148 research outputs found

    Detecting Abnormal Behavior in Web Applications

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    The rapid advance of web technologies has made the Web an essential part of our daily lives. However, network attacks have exploited vulnerabilities of web applications, and caused substantial damages to Internet users. Detecting network attacks is the first and important step in network security. A major branch in this area is anomaly detection. This dissertation concentrates on detecting abnormal behaviors in web applications by employing the following methodology. For a web application, we conduct a set of measurements to reveal the existence of abnormal behaviors in it. We observe the differences between normal and abnormal behaviors. By applying a variety of methods in information extraction, such as heuristics algorithms, machine learning, and information theory, we extract features useful for building a classification system to detect abnormal behaviors.;In particular, we have studied four detection problems in web security. The first is detecting unauthorized hotlinking behavior that plagues hosting servers on the Internet. We analyze a group of common hotlinking attacks and web resources targeted by them. Then we present an anti-hotlinking framework for protecting materials on hosting servers. The second problem is detecting aggressive behavior of automation on Twitter. Our work determines whether a Twitter user is human, bot or cyborg based on the degree of automation. We observe the differences among the three categories in terms of tweeting behavior, tweet content, and account properties. We propose a classification system that uses the combination of features extracted from an unknown user to determine the likelihood of being a human, bot or cyborg. Furthermore, we shift the detection perspective from automation to spam, and introduce the third problem, namely detecting social spam campaigns on Twitter. Evolved from individual spammers, spam campaigns manipulate and coordinate multiple accounts to spread spam on Twitter, and display some collective characteristics. We design an automatic classification system based on machine learning, and apply multiple features to classifying spam campaigns. Complementary to conventional spam detection methods, our work brings efficiency and robustness. Finally, we extend our detection research into the blogosphere to capture blog bots. In this problem, detecting the human presence is an effective defense against the automatic posting ability of blog bots. We introduce behavioral biometrics, mainly mouse and keyboard dynamics, to distinguish between human and bot. By passively monitoring user browsing activities, this detection method does not require any direct user participation, and improves the user experience

    Web-based Secure Application Control

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    The world wide web today serves as a distributed application platform. Its origins, however, go back to a simple delivery network for static hypertexts. The legacy from these days can still be observed in the communication protocol used by increasingly sophisticated clients and applications. This thesis identifies the actual security requirements of modern web applications and shows that HTTP does not fit them: user and application authentication, message integrity and confidentiality, control-flow integrity, and application-to-application authorization. We explore the other protocols in the web stack and work out why they can not fill the gap. Our analysis shows that the underlying problem is the connectionless property of HTTP. However, history shows that a fresh start with web communication is far from realistic. As a consequence, we come up with approaches that contribute to meet the identified requirements. We first present impersonation attack vectors that begin before the actual user authentication, i.e. when secure web interaction and authentication seem to be unnecessary. Session fixation attacks exploit a responsibility mismatch between the web developer and the used web application framework. We describe and compare three countermeasures on different implementation levels: on the source code level, on the framework level, and on the network level as a reverse proxy. Then, we explain how the authentication credentials that are transmitted for the user login, i.e. the password, and for session tracking, i.e. the session cookie, can be complemented by browser-stored and user-based secrets respectively. This way, an attacker can not hijack user accounts only by phishing the user's password because an additional browser-based secret is required for login. Also, the class of well-known session hijacking attacks is mitigated because a secret only known by the user must be provided in order to perform critical actions. In the next step, we explore alternative approaches to static authentication credentials. Our approach implements a trusted UI and a mutually authenticated session using signatures as a means to authenticate requests. This way, it establishes a trusted path between the user and the web application without exchanging reusable authentication credentials. As a downside, this approach requires support on the client side and on the server side in order to provide maximum protection. Another approach avoids client-side support but can not implement a trusted UI and is thus susceptible to phishing and clickjacking attacks. Our approaches described so far increase the security level of all web communication at all time. This is why we investigate adaptive security policies that fit the actual risk instead of permanently restricting all kinds of communication including non-critical requests. We develop a smart browser extension that detects when the user is authenticated on a website meaning that she can be impersonated because all requests carry her identity proof. Uncritical communication, however, is released from restrictions to enable all intended web features. Finally, we focus on attacks targeting a web application's control-flow integrity. We explain them thoroughly, check whether current web application frameworks provide means for protection, and implement two approaches to protect web applications: The first approach is an extension for a web application framework and provides protection based on its configuration by checking all requests for policy conformity. The second approach generates its own policies ad hoc based on the observed web traffic and assuming that regular users only click on links and buttons and fill forms but do not craft requests to protected resources.Das heutige World Wide Web ist eine verteilte Plattform für Anwendungen aller Art: von einfachen Webseiten über Online Banking, E-Mail, multimediale Unterhaltung bis hin zu intelligenten vernetzten Häusern und Städten. Seine Ursprünge liegen allerdings in einem einfachen Netzwerk zur Übermittlung statischer Inhalte auf der Basis von Hypertexten. Diese Ursprünge lassen sich noch immer im verwendeten Kommunikationsprotokoll HTTP identifizieren. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Sicherheitsanforderungen moderner Web-Anwendungen und zeigen, dass HTTP diese Anforderungen nicht erfüllen kann. Zu diesen Anforderungen gehören die Authentifikation von Benutzern und Anwendungen, die Integrität und Vertraulichkeit von Nachrichten, Kontrollflussintegrität und die gegenseitige Autorisierung von Anwendungen. Wir untersuchen die Web-Protokolle auf den unteren Netzwerk-Schichten und zeigen, dass auch sie nicht die Sicherheitsanforderungen erfüllen können. Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass das grundlegende Problem in der Verbindungslosigkeit von HTTP zu finden ist. Allerdings hat die Geschichte gezeigt, dass ein Neustart mit einem verbesserten Protokoll keine Option für ein gewachsenes System wie das World Wide Web ist. Aus diesem Grund beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit unseren Beiträgen zu sicherer Web-Kommunikation auf der Basis des existierenden verbindungslosen HTTP. Wir beginnen mit der Beschreibung von Session Fixation-Angriffen, die bereits vor der eigentlichen Anmeldung des Benutzers an der Web-Anwendung beginnen und im Erfolgsfall die temporäre Übernahme des Benutzerkontos erlauben. Wir präsentieren drei Gegenmaßnahmen, die je nach Eingriffsmöglichkeiten in die Web-Anwendung umgesetzt werden können. Als nächstes gehen wir auf das Problem ein, dass Zugangsdaten im WWW sowohl zwischen den Teilnehmern zu Authentifikationszwecken kommuniziert werden als auch für jeden, der Kenntnis dieser Daten erlangt, wiederverwendbar sind. Unsere Ansätze binden das Benutzerpasswort an ein im Browser gespeichertes Authentifikationsmerkmal und das sog. Session-Cookie an ein Geheimnis, das nur dem Benutzer und der Web-Anwendung bekannt ist. Auf diese Weise kann ein Angreifer weder ein gestohlenes Passwort noch ein Session-Cookie allein zum Zugriff auf das Benutzerkonto verwenden. Darauffolgend beschreiben wir ein Authentifikationsprotokoll, das vollständig auf die Übermittlung geheimer Zugangsdaten verzichtet. Unser Ansatz implementiert eine vertrauenswürdige Benutzeroberfläche und wirkt so gegen die Manipulation derselben in herkömmlichen Browsern. Während die bisherigen Ansätze die Sicherheit jeglicher Web-Kommunikation erhöhen, widmen wir uns der Frage, inwiefern ein intelligenter Browser den Benutzer - wenn nötig - vor Angriffen bewahren kann und - wenn möglich - eine ungehinderte Kommunikation ermöglichen kann. Damit trägt unser Ansatz zur Akzeptanz von Sicherheitslösungen bei, die ansonsten regelmäßig als lästige Einschränkungen empfunden werden. Schließlich legen wir den Fokus auf die Kontrollflussintegrität von Web-Anwendungen. Bösartige Benutzer können den Zustand von Anwendungen durch speziell präparierte Folgen von Anfragen in ihrem Sinne manipulieren. Unsere Ansätze filtern Benutzeranfragen, die von der Anwendung nicht erwartet wurden, und lassen nur solche Anfragen passieren, die von der Anwendung ordnungsgemäß verarbeitet werden können

    Web Application Weakness Ontology Based on Vulnerability Data

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    Web applications are becoming more ubiquitous. All manner of physical devices are now connected and often have a variety of web applications and web-interfaces. This proliferation of web applications has been accompanied by an increase in reported software vulnerabilities. The objective of this analysis of vulnerability data is to understand the current landscape of reported web application flaws. Along those lines, this work reviews ten years (2011 - 2020) of vulnerability data in the National Vulnerability Database. Based on this data, most common web application weaknesses are identified and their profiles presented. A weakness ontology is developed to capture the attributes of these weaknesses. These include their attack method and attack vectors. Also described is the impact of the weaknesses to software quality attributes. Additionally, the technologies that are susceptible to each weakness are presented, they include programming languages, frameworks, communication protocols, and data formats

    Securing the Next Generation Web

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    With the ever-increasing digitalization of society, the need for secure systems is growing. While some security features, like HTTPS, are popular, securing web applications, and the clients we use to interact with them remains difficult.To secure web applications we focus on both the client-side and server-side. For the client-side, mainly web browsers, we analyze how new security features might solve a problem but introduce new ones. We show this by performing a systematic analysis of the new Content Security Policy (CSP)\ua0 directive navigate-to. In our research, we find that it does introduce new vulnerabilities, to which we recommend countermeasures. We also create AutoNav, a tool capable of automatically suggesting navigation policies for this directive. Finding server-side vulnerabilities in a black-box setting where\ua0 there is no access to the source code is challenging. To improve this, we develop novel black-box methods for automatically finding vulnerabilities. We\ua0 accomplish this by identifying key challenges in web scanning and combining the best of previous methods. Additionally, we leverage SMT solvers to\ua0 further improve the coverage and vulnerability detection rate of scanners.In addition to browsers, browser extensions also play an important role in the web ecosystem. These small programs, e.g. AdBlockers and password\ua0 managers, have powerful APIs and access to sensitive user data like browsing history. By systematically analyzing the extension ecosystem we find new\ua0 static and dynamic methods for detecting both malicious and vulnerable extensions. In addition, we develop a method for detecting malicious extensions\ua0 solely based on the meta-data of downloads over time. We analyze new attack vectors introduced by Google’s new vehicle OS, Android Automotive. This\ua0 is based on Android with the addition of vehicle APIs. Our analysis results in new attacks pertaining to safety, privacy, and availability. Furthermore, we\ua0 create AutoTame, which is designed to analyze third-party apps for vehicles for the vulnerabilities we found

    Enhancing Web Browsing Security

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    Web browsing has become an integral part of our lives, and we use browsers to perform many important activities almost everyday and everywhere. However, due to the vulnerabilities in Web browsers and Web applications and also due to Web users\u27 lack of security knowledge, browser-based attacks are rampant over the Internet and have caused substantial damage to both Web users and service providers. Enhancing Web browsing security is therefore of great need and importance.;This dissertation concentrates on enhancing the Web browsing security through exploring and experimenting with new approaches and software systems. Specifically, we have systematically studied four challenging Web browsing security problems: HTTP cookie management, phishing, insecure JavaScript practices, and browsing on untrusted public computers. We have proposed new approaches to address these problems, and built unique systems to validate our approaches.;To manage HTTP cookies, we have proposed an approach to automatically validate the usefulness of HTTP cookies at the client-side on behalf of users. By automatically removing useless cookies, our approach helps a user to strike an appropriate balance between maximizing usability and minimizing security risks. to protect against phishing attacks, we have proposed an approach to transparently feed a relatively large number of bogus credentials into a suspected phishing site. Using those bogus credentials, our approach conceals victims\u27 real credentials and enables a legitimate website to identify stolen credentials in a timely manner. to identify insecure JavaScript practices, we have proposed an execution-based measurement approach and performed a large-scale measurement study. Our work sheds light on the insecure JavaScript practices and especially reveals the severity and nature of insecure JavaScript inclusion and dynamic generation practices on the Web. to achieve secure and convenient Web browsing on untrusted public computers, we have proposed a simple approach that enables an extended browser on a mobile device and a regular browser on a public computer to collaboratively support a Web session. A user can securely perform sensitive interactions on the mobile device and conveniently perform other browsing interactions on the public computer

    Protection Models for Web Applications

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    Early web applications were a set of static web pages connected to one another. In contrast, modern applications are full-featured programs that are nearly equivalent to desktop applications in functionality. However, web servers and web browsers, which were initially designed for static web pages, have not updated their protection models to deal with the security consequences of these full-featured programs. This mismatch has been the source of several security problems in web applications. This dissertation proposes new protection models for web applications. The design and implementation of prototypes of these protection models in a web server and a web browser are also described. Experiments are used to demonstrate the improvements in security and performance from using these protection models. Finally, this dissertation also describes systematic design methods to support the security of web applications

    Coding policies for secure web applications

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    Gitek Bestill

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    Gitek Bestill is a system where the merchant will order bread from the bakers, who will then process these orders. The system has a calendar where all the placed orders can be seen, and running campaigns can be displayed. Shrinkage can be registered and a list can be viewed with the shrinkage of the different products. The bakers can add, delete and change products. A search for orders can be done by both merchants and bakers. Gitek Bestill has been developed in HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript/jQuery and MySQL.Gitek Bestill er et system for brødbestilling foretatt av kjøpmenn i Coop, og bakere som tar i mot disse bestillingene. Systemet har en kalenderoversikt hvor man ser plasserte ordre, og aktuelle kampanjer. Svinn på brød kan også registreres og man ser liste over brødene med svinn. Bakere har mulighet for å legge til, slette og endre produkter. Søk etter ordre finnes for både kjøpmenn og bakere. Gitek Bestill er utviklet i HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript/ jQuery og MySQL.Gitek A