute this distance and that it behaves well with respect to certain properties.Comment: PhD dissertation from Aalborg Universit

    Behavioural Preorders on Stochastic Systems - Logical, Topological, and Computational Aspects

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