2,863 research outputs found

    Trusted Computing and Secure Virtualization in Cloud Computing

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    Large-scale deployment and use of cloud computing in industry is accompanied and in the same time hampered by concerns regarding protection of data handled by cloud computing providers. One of the consequences of moving data processing and storage off company premises is that organizations have less control over their infrastructure. As a result, cloud service (CS) clients must trust that the CS provider is able to protect their data and infrastructure from both external and internal attacks. Currently however, such trust can only rely on organizational processes declared by the CS provider and can not be remotely verified and validated by an external party. Enabling the CS client to verify the integrity of the host where the virtual machine instance will run, as well as to ensure that the virtual machine image has not been tampered with, are some steps towards building trust in the CS provider. Having the tools to perform such verifications prior to the launch of the VM instance allows the CS clients to decide in runtime whether certain data should be stored- or calculations should be made on the VM instance offered by the CS provider. This thesis combines three components -- trusted computing, virtualization technology and cloud computing platforms -- to address issues of trust and security in public cloud computing environments. Of the three components, virtualization technology has had the longest evolution and is a cornerstone for the realization of cloud computing. Trusted computing is a recent industry initiative that aims to implement the root of trust in a hardware component, the trusted platform module. The initiative has been formalized in a set of specifications and is currently at version 1.2. Cloud computing platforms pool virtualized computing, storage and network resources in order to serve a large number of customers customers that use a multi-tenant multiplexing model to offer on-demand self-service over broad network. Open source cloud computing platforms are, similar to trusted computing, a fairly recent technology in active development. The issue of trust in public cloud environments is addressed by examining the state of the art within cloud computing security and subsequently addressing the issues of establishing trust in the launch of a generic virtual machine in a public cloud environment. As a result, the thesis proposes a trusted launch protocol that allows CS clients to verify and ensure the integrity of the VM instance at launch time, as well as the integrity of the host where the VM instance is launched. The protocol relies on the use of Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for key generation and data protection. The TPM also plays an essential part in the integrity attestation of the VM instance host. Along with a theoretical, platform-agnostic protocol, the thesis also describes a detailed implementation design of the protocol using the OpenStack cloud computing platform. In order the verify the implementability of the proposed protocol, a prototype implementation has built using a distributed deployment of OpenStack. While the protocol covers only the trusted launch procedure using generic virtual machine images, it presents a step aimed to contribute towards the creation of a secure and trusted public cloud computing environment

    A heterogeneous mobile cloud computing model for hybrid clouds

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    Mobile cloud computing is a paradigm that delivers applications to mobile devices by using cloud computing. In this way, mobile cloud computing allows for a rich user experience; since client applications run remotely in the cloud infrastructure, applications use fewer resources in the user's mobile devices. In this paper, we present a new mobile cloud computing model, in which platforms of volunteer devices provide part of the resources of the cloud, inspired by both volunteer computing and mobile edge computing paradigms. These platforms may be hierarchical, based on the capabilities of the volunteer devices and the requirements of the services provided by the clouds. We also describe the orchestration between the volunteer platform and the public, private or hybrid clouds. As we show, this new model can be an inexpensive solution to different application scenarios, highlighting its benefits in cost savings, elasticity, scalability, load balancing, and efficiency. Moreover, with the evaluation performed we also show that our proposed model is a feasible solution for cloud services that have a large number of mobile users. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD under the project grant TIN2016-79637-P TOWARDS UNIFICATION OF HPC AND BIG DATA PARADIGMS

    Multifactor Authentication Key Management System based Security Model Using Effective Handover Tunnel with IPV6

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    In the current modern world, the way of life style is being completely changed due to the emerging technologies which are reflected in treating the patients too. As there is a tremendous growth in population, the existing e-Healthcare methods are not efficient enough to deal with numerous medical data. There is a delay in caring of patient health as communication networks are poor in quality and moreover smart medical resources are lacking and hence severe causes are experienced in the health of patient. However, authentication is considered as a major challenge ensuring that the illegal participants are not permitted to access the medical data present in cloud. To provide security, the authentication factors required are smart card, password and biometrics. Several approaches based on these are authentication factors are presented for e-Health clouds so far. But mostly serious security defects are experienced with these protocols and even the computation and communication overheads are high. Thus, keeping in mind all these challenges, a novel Multifactor Key management-based authentication by Tunnel IPv6 (MKMA- TIPv6) protocol is introduced for e-Health cloud which prevents main attacks like user anonymity, guessing offline password, impersonation, and stealing smart cards. From the analysis, it is proved that this protocol is effective than the existing ones such as Pair Hand (PH), Linear Combination Authentication Protocol (LCAP), Robust Elliptic Curve Cryptography-based Three factor Authentication (RECCTA) in terms storage cost, Encryption time, Decryption time, computation cost, energy consumption and speed. Hence, the proposed MKMA- TIPv6 achieves 35bits of storage cost, 60sec of encryption time, 50sec decryption time, 45sec computational cost, 50% of energy consumption and 80% speed

    Partitioning workflow applications over federated clouds to meet non-functional requirements

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    PhD ThesisWith cloud computing, users can acquire computer resources when they need them on a pay-as-you-go business model. Because of this, many applications are now being deployed in the cloud, and there are many di erent cloud providers worldwide. Importantly, all these various infrastructure providers o er services with di erent levels of quality. For example, cloud data centres are governed by the privacy and security policies of the country where the centre is located, while many organisations have created their own internal \private cloud" to meet security needs. With all this varieties and uncertainties, application developers who decide to host their system in the cloud face the issue of which cloud to choose to get the best operational conditions in terms of price, reliability and security. And the decision becomes even more complicated if their application consists of a number of distributed components, each with slightly di erent requirements. Rather than trying to identify the single best cloud for an application, this thesis considers an alternative approach, that is, combining di erent clouds to meet users' non-functional requirements. Cloud federation o ers the ability to distribute a single application across two or more clouds, so that the application can bene t from the advantages of each one of them. The key challenge for this approach is how to nd the distribution (or deployment) of application components, which can yield the greatest bene ts. In this thesis, we tackle this problem and propose a set of algorithms, and a framework, to partition a work ow-based application over federated clouds in order to exploit the strengths of each cloud. The speci c goal is to split a distributed application structured as a work ow such that the security and reliability requirements of each component are met, whilst the overall cost of execution is minimised. To achieve this, we propose and evaluate a cloud broker for partitioning a work ow application over federated clouds. The broker integrates with the e-Science Central cloud platform to automatically deploy a work ow over public and private clouds. We developed a deployment planning algorithm to partition a large work ow appli- - i - cation across federated clouds so as to meet security requirements and minimise the monetary cost. A more generic framework is then proposed to model, quantify and guide the partitioning and deployment of work ows over federated clouds. This framework considers the situation where changes in cloud availability (including cloud failure) arise during work ow execution

    Privacy-Enhanced Query Processing in a Cloud-Based Encrypted DBaaS (Database as a Service)

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    In this dissertation, we researched techniques to support trustable and privacy enhanced solutions for on-line applications accessing to “always encrypted” data in remote DBaaS (data-base-as-a-service) or Cloud SQL-enabled backend solutions. Although solutions for SQL-querying of encrypted databases have been proposed in recent research, they fail in providing: (i) flexible multimodal query facilities includ ing online image searching and retrieval as extended queries to conventional SQL-based searches, (ii) searchable cryptographic constructions for image-indexing, searching and retrieving operations, (iii) reusable client-appliances for transparent integration of multi modal applications, and (iv) lack of performance and effectiveness validations for Cloud based DBaaS integrated deployments. At the same time, the study of partial homomorphic encryption and multimodal searchable encryption constructions is yet an ongoing research field. In this research direction, the need for a study and practical evaluations of such cryptographic is essential, to evaluate those cryptographic methods and techniques towards the materialization of effective solutions for practical applications. The objective of the dissertation is to design, implement and perform experimental evaluation of a security middleware solution, implementing a client/client-proxy/server appliance software architecture, to support the execution of applications requiring on line multimodal queries on “always encrypted” data maintained in outsourced cloud DBaaS backends. In this objective we include the support for SQL-based text-queries enhanced with searchable encrypted image-retrieval capabilities. We implemented a prototype of the proposed solution and we conducted an experimental benchmarking evaluation, to observe the effectiveness, latency and performance conditions in support ing those queries. The dissertation addressed the envisaged security middleware solution, as an experimental and usable solution that can be extended for future experimental testbench evaluations using different real cloud DBaaS deployments, as offered by well known cloud-providers.Nesta dissertação foram investigadas técnicas para suportar soluções com garantias de privacidade para aplicações que acedem on-line a dados que são mantidos sempre cifrados em nuvens que disponibilizam serviços de armazenamento de dados, nomeadamente soluções do tipo bases de dados interrogáveis por SQL. Embora soluções para suportar interrogações SQL em bases de dados cifradas tenham sido propostas anteriormente, estas falham em providenciar: (i) capacidade de efectuar pesquisas multimodais que possam incluir pesquisa combinada de texto e imagem com obtenção de imagens online, (ii) suporte de privacidade com base em construções criptograficas que permitam operações de indexacao, pesquisa e obtenção de imagens como dados cifrados pesquisáveis, (iii) suporte de integração para aplicações de gestão de dados em contexto multimodal, e (iv) ausência de validações experimentais com benchmarking dobre desempenho e eficiência em soluções DBaaS em que os dados sejam armazenados e manipulados na sua forma cifrada. A pesquisa de soluções de privacidade baseada em primitivas de cifras homomórficas parciais, tem sido vista como uma possível solução prática para interrogação de dados e bases de dados cifradas. No entanto, este é ainda um campo de investigação em desenvolvimento. Nesta direção de investigação, a necessidade de estudar e efectuar avaliações experimentais destas primitivas em bibliotecas de cifras homomórficas, reutilizáveis em diferentes contextos de aplicação e como solução efetiva para uso prático mais generalizado, é um aspeto essencial. O objectivo da dissertação e desenhar, implementar e efectuar avalições experimentais de uma proposta de solução middleware para suportar pesquisas multimodais em bases de dados mantidas cifradas em soluções de nuvens de armazenamento. Esta proposta visa a concepção e implementação de uma arquitectura de software client/client-proxy/server appliance para suportar execução eficiente de interrogações online sobre dados cifrados, suportando operações multimodais sobre dados mantidos protegidos em serviços de nuvens de armazenamento. Neste objectivo incluímos o suporte para interrogações estendidas de SQL, com capacidade para pesquisa e obtenção de dados cifrados que podem incluir texto e pesquisa de imagens por similaridade. Foi implementado um prototipo da solução proposta e foi efectuada uma avaliação experimental do mesmo, para observar as condições de eficiencia, latencia e desempenho do suporte dessas interrogações. Nesta avaliação incluímos a análise experimental da eficiência e impacto de diferentes construções criptográficas para pesquisas cifradas (searchable encryption) e cifras parcialmente homomórficas e que são usadas como componentes da solução proposta. A dissertaçao aborda a soluçao de seguranca projectada, como uma solução experimental que pode ser estendida e utilizavel para futuras aplcações e respetivas avaliações experimentais. Estas podem vir a adoptar soluções do tipo DBaaS, oferecidos como serviços na nuvem, por parte de diversos provedores ou fornecedores