11 research outputs found

    Enterprise Mashups: A New Approach for Business Solutions

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    A mashup is a Web application that integrates content from different providers in order to create a new service which is not offered by the content provider. The development of this kind of applications involves activities such as accessing heterogeneous sources, combining data from different data sources and building graphical interfaces. This factor limits non-experienced computer users to develop these applications. However, nowadays there are enterpriseoriented tools that allow non-experienced user for building mashups in order to respond business needs in an easy and rapid way. Due to this, the enterprise mashup approach has been widely adopted by a large number of enterprises. This paper presents an overview of the enterprise mashup approach, as well as a review of four enterprise-oriented tools which provide a set of features that allows non-expertise users developing mashups into an enterprise. Finally, we present the challenges to be addressed by enterprise-oriented mashup tools in order to provide an easier and faster way of developing mashups

    Handshaking Protocol for Distributed Implementation of Reo

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    Reo, an exogenous channel-based coordination language, is a model for service coordination wherein services communicate through connectors formed by joining binary communication channels. In order to establish transactional communication among services as prescribed by connector semantics, distributed ports exchange handshaking messages signalling which parties are ready to provide or consume data. In this paper, we present a formal implementation model for distributed Reo with communication delays and outline ideas for its proof of correctness. To reason about Reo implementation formally, we introduce Timed Action Constraint Automata (TACA) and explain how to compare TACA with existing automata-based semantics for Reo. We use TACA to describe handshaking behavior of Reo modeling primitives and argue that in any distributed circuit remote Reo nodes and channels exposing such behavior commit to perform transitions envisaged by the network semantics.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2014, arXiv:1502.0315

    Coordination via Interaction Constraints I: Local Logic

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    Wegner describes coordination as constrained interaction. We take this approach literally and define a coordination model based on interaction constraints and partial, iterative and interactive constraint satisfaction. Our model captures behaviour described in terms of synchronisation and data flow constraints, plus various modes of interaction with the outside world provided by external constraint symbols, on-the-fly constraint generation, and coordination variables. Underlying our approach is an engine performing (partial) constraint satisfaction of the sets of constraints. Our model extends previous work on three counts: firstly, a more advanced notion of external interaction is offered; secondly, our approach enables local satisfaction of constraints with appropriate partial solutions, avoiding global synchronisation over the entire constraints set; and, as a consequence, constraint satisfaction can finally occur concurrently, and multiple parts of a set of constraints can be solved and interact with the outside world in an asynchronous manner, unless synchronisation is required by the constraints. This paper describes the underlying logic, which enables a notion of local solution, and relates this logic to the more global approach of our previous work based on classical logic

    Enterprise Mashups: A New Approach for Business Solutions

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    Situational Application Usage: A Framework for Success in Enterprises

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    Situational Application usage is on the increase. Instead of targeting large scale projects which traditional IT developments address, Situational Applications look to remediate the often forgotten longtail of business requirements. They are often considered as temporary solutions to an immediate demand, which (solutions) fit poorly with an organisation’s robust software development and delivery lifecycle. Despite both fulfilling a legitimate business need, and seeing an increase in usage, there are few positive or well publicised success stories within industry and/or academia. In this paper we will investigate the motivational use of Situational Applications in enterprise, as well as the benefits and risks which they bring to both end users, and organisations as a whole. Whilst it is beyond the remit of this paper to answer how situational applications can be implemented successfully, a methodology will be proposed such that further research can be undertaken. The method defined, if implemented, would allow the creation of a template for successfully creating, deploying and maintaining situational applications. Furthermore, it would facilitate the creation of a risk analysis model to determine if situational applications are appropriate for a given organisation as well as document key performance indicators for measuring success. If an enterprise was truly able to successfully create, deploy and maintain Situational Applications consistently, then the possible benefits to an organisation’s return on investment would be significant. Such benefits could be enough to challenge the use of traditional software applications for addressing business requirements as well as existing widespread software development lifecycle approache

    A model of context-dependent component connectors

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    Recent approaches to component-based software engineering employ coordinat- ing connectors to compose components into software systems. For maximum flexibility and reuse, such connectors can themselves be composed, resulting in an expressive calculus of connectors whose semantics encompasses complex combinations of synchronisation, mutual exclusion, non-deterministic choice and state-dependent behaviour. A more expressive notion of connector includes also context-dependent behaviour, namely, whenever the choices a connector can take change non-monotonically as the context, given by the pending activity on its ports, changes. Context dependency can express notions of priority and inhi- bition. Capturing context-dependent behaviour in formal models is non-trivial, as it is unclear how to propagate context information through composition. In this paper we present an intuitive automata-based formal model of context- dependent connectors, and argue that it is superior to previous attempts at such a model for the coordination language Reo

    Web service composition: A survey of techniques and tools

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    Web services are a consolidated reality of the modern Web with tremendous, increasing impact on everyday computing tasks. They turned the Web into the largest, most accepted, and most vivid distributed computing platform ever. Yet, the use and integration of Web services into composite services or applications, which is a highly sensible and conceptually non-trivial task, is still not unleashing its full magnitude of power. A consolidated analysis framework that advances the fundamental understanding of Web service composition building blocks in terms of concepts, models, languages, productivity support techniques, and tools is required. This framework is necessary to enable effective exploration, understanding, assessing, comparing, and selecting service composition models, languages, techniques, platforms, and tools. This article establishes such a framework and reviews the state of the art in service composition from an unprecedented, holistic perspective

    Un método de evaluación de usabilidad de mashups basado en la composicionalidad de sus componentes

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    [ES] Los Mashups son una nueva generación de aplicaciones Web que integran componentes provistos por terceros desde la Web. La usabilidad en este tipo de aplicaciones es un factor muy importante ya que como en toda aplicación Web, este determina el éxito de la aplicación. Si bien se han planteado métodos de evaluación que permiten evaluar la usabilidad de aplicaciones Web en general, éstos no cubren las características inherentes a la composicionalidad de los Mashups. La presente tesina de máster pretende aportar un método de evaluación de la usabilidad de Mashups acorde con sus características propias de composicionalidad. El método está compuesto de un modelo de usabilidad y un proceso de evaluación que provee guías sobre la forma en la que el modelo de usabilidad puede ser usado para realizar evaluaciones específicas. Tanto el modelo de usabilidad como el proceso de evaluación están alineados con el último estándar ISO/IEC 25000 para la evaluación de la calidad de producto (SQuaRE) y ambos toman en cuenta la naturaleza composicional de los Mashups. El modelo de usabilidad descompone el concepto de usabilidad en sub-características y métricas genéricas. Estas métricas son aplicadas en la composición del producto final y el método de evaluación puede ser aplicado en cualquier estado del ciclo de vida de este tipo de aplicaciones, ya sea en la selección de los componentes, durante el proceso de composición o cuando el producto está listo para ser usado. Para apoyar esta propuesta se ha realizado un profundo estudio del estado del arte. Este estudio comprende dos mapeos sistemáticos: el primero abarca un estudio de la evaluación de la calidad de los Mashups y el segundo cubre las características de la composicionalidad envueltas en los Mashups. Los resultados obtenidos aportaron de una forma significativa en la definición del Modelo de Usabilidad de Mashups y posteriormente en el proceso de evaluación de usabilidad. Finalmente, se desarrollaron tres casos de estudio que muestran la viabilidad de nuestro enfoque. Estos casos de estudio muestran en detalle como el método de evaluación propuesto utiliza nuestro Modelo de Usabilidad para Mashups. Los resultados muestran que nuestra propuesta permite detectar problemas de usabilidad, los cuales una vez corregidos, permiten obtener Mashups más usables[EN] Mashups are the new-generation of Web applications that integrates third-party components from the Web. Usability in these applications is very important since their success depends on this quality factor. Although several methods have been proposed to evaluate the usability of Web applications in general, they do not cover the specific characteristics inherent to the compositionality of Mashups. This master thesis aims to provide a method for evaluating the usability of Mashups according to their specific characteristics of compositionality. The method is composed of a usability model and an evaluation process that provides guidelines on how the usability model can be used to perform specific evaluations. Both the usability model and the evaluation process are aligned with the latest ISO/IEC 25000 standard for software product quality evaluation (SQuaRE), and both take into account the compositional nature of mashups. The usability model breaks down the concept of usability into sub-characteristics, attributes and generic metrics. These metrics are applied to the final product composition and process evaluation method can be applied at any stage of the life cycle of this kind of applications (i.e., during the component selection, the composition process or when the product is ready for use. In order to support the foundation of this proposal, an in-depth study was performed about the state of art. This study comprises two systematic mappings: the first one covers the quality evaluation of Mashups, whereas the second one covers the compositionality features involved in Mashups. The obtained results were used as input in order to define both our Mashups Usability Model, and our usability evaluation process. Finally, we developed three case studies in order to show the feasibility of our approach. These case studies show in detail how the proposed evaluation method was followed by using our Mashup Usability Model. Results showed that our approach was able to detect usability problems, which once corrected, it allows obtaining more usable Mashups.Cedillo Orellana, IP. (2013). Un método de evaluación de usabilidad de mashups basado en la composicionalidad de sus componentes. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/37955Archivo delegad

    Automatic generation of semantic Mashups in web portals

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    The Web has become an important source for information, which are created by independent providers. Web portals provide an unified point of access to content, data, services and web applications located throughout the enterprise. However, Web users have often only an insufficient available amount of time, to effectively use the available information resources. This thesis proposes a mashup framework that automatically mashes-up web portal content with related background information. The background information are derived from information web services that are composed by an evolutionary algorithm