237,030 research outputs found

    Utilizing Data Analytics in Private Healthcare Companies’ CXM: A Multiple Case Study

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    The customer experience and its management have become the focus of business in the intensifying competition. Thanks to the development of technology and the increase in data, companies have more insights and options than ever before for developing their customer experience. Also in the healthcare sector, competition is emerging and customer awareness is constantly growing. Therefore, industry players need new ways to develop their operations towards more customer-oriented and personalized services. This study aims to find out what kind of customer data Finnish private healthcare service companies collect to support the management of their customer experience and how this data is utilized in concrete decision-making. Data is collected through four interviews from different companies. The interviews sought to find out the current state of case companies' data-driven customer experience management. The results identified that case companies collect a lot of diverse customer data. Also the importance of the customer experience has been actively raised at the center of thinking. However, interviews showed that there is still very little knowledge-based customer experience management in case companies compared to their potential and available opportunitie

    Item-level RFID for enhancement of customer shopping experience in apparel retail

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    In the customer-oriented apparel retail industry, providing satisfactory shopping experience for customers is a vital differentiator. However, traditional stores generally cannot fully satisfy customer needs because of difficulties in locating target products, out-of-stocks, a lack of professional assistance for product selection, and long waiting for payments. Therefore, this paper proposes an item-level RFID-enabled retail store management system for relatively high-end apparel products to provide customers with more leisure, interaction for product information, and automatic apparel collocation to promote sales during shopping. In this system, RFID hardware devices are installed to capture customer shopping behaviour and preferences, which would be especially useful for business decision-making and proactive individual marketing to enhance retail business. Intelligent fuzzy screening algorithms are then developed to promote apparel collocation based on the customer preferences, the design features of products, and the sales history accumulated in the database. It is expected that the proposed system, when fully implemented, can help promote retail business by enriching customers with intelligent and personalized services, and thus enhance the overall shopping experience. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.postprin

    Performance Measurement and Management of Customer Experience Function

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    Organizations are increasingly emphasizing the importance of comprehensive customer experience as their primary competitive advantage, and increased competition has shifted the market power from organizations to customers. Over time, question that has arisen increasingly is how Customer Experience function can be measured and managed more systematically within organizations to enhance customer experience. Despite the recognized importance, the current understanding of customer experience has stayed on a relatively high-level, and the number of empirical findings is limited. A search of relevant work did not yield research where Customer Experience function would have been evaluated from the performance measurement and management systems viewpoint, although several recommendations of using the viewpoint exist. This research analyzes how Customer Experience function is measured and managed in organizations, and what is the role of customer accounting in their customer experience management. The first objective of this research is to establish a comprehensive understanding of how organizations perceive the performance measurement of Customer Experience function and which management methods are essential in it. As the second objective, it addresses the daily processes in customer experience management and the role of customer accounting in supporting their measurement. The research was conducted as a qualitative action-oriented multiple case study, involving interviews with three directors of Customer Experience functions. The represented organizations were chosen based on the organization size, competition intensity and market orientation. Due to the discretionary nature of sample selection and small size, the results of this research can be further used to create generalized results. The research findings indicate that performance measurement and management systems play an important role in the Customer Experience function, but standardized measurements and management methods do not exist yet. A unique factor of the performance measurement and management system within the Customer Experience function is the importance of qualitative data. According to the research results, the quantification of the qualitative data collected by the function enhances impact of customer experience within the organization but includes a risk of overlooking and hiding business-relevant insights. The role of customer accounting in customer experience management focuses on decision-making and enhancing customer engagement, with the expectation that customer accounting will provide future-oriented and behavior-based insights for the function. To advance the measurement and management of Customer Experience function, it is important to increase understanding of how customer experience can be integrated into financial measurements

    Service-Oriented Process Models in Telecommunication Business

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    The thesis concentrates on to evaluate challenges in the business process management and the need for Service-oriented process models in telecommunication business to alleviate the integration work efforts and to reduce total costs of ownership. The business aspect concentrates on operations and business support systems which are tailored for communication service providers. Business processes should be designed in conformance with TeleManagement Forum's integrated business architecture framework. The thesis rationalizes the need to transform organizations and their way of working from vertical silos to horizontal layers and to understand transformational efforts which are needed to adopt a new strategy. Furthermore, the thesis introduces service characterizations and goes deeper into technical requirements that a service compliant middleware system needs to support. At the end of the thesis Nokia Siemens Networks proprietary approach – Process Automation Enabling Suite is introduced, and finally the thesis performs two case studies. The first one is Nokia Siemens Networks proprietary survey which highlights the importance of customer experience management and the second one is an overall research study whose results have been derived from other public surveys covering application integration efforts

    Managing key accounts in the readymade garments industry: to what extent Bangladeshi companies perform

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    With the paramount importance of key account management in business-to-business relationship, today companies are using this approach as a strategic weapon in their selling efforts targeted at the most important customers to solve their complex requirements with special treatment that eventually ensures both parties’ financial and nonfinancial objectives. The aim of this paper is to investigate the level of key account management performance among the export-oriented readymade garments companies in Bangladesh with regards to company’s experience in business, size of the company and key account serving capacity of the company. Using a questionnaire, data from 112 ready made garments companies in Bangladesh were collected and analyzed using descriptive analysis and ANOVA to test the level of key account management performance. Results show that the level of key account management performance by the garments companies did not vary by the company’s experience in business and size of the company respectively. In contrast, the level of key account management performance was found to be different concerning high, medium, and low customer service capacity. Apparently, companies with big number of customers show better performance than companies with small number of customer. Implications for this study are discussed along with suggestions for future research avenues

    Customer-oriented model of service management

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    У статті досліджено особливості управління сервісним підприємством у сучасних умовах господарювання. Розкрито сутність клієнтоорієнтованого підходу в управлінні підприємством. Запропоновано авторське уточнення дефініції понять сервіс-менеджмент та клієнтоорієнтованість, а також авторську модель сервіс-менеджменту на основі принципів клієнто-орієнтованості та процесного підходу. Охарактеризовано основні складові системи сервіс-менеджменту. Особливу увагу приділено таким складовим системи як формування позитивного клієнтського досвіду та споживчої лояльності.В статье исследованы особенности управления сервисным предприятием в современных условиях хозяйствования. Раскрыта сущность клиентоориентированного подхода в управлении предприятием. Предложены авторское уточнение дефиниции понятий сервис-менеджмент и клиентоориентированность, а также авторская модель сервис-менеджмента на основе принципов клиентоориентированности и процессного подхода. Охарактеризованы основные составляющие системы сервис-менеджмента. Особое внимание уделено таким составляющим системы, как формирование положительного клиентского опыта и потребительской лояльности.The paper dwells on the features of service enterprises management in the modern business environment. The essence of a customer-oriented approach to an enterprise management has been revealed. The author has specified the definition of the concepts of both service and customer-oriented management. The service management model based on the principles of customer-oriented and process-based approach has been introduced. The main components of the service management system have been scrutinised. A particular attention has been paid to such components of the model as creating a positive customer’s experience and loyalty

    Factors determining the machine building company customer relationship support information

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    Впровадження CRM-технологій дозволяє систематизувати великі обсяги даних сучасних підприємств, які розміщені та зберігаються на різноманітних носіях. Належна інтерпретація цих даних сприятиме покращенню товарів і послуг, внутрішніх бізнес-процесів і навіть вдосконаленню ділової стратегії. Пропозиції CRM-продуктів відрізняються за функціоналом, рівнем інтегрованості, вартістю тощо. Перед компаніями, які обирають CRM-системи та формують структуру інформаційного забезпечення у сфері управління взаємовідносинами з клієнтами постає ряд запитань щодо відповідності принципам оптимальності, функціональності, надійності, безпеки, ергономічності та ін. Метою статті є теоретичне обґрунтування передумов формування інформаційного забезпечення взаємовідносин з клієнтами машинобудівних підприємств. Відповідно завдання статті визначені як формулювання ключових чинників, які визначають інформаційне забезпечення взаємовідносин з клієнтами машинобудівних підприємств. Аналіз літературних джерел, результатів дослідження стану інформаційного забезпечення взаємовідносин з клієнтами вітчизняних машинобудівних підприємств і врахування передового досвіду зарубіжних компаній у сфері клієнтоорієнтованості дозволив виділити дві групи таких чинників: зовнішні та внутрішні. Обидві групи чинників можуть мати як стимулюючий, так і стримуючий вплив на формування інформаційного забезпечення взаємовідносин з клієнтами. Перспективи дослідження тематики інформаційного забезпечення у сфері CRM на вітчизняних машинобудівних підприємствах у значній мірі залежить від усвідомлення керівниками необхідності переорієнтації роботи на клієнта та рівня розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційної інфраструктури. У свою чергу передумовами формування та розвитку такої інфраструктури є державна підтримка й активізація підприємницького сектору у сфері інформатизації.Introduction of CRM-technologies allows for systemizing a large amount of modern enterprise data stored on various media. A proper interpretation of such data will make it possible to improve goods and services, inner business-projects and business strategy improvement. CRM-products differ in their functions, level of integration, price etc. When choosing CRM-systems and shaping the structure of customer relationship management, companies face a range of questions regarding the conformity with optimality, performance, reliability, safety, usability etc. The purpose of this article is to provide a theoretical reasoning of the preconditions for shaping customer relationship management at machine-building enterprises. The task of the article is as follows: forming key factors determining the customer relationship management at machine-building enterprises. The analysis of literature, study of customer relationship management results at machine-building enterprises and consideration of experience of customer-oriented approach demonstrated by leading foreign companies enabled us to single out two groups of factors: external and internal. Either one can affect the process of shaping customer relationship management by bolstering it or slowing it down. Further research related to CRM information support at domestic machine-building enterprises relies heavily on the fact whether the managers realize the necessity to implement a customer-oriented approach and whether the information and communication infrastructure develops fast enough. In turn, such an infrastructure cannot be formed and developed with no state support and activation of entrepreneurship sector in IT sector

    Business process management tools as a measure of customer-centric maturity

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    In application of business process management (BPM) tools in European commercial sectors, this paper examines current maturity of customer centricity construct (CC) as an emerging dimension of competition and as a potential strategic management direction for the future of business. Processes are one of the key components of transformation in the CC roadmap. Particular departments are more customer orientated than others, and processes, customer-centric expertise, and approach can be built and utilized starting from them. Positive items within a current business process that only involve minor modification could be the basis for that. The evidence of movement on the customer-centric roadmap is found. BPM in European telecommunications, banking, utility and retail sector supports roadmap towards customer-centricity in process view, process alignment and process optimization. However, the movement is partial and not flawless, as BPM hasn’t been inquired for supporting many of customer-centric dimensions