54 research outputs found

    Practical Auto-Calibration for Spatial Scene-Understanding from Crowdsourced Dashcamera Videos

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    Spatial scene-understanding, including dense depth and ego-motion estimation, is an important problem in computer vision for autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems. Thus, it is beneficial to design perception modules that can utilize crowdsourced videos collected from arbitrary vehicular onboard or dashboard cameras. However, the intrinsic parameters corresponding to such cameras are often unknown or change over time. Typical manual calibration approaches require objects such as a chessboard or additional scene-specific information. On the other hand, automatic camera calibration does not have such requirements. Yet, the automatic calibration of dashboard cameras is challenging as forward and planar navigation results in critical motion sequences with reconstruction ambiguities. Structure reconstruction of complete visual-sequences that may contain tens of thousands of images is also computationally untenable. Here, we propose a system for practical monocular onboard camera auto-calibration from crowdsourced videos. We show the effectiveness of our proposed system on the KITTI raw, Oxford RobotCar, and the crowdsourced D2^2-City datasets in varying conditions. Finally, we demonstrate its application for accurate monocular dense depth and ego-motion estimation on uncalibrated videos.Comment: Accepted at 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAP, 2021

    3D Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars using a Multi-Camera System: Calibration, Mapping, Localization, and Obstacle Detection

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    Cameras are a crucial exteroceptive sensor for self-driving cars as they are low-cost and small, provide appearance information about the environment, and work in various weather conditions. They can be used for multiple purposes such as visual navigation and obstacle detection. We can use a surround multi-camera system to cover the full 360-degree field-of-view around the car. In this way, we avoid blind spots which can otherwise lead to accidents. To minimize the number of cameras needed for surround perception, we utilize fisheye cameras. Consequently, standard vision pipelines for 3D mapping, visual localization, obstacle detection, etc. need to be adapted to take full advantage of the availability of multiple cameras rather than treat each camera individually. In addition, processing of fisheye images has to be supported. In this paper, we describe the camera calibration and subsequent processing pipeline for multi-fisheye-camera systems developed as part of the V-Charge project. This project seeks to enable automated valet parking for self-driving cars. Our pipeline is able to precisely calibrate multi-camera systems, build sparse 3D maps for visual navigation, visually localize the car with respect to these maps, generate accurate dense maps, as well as detect obstacles based on real-time depth map extraction

    Mapping and Semantic Perception for Service Robotics

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    Para realizar una tarea, los robots deben ser capaces de ubicarse en el entorno. Si un robot no sabe dónde se encuentra, es imposible que sea capaz de desplazarse para alcanzar el objetivo de su tarea. La localización y construcción de mapas simultánea, llamado SLAM, es un problema estudiado en la literatura que ofrece una solución a este problema. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar técnicas que permitan a un robot comprender el entorno mediante la incorporación de información semántica. Esta información también proporcionará una mejora en la localización y navegación de las plataformas robóticas. Además, también demostramos cómo un robot con capacidades limitadas puede construir de forma fiable y eficiente los mapas semánticos necesarios para realizar sus tareas cotidianas.El sistema de construcción de mapas presentado tiene las siguientes características: En el lado de la construcción de mapas proponemos la externalización de cálculos costosos a un servidor en nube. Además, proponemos métodos para registrar información semántica relevante con respecto a los mapas geométricos estimados. En cuanto a la reutilización de los mapas construidos, proponemos un método que combina la construcción de mapas con la navegación de un robot para explorar mejor un entorno y disponer de un mapa semántico con los objetos relevantes para una misión determinada.En primer lugar, desarrollamos un algoritmo semántico de SLAM visual que se fusiona los puntos estimados en el mapa, carentes de sentido, con objetos conocidos. Utilizamos un sistema monocular de SLAM basado en un EKF (Filtro Extendido de Kalman) centrado principalmente en la construcción de mapas geométricos compuestos únicamente por puntos o bordes; pero sin ningún significado o contenido semántico asociado. El mapa no anotado se construye utilizando sólo la información extraída de una secuencia de imágenes monoculares. La parte semántica o anotada del mapa -los objetos- se estiman utilizando la información de la secuencia de imágenes y los modelos de objetos precalculados. Como segundo paso, mejoramos el método de SLAM presentado anteriormente mediante el diseño y la implementación de un método distribuido. La optimización de mapas y el almacenamiento se realiza como un servicio en la nube, mientras que el cliente con poca necesidad de computo, se ejecuta en un equipo local ubicado en el robot y realiza el cálculo de la trayectoria de la cámara. Los ordenadores con los que está equipado el robot se liberan de la mayor parte de los cálculos y el único requisito adicional es una conexión a Internet.El siguiente paso es explotar la información semántica que somos capaces de generar para ver cómo mejorar la navegación de un robot. La contribución en esta tesis se centra en la detección 3D y en el diseño e implementación de un sistema de construcción de mapas semántico.A continuación, diseñamos e implementamos un sistema de SLAM visual capaz de funcionar con robustez en entornos poblados debido a que los robots de servicio trabajan en espacios compartidos con personas. El sistema presentado es capaz de enmascarar las zonas de imagen ocupadas por las personas, lo que aumenta la robustez, la reubicación, la precisión y la reutilización del mapa geométrico. Además, calcula la trayectoria completa de cada persona detectada con respecto al mapa global de la escena, independientemente de la ubicación de la cámara cuando la persona fue detectada.Por último, centramos nuestra investigación en aplicaciones de rescate y seguridad. Desplegamos un equipo de robots en entornos que plantean múltiples retos que implican la planificación de tareas, la planificación del movimiento, la localización y construcción de mapas, la navegación segura, la coordinación y las comunicaciones entre todos los robots. La arquitectura propuesta integra todas las funcionalidades mencionadas, asi como varios aspectos de investigación novedosos para lograr una exploración real, como son: localización basada en características semánticas-topológicas, planificación de despliegue en términos de las características semánticas aprendidas y reconocidas, y construcción de mapas.In order to perform a task, robots need to be able to locate themselves in the environment. If a robot does not know where it is, it is impossible for it to move, reach its goal and complete the task. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, known as SLAM, is a problem extensively studied in the literature for enabling robots to locate themselves in unknown environments. The goal of this thesis is to develop and describe techniques to allow a service robot to understand the environment by incorporating semantic information. This information will also provide an improvement in the localization and navigation of robotic platforms. In addition, we also demonstrate how a simple robot can reliably and efficiently build the semantic maps needed to perform its quotidian tasks. The mapping system as built has the following features. On the map building side we propose the externalization of expensive computations to a cloud server. Additionally, we propose methods to register relevant semantic information with respect to the estimated geometrical maps. Regarding the reuse of the maps built, we propose a method that combines map building with robot navigation to better explore a room in order to obtain a semantic map with the relevant objects for a given mission. Firstly, we develop a semantic Visual SLAM algorithm that merges traditional with known objects in the estimated map. We use a monocular EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) SLAM system that has mainly been focused on producing geometric maps composed simply of points or edges but without any associated meaning or semantic content. The non-annotated map is built using only the information extracted from an image sequence. The semantic or annotated parts of the map –the objects– are estimated using the information in the image sequence and the precomputed object models. As a second step we improve the EKF SLAM presented previously by designing and implementing a visual SLAM system based on a distributed framework. The expensive map optimization and storage is allocated as a service in the Cloud, while a light camera tracking client runs on a local computer. The robot’s onboard computers are freed from most of the computation, the only extra requirement being an internet connection. The next step is to exploit the semantic information that we are able to generate to see how to improve the navigation of a robot. The contribution of this thesis is focused on 3D sensing which we use to design and implement a semantic mapping system. We then design and implement a visual SLAM system able to perform robustly in populated environments due to service robots work in environments where people are present. The system is able to mask the image regions occupied by people out of the rigid SLAM pipeline, which boosts the robustness, the relocation, the accuracy and the reusability of the geometrical map. In addition, it estimates the full trajectory of each detected person with respect to the scene global map, irrespective of the location of the moving camera at the point when the people were imaged. Finally, we focus our research on rescue and security applications. The deployment of a multirobot team in confined environments poses multiple challenges that involve task planning, motion planning, localization and mapping, safe navigation, coordination and communications among all the robots. The architecture integrates, jointly with all the above-mentioned functionalities, several novel features to achieve real exploration: localization based on semantic-topological features, deployment planning in terms of the semantic features learned and recognized, and map building.<br /

    Collaborative Dynamic 3D Scene Graphs for Automated Driving

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    Maps have played an indispensable role in enabling safe and automated driving. Although there have been many advances on different fronts ranging from SLAM to semantics, building an actionable hierarchical semantic representation of urban dynamic scenes from multiple agents is still a challenging problem. In this work, we present Collaborative URBan Scene Graphs (CURB-SG) that enable higher-order reasoning and efficient querying for many functions of automated driving. CURB-SG leverages panoptic LiDAR data from multiple agents to build large-scale maps using an effective graph-based collaborative SLAM approach that detects inter-agent loop closures. To semantically decompose the obtained 3D map, we build a lane graph from the paths of ego agents and their panoptic observations of other vehicles. Based on the connectivity of the lane graph, we segregate the environment into intersecting and non-intersecting road areas. Subsequently, we construct a multi-layered scene graph that includes lane information, the position of static landmarks and their assignment to certain map sections, other vehicles observed by the ego agents, and the pose graph from SLAM including 3D panoptic point clouds. We extensively evaluate CURB-SG in urban scenarios using a photorealistic simulator. We release our code at http://curb.cs.uni-freiburg.de.Comment: Refined manuscript and extended supplementar

    Object-Aware Tracking and Mapping

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    Reasoning about geometric properties of digital cameras and optical physics enabled researchers to build methods that localise cameras in 3D space from a video stream, while – often simultaneously – constructing a model of the environment. Related techniques have evolved substantially since the 1980s, leading to increasingly accurate estimations. Traditionally, however, the quality of results is strongly affected by the presence of moving objects, incomplete data, or difficult surfaces – i.e. surfaces that are not Lambertian or lack texture. One insight of this work is that these problems can be addressed by going beyond geometrical and optical constraints, in favour of object level and semantic constraints. Incorporating specific types of prior knowledge in the inference process, such as motion or shape priors, leads to approaches with distinct advantages and disadvantages. After introducing relevant concepts in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, methods for building object-centric maps in dynamic environments using motion priors are investigated in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 addresses the same problem as Chapter 5, but presents an approach which relies on semantic priors rather than motion cues. To fully exploit semantic information, Chapter 7 discusses the conditioning of shape representations on prior knowledge and the practical application to monocular, object-aware reconstruction systems

    Mapping and Localization in Urban Environments Using Cameras

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    In this work we present a system to fully automatically create a highly accurate visual feature map from image data aquired from within a moving vehicle. Moreover, a system for high precision self localization is presented. Furthermore, we present a method to automatically learn a visual descriptor. The map relative self localization is centimeter accurate and allows autonomous driving

    Localization in urban environments. A hybrid interval-probabilistic method

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    Ensuring safety has become a paramount concern with the increasing autonomy of vehicles and the advent of autonomous driving. One of the most fundamental tasks of increased autonomy is localization, which is essential for safe operation. To quantify safety requirements, the concept of integrity has been introduced in aviation, based on the ability of the system to provide timely and correct alerts when the safe operation of the systems can no longer be guaranteed. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the localization's uncertainty to determine the system's operability. In the literature, probability and set-membership theory are two predominant approaches that provide mathematical tools to assess uncertainty. Probabilistic approaches often provide accurate point-valued results but tend to underestimate the uncertainty. Set-membership approaches reliably estimate the uncertainty but can be overly pessimistic, producing inappropriately large uncertainties and no point-valued results. While underestimating the uncertainty can lead to misleading information and dangerous system failure without warnings, overly pessimistic uncertainty estimates render the system inoperative for practical purposes as warnings are fired more often. This doctoral thesis aims to study the symbiotic relationship between set-membership-based and probabilistic localization approaches and combine them into a unified hybrid localization approach. This approach enables safe operation while not being overly pessimistic regarding the uncertainty estimation. In the scope of this work, a novel Hybrid Probabilistic- and Set-Membership-based Coarse and Refined (HyPaSCoRe) Localization method is introduced. This method localizes a robot in a building map in real-time and considers two types of hybridizations. On the one hand, set-membership approaches are used to robustify and control probabilistic approaches. On the other hand, probabilistic approaches are used to reduce the pessimism of set-membership approaches by augmenting them with further probabilistic constraints. The method consists of three modules - visual odometry, coarse localization, and refined localization. The HyPaSCoRe Localization uses a stereo camera system, a LiDAR sensor, and GNSS data, focusing on localization in urban canyons where GNSS data can be inaccurate. The visual odometry module computes the relative motion of the vehicle. In contrast, the coarse localization module uses set-membership approaches to narrow down the feasible set of poses and provides the set of most likely poses inside the feasible set using a probabilistic approach. The refined localization module further refines the coarse localization result by reducing the pessimism of the uncertainty estimate by incorporating probabilistic constraints into the set-membership approach. The experimental evaluation of the HyPaSCoRe shows that it maintains the integrity of the uncertainty estimation while providing accurate, most likely point-valued solutions in real-time. Introducing this new hybrid localization approach contributes to developing safe and reliable algorithms in the context of autonomous driving