84 research outputs found

    MedEval: A Multi-Level, Multi-Task, and Multi-Domain Medical Benchmark for Language Model Evaluation

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    Curated datasets for healthcare are often limited due to the need of human annotations from experts. In this paper, we present MedEval, a multi-level, multi-task, and multi-domain medical benchmark to facilitate the development of language models for healthcare. MedEval is comprehensive and consists of data from several healthcare systems and spans 35 human body regions from 8 examination modalities. With 22,779 collected sentences and 21,228 reports, we provide expert annotations at multiple levels, offering a granular potential usage of the data and supporting a wide range of tasks. Moreover, we systematically evaluated 10 generic and domain-specific language models under zero-shot and finetuning settings, from domain-adapted baselines in healthcare to general-purposed state-of-the-art large language models (e.g., ChatGPT). Our evaluations reveal varying effectiveness of the two categories of language models across different tasks, from which we notice the importance of instruction tuning for few-shot usage of large language models. Our investigation paves the way toward benchmarking language models for healthcare and provides valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of adopting large language models in medical domains, informing their practical applications and future advancements.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 2023. Camera-ready version: updated IRB, added more evaluation results on LLMs such as GPT4, LLaMa2, and LLaMa2-cha

    SaferDrive: an NLG-based Behaviour Change Support System for Drivers

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    Despite the long history of Natural Language Generation (NLG) research, the potential for influencing real world behaviour through automatically generated texts has not received much attention. In this paper, we present SaferDrive, a behaviour change support system that uses NLG and telematic data in order to create weekly textual feedback for automobile drivers, which is delivered through a smartphone application. Usage-based car insurances use sensors to track driver behaviour. Although the data collected by such insurances could provide detailed feedback about the driving style, they are typically withheld from the driver and used only to calculate insurance premiums. SaferDrive instead provides detailed textual feedback about the driving style, with the intent to help drivers improve their driving habits. We evaluate the system with real drivers and report that the textual feedback generated by our system does have a positive influence on driving habits, especially with regard to speeding

    Using NLG and sensors to support personal narrative for children with complex communication needs

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    We would like to express our thanks to the children, their parents and staff and the special school where this project had its base. Without their valuable contributions and feedback this research would not have been possible. We would also like to thank DynaVox Systems Ltd for supplying the communication devices to run our system on. This research was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under grants EP/F067151/1, EP/F066880/1, EP/E011764/1, EP/H022376/1, and EP/H022570/1Publisher PD

    Survey of the State of the Art in Natural Language Generation: Core tasks, applications and evaluation

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    This paper surveys the current state of the art in Natural Language Generation (NLG), defined as the task of generating text or speech from non-linguistic input. A survey of NLG is timely in view of the changes that the field has undergone over the past decade or so, especially in relation to new (usually data-driven) methods, as well as new applications of NLG technology. This survey therefore aims to (a) give an up-to-date synthesis of research on the core tasks in NLG and the architectures adopted in which such tasks are organised; (b) highlight a number of relatively recent research topics that have arisen partly as a result of growing synergies between NLG and other areas of artificial intelligence; (c) draw attention to the challenges in NLG evaluation, relating them to similar challenges faced in other areas of Natural Language Processing, with an emphasis on different evaluation methods and the relationships between them.Comment: Published in Journal of AI Research (JAIR), volume 61, pp 75-170. 118 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    BT-Nurse : computer generation of natural language shift summaries from complex heterogeneous medical data

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    Objective: To determine if a computer system can automatically generate a useful natural language nursing shift summary solely from an electronic patient record system, in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Design: A system was built which automatically generates NICU shift summaries, using datato- text technology. The system was tested for two months in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh NICU. Measurements: Nurses were asked to rate the understandability, accuracy, and helpfulness of the computer-generated summaries; they were also asked for free-text comments about the summaries. Results: The nurses found the majority of the summaries to be understandable, accurate, and helpful (p < .001 for all measures). However, nurses also pointed out many deficiencies, especially with regard to extra content they wanted to see in the computer-generated summaries. Conclusions: Natural language NICU shift summaries can be automatically generated from an electronic patient record. However our proof-of-concept software needs considerable additional development work.peer-reviewe

    Making effective use of healthcare data using data-to-text technology

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    Healthcare organizations are in a continuous effort to improve health outcomes, reduce costs and enhance patient experience of care. Data is essential to measure and help achieving these improvements in healthcare delivery. Consequently, a data influx from various clinical, financial and operational sources is now overtaking healthcare organizations and their patients. The effective use of this data, however, is a major challenge. Clearly, text is an important medium to make data accessible. Financial reports are produced to assess healthcare organizations on some key performance indicators to steer their healthcare delivery. Similarly, at a clinical level, data on patient status is conveyed by means of textual descriptions to facilitate patient review, shift handover and care transitions. Likewise, patients are informed about data on their health status and treatments via text, in the form of reports or via ehealth platforms by their doctors. Unfortunately, such text is the outcome of a highly labour-intensive process if it is done by healthcare professionals. It is also prone to incompleteness, subjectivity and hard to scale up to different domains, wider audiences and varying communication purposes. Data-to-text is a recent breakthrough technology in artificial intelligence which automatically generates natural language in the form of text or speech from data. This chapter provides a survey of data-to-text technology, with a focus on how it can be deployed in a healthcare setting. It will (1) give an up-to-date synthesis of data-to-text approaches, (2) give a categorized overview of use cases in healthcare, (3) seek to make a strong case for evaluating and implementing data-to-text in a healthcare setting, and (4) highlight recent research challenges.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, book chapte

    Scalable Profiling and Visualization for Characterizing Microbiomes

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    Metagenomics is the study of the combined genetic material found in microbiome samples, and it serves as an instrument for studying microbial communities, their biodiversities, and the relationships to their host environments. Creating, interpreting, and understanding microbial community profiles produced from microbiome samples is a challenging task as it requires large computational resources along with innovative techniques to process and analyze datasets that can contain terabytes of information. The community profiles are critical because they provide information about what microorganisms are present in the sample, and in what proportions. This is particularly important as many human diseases and environmental disasters are linked to changes in microbiome compositions. In this work we propose novel approaches for the creation and interpretation of microbial community profiles. This includes: (a) a cloud-based, distributed computational system that generates detailed community profiles by processing large DNA sequencing datasets against large reference genome collections, (b) the creation of Microbiome Maps: interpretable, high-resolution visualizations of community profiles, and (c) a machine learning framework for characterizing microbiomes from the Microbiome Maps that delivers deep insights into microbial communities. The proposed approaches have been implemented in three software solutions: Flint, a large scale profiling framework for commercial cloud systems that can process millions of DNA sequencing fragments and produces microbial community profiles at a very low cost; Jasper, a novel method for creating Microbiome Maps, which visualizes the abundance profiles based on the Hilbert curve; and Amber, a machine learning framework for characterizing microbiomes using the Microbiome Maps generated by Jasper with high accuracy. Results show that Flint scales well for reference genome collections that are an order of magnitude larger than those used by competing tools, while using less than a minute to profile a million reads on the cloud with 65 commodity processors. Microbiome maps produced by Jasper are compact, scalable representations of extremely complex microbial community profiles with numerous demonstrable advantages, including the ability to display latent relationships that are hard to elicit. Finally, experiments show that by using images as input instead of unstructured tabular input, the carefully engineered software, Amber, can outperform other sophisticated machine learning tools available for classification of microbiomes

    Ontology verbalization in agglutinating Bantu languages: a study of Runyankore and its generalizability

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    Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems have been developed to generate text in multiple domains, including personalized patient information. However, their application is limited in Africa because they generate text in English, yet indigenous languages are still predominantly spoken throughout the continent, especially in rural areas. The existing healthcare NLG systems cannot be reused for Bantu languages due to the complex grammatical structure, nor can the generated text be used in machine translation systems for Bantu languages because they are computationally under-resourced. This research aimed to verbalize ontologies in agglutinating Bantu languages. We had four research objectives: (1) noun pluralization and verb conjugation in Runyankore; (2) Runyankore verbalization patterns for the selected description logic constructors; (3) combining the pluralization, conjugation, and verbalization components to form a Runyankore grammar engine; and (4) generalizing the Runyankore and isiZulu approaches to ontology verbalization to other agglutinating Bantu languages. We used an approach that combines morphology with syntax and semantics to develop a noun pluralizer for Runyankore, and used Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) for verb conjugation. We developed verbalization algorithms for eight constructors in a description logic. We then combined these components into a grammar engine developed as a Protégé5X plugin. The investigation into generalizability used the bootstrap approach, and investigated bootstrapping for languages in the same language zone (intra-zone bootstrappability) and languages across language zones (inter-zone bootstrappability). We obtained verbalization patterns for Luganda and isiXhosa, in the same zones as Runyankore and isiZulu respectively, and chiShona, Kikuyu, and Kinyarwanda from different zones, and used the bootstrap metric that we developed to identify the most efficient source—target bootstrap pair. By regrouping Meinhof’s noun class system we were able to eliminate non-determinism during computation, and this led to the development of a generic noun pluralizer. We also showed that CFGs can conjugate verbs in the five additional languages. Finally, we proposed the architecture for an API that could be used to generate text in agglutinating Bantu languages. Our research provides a method for surface realization for an under-resourced and grammatically complex family of languages, Bantu languages. We leave the development of a complete NLG system based on the Runyankore grammar engine and of the API as areas for future work