42 research outputs found

    Col.laboratori (CIRAX) and LORO, collaborative networks for educational repositories and teaching communities

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    This study focuses on the connection between LORO (Language Open Resources Online), from Department of Language at the Open University, and the prototype CIRAX (Collaborative Interuniversity Learning Resources on the Net), from the Consortium of University Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC). LORO is a consolidated and successful languages teaching and learning repository that was developed with UKOER JISC funding and institutional support. In 2011 it was highly commended in OPAL awards for quality in innovation through Open Educational Practice. LORO was identified as an appropriate and effective experience to learn from and apply to the new CIRAX, which aims to be a radical step forward in creating a teaching community and a space for interuniversity collaboration The evaluation and effectiveness of LORO in changing educators’ practice and the valuable evidences showing that a repository is more accepted and used if those who are affected, educators, participate in the decision making and its implementation, clearly marks the way to be followed by CIRAX. These two projects share a common purpose in helping teachers to become a learning community that systematically uses learning materials stored in a shared repository, and both are also active in the creation, maintenance, and sharing of resources and methodologies for learning. In short, both projects strive to continuously improve the quality of teaching and the progress from the experience and reflective practice. LORO has become effectively embedded in institutional practice at the UK OU and in engaging with other disciplinary users nationally to activate a discipline-based community of educators. Whether this approach can be applied across different discipline areas is a question for its future

    Col.laboratori (CIRAX) and LORO, collaborative networks for educational repositories and teaching communities

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    This study focuses on the connection between LORO (Language Open Resources Online), from Department of Language at the Open University, and the prototype CIRAX (Collaborative Interuniversity Learning Resources on the Net), from the Consortium of University Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC). LORO is a consolidated and successful languages teaching and learning repository that was developed with UKOER JISC funding and institutional support. In 2011 it was highly commended in OPAL awards for quality in innovation through Open Educational Practice. LORO was identified as an appropriate and effective experience to learn from and apply to the new CIRAX, which aims to be a radical step forward in creating a teaching community and a space for interuniversity collaboration The evaluation and effectiveness of LORO in changing educators’ practice and the valuable evidences showing that a repository is more accepted and used if those who are affected, educators, participate in the decision making and its implementation, clearly marks the way to be followed by CIRAX. These two projects share a common purpose in helping teachers to become a learning community that systematically uses learning materials stored in a shared repository, and both are also active in the creation, maintenance, and sharing of resources and methodologies for learning. In short, both projects strive to continuously improve the quality of teaching and the progress from the experience and reflective practice. LORO has become effectively embedded in institutional practice at the UK OU and in engaging with other disciplinary users nationally to activate a discipline-based community of educators. Whether this approach can be applied across different discipline areas is a question for its future

    Defining strawberry shape uniformity using 3D imaging and genetic mapping

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    Strawberry shape uniformity is a complex trait, influenced by multiple genetic and environmental components. To complicate matters further, the phenotypic assessment of strawberry uniformity is confounded by the difficulty of quantifying geometric parameters ‘by eye’ and variation between assessors. An in-depth genetic analysis of strawberry uniformity has not been undertaken to date, due to the lack of accurate and objective data. Nonetheless, uniformity remains one of the most important fruit quality selection criteria for the development of a new variety. In this study, a 3D-imaging approach was developed to characterise berry shape uniformity. We show that circularity of the maximum circumference had the closest predictive relationship with the manual uniformity score. Combining five or six automated metrics provided the best predictive model, indicating that human assessment of uniformity is highly complex. Furthermore, visual assessment of strawberry fruit quality in a multi-parental QTL mapping population has allowed the identification of genetic components controlling uniformity. A “regular shape” QTL was identified and found to be associated with three uniformity metrics. The QTL was present across a wide array of germplasm, indicating a potential candidate for marker-assisted breeding, while the potential to implement genomic selection is explored. A greater understanding of berry uniformity has been achieved through the study of the relative impact of automated metrics on human perceived uniformity. Furthermore, the comprehensive definition of strawberry shape uniformity using 3D imaging tools has allowed precision phenotyping, which has improved the accuracy of trait quantification and unlocked the ability to accurately select for uniform berries

    Memòria d'activitats del ...

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    El Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) es va constituir l'any 1996. A finals de 2013, i seguint els plans acordats per la Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca i els rectors de les universitats públiques de Catalunya, el CBUC es va dissoldre per fusionar-se amb el CESCA i formar el nou Consorci de Serves Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)

    Visualización de la información en la democratización de los datos

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    Se revisa la visualización de la información desde una perspectiva comunicativa, considerándola como una nueva fórmula para la divulgación de datos complejos a un público heterogéneo y no versado en el análisis de datos cuantitativos. Se propone la incorporación de las técnicas de storytelling como herramienta para mantener la atención y conducir la lectura de las visualizaciones, y complementar las dos bases tradicionales de la disciplina: percepción e interacción. La reflexión se acompaña de visualizaciones publicadas en el marco de la comunicación de masas, desde propuestas presentadas por la prensa generalista anglosajona a aplicaciones en línea con el objetivo de aproximar los datos a los ciudadanos

    Les biblioteques universitàries a Catalunya (2014-15)

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    Les biblioteques universitàries catalanes han continuat treballant en benefici dels seus usuaris durant el bienni 2014-2015. Tot i que han tingut un descens en el nombre de visites presencials, s'han incrementat els accessos als recursos digitals, alhora que s'ha millorat la difusió i participació dels usuaris a través de les xarxes socials. Gràcies a la participació de quasi totes biblioteques en el CSUC, s'han assolit unes fites destacables tant en el desenvolupament dels serveis com en l'ús eficient dels recursos, cercant sempre el benefici dels usuaris. Cal destacar l'increment del suport a la docència i a la recerca, i el projecte del Portal de la Recerca, desenvolupat amb l'objectiu d'oferir des d'un lloc únic i en accés obert els resultats de la recerca. Així doncs, es tracta d'una etapa interessantíssima de projectes tant consorciats com individuals de les biblioteques universitàries

    Memòria d'activitats

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    El Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC) es posa en marxa el gener del 2014 com a conjunció de la trajectòria del Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya (CESCA), que al llarg de 23 anys ha prestat serveis relacionats amb les infraestructures TIC, i la del Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC), que ho ha fet al llarg de 18 anys en l'àmbit de les biblioteques

    Information visualization in data democratization: proposals from journalism and storytelling

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    Information visualization is reviewed from the communication perspective, which is considered a new formula for disseminating information to a heterogeneous audience of people not specialized in the analysis of quantitative data. The principle of storytelling is incorporated as a tool to hold the attention and direct the reading of the visualizations, and to complement the two traditional bases of the discipline: perception and interaction. The reflection is accompanied by visualizations published in the framework of mass communication, ranging from examples in the English-speaking mainstream press to online applications aimed at making information accessible to the general public

    ORIOLE, en la Búsqueda de Evidencias de Recursos Educativos Abiertos en la Enseñanza. Experiencias en la Utilización, re-utilización, Compartición e Influencia de Repositorios de Recursos Educativos

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    The study presented here aims to gather useful information on the use, re-reuse and sharing of resources in Education and also the influence of repositories, to better understand the perspective of individual practitioners and suggest future areas of debate for researchers.Open Resources: Influence on Learners and Educators (ORIOLE) project, was based within the Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University (OU) from 2009-2013 and focused on investigating, understanding and disseminating about use and reuse of open resources in learning and teaching. This paper focuses on the second survey activity of this project. During 2011 (Pegler, 2012), an extensive online survey about reuse of educational resources was conducted through (mainly UK-based) practitioner communities. In 2013, a more international version was created (available in English and Spanish) and circulated during that year (http://bit.ly/OERsurvey_2013).The ORIOLE Survey 2013 collected information about the contexts in which open resource use may occur, looking particularly at attitudes about reuse of educational resources (OER) in teaching. What influences open resources in education is a topic of relevance to anyone taking on forward engagement with open education and the answers lie with those who are working directly in the delivery of learning and teaching, and those who support this work.It is hoped that this qualitative analysis will provide a deeper understanding of the differences in the motivation to engage with OER and the shifts in experience and expectations across diverse contexts. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo recopilar información útil sobre el uso, reutilización y compartición de recursos educativos y la influencia de los repositorios, para comprender mejor la perspectiva de los académicos y sugerir futuros ámbitos de debate a los investigadores. Open Resources: Influence on Learners and Educators (ORIOLE) se basa en el Instituto de Tecnología de la Educación, The Open University (OU), el periodo 2009-2013 y trata de la investigación, comprensión y difusión del uso y la reutilización de los recursos abiertos en el aprendizaje y enseñanza. Este artículo se centra en la segunda encuesta llevada a cabo dentro del proyecto ORIOLE. Durante el año 2011 (Pegler, 2012) se realizó una amplia encuesta en línea acerca de la reutilización de los recursos educativos, a través de las comunidades académicas (principalmente en el Reino Unido). En 2013, se creó una versión más internacional de la encuesta anterior (disponible en Inglés y Español) que estuvo en circulación durante ese año (http://bit.ly/OERsurvey_2013). La Encuesta ORIOLE 2013 recopiló información acerca de los contextos en los cuales se puede producir el uso de recursos abiertos, prestando especial atención a las actitudes acerca de la reutilización de los recursos educativos en la enseñanza. Qué influencia tienen los recursos abiertos en la educación es un tema de interés para cualquier persona involucrada en la educación abierta y las respuestas se encuentran entre los que están trabajando directamente en la impartición de enseñanza, y también entre los que dan soporte a este trabajo. Se espera que este análisis qualitativo proporcione una comprensión más profunda de las diferentes motivaciones que juegan un papel en la adopción de los recursos educativos abiertos, las experiencias y expectativas que se presentan en diversos contextos