583 research outputs found

    Marketing Strategy of OPPO Mobile Phone in Pakistan

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    As an emerging smart phone consumer market in recent years, Pakistan has a low domestic smart phone penetration rate and a huge number of potential smart phone users. This study takes the marketing of OPPO mobile phone in Pakistan as the research object, uses 7P theory to analyze the marketing case of OPPO mobile phone in Pakistan, and puts forward some optimization suggestions in terms of product, price, channel, promotion, personnel, tangible display and process. The research methodology employed in this study is centered around the administration of a questionnaire survey, which aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research conducted on onions. Through the optimization of OPPO mobile phone strategy in Pakistan, this study hopes to actively explore the international market and optimize the localization strategy for Chinese mobile phone brands represented by OPPO mobile phone.&nbsp

    Measuring Developer Experience of a Digital Platform

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    Smart city and smart transportation are concepts that have emerged as an enabling solution which facilitates the grassroots social innovations to mitigate the problems generated by rapid urbanization and population growth. The digital service platform has fostered a new paradigm of transportation by involving all key players to create a novel environment. It is concerned developer are also the user of the platform as they are using the system development tools and methods for further development, that is why developer experience over the platform plays a vital role. Delightful developer experience not only improving the platform performance but also invokes to introduce new innovations. In this research we off to measure developer experience and answering the research questions “how to measure developer experience on top of the digital service platform” and “how to analyse the developer experience”. In the state of measuring developer experience, an application has been developed over the digital service platform and a measurement procedure has been introduced by modifying System Usability Scale (SUS) to more suit the context of the developer. The SUS has been borrowed from UX measurement tools as developers are the user of system, system development tools and methods as well as SUS is a widely accepted tool by the usability researchers for measuring usability. The result of the proposed method showed superior experience from the developer’s perspective to develop the application over the living lab bus platform. The result is almost same when it is compared with another method, but it is arguable as it showed small discrepancy. Furthermore, it can be said that, this research provides a straight forward way to measure developer experience on a digital service platform. The answer of the research questions provides a detail guideline of the measurement process and analysing criteria of developer experience. Moreover, it comes out with few recommendations that can be helpful for the developers of the platform to improve the platform in future, so that it could ensure the delightful experience for the developers

    Testing of xtUML Models across Auto-Reflexive Software Architecture

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    Application of MDA in the software development enables a synchronization of the system models and corresponding source files used for the building of the executable version of a software system. Because of often use of manual modifications of some parts of code without equivalent changes in connected models, there is no guarantee that the output of the process of building of the target application will be consistent with the relevant design and implementation models. Possibility of generating of the source files from the models is a necessity, but not a sufficient condition in the process of development and modification of software systems synchronously with the changes in all related models.  More safe approach is building the target application with the use of an automated building process with nested steps for consistency verifications of all critical models and related source files and the usage of model compilers. This article describes the method and tools for extending the software process of building the target system using special files with specification of dependencies between models and source files. Such dependencies represent the core of the critical knowledge, and it is possible to make this knowledge an integral part of the proposed new software architecture

    Tax dividend evaluation of major urban renewal projects

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    This paper proposes a parsimonious methodology to evaluate the impact of large urban renewal projects on public revenues. The impact is largely endogenous, external to projects and may encompass a broad range of instruments, ranging from local to regional to central governments. We look at licence fees, user charges, piggyback levies, excise taxes, social security contributions, and taxation of property, corporate income, personal income, and sales or value added. All these revenues are labelled tax dividends for short. The evaluation of a project?s tax dividends may help governments on their licensing and, above all, on their co-financing decisions. However, the need for rigorous financial evaluations faces too many difficulties in practice, from modelling complexity to information shortages to time constraints to bureaucratic obstruction. The methodology in this paper aims precisely at delivering feasible, fast and reasonably sound assessments that can be computed before or after the projects? accomplishment. Revenue changes spring from the economic effects of renewal projects, which differ across space and time. Spatial effects are not restricted to the renewal site. Very often, they spill over to neighbouring city areas, and may also include region and nationwide outcomes. Most on-site effects are internalised by the developer but generate tax dividends too. The renewal project can also bring important benefits to adjacent city areas, because it either reduces a negative externality?pollution or crime, for example?or creates a positive externality?such as widely appraised amenities?for agents located therein. In the case of really large renewal projects, there may also be non-local effects to account for. In fact, the project?s own expenditure is likely to leak into regional and national suppliers, triggering macroeconomic consequences. Economic effects differ also on time, being temporary or permanent. The former come out of resource acquisition by the developer, and may include expenditure on planning, compulsory purchases, decontamination, demolition, and construction. Permanent effects on output occur because these projects increase the real value of capital in the economy. Real estate rents, on site and on neighbouring areas, capitalise the social net benefits of the renewal project. Hence, temporary effects are spatially diffuse and expand the economy in the short run. The methodology includes a tailored Mundell-Fleming design to quantify these effects. Permanent outcomes expand potential output, are normally restricted to an urban subspace and are quantifiable out of differential rents. The methodology is easily customisable to particular projects. As an example, we include an application to the large ongoing renewal project in Eastern Lisbon, Portugal, triggered by the 1998 world exhibition?Expo?98. Frequently, major renewal projects are prompted by a highly visible event, such as this exhibition or the Olympics. The event itself is likely to cause temporary effects, for example through its impact on the tourism sector? which is likely to boost within the city and its region. Our application shows also how to plug these effects into the analysis.

    Limited Partnerships and Reputation Formation

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    This paper analyzes the optimal quality decision of a producer in a multi-period setting with reputation effects. Using a unique database of returns on real estate limited partnerships (RELPs), we empirically examine alternative theoretical predictions of optimal producer strategy. In particular, we test whether the producers in our market invest in reputation building by initially selling high quality goods and then lowering quality. Using a variety of statistical tests, we find evidence consistent with reputation building, both in the aggregate and for individual developers

    E-health services and devices: Availability, merits, and barriers - with some examples from Finland

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    Empowering individuals through e-health can be considered as the current trend in developing healthcare services and devices. The aim of this article is to shed light on availability, benefits, and limitations of using these services and devices in people’s everyday life. This study is a descriptive review based on a non-exhaustive selection of previous studies that define information exchange, information formats, opportunities, and restrictions of e-health technologies. The main focus of this study is on presenting available e-health services and devices while describing their benefits and limitations. This approach has the potential to provide new insights into the future development and integration of e-health into the healthcare system of a country. The idea behind this review is to provide a better understanding of e-health services for authorities, healthcare professionals, individuals, and related beneficiaries.Empowering individuals through e-health can be considered as the current trend in developing healthcare services and devices. The aim of this article is to shed light on availability, benefits, and limitations of using these services and devices in people’s everyday life. This study is a descriptive review based on a non-exhaustive selection of previous studies that define information exchange, information formats, opportunities, and restrictions of e-health technologies. The main focus of this study is on presenting available e-health services and devices while describing their benefits and limitations. This approach has the potential to provide new insights into the future development and integration of e-health into the healthcare system of a country. The idea behind this review is to provide a better understanding of e-health services for authorities, healthcare professionals, individuals, and related beneficiaries

    The Impact and Transformation of Artificial Intelligence

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    There is never a lack of fascinating new research in the field of artificial intelligence, and this study is by no means an exhaustive account of the advancements made in the last ten years. There are numerous fields in AI. A lot of the information covered in this study could be applied to the creation of powerful artificial intelligence. It is essential to create a computer that can understand the underlying meanings of the words since this permits more conversational and accurate translation. Exciting studies are being conducted on the use of audio and visual cues to identify human emotions. In particular, this paper provides a thorough overview of recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence and its applications. A beginner to the subject of artificial intelligence is the target audience for this paper. It also serves to remind the researchers of certain previously mentioned challenges. This review article defines artificial intelligence in general and explores its impact on both the present and the future. This review covers the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning

    An analysis of the low-income housing development process Soul City, North Carolina.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Thesis. 1970. M.C.P.Bibliography: leaves 178-181.M.C.P
