139 research outputs found

    Carbon Nanotubes

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    Since their discovery in 1991, carbon nanotubes have been considered as one of the most promising materials for a wide range of applications, in virtue of their outstanding properties. During the last two decades, both single-walled and multi-walled CNTs probably represented the hottest research topic concerning materials science, equally from a fundamental and from an applicative point of view. There is a prevailing opinion among the research community that CNTs are now ready for application in everyday world. This book provides an (obviously not exhaustive) overview on some of the amazing possible applications of CNT-based materials in the near future

    Digital Platforms and Algorithmic Subjectivities

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    Algorithms are a form of productive power – so how may we conceptualise the newly merged terrains of social life, economy and self in a world of digital platforms? How do multiple self-quantifying practices interact with questions of class, race and gender? This edited collection considers algorithms at work – for what purposes encoded data about behaviour, attitudes, dispositions, relationships and preferences are deployed – and black box control, platform society theory and the formation of subjectivities. It details technological structures and lived experience of algorithms and the operation of platforms in areas such as crypto-finance, production, surveillance, welfare, activism in pandemic times. Finally, it asks if platform cooperativism, collaborative design and neomutualism offer new visions. Even as problems with labour and in society mount, subjectivities and counter subjectivities here produced appear as conscious participants of change and not so much the servants of algorithmic control and dominant platforms

    Digital Platforms and Algorithmic Subjectivities

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    Algorithms are a form of productive power – so how may we conceptualise the newly merged terrains of social life, economy and self in a world of digital platforms? How do multiple self-quantifying practices interact with questions of class, race and gender? This edited collection considers algorithms at work – for what purposes encoded data about behaviour, attitudes, dispositions, relationships and preferences are deployed – and black box control, platform society theory and the formation of subjectivities. It details technological structures and lived experience of algorithms and the operation of platforms in areas such as crypto-finance, production, surveillance, welfare, activism in pandemic times. Finally, it asks if platform cooperativism, collaborative design and neomutualism offer new visions. Even as problems with labour and in society mount, subjectivities and counter subjectivities here produced appear as conscious participants of change and not so much the servants of algorithmic control and dominant platforms

    Cell-Free Nucleic Acids

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    The deficits of mammography and the potential of noninvasive diagnostic testing using circulating miRNA profiles are presented in our first review article. Exosomes are important in the transfer of genetic information. The current knowledge on exosome-associated DNAs and on vesicle-associated DNAs and their role in pregnancy-related complications is presented in the next article. The major obstacle is the lack of a standardized technique for the isolation and measurement of exosomes. One review has summarized the latest results on cell-free nucleic acids in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Despite the extensive research, the etiology and exact pathogenesis are still unclear, although similarity to the cell-free ribonucleic acids (cfRNAs) observed in other autoimmune diseases seems to be relevant in IBD. Liquid biopsy is a useful tool for the differentiation of leiomyomas and sarcomas in the corpus uteri. One manuscript has collected the most important knowledge of mesenchymal uterine tumors and shows the benefits of noninvasive sampling. Microchimerism has also recently become a hot topic. It is discussed in the context of various forms of transplantation and transplantation-related advanced therapies, the available cell-free nucleic acid (cfNA) markers, and the detection platforms that have been introduced. Ovarian cancer is one of the leading serious malignancies among women, with a high incidence of mortality; the introduction of new noninvasive diagnostic markers could help in its early detection and treatment monitoring. Epigenetic regulation is very important during the development of diseases and drug resistance. Methylation changes are important signs during ovarian cancer development, and it seems that the CDH1 gene is a potential candidate for being a noninvasive biomarker in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Preeclampsia is a mysterious disease—despite intensive research, the exact details of its development are unknown. It seems that cell-free nucleic acids could serve as biomarkers for the early detection of this disease. Three research papers deal with the prenatal application of cfDNA. Copy number variants (CNVs) are important subjects for the study of human genome variations, as CNVs can contribute to population diversity and human genetic diseases. These are useful in NIPT as a source of population specific data. The reliability of NIPT depends on the accurate estimation of fetal fraction. Improvement in the success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer (ET) is an important goal. The measurement of embryo-specific small noncoding RNAs in culture media could improve the efficiency of ET

    Life Sciences Program Tasks and Bibliography for FY 1996

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    This document includes information on all peer reviewed projects funded by the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications, Life Sciences Division during fiscal year 1996. This document will be published annually and made available to scientists in the space life sciences field both as a hard copy and as an interactive Internet web page

    Proceedings of the 9th Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD) international conference 2021 (ASCAAD 2021): architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges.

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    The ASCAAD 2021 conference theme is Architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges. The theme addresses the gradual shift in computational design from prototypical morphogenetic-centered associations in the architectural discourse. This imminent shift of focus is increasingly stirring a debate in the architectural community and is provoking a much needed critical questioning of the role of computation in architecture as a sole embodiment and enactment of technical dimensions, into one that rather deliberately pursues and embraces the humanities as an ultimate aspiration

    Life Sciences Program Tasks and Bibliography

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    This document includes information on all peer reviewed projects funded by the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications, Life Sciences Division during fiscal year 1995. Additionally, this inaugural edition of the Task Book includes information for FY 1994 programs. This document will be published annually and made available to scientists in the space life sciences field both as a hard copy and as an interactive Internet web pag

    WOFEX 2021 : 19th annual workshop, Ostrava, 1th September 2021 : proceedings of papers

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    The workshop WOFEX 2021 (PhD workshop of Faculty of Electrical Engineer-ing and Computer Science) was held on September 1st September 2021 at the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. The workshop offers an opportunity for students to meet and share their research experiences, to discover commonalities in research and studentship, and to foster a collaborative environment for joint problem solving. PhD students are encouraged to attend in order to ensure a broad, unconfined discussion. In that view, this workshop is intended for students and researchers of this faculty offering opportunities to meet new colleagues.Ostrav

    Design of polymeric building blocks: synthesis and preparation of different polymer architectures or hybrid materials

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    In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden kontrollierte Polymerisationstechniken, radikalischer oder ionischer Art für die Herstellung von Polymeren aus verschiedenen Monomeren und die Gewinnung von funktionalisierten Materialien verwendet. Nachträgliche Verknüpfungen von Polymeren durch Einführung funktioneller Endgruppen und effizienter Reaktionen, können zum Beispiel durch Cycloaddition erreicht werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde auf die sogenannte kupfer-katalysierte Azid-Alkin Cycloadditionsreaktion (CuAAC) zurückgegriffen, sobald eine direkte Copolymerisation von unterschiedlichen Monomeren schwierig oder nicht realisierbar war. Hierfür wurden Alkin- oder Azid-funktionalisierte makromolekulare Bausteine durch funktionelle Initiatoren oder Terminierungsreagenzien hergestellt. Deren nachgeschaltete Verknüpfung wurde an Beispielen von niedermolekularen ABA Bolaamphiphilen, linearen Diblockcopolymeren, Triblockterpolymeren und auch sternförmigen Polymeren gezeigt. Als weitere funktionelle Bausteine wurden seitenketten-funktionalisierten Monomere in Copolymere eingebaut. Für alle Monomere wurde sowohl die Polymerisierbarkeit gezeigt und die erhaltenen Materialien mittels unterschiedlicher Methoden untersucht. Des Weiteren wurde das Assemblierungsverhalten der polymeren Baustein wurde in Lösung untersucht, wobei unterschiedliche Mechanismen identifizierte werden konnten. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit stand die Synthese von Hybridmaterialien, entweder durch das selektive Einbringen von Metallen in ausgewählte Bereiche der Nanostrukturen oder durch Komplexierung von Metallionen. Durch ein geeignetes Polymerdesign von ABC Triblockterpolymere konnte ein neuer Weg zur Herstellung von potentiellen Hybrid Nanodrähten gezeigt werden, da sie sowohl zur Metallkomplexierung, als auch zur gezielten Kristallisation geeignet sind. Durch nachgeschaltete Kristallisation der Poly(2-iso-propyl-2-oxazolin)-Korona kann die Ausbildung von makroskopischen anisotropen Aggregaten beobachtet werden