1,253 research outputs found

    Sex classification using the human sacrum: Geometric morphometrics versus conventional approaches

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    The human pelvis shows marked sexual dimorphism that stems from the conflicting selective pressures of bipedal locomotion and parturition. The sacrum is thought to reflect this dimorphism as it makes up a significant portion of the pelvic girdle. However, reported sexual classification accuracies vary considerably depending on the method and reference sample (54%-98%). We aim to explore this inconsistency by quantifying sexual dimorphism and sex classification accuracies in a geographically heterogeneous sample by comparing 3D geometric morphometrics with the more commonly employed linear metric and qualitative assessments. Our sample included 164 modern humans from Africa, Europe, Asia, and America. The geometric morphometric analysis was based on 44 landmarks and 56 semilandmarks. Linear dimensions included sacral width, corpus depth and width, and the corresponding indices. The qualitative inspection relied on traditional macroscopic features such as proportions between the corpus of the first sacral vertebrae and the alae, and sagittal and coronal curvature of the sacrum. Classification accuracy was determined using linear discriminant function analysis for the entire sample and for the largest subsamples (i.e., Europeans and Africans). Male and female sacral shapes extensively overlapped in the geometric morphometric investigation, leading to a classification accuracy of 72%. Anteroposterior corpus depth was the most powerful discriminating linear parameter (83%), followed by the corpus-area index (78%). Qualitative inspection yielded lower accuracies (64–76%). Classification accuracy was higher for the Central European subsample and diminished with increasing geographical heterogeneity of the subgroups. Although the sacrum forms an integral part of the birth canal, our results suggest that its sex-related variation is surprisingly low. Morphological variation thus seems to be driven also by other factors, including body size, and sacrum shape is therefore likely under stronger biomechanical rather than obstetric selection

    Smart Ticket Protection: An Architecture for Cyber-Protecting Physical Tickets Using Digitally Signed Random Pattern Markers

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    In order to counter forgeries of tickets for public transport or mass events, a method to validate them, using printed unique random pattern markers was developed. These markers themselves are unforgeable by their physically random distribution. To assure their authenticity, however, they have to be cryptographically protected and equipped with an environment for successful validation, combining physical and cyber security protection. This paper describes an architecture for cryptographically protecting these markers, which are stored in Aztec codes on physical tickets, in order to assure that only an authorized printer can generate a valid Aztec code of such a pattern, thus providing forge protection in combination with the randomness and uniqueness of the pattern. Nevertheless, the choice of the signature algorithm is heavily constrained by the sizes of the pattern, ticket provider data, metadata and the signature confronted by the data volume the code hold. Therefore, this paper also defines an example for a signature layout for the proposed architecture. This allows for a lightweight ticket validation system that is both physically and cryptographically secured to form a smart solution for mass access verification for both shorter to longer periods at relatively low cost.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The Relational Value of Perceived Brand Globalness and Localness

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    Despite the well-documented importance of consumer-brand relationships, international branding research has not yet investigated whether a brand's perceived globalness and localness influence consumers' identification with the brand. Drawing on brand relationship theory and global/local branding literature, the present research theorizes on how perceived brand globalness and localness influence consumer-brand relationship building and discusses how these influences vary for brands of domestic versus foreign origin. Two studies in mature and emerging markets, using several brands across multiple product categories, reveal that both perceived brand globalness and localness have positive effects on consumer-brand identification. These effects (1) hold in both mature and emerging market settings, (2) are independent of brand quality assessments, (3) interact in a mutually-reinforcing way, and (4) are moderated by brand origin in a substitutional manner indicating that the relational effects of brand localness (globalness) are stronger for foreign (domestic) than for domestic (foreign) brands

    Predicting Post-Fire Change in West Virginia, USA from Remotely-Sensed Data

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    Prescribed burning is used in West Virginia, USA to return the important disturbance process of fire to oak and oak-pine forests. Species composition and structure are often the main goals for re-establishing fire with less emphasis on fuel reduction or reducing catastrophic wildfire. In planning prescribed fires land managers could benefit from the ability to predict mortality to overstory trees. In this study, wildfires and prescribed fires in West Virginia were examined to determine if specific landscape and terrain characteristics were associated with patches of high/moderate post-fire change. Using the ensemble machine learning approach of Random Forest, we determined that linear aspect was the most important variable associated with high/moderate post-fire change patches, followed by hillshade, aspect as class, heat load index, slope/aspect ratio (sine transformed), average roughness, and slope in degrees. These findings were then applied to a statewide spatial model for predicting post-fire change. Our results will help land managers contemplating the use of prescribed fire to spatially target landscape planning and restoration sites and better estimate potential post-fire effects

    Burnout in the Workplace: A Review of the Data and Policy Responses in the EU

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    This report looks at the extent of burnout experienced by workers in the EU, based on national research. As a starting point, the report sets out to consider whether burnout is viewed as a medical or occupational disease. It then examines the work determinants associated with burnout and looks at the effects of burnout, including psychosocial and physical work factors, work intensity and work organisation. It also reviews national strategies and policies regarding this issue, the involvement of the social partners in the current debate, as well as preventive actions currently in place

    Evaluation of Chipping Productivity with Five Different Mobile Chippers at Different Forest Sites by a Stochastic Model

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    It is important to evaluate chipping productivity that often differed according to the timing of observations and varied unexpectedly. A variation in production was the major concern of stakeholders for sustainable forest operation to establish regularly attainable production schedules on many operational levels. The aim of this study was to estimate the variance of chipping productivity by using a stochastic simulation model to achieve the objective evaluation of chipper performances. Chipping operations of five different kinds of mobile chippers, i.e. three smaller and two middle and larger ones in horse powers, were investigated. Probability distributions of material size and feeding time for chipping in a log-normal distribution were estimated. The estimates were made based on chipping operations performed 2000 or 4000 times by mechanical repetitions. Except for the largest chipper, whose observed productivity was 338 loose m3/hr, all of the observed productivities, varying from 18 to 68 loose m3/hr, were located within a two-sided confidential interval whose difference between both ends was 4 to 10 loose m3/hr. The estimates were, generally, reliable with small variances around the median productivity values in the model. By this stochastic model, chipper productivity could be shown objectively, while the accuracy would be improved more by increasing sample size and accurate material size measurement. It was elucidated that the operations followed by chipping should encompass enough volume capacity to provide stable chipping productivity

    Escaping the exchange of information: Tax evasion via citizenship-by-investment

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    With automatic exchange of tax information among countries now common, tax evaders have had to find new ways to hide their offshore holdings. One such way is citizenship-by-investment, which offers foreigners a new passport for a local investment or a fixed fee. We show analytically that high-income individuals acquire a new citizenship to lower the probability that their tax evasion is detected through information exchange. Using data on cross-border bank deposits, we find that deposits in tax havens increase after a country starts offering a citizenship-by-investment program, providing indirect evidence that tax evaders use these programs

    International Expansion of a Chosen Company

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    Cílem diplomové práce „Expanze vybraného podniku na zahraniční trh“ je navrhnout strategii vstupu společnosti SLUTO s.r.o. na rakouský trh. Teoretická část práce je věnována problematice internacionalizace a podnikových strategií a možnostmi vstupu na zahraniční trhy. V analytické části práce jsou provedeny analýzy prostředí společnosti SLUTO s.r.o. za předpokladu její působnosti na rakouském trhu, přičemž získané výsledky jsou následně sumarizovány ve SWOT analýze. Návrhová část práce, jež je v podstatě business plánem rakouské dceřiné společnosti SLUTO s.r.o., pak v souladu s poznatky z jednotlivých analýz nabízí možné návrhy a doporučení.The main aim of master’s thesis “International Expansion of a Chosen Company” is to design a market entry strategy of company SLUTO s.r.o. in Austria. The review of literature is devoted to the issue of internationalisation and business strategies and possibilities of entering into the foreign markets. Current situation analysis focuses on the business environment analyses of company SLUTO, assuming its activity in the Austrian market, while the results obtained are further summarized in SWOT analysis. The last part of thesis, which is actually a business plan of SLUTO’s Austrian subsidiary, offers proposals and recommendations based on the findings from the compiled analyses.

    Superfood in Austria : analysis of customer perception and market dynamics in Austrian retail, using the example of the Avocado

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    The purpose of this thesis is the academic study of customer perceptions of the avocado and buying behavior in the Austrian retail market. By using the framework of the Total Food Quality Model (Brunsø et al, 2002), perceptional aspects like search attributes, experience attributes, credence attributes, beliefs and familiarity, but also social and socio demographic aspects were analyzed. Results from collected quantitative and qualitative data show overlaps but also significant differences from conventional literature and market studies from similar markets. Furthermore, results show important aspects to consider for retail and connecting factors for future research.A tese que se apresenta tem como objetivo o estudo das perceções do cliente sobre o abacate e qual o comportamento de compra no comércio de retalho Austríaco. Analisaram-se, com base no Modelo de Qualidade Alimentar Total (Total Food Quality Model), aspetos percetuais tais como, atributos de procura, de experiência, de credibilidade, de convicção, familiaridade, assim como aspetos sociodemográficos. Com recurso a técnicas de pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa, obtiveram-se resultados que, apesar de indicarem existência de algumas sobreposições, mostram diferenças significativas relativamente à literatura e estudos de mercados existentes sobre mercados semelhantes. Conclui-se que os resultados obtidos expõem aspetos importantes a ter em conta no mercado de retalho, gerando ainda alguns fatores a considerar para investigações futuras