20 research outputs found

    Chartis Measurement of Collateral Ventilation:Conscious Sedation versus General Anesthesia

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    BACKGROUND: Absence of interlobar collateral ventilation using the Chartis measurement is the key predictor for successful endobronchial valve treatment in severe emphysema. Chartis was originally validated in spontaneous breathing patients under conscious sedation (CS); however, this can be challenging due to cough, mucus secretion, mucosal swelling, and bronchoconstriction. Performing Chartis under general anesthesia (GA) avoids these problems and may result in an easier procedure with a higher success rate. However, using Chartis under GA with positive pressure ventilation has not been validated. OBJECTIVES: In this study we investigated the impact of anesthesia technique, CS versus GA, on the feasibility and outcomes of Chartis measurement. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed all Chartis measurements performed at our hospital from October 2010 until December 2017. RESULTS: We analyzed 250 emphysema patients (median forced expiratory volume in 1 s 26%, range 12-52% predicted). In 121 patients (48%) the measurement was performed using CS, in 124 (50%) using GA, and in 5 (2%) both anesthesia techniques were used. In total, 746 Chartis readings were analyzed (432 CS, 277 GA, and 37 combination). Testing under CS took significantly longer than GA (median 19 min [range 5-65] vs. 11 min [3-35], p < 0.001) and required more measurements (3 [1-13] vs. 2 [1-6], p < 0.001). There was no significant difference in target lobe volume reduction after treatment (-1,123 mL [-3,604 to 332] in CS vs. -1,251 mL [-3,333 to -1] in GA, p = 0.35). CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, Chartis measurement under CS took significantly longer and required more measurements than under GA, without a difference in treatment outcome. We recommend a prospective trial comparing both techniques within the same patients to validate this approach

    Anisotropy of machine building materials

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    The results of experimental studies of the anisotropy of elastic and strength characteristics of various structural materials, including pressure worked metals and alloys, laminated fiberglass plastics, and laminated wood plastics, are correlated and classified. Strength criteria under simple and complex stresses are considered as applied to anisotropic materials. Practical application to determining the strength of machine parts and structural materials is discussed

    Image Automatic Categorisation using Selected Features Attained from Integrated Non-Subsampled Contourlet with Multiphase Level Sets

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    A framework of automatic detection and categorization of Breast Cancer (BC) biopsy images utilizing significant interpretable features is initially considered in discussed work. Appropriate efficient techniques are engaged in layout steps of the discussed framework. Different steps include 1.To emphasize the edge particulars of tissue structure; the distinguished Non-Subsampled Contourlet (NSC) transform is implemented. 2. For the demarcation of cells from background, k-means, Adaptive Size Marker Controlled Watershed, two proposed integrated methodologies were discussed. Proposed Method-II, an integrated approach of NSC and Multiphase Level Sets is preferred to other segmentation practices as it proves better performance 3. In feature extraction phase, extracted 13 shape morphology, 33 textural (includes 6 histogram, 22 Haralick’s, 3 Tamura’s, 2 Graylevel Run-Length Matrix,) and 2 intensity features from partitioned tissue images for 96 trained image

    Η θεωρητική και λογοτεχνική διάσταση της 'διηγηματικής εγκυκλοπαίδειας' του Εμμανουήλ Ροΐδη: 'Τοις Εντευξομένοις', 'Ιστορία μιας γάτας'

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    Please note: this article is in Greek. The theoretical and literary aspect of the roidian “narrative encyclopedia”: “Tois Entefksomenois”, “Istoria mias gatas”: This paper deals with the generic definition of “narrative encyclopedia” which was first introduced in Emm. Roides’ Papissa Ioanna in 1866. The roidian encyclopedia brings together different types of speech and at the same time it exemplifies the stylistical theory of the writer. The result of the above process is that the so called “pezografimata” (prose works) of Roidis, are turned into both literary and theoretical texts, which permits their reevaluation and their reinterpretation. The introductory text of Papissa Ioanna, which is entitled “Tois Entefksomenois” (“To the readers”), exemplifies the roidian stylistical theory and so it acquires — apart from it’s informative character — a literary hint. So the “Tois Entefksomenois” becomes a primary element of the main narration of Papissa. The counter-march (literature-theory) is followed by the text “Istoria mias gatas” (“The story of a cat”) which has a strong theoretical character, despite it’s literary covering. This theoretical character is brought on the surface through certain relative correlations, which transform the text into an allegorical narration. So, it turns out that the roidian “narrative encyclopedia” combines both theoretical and literary speech (and in some other cases the philosophical speech) and so it gets beyond the one-dimensional nature of other genres. By following the example of German Romanticism Roidis forms a new genre, which thematizes theory and at the same time it gains an exemplary value

    Clinical Applications of Scanning Electron Microscopy in Gastrointestinal Diseases

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    We considered the role of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in clinical investigation of different gastrointestinal diseases. The following clinical applications of SEM may be suggested on the basis of our original data and those reported in literature: in peptic ulcer: assessment of the completeness of healing, by observing the mucosal surface architecture of the scars; identification of mucosal changes, namely enterocytic surface membrane alterations, predictive of recurrence; in coeliac disease: early assessment of the response to gluten-free diet and follow-up of the patients by staging the process of mucosal repair in cerebriform, intermediate and villous patterns; in ulcerative and Crohn\u27s colitis: enhancement of the diagnostic sensitivity of perendoscopic biopsy, by detecting differences in surface structure of mucosa surrounding ulcers in both diseases. This is subverted in ulcerative colitis and preserved in Crohn\u27s colitis. Finally the complementary role of SEM in relation to endoscopy and light microscopy is emphasized

    Geoinformatics for the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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    Cultural Heritage (CH) is recognised as being of historical, social, and anthropological value and is considered as an enabler of sustainable development. As a result, it is included in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 and 8. SDG 11.4 emphasises the protection and safeguarding of heritage, and SDG 8.9 aims to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products. This paper briefly reviews the geoinformatics technologies of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information science and their application to CH. Detailed aspects of CH-related SDGs, comprising protection and safeguarding, as well as the promotion of sustainable tourism are outlined. Contributions of geoinformatics technologies to each of these aspects are then identified and analysed. Case studies in both developing and developed countries, supported by funding directed at the UN SDGs, are presented to illustrate the challenges and opportunities of geoinformatics to enhance CH protection and to promote sustainable tourism. The potential and impact of geoinformatics for the measurement of official SDG indicators, as well as UNESCO's Culture for Development Indicators, are discussed. Based on analysis of the review and the presented case studies, it is concluded that the contribution of geoinformatics to the achievement of CH SDGs is necessary, significant and evident. Moreover, following the UNESCO initiative to introduce CH into the sustainable development agenda and related ICOMOS action plan, the concept of Sustainable Cultural Heritage is defined, reflecting the significance of CH to the United Nations' ambition to "transform our world"

    Draft sources 1000A AC current sensors for calibration

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    Tato práce se zabývá konstrukcí soustavy střídavého zdroje 1000 A a zařízení pro přesné měření velkých proudů. Jsou zde teoreticky rozebrány možností klasických řešení, jako jsou proudové transformátory i modernější metody v podobě proudových senzorů. Je zde řešena problematika přesnosti a možné způsoby jak snížit systematickou chybu. Do hloubky je zde rozebraná stavba proudového transformátoru, zpracování analogového signálu na signál digitální a následné číslicové zpracování získaného signálu. Zkonstruované zařízení je následně otestováno na svoji finální přesnost.This bachelor thesis deals with design and construction of device for precise measurement of 1000 A alternate current. This thesis theoretically discusses the possibilities of conventional solutions, such as current transformers, as well as modern methods in the form of current sensors. The output of this thesis is a solution of problems with accuracy and discussion of other possible ways to reduce systematic error. The thesis discusses structure of the current transformer, the digitalizing of the signal and its usage as an input for engineering units. The device is then tested for final accuracy.

    Study of Multi-Modal and Non-Gaussian Probability Density Functions in Target Tracking with Applications to Dim Target Tracking

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    The majority of deployed target tracking systems use some variant of the Kalman filter for their state estimation algorithm. In order for a Kalman filter to be optimal, the measurement and state equations must be linear and the process and measurement noises must be Gaussian random variables (or vectors). One problem arises when the state or measurement function becomes a multi-modal Gaussian mixture. This typically occurs with the interactive multiple model (IMM) technique and its derivatives and also with probabilistic and joint probabilistic data association (PDA/JPDA) algorithms. Another common problem in target tracking is that the target\u27s signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the sensor is often low. This situation is often referred to as the dim target tracking or track-before-detect (TBD) scenario. When this occurs, the probability density function (PDF) of the measurement likelihood function becomes non-Gaussian and often has a Rayleigh or Ricean distribution. In this case, a Kalman filter variant may also perform poorly. The common solution to both of these problems is the particle filter (PF). A key drawback of PF algorithms, however, is that they are computationally expensive. This dissertation, thus, concentrates on developing PF algorithms that provide comparable performance to conventional PFs but at lower particle costs and presents the following four research efforts. 1. A multirate multiple model particle filter (MRMMPF) is presented in Section-3. The MRMMPF tracks a single, high signal-to-noise-ratio, maneuvering target in clutter. It coherently accumulates measurement information over multiple scans via discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) and multirate processing. This provides the MRMMPF with a much stronger data association capability than is possible with a single scan algorithm. In addition, its particle filter nature allows it to better handle multiple modes that arise from multiple target motion models. Consequently, the MRMMPF provides substantially better root-mean-square error (RMSE) tracking performance than either a full-rate or multirate Kalman filter tracker or full-rate multiple model particle filter (MMPF) with a same particle count. 2. A full-rate multiple model particle filter for track-before-detect (MMPF-TBD) and a multirate multiple model particle filter for track-before-detect (MRMMPF-TBD) are presented in Section-4. These algorithms extend the areas mentioned above and track low SNR targets which perform small maneuvers. The MRMMPF-TBD and MMPF-TBD both use a combined probabilistic data association (PDA) and maximum likelihood (ML) approach. The MRMMPF-TBD provides equivalent RMSE performance at substantially lower particle counts than a full-rate MMPF-TBD. In addition, the MRMMPF-TBD tracks very dim constant velocity targets that the MMPF-TBD cannot. 3. An extended spatial domain multiresolutional particle filter (E-SD-MRES-PF) is developed in Section-5. The E-SD-MRES-PF modifies and extends a recently developed spatial domain multiresolutional particle filter prototype. The prototype SD-MRES-PF was only demonstrated for one update cycle. In contrast, E-SD-MRES-PF functions over multiple update cycles and provides comparable RMSE performance at a reduced particle cost under a variety of PDF scenarios. 4. Two variants of a single-target Gaussian mixture model particle filter (GMMPF) are presented in Section-6. The GMMPF models the particle cloud as a Gaussian finite mixture model (FMM). MATLAB simulations show that the GMMPF provides performance comparable to a particle filter but at a lower particle cost