125 research outputs found

    The Socio-Political Contemporary History of Ukraine

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    The skills, knowledge and experiences that students receive as a result of the studying course “The Socio-Political Contemporary History of Ukraine” would help them to complete and form their general scientific overview, deepen their knowledge of contemporary historical processes, help them to feel themselves much more confident in their public activities and discussions. Knowledge of contemporary historical and social processes is very relevant during the bifurcation period of historical narrative. Our contemporary situation makes the students the witnesses of this process, thus they need relevant knowledge, skills and experiences provided by the course to orientate in this situation

    Oligarchs, Political Ties and Nomenklatura Capitalism: Introducing a New Dataset

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    This article examines the relationship between nomenklatura membership, wealth accumulation and political ties across the post-Soviet region from the 1990s up to the mid-2010s. It introduces the Post-Soviet Oligarchs (PSO) dataset, containing the sociodemographic characteristics of the super-rich across the former Soviet republics. While the article finds partial support in favour of the nomenklatura capitalism hypothesis, statistical analysis also points to distinct regional patterns of wealth and political inequality. Thus, the most extensive overlap of wealth and power is observed in the authoritarian regimes of Central Asia and the South Caucasus, where ties to the Soviet regime facilitated the exertion of political influence after 1991, enabling in turn wealth accumulation. By contrast, in democratising contexts, the connections between politicians and super-rich point to a mutually dependent relationship between the economic and political realms, with wealth featuring as a major power resource

    Практикум международника : учебно-методическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся по программам магистратуры по направлению подготовки «Международные отношения» (41.04.05)

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    В учебно-методическом пособии представлены материалы, необходимые для изучения англоязычного модуля «Практикум международника», включая программы дисциплин модуля, методические рекомендации и разработки к ним. Особое внимание уделено интерактивным методам работы на семинарских занятиях. Для магистрантов университета, обучающихся по направлению «Международные отношения»

    The Daily Egyptian, March 05, 1990

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    The Daily Egyptian, March 05, 1990

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    Migrant Breadwinning: Experiences of Eastern European Women in Portugal

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    In my research I examine the situation of women from Eastern Europe who migrate alone to Portugal. Many had to leave behind their families and children. This Thesis explores the women's decisions for leaving their home countries, and looks at the experiences and challenges they face in Portugal. The impact of the women's often undocumented legal status and the precarious work conditions is explained. Central to the Thesis is the migrants' possibilities for agency and the meaning of migration for the women themselves. It is shown that the migrant women generally experience significant downward-mobility in social and professional terms; exploitation, discrimination, ethnicisation, racism, social and political exclusion are everyday experiences. The broader political and historical context of these women's migration is explored under the perspectives of globalisation, service industry and post-colonialism. Social and transnational networks play an important though ambiguous role in this type of migration: the borders between needed support and unwanted protectionism or control are often blurry. Hierarchical power structures emerge as a critical issue and often are gendered. In this context, the concept of social capital is examined, showing its negative sides for women migrating alone. Of main relevance appeared the women's ability to regularly send money home to their families. One important finding presented is the defining divide between migrant women who are acting as the main responsible breadwinners for their families and those who do not carry these responsibilities

    Migrant Breadwinning: Experiences of Eastern European Women in Portugal

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    In my research I examine the situation of women from Eastern Europe who migrate alone to Portugal. Many had to leave behind their families and children. This Thesis explores the women's decisions for leaving their home countries, and looks at the experiences and challenges they face in Portugal. The impact of the women's often undocumented legal status and the precarious work conditions is explained. Central to the Thesis is the migrants' possibilities for agency and the meaning of migration for the women themselves. It is shown that the migrant women generally experience significant downward-mobility in social and professional terms; exploitation, discrimination, ethnicisation, racism, social and political exclusion are everyday experiences. The broader political and historical context of these women's migration is explored under the perspectives of globalisation, service industry and post-colonialism. Social and transnational networks play an important though ambiguous role in this type of migration: the borders between needed support and unwanted protectionism or control are often blurry. Hierarchical power structures emerge as a critical issue and often are gendered. In this context, the concept of social capital is examined, showing its negative sides for women migrating alone. Of main relevance appeared the women's ability to regularly send money home to their families. One important finding presented is the defining divide between migrant women who are acting as the main responsible breadwinners for their families and those who do not carry these responsibilities

    The influence of changing framework conditions on tourism: The case of the Russian Federation

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    This conceptual bachelor thesis is an attempt to approach the important question of the impact of the framework conditions on the growth and the development of tourism of a given country. In a first step the relevant political and economic framework conditions for tourism are defined. In a second step, the main forms of systemic, cyclic, structural and stochastic of changes of these framework conditions are analyzed. In a third step, a model presenting the probable impacts of changes of these framework conditions on the growth and the development of tourism of a given territory is presented

    Regionalism in the Congresses of People's Deputies of the USSR and Russia: a case study of Siberia and the Russian Far East

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    This study is concerned with the influence of regionalism in the Congresses of People's Deputies of the USSR and Russia between 1989 and 1993 and its implications for future reform including the development of federal relations in Russia. In particular, emphasis will be placed on regionalist tendencies developed in Siberia and the Russian Far East. After perestroika, the discussion of federal relations showed varieties of possible developments, ranging from a unitary system to a confederation. Despite these varieties, it appears to be generally perceived that stable and 'genuine' federal relations are required in Russia. However, little attention has been paid to the role of the newly re-emerging political actor, the deputies of the central legislature, who are directly engaged in the establishment of such federal relations. This study reaches three main conclusions. First of all, regional socio-economic disparities affected the attitudes of deputies towards reform, including changes in centre-periphery relations. Secondly, the analysis suggests that at least two main streams of regionalism were developed during 1989-1993: one developed in the Congress by the regional deputy groups, and the other outside the Congresses by regional political leaders. Thirdly, despite growing regionalist tendencies in Russia at that time, regional political actors were not strong enough to initiate a federal structure of their preference, lacking horizontal and vertical coordination. This discussion of regionalism in the Congress leads us to a further conclusion that regional interest articulation was rather chaotic, hampering legislation of policies and thus facilitating the regionalisation of reform. Despite strong regionalist tendencies in some sub-national units, particularly based on ethno-nationalist sentiments, such a development may erode the legacy of reform as well as regional autonomy itself

    Mustang Daily, April 25, 1989

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    Student newspaper of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/studentnewspaper/5010/thumbnail.jp