110,696 research outputs found

    The Audit of Business Intelligence Solutions

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    Although in this period humanity passes through a relative economic crisis, we all agree that our environment is that of a society of information and knowledge, based on communication and teleactivity, one that is also called information society. Every new form of activity in the information society has an associated informational component consisting in a software program, an application, a system, etc. It is a certainty that in the new economic environment it is necessary to adjust quickly to the opportunities of the market, through Business Process Reengineering, adoption of Business Intelligence solutions, implementation of complex automation applications like Enterprise Resource Planning. But, more than this, in, the digital economy the stress is put on the “labelâ€, the “imageâ€, the “brandâ€, and these features that are associated to organizations may be obtained by the information audit processes. The present study is focusing on the problem of information audit developed in one of the upper forms of manifestation of the information society in the field of changing the ways of doing business: Business Intelligence.Audit, Business Intelligence, Information and Communication Technology, Data & Metadata, Value Chain, Performance

    A Conexionist Intelligent System for Accounting

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    Neural networks are a computing paradigm developed from artificial intelligence and brain modelling’s fields, which lately has become very popular in business. Many researchers are seeing neural networks systems as solutions to business problems like modelling and forecasting, but accounting and audit were also touched by the new technology. The purpose of this paper is to present the ability of an artificial neural networks model to forecast and recognize patterns while analyzing company’s sales evolution. The monthly sales evolutions are considered a time-series and the target is to observe the ability of the investigated model to make predictions.accounting, neural networks, predictions, time-series, hybrid intelligent systems


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemahaman lingkungan bisnis klien dan kecerdasan emosional terhadap kualitas audit. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu para auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik pada 10 Kota dengan metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling sehingga didapat sebanyak 43 responden. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer. Alat yang digunakan untuk perhitungan dan pengolahan data adalah SPSS 26. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemahaman lingkungan bisnis klien berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit dan kecerdasan emosional secara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit, tetapi secara simultan pemahaman lingkungan bisnis klien dan kecerdasan emosional berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit. This study aims to determine the effect of understanding the client's business environment and emotional intelligence on audit quality. The population of this study were auditors who worked in public accounting firms on 10 city with a purposive sampling method so that 43 respondents were obtained. The research method used in this research is descriptive research method with a quantitative approach using primary data. The tool used for data calculation and processing is SPSS 26. The results of this study are that understanding the client's business environment affects audit quality and emotional intelligence partially has no effect on audit quality, but simultaneously understanding the client's business environment and emotional intelligence affects audit quality

    Застосування соціального аудиту в контексті соціально відповідального бізнесу

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    У статті досліджено поняття соціального аудиту та його значення у розвитку соціально відповідального бізнесу. На підставі проаналізованих наукових розвідок досліджено застосування соціального аудиту для вітчизняного бізнесу як ключового фактору у забезпеченні сталого розвитку суспільства.The concept of social audit and its importance in the development of socially responsible business have been researched in the article. Analyzed on the basis of scientific intelligence the use of social audit for domestic business as a key factor in ensuring the sustainable development of society was investigated in the paper.В статье исследовано понятие социального аудита и его значение в развитии социально ответственного бизнеса. На основании проанализированных научных разведок исследовано применение социального аудита для отечественного бизнеса как ключевого фактора в обеспечении устойчивого развития общества

    The Use of Analytical Tools in the Conduct of Internal Control Procedures

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    The work is devoted to the study of the problems of management, the activities of international companies in solving urgent problems of risk assessment, international cooperation of companies in the development and use of software and the applications of the Business Intelligence class, Data Quality and Business Analytics, the role of SAS in the domestic market. The first part is devoted to the activities of international companies in the field of risk assessment. The second part is devoted to the review of analytical products of SAS.   Keywords: audit, risk assessment, in-depth analytics, business intelligenc

    Statistical Audit via Gaussian Mixture Models in Business Intelligence Systems

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    A Business Intelligence (BI) System employs tools from several areas of knowledge for the collection, integration and analysis of data to improve business decision making. The Brazilian Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management (MP) uses a BI System designed with the University of Bras´ılia to ascertain irregularities on the payroll of the Brazilian federal government, performing audit trails on selected items and fields of the payroll database. This current auditing approach is entirely deterministic, since the audit trails look for previously known signatures of irregularities which are composed by means of an ontological method used to represent auditors concept maps. In this work, we propose to incorporate a statistical filter in this existing BI system in order to increase its performance in terms of processing speed and overall system responsiveness. The proposed statistical filter is based on a generative Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) whose goal is to provide a complete stochastic model of the process, specially the latent probability density function of the generative mixture, and use that model to filter the most probable payrolls. Inserting this statistical filter as a pre-processing stage preceding the deterministic auditing showed to be effective in reducing the amount of data to be analyzed by the audit trails, despite the penalty fee intrinsically associated with stochastic models due to the false negative outcomes that are not further processed. In our approach, gains obtained with the proposed pre-processing stage overcome impacts from false negative outcomes

    The Effect of Auditor's Emotional Intelligence, Competence, and Independence on Audit Quality

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    The duty of auditor is examining and providing an opinion on the fairness of the financial statements of a business entity based on determining standards. Based on the foregoing, the auditor must maintain audit quality. This study aims to analyze the effect of emotional intelligence, competence, and auditor independence on audit quality. This study used a survey method with a quantitative descriptive approach. The sample in this study were all auditors of BPK RI representatives of North Sulawesi Province, as many as 61 respondents. Data analysis techniques were collected through the distribution of questionnaires which were rated and tabulated for analysis and the answers obtained by respondents were by predetermined variable values and being analyzed by using the Amos 24 software, where the data analysis technique was carried out to determine the effect of the SEM analysis approach. The results showed that the emotional intelligence variable had a positive and significant effect on audit quality, competence had a positive and significant effect on audit quality, and independence had a positive and significant effect on audit quality. It is hoped that these research results can be used as material or measurement indicators for BPK institutional auditors to recruit auditors based on knowledge and morals, and character

    Tackling Complexity: Process Reconstruction and Graph Transformation for Financial Audits

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    A key objective of implementing business intelligence tools and methods is to analyze voluminous data and to derive information that would otherwise not be available. Although the overall significance of business intelligence has increased with the general growth of processed and available data it is almost absent in the auditing industry. Public accountants face the challenge to provide an opinion on financial statements that are based on the data produced by the automated processing of countless business transactions in ERP systems. Methods for mining and reconstructing financially relevant process instances can be used as a data analysis tool in the specific context of auditing. In this article we introduce and evaluate an algorithm that effectively reduces the complexity of mined process instances. The presented methods provide a part of the foundation for implementing automated analysis and audit procedures that can assist auditors to perform more efficient and effective audits

    Audit and AI: Can Artificial Intelligence Restore Public Trust?

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    Due to the fallout from a series of corporate fraud scandals in the late 2000s, the auditing world has lost much of the public trust that is very important to the profession. Much of the value of an audit opinion is determined by the trust the public places in the auditors behind the opinion. Without trust in the auditors, the audit opinion has very little value. The recent increase in the usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in many industries presents a solution to the problem of auditors. Increased usage of AI in the audit process has the potential to better meet public demand for an audit as well as restore public trust

    40 Years of FOIA, 20 Years of Delay: Oldest Pending Freedom of Information Requests Date Back to the 1980s

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    Presents findings from the Knight Open Government Survey, which surveys government offices and agencies on the status of their public information requests, and finds that extensive backlogs persist