11 research outputs found

    Self tailorable website interfaces : contributions towards the Design for All

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    Orientador: Maria Cecilia Calani BaranauskasTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: ...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital.Abstract: ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic documentDoutoradoAvaliação de interfaces de usuarioDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Inclusive Web Empirical Studies in Remote and In-Situ Settings: A User Evaluation of the RemoTest Platform

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    Web accessibility evaluation requires tests to be carried out with real users with disabilities performing real tasks or activities. To recruit an appropriate group of users and to observe their performance in the real world is difficult. For this reason we have developed RemoTest, a platform that assists researchers designing experiments, conducting remote and in-situ experimental sessions and analyzing the data gathered while the users are accessing the Web. Although this tool is oriented to experimenters, it is necessary to check whether the evaluation environments created by RemoTest are accessible or not to the users that participate in the tests. To this end, we conducted formal in-situ evaluations with 36 users with diverse characteristics. For this assessment, the participants were asked to install the platform, to fill in some automatically created questionnaires and to carry out several web navigation tasks. From the data gathered we analyzed the ease of the installation process, the accessibility of the automatically generated questionnaires, and user satisfaction. The results revealed the suitability of the platform for conducting inclusive experiments both in remote and in-situ contexts and provided guidelines on how the experiments should be set out.This research work was developed within the project eGovernability, funded by the Spanish Government, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and the European Regional Development Fund, under grant (TIN2014-52665-C2-1-R MINECO/FEDER). J.E.P. holds a PhD Scholarship from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Some of the authors are members of the EGOKITUZ/ADIAN research team, supported by the Basque Government, Department of Education, Universities and Research under grant (IT980-16)

    Usability Improvement Through A/B Testing and Refactoring

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    Usability evaluation is an essential task in web application development. There have been several attempts to integrate user-centered design with agile methods, but it is hard to synchronize their practices. User testing is very valuable to learn from feedback of actual use, but it remains expensive to find and solve usability problems. Furthermore, the high cost of usability evaluation forces small/medium-sized companies to trust the first solution applied, without actually testing the success of the solution or considering a possible regression in usability, as could be highlighted by an iterative testing method. In this article we advocate for a usability improvement cycle oriented by user feedback, and compatible with an agile development process. We propose an iterative method supported by a toolkit that allows usability experts to design user tests, run them remotely, analyze results, and assess alternative solutions to usability problems similarly to A/B testing. Each solution is created by applying client-side web refactorings, i.e., changes to the web pages in the client which are meant to improve usability. The main benefit of our approach is that it reduces the overall cost of user testing and particularly, A/B testing, by applying refactorings to create alternative solutions without modifying the application’s server code. By making it affordable for usability experts to apply the method in parallel with the development cycle, we aim to encourage them to incorporate user feedback and try different ideas to discover the best performing solution in terms of the metrics of interest.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Towards Design Theory for Accessible IT Artefacts

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    Accessibility in the use of information technology (IT) artefacts, such as websites, applications, and user interfaces, means that they are designed in such a way that people with the broadest range of abilities can use them. However, although accessibility is a human right, IT artefacts often remain inaccessible. Aside from the available accessibility guidelines, we need sufficient design theories that explicitly state how accessibility should be addressed and designed to develop accessible IT artefacts for all users. This dissertation summarises four articles that address this problem. These studies are conducted with qualitative approaches that include a narrative literature review, a systematic literature review and a design science method comprising a participatory design and interviews. The first article develops an explaining theory of accessibility to gain an understanding of the construct of accessibility, showing possible variables of human abilities, tasks and contexts and their relationships in IT use. The second article illustrates the factors in management, development, user, and IT artefact features, including the roles and actions that these domains have and how they affect the realisation of accessibility. The other two articles contribute to accessibility guidance to improve and support content creators’ text production and writing process of accessible online text in the web context. The dissertation underscores three key determinants of the knowledge of accessibility: (1) assumptions of users’ abilities; (2) users’ actual needs; and (3) factors in the development chain. The foregoing factors contribute to the knowledge of accessibility and would help researchers, particularly design scientists, form prescriptive knowledge for practitioners to achieve accessible IT artefacts. Thus, researchers could better identify the variables, relationships and affecting factors in human abilities, management, development, content creation, tasks, and contexts that need to be addressed when designing IT artefacts for certain tasks and use contexts.Informaatioteknologia-artefaktien (IT-artefaktien), kuten verkkosivustojen, sovellusten ja käyttöliittymien saavutettavuus tarkoittaa sitä, että ihmiset erilaisine ominaisuuksineen ja kykyineen voivat käyttää niitä. Vaikka saavutettavuus on ihmisoikeus, IT-artefaktit eivät kuitenkaan ole aina saavutettavia. Käytettävissä olevista saavutettavuusohjeista huolimatta tarvitsemme suunnitteluteorioita, jotka ohjaavat IT-artefaktien suunnittelua, jotta niistä tulisi saavutettavia kaikille IT-artefaktin käyttäjille. Tämä väitöskirja on yhteenveto neljästä artikkelista, jotka käsittelevät tätä ongelmaa. Tutkimukset ovat tehty laadullisilla menetelmillä, joihin on sisältynyt narratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus sekä suunnittelutieteellinen menetelmä sisältäen osallistavan suunnittelun ja haastattelut. Ensimmäisessä artikkelissa kehitetään kuvaileva saavutettavuuden teoria, jolla saadaan käsitys saavutettavuuden rakenteesta ja joka näyttää mahdolliset muuttujat ihmisen kyvyissä, tehtävissä ja konteksteissa, sekä niiden väliset suhteet. Toinen artikkeli kuvaa saavutettavuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä johtamisen, kehityksen, käyttäjän ja IT-artefaktin ominaisuuksien näkökulmista, mukaan lukien roolit ja toimenpiteet, joita näillä kohteilla on. Kaksi muuta artikkelia kehittävät ohjeistuksen sisällöntuottajien työn tueksi saavutettavan verkkotekstin tuottamiseksi. Väitöskirjassa esitetään kolme ratkaisevaa tekijää saavutettavuuden tietämyksessä: (1) olettamukset käyttäjien kyvyistä (2) käyttäjien todelliset tarpeet ja (3) tekijät kehitysketjussa. Näiden tekijöiden tuntemus auttaa erityisesti suunnittelutieteilijöitä muodostamaan ohjaavaa tietoa ammattilaisille saavutettavien IT-artefaktien saavuttamiseksi. Täten tutkijat voivat paremmin tunnistaa muuttujat, niiden väliset suhteet ja saavutettavuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät, jotka liittyvät käyttäjän kykyihin, johtamiseen, kehittämiseen, sisällöntuottamiseen, tehtäviin ja kontekstiin, kun IT-artefaktia suunnitellaan tiettyä tehtävää ja käyttökontekstia varten.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Aspectos motivacionais no design de tecnologia para mudanças sociais

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    Orientador: Maria Cecília Calani BaranauskasTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Conectando pessoas e presente em todos os aspectos da vida, quando projetadas para este fim, as tecnologias têm potencial de influenciar a forma com que pessoas em um grupo social percebem e se relacionam com as coisas no ambiente. Este estudo de doutorado em Interação Humano-Computador (IHC) investiga como elementos motivacionais da Psicologia podem ser aplicados para informar o design, explo- rando esse potencial da tecnologia em promover mudanças sociais. O estudo é instanciado no domínio de consumo de energia elétrica, lidando com o desafio contemporâneo de cons- cientizar a sociedade dos limites naturais do planeta no que diz respeito ao uso de recursos naturais. Informar o design com aspectos motivacionais é uma abordagem recente em IHC. Quando encontrada na literatura, comumente tem foco em aspectos individuais e intrín- secos da motivação. Contudo, como argumentado nessa pesquisa, o contexto sociocultural evidencia a importância de considerar também os fatores externos que motivam as pessoas a se engajarem com uma tecnologia e com uma determinada questão social. Por considerar tanto fontes intrínsecas quanto extrínsecas de motivação, a Teoria da Autodeterminação é então considerada o principal referencial teórico da Psicologia nessa investigação, e a Semiótica Organizacional é a base metodológica para analisar os elemen- tos socioculturais que influenciam a motivação extrínseca. A análise situada dos dados socioculturais por uma perspectiva motivacional levou ao design da Tecnologia Socialmente Informada para Eco-Feedback de Energia (sigla SEET, em inglês), uma arquitetura que tem por objetivo estabelecer um novo padrão de com- portamento, ou uma nova maneira de perceber o consumo de energia coletivamente. O SEET é composto por um sistema interativo que promove colaboração, e pela Árvore da Energia, um dispositivo de feedback tangível para locais onde há encontro de pessoas. O SEET é avaliado em dois cenários complementares: uma Escola de Ensino Funda- mental no Brasil, onde os dados socioculturais foram coletados, analisados e aplicados para informar o design; e no contexto de um departamento de uma universidade no Reino Unido. Aspectos motivacionais da arquitetura do SEET são então analisadas, assim como o impacto dessa tecnologia ao desencadear as esperadas mudanças sociaisAbstract: By connecting people and being present in almost all aspects of life, when properly de- signed for that, technology can potentially influence the way people in a social group perceive and relate with things in their environment. This PhD study in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field investigates how motivational elements from Psychology can be applied to inform the design aiming at exploring this potential of technology for promoting a social change. The study is in- stantiated in the energy consumption domain, coping with the contemporary challenge of raising awareness among the society of the planet¿s natural resources usage and limits. Informing the design with motivational aspects is a recent approach in HCI. When found in literature, it is mostly focused on individual and intrinsic aspects of motivation. However, as argued in this research, the sociocultural context evidences the importance of considering also the external factors that motivate people to be engaged with technology and the social issue. By taking into account both intrinsic and extrinsic sources of motivation, the Self- Determination Theory is then considered the main theoretical background from Psychol- ogy in this investigation, and the Organisational Semiotics the methodological basis to analyse sociocultural elements that influence extrinsic motivation. The situated analysis of sociocultural data with motivational lenses has led to the de- sign of a Socially-informed Energy Eco-feedback Technology (SEET), an architecture that aims at establishing a "new pattern of behaviour", or a new way of perceiving collective energy consumption. The SEET is composed by an interactive system that promotes collaboration and The Energy Tree, a tangible and public feedback device for gathering places. The SEET is evaluated in two complementary scenarios: an elementary school in Brazil, where the sociocultural data was collected, analysed and applied to inform design; and in the context of an university department in the United Kingdom. Motivational as- pects of the SEET architecture are then analysed, as well as the impact of this technology to trigger the desired social changeDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutora em Ciência da Computaçã

    Assisted Interaction for Improving Web Accessibility: An Approach Driven and Tested by Userswith Disabilities

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    148 p.Un porcentaje cada vez mayor de la población mundial depende de la Web para trabajar, socializar, opara informarse entre otras muchas actividades. Los beneficios de la Web son todavía más cruciales paralas personas con discapacidades ya que les permite realizar un sinfín de tareas que en el mundo físico lesestán restringidas debido distintas barreras de accesibilidad. A pesar de sus ventajas, la mayoría depáginas web suelen ignoran las necesidades especiales de las personas con discapacidad, e incluyen undiseño único para todos los usuarios. Existen diversos métodos para combatir este problema, como porejemplo los sistemas de ¿transcoding¿, que transforman automáticamente páginas web inaccesibles enaccesibles. Para mejorar la accesibilidad web a grupos específicos de personas, estos métodos requiereninformación sobre las técnicas de adaptación más adecuadas que deben aplicarse.En esta tesis se han realizado una serie de estudios sobre la idoneidad de diversas técnicas de adaptaciónpara mejorar la navegación web para dos grupos diferentes de personas con discapacidad: personas conmovilidad reducida en miembros superiores y personas con baja visión. Basado en revisionesbibliográficas y estudios observacionales, se han desarrollado diferentes adaptaciones de interfaces web ytécnicas alternativas de interacción, que posteriormente han sido evaluadas a lo largo de varios estudioscon usuarios con necesidades especiales. Mediante análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos del rendimiento yla satisfacción de los participantes, se han evaluado diversas adaptaciones de interfaz y métodosalternativos de interacción. Los resultados han demostrado que las técnicas probadas mejoran el acceso ala Web y que los beneficios varían según la tecnología asistiva usada para acceder al ordenador

    Contributions to improve human-computer interaction using machine learning

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    181 p. (eng.) 189 p. (eus.)This PhD thesis contributes on designing and applying data mining techniques targeting the improvement of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in different contexts. The main objectives of the thesis are to design systems based on data mining methods for modelling behaviour on interaction and use data. Moreover, having to work often in unsupervised learning contexts has lead to contribute methodologically to clustering validation regardless of the context; an unsolved problem in machine learning. Cluster Validity Indexes (CVIs) partially solve this problem by providing a quality score of the partitions, but none of them has proven to robustly face the broad range of conditions. In this regard, in the first contribution several CVI decision fusion (voting) approaches are proposed, showing that they are promising strategies for clustering validation.In the Human-Computer Interaction context, the contributions are structured in three different areas. The accessibility area is analysed in the first one where an efficient system to automatically detect navigation problems of users, with and without disabilities, is presented. The next contribution is focused on the medical informatics and it analyses the interaction in a medical dashboard used to support the decision-making of clinicians (SMASH). On the one hand, connections between visual and interaction behaviours on SMASH are studied. On the other hand, based on the interaction behaviours observed in SMASH, two main cohorts of users are automatically detected and characterised: primary (pharmacists) vs secondary (non-pharmacists).Finally, two contributions on the e-Services area are made, focusing on their interaction and use respectively. In the first one, potential students aiming to enrol the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) are satisfactorily modelled based on the interactive behaviours they showed in the web of this university. The second one, empirically analyses and characterises the use of e-Government services in different European countries based on survey data provided by EurostatDoktorego-tesi honek, hainbat testuingurutan, Pertsona-Konputagailu Elkarrekintzaren (PKE) hobekuntzarako datuen meatzaritzako teknikak diseinatzen eta aplikatzen laguntzen du. Tesiaren helburu nagusiak datu-meatzaritzako metodoetan oinarritutako sistemak diseinatzea da, elkarrekintza- eta erabilera-datuen portaera modelatzeko. Gainera, gainbegiratu gabeko ikasketa-testuinguruekin sarritan lan egin behar izanak, datuen testuinguru guztiei zuzendutako clusteringa baliozkotzeari buruzko ekarpen metodologikoa egitera bultzatu gaitu. Kluster baliozkotze indizeek (CVI) partizioen kalitate-neurri bat ematen duten heinean, arazo hau partzialki ebazten dute, baina horietako batek ere ez du erakutsi egoeren espektro handiari aurre egiteko gaitasuna. Ildo honetatik, lehen kontribuzioan CVIen arteko erabaki-fusioen (bozketa) hainbat sistema proposatzen ditugu, eta klusteringa baliozkotzeko estrategia eraginkorrak direla erakusten dugu.Pertsona-Konputagailu Elkarrekintzaren testuinguruan, ekarpenak hiru arlotan egituratuta daude. Irisgarritasun arloa lehenengo kontribuzioan aztertzen da, sistema eraginkor bat aurkeztuz, desgaitasuna duten eta desgaitasuna ez duten erabiltzaileen nabigazio-arazoak automatikoki detektatzen dituena.Hurrengo ekarpena informatika-medikoan zentratzen da eta medikuei erabakiak hartzeko jardueretan laguntzeko erabiltzen den osasun-arbela mediko baten (SMASH) elkarrekintza aztertzen du. Batetik, SMASH arbelean portaera bisualen eta interaktiboen arteko loturak aztertzen dira. Bestalde, SMASH arbelean antzemandako portaera interaktiboen arabera, bi erabiltzaile talde nagusi detektatu eta ezaugarritu dira: lehen mailakoak (farmazialariak) eta bigarren mailakoak (ez farmazialariak).Azkenik, bi kontribuzio egiten dira zerbitzu elektronikoen (e-Zerbitzuen) arloan, elkarrekintza eta erabileran oinarrituz, hurrenez hurren. Lehenengoan, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean (UPV/EHU) izena eman nahi duten ikasle potentzialak modu eraginkorrean modelatu dira unibertsitate honen webgunean erakutsitako jokabide interaktiboen arabera. Bigarrenean, gobernuko e-Zerbitzuen erabilera aztertu da Europako hainbat herrialdetan, Eurostatek emandako inkesta-datuetan oinarrituzEsta tesis doctoral contribuye al diseño y la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos dirigidas a la mejora de la Interacción Persona-Computadora (IPC) en diferentes contextos. Los objetivos principales de la tesis son diseñar sistemas basados en métodos de minería de datos para modelar el comportamiento en datos de interacción y uso. Además, como los contextos de aprendizaje no supervisado han sido una constante en nuestro trabajo, hemos contribuido metodológicamente a la validación de clustering independientemente del contexto de los datos; problema no resuelto en el aprendizaje automático. Los índices de validación de cluster (CVI) resuelven parcialmente este problema al proporcionar un valor cuantitativo de calidad de las particiones, pero ninguno de ellos ha demostrado poder enfrentarse de manera robusta en una amplia gama de condiciones. En este sentido, en la primera contribución se proponen varios sistemas de fusión de decisiones (votaciones) entre CVIs, demostrando que son estrategias prometedoras para la validación de cluster.En el contexto de Interacción-Persona Computador, las contribuciones están estructuradas en tres áreas diferentes. En la primera de ellas se analiza el área de accesibilidad, presentando un sistema eficiente para detectar automáticamente los problemas de navegación de los usuarios, con y sin discapacidad.La siguiente contribución se centra en la informática médica y analiza la interacción en una pizarra médica web (SMASH) utilizada para asistir en la toma de decisiones de los médicos. Por un lado, se estudian las conexiones entre los comportamientos visuales y de interacción en SMASH. Por otro lado, en base a los comportamientos de interacción observados en SMASH, se detectan y caracterizan automáticamente dos grupos principales de usuarios: primario (farmacéuticos) y secundario (no farmacéuticos).Finalmente, se realizan dos contribuciones en el área de servicios electrónicos, centrándose en su interacción y uso, respectivamente. En la primera, se modelan satisfactoriamente los estudiantes que potencialmente desean matricularse en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV / EHU), en función de los comportamientos interactivos que muestran en la web de esta universidad. La segunda contribución, analiza empíricamente y caracteriza el uso de los servicios de gobierno electrónico en diferentes países europeos en base a datos de encuestas proporcionados por Eurostat

    Description and application of the correlation between gaze and hand for the different hand events occurring during interaction with tablets

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    People’s activities naturally involve the coordination of gaze and hand. Research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) endeavours to enable users to exploit this multimodality for enhanced interaction. With the abundance of touch screen devices, direct manipulation of an interface has become a dominating interaction technique. Although touch enabled devices are prolific in both public and private spaces, interactions with these devices do not fully utilise the benefits from the correlation between gaze and hand. Touch enabled devices do not employ the richness of the continuous manual activity above their display surface for interaction and a lot of information expressed by users through their hand movements is ignored. This thesis aims at investigating the correlation between gaze and hand during natural interaction with touch enabled devices to address these issues. To do so, we set three objectives. Firstly, we seek to describe the correlation between gaze and hand in order to understand how they operate together: what is the spatial and temporal relationship between these modalities when users interact with touch enabled devices? Secondly, we want to know the role of some of the inherent factors brought by the interaction with touch enabled devices on the correlation between gaze and hand, because identifying what modulates the correlation is crucial to design more efficient applications: what are the impacts of the individual differences, the task characteristics and the features of the on-screen targets? Thirdly, as we want to see whether additional information related to the user can be extracted from the correlation between gaze and hand, we investigate the latter for the detection of users’ cognitive state while they interact with touch enabled devices: can the correlation reveal the users’ hesitation? To meet the objectives, we devised two data collections for gaze and hand. In the first data collection, we cover the manual interaction on-screen. In the second data collection, we focus instead on the manual interaction in-the-air. We dissect the correlation between gaze and hand using three common hand events users perform while interacting with touch enabled devices. These events comprise taps, stationary hand events and the motion between taps and stationary hand events. We use a tablet as a touch enabled device because of its medium size and the ease to integrate both eye and hand tracking sensors. We study the correlation between gaze and hand for tap events by collecting gaze estimation data and taps on tablet in the context of Internet related tasks, representative of typical activities executed using tablets. The correlation is described in the spatial and temporal dimensions. Individual differences and effects of the task nature and target type are also investigated. To study the correlation between gaze and hand when the hand is in a stationary situation, we conducted a data collection in the context of a Memory Game, chosen to generate enough cognitive load during playing while requiring the hand to leave the tablet’s surface. We introduce and evaluate three detection algorithms, inspired by eye tracking, based on the analogy between gaze and hand patterns. Afterwards, spatial comparisons between gaze and hands are analysed to describe the correlation. We study the effects on the task difficulty and how the hesitation of the participants influences the correlation. Since there is no certain way of knowing when a participant hesitates, we approximate the hesitation with the failure of matching a pair of already seen tiles. We study the correlation between gaze and hand during hand motion between taps and stationary hand events from the same data collection context than the case mentioned above. We first align gaze and hand data in time and report the correlation coefficients in both X and Y axis. After considering the general case, we examine the impact of the different factors implicated in the context: participants, task difficulty, duration and type of the hand motion. Our results show that the correlation between gaze and hand, throughout the interaction, is stronger in the horizontal dimension of the tablet rather than in its vertical dimension, and that it varies widely across users, especially spatially. We also confirm the eyes lead the hand for target acquisition. Moreover, we find out that the correlation between gaze and hand when the hand is in the air above the tablet’s surface depends on where the users look at on the tablet. As well, we show that the correlation during eye and hand during stationary hand events can indicate the users’ indecision, and that while the hand is moving, the correlation depends on different factors, such as the degree of difficulty of the task performed on the tablet and the nature of the event before/after the motion

    Visualizing User Interface Events: Event Stream Summarization Through Signs

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    Effective visual representation is related to how people interpret signs created to carry specific information. In the last years many user interface evaluation tools are considering detailed usage data to represent users' actions. The volume of data gathered is leading developers to represent usage in a summarized way through graphical representations. If visual components used to represent complex data are not effective, then graphics used to summarize data may turn the interpretation of complex terms even harder. This work presents a study about graphical representations for user interface (UI) events and contributes with the validation of usage graph visualization and an open set of signs to support the summarization of client-side logs. The study involved 28 Information Technology specialists, potential users of UI evaluation tools. From the results one expects that evaluation tool developers, evaluators, and Web usage miners can reuse the validated usage graph representation and proposed set of signs to represent usage data in a summarized way.3 HCIEA/-7885 Inst. Syst. Technol. Inf., Control Commun. (INSTICC)Arroyo, E., Selker, T., Wei, W., Usability tool for analysis of web designs using mouse tracks (2006) Proceedings of ACM CHI 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2, pp. 484-489. , Work-in-progress http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1125451.1125557Atterer, R., Schmidt, A., Tracking the interaction of users with ajax applications for usability testing (2007) CHI, pp. 1347-1350. , Rosson, M.B., Gilmore, D.J. 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    Welfit: A Remote Evaluation Tool For Identifying Web Usage Patterns Through Client-side Logging

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    Although websites evaluation tools use different data sources (e.g., Web pages, server logs, and mouse tracks), few of them support remote evaluation using detailed observational data. Without considering data that represent the user's real interaction with the interface, usability problems and/or accessibility barriers may remain unknown. This work contributes to the field by providing a tool to identify usage patterns based on client-side event logs and by presenting event stream composition characteristics. The work results from a long-term project and the tool is now available to the community. The system records usage data during real use, identifies usage patterns, and indicates potential user interface design problems. The proposed tool was experimented, counting on 180 participants, during a 15 month period collecting data from website usage. 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