661 research outputs found

    InfoInternet for Education in the Global South: A Study of Applications Enabled by Free Information-only Internet Access in Technologically Disadvantaged Areas (authors' version)

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    This paper summarises our work on studying educational applications enabled by the introduction of a new information layer called InfoInternet. This is an initiative to facilitate affordable access to internet based information in communities with network scarcity or economic problems from the Global South. InfoInternet develops both networking solutions as well as business and social models, together with actors like mobile operators and government organisations. In this paper we identify and describe characteristics of educational applications, their specific users, and learning environment. We are interested in applications that make the adoption of Internet faster, cheaper, and wider in such communities. When developing new applications (or adopting existing ones) for such constrained environments, this work acts as initial guidelines prior to field studies.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, under review for a journal since March 201

    Horizon Report Europe - 2014 Schools Edition

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    The NMC Horizon Project from the New Media Consortium is a long-term investigation launched in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact over the coming five years in education around the globe. The NMC Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition, the first of its kind for Europe, examines six key trends, six significant challenges and six important developments in educational technology that are very likely to impact educational change processes in European schools over the next five years (2014-2018). The topics within each section were carefully selected by the Horizon Project Europe Expert Panel, a body of 53 experts in European education, technology, and other fields. They come from 22 European countries, as well as international organisations and European networks. Throughout the report, references and links are made to more than 150 European publications (reports, articles, policy documents, blog posts etc.), projects (both EU-funded and national initiatives) and various policy initiatives from all over Europe. The Creative Classrooms multidimensional framework, developed by European Commission’s JRC-IPTS on behalf of DG EAC, was used for analysing the trends, challenges and technologies impacting European schools over the next five years. The analysis reveals that a systemic approach is needed for integrating new technologies in European schools and impacting educational change over the next five years.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    BioVisualSpeech: Deployment of an Interactive Platform for Speech Therapy Sessions With Children

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    Sigmatism is a speech sound disorder (SSD) that prevents people from correctly pro- nouncing sibilant consonant sounds ([Z], [z], [S] and [s]). If left untreated, it can negatively impact children’s ability to communicate and socialize. Parents are advised to seek speech therapy for their kids whenever they are not reaching the milestones that are expected of their age, and while the exercises employed in speech therapy sessions are vital for the treatment of these disorders, they can also become repetitive. BioVisualSpeech is a research project that explores ways to provide biofeedback in speech therapy sessions through the usage of serious games. An example of this is the BioVisualSpeech Therapy Support Platform, an interactive tool that contains many types of games in one place, and which children can play in therapy sessions and at home by using the computer’s microphone to capture their voices. However, because the platform was developed in an academic context, it was important for us to adapt this system to the context of real life in collaboration with speech-language pathologists (SLPs). To achieve this, we set the goal of deploying the platform to SLPs’ computers. For that we first reengineered the system to turn it into an in-session focused application, instead of a system where children can practice with SLPs and at home. In addition, we also integrated Windows Speech Recognition into the platform, made the system easier to install and capable of collecting data from players, such as voice productions that could be used in the future to train better classification models, and other objective parameters concerning game performance. Our deployment with SLPs was accompanied by the questionnaires, documentation and data collection protocol needed to proceed with: firstly, the further validation of the platform along with two of its games and, secondly, the design of a user study focused on gathering voice productions from children. In the end, not only did we get promising results regarding the validation of the platform, but SLPs also got the opportunity to own a system that can continue to be used, and distributed by future researchers, even after the termination of this project.O sigmatismo é uma perturbação da fala que impede quem sofre deste de pronunciar corretamente as consoantes sibilantes ([Z], [z], [S] and [s]). Se deixado por tratar, este pode ter um impacto negativo na habilidade das crianças de comunicar e socializar. Pais destas crianças são aconselhados a procurar consultas de terapia da fala para os seus filhos, e enquanto que os exercícios utilizados durante as sessões de terapia da fala são vitais para o tratamento de perturbações, estes também correm o risco de se tornarem repetitivos. BioVisualSpeech é um projeto de investigação que explora formas de fornecer bio- feedback em sessões de terapia da fala através de jogos sérios. Um exemplo destes é a Plataforma de Apoio à Terapia da Fala da BioVisualSpeech, um sistema que contém vários tipos de jogos que as crianças podem jogar em sessões de terapia e em casa, utilizando para isso o microfone do computador para capturarem as suas vozes. Contudo, visto que a plataforma foi desenvolvida num contexto académico, era importante adaptá-la ao contexto do mundo real em colaboração com terapeutas da fala e da linguagem (TFLs). Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação foi implantar a plataforma para os computadores de TFLs. Para isso foi primeiro preciso mudar o foco da plataforma de modo a se tornar numa aplicação de apoio às sessões de terapia, exclusivamente. Para além disto, também se integrou o Sistema de Reconhecimento de Voz do Windows na plataforma, tornou-se o sistema mais fácil de instalar e capaz de recolher dados dos jogadores, como produções de voz que podem no futuro ser utilizadas para treinar melhores classificadores de fala, e outros parâmetros objetivos sobre os jogos. A implantação com TFLs foi acompanhada pelos questionários, documentação e protocolo necessários para proceder com: primeiro, a validação da plataforma e dois dos seus jogos e, segundo, o desenho de um estudo focado na recolha de produções de voz de crianças. No final, não só foram obtidos resultados promissores no que toca à validação da plataforma, mas os TFLs também tiveram a oportunidade de ficar com um sistema que pode continuar a ser utilizado mesmo depois deste projeto acabar

    Local communities as infrastructure for place-based mobile learning

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    Ph. D. Thesis.The last decade has seen a significant reconfiguration of the UK’s public services through policies of austerity. Severe funding cuts have beenmade tomany local councils, resulting in various services—such as the upkeep of local parks, and educational activities within them—to be cut from some authorities’ funding altogether, with their upkeep instead relying upon volunteerism or charges. Coinciding with an increase in the use of mobile technologies in schools, stakeholder groups are frequently also turning to them in an effort to promote the places they care for: attempting to engage with new audiences and promote the value of place to younger generations. This thesis explores the design space for mobile learning platforms which harness places and communities as resources for both formal and informal learning, and how such technologies can be used by stakeholders to share their knowledge and further their own agendas. This design space is then further explored through the design, development and evaluation of OurPlace—a mobile learning platform consisting of Android and iOS applications and a supplementary website. Through multiple engagements, OurPlace was shown to support community members, teachers and learners in creating, sharing and engaging with place-based mobile learning activities through seamless learning experiences. To further investigate how such mobile learning technologies and local resources could be effectively used within formal education, this work also proposes a framework for ‘project-basedmobile learning’, applying and evaluating this framework using OurPlace in three different schools and a summer school of Travelling Showchildren, working within the unique constraints of each. Through a design-based research approach, this project combines findings of longitudinal observational studies with volunteer community groups and a mix of long and short-term case studies with schools to contribute: implications for designing digital platforms which harness places’ existing social infrastructures as resources for civic learning; OurPlace, a platformdesigned to harness these resources; and the introduction and demonstration of a generalisable framework for structuring the use of such mobile learning technologies within project-based learning, along with recommendations for its re-configuration in response to contextual constraints

    Disaster Relief 2.0: The Future of Information Sharing in Humanitarian Emergencies

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    Outlines the challenges of and recommendations for creating an effective interface between humanitarian groups and volunteer and technical communities aggregating, visualizing, and analyzing data on and from affected communities to support relief efforts

    Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future : The Potential of Digital Archaeology

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    Mobilizing the Past is a collection of 20 articles that explore the use and impact of mobile digital technology in archaeological field practice. The detailed case studies present in this volume range from drones in the Andes to iPads at Pompeii, digital workflows in the American Southwest, and examples of how bespoke, DIY, and commercial software provide solutions and craft novel challenges for field archaeologists. The range of projects and contexts ensures that Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future is far more than a state-of-the-field manual or technical handbook. Instead, the contributors embrace the growing spirit of critique present in digital archaeology. This critical edge, backed by real projects, systems, and experiences, gives the book lasting value as both a glimpse into present practices as well as the anxieties and enthusiasm associated with the most recent generation of mobile digital tools. This book emerged from a workshop funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities held in 2015 at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. The workshop brought together over 20 leading practitioners of digital archaeology in the U.S. for a weekend of conversation. The papers in this volume reflect the discussions at this workshop with significant additional content. Starting with an expansive introduction and concluding with a series of reflective papers, this volume illustrates how tablets, connectivity, sophisticated software, and powerful computers have transformed field practices and offer potential for a radically transformed discipline.https://dc.uwm.edu/arthist_mobilizingthepast/1000/thumbnail.jp

    ALT-C 2012 Abstracts

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    This is a PDF of the abstracts for all the sessions at the 2012 ALT conference. It is designed to be used alongside the online version of the conference programme. It was made public on 7 September 2012

    Perceptions, practices, and attitudes on the use of technology in the English as a Foreign Language classroom: The iPad in the Andorran school system

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    Over the years, computers and mobile devices have transformed the way the English language is taught at school. While numerous bodies of literature are available globally regarding computer- and mobile-aided language learning, this field has never been explored in the local context of Andorra. This research thus aims to study the teachers’ and students’ perceptions, practices, and attitudes on the use of iPads in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in the Andorran school system. Guided by the interpretive-constructivist paradigm, it uses qualitative research design, employing ethnography as its methodology, to gather detailed and grounded answers to the research questions. Classroom observations, semi-structured focus group interviews, and questionnaires were used to collect data from English teachers and EFL students of the first and second levels of Andorran secondary schools. Qualitative data analysis and descriptive statistics were carried out to process the information. Findings reveal that the users have positive perceptions towards the use of iPads in English classes and the technology is used primarily to accomplish tasks identified in the course curriculum guidelines. Their attitudes are mostly favorable towards iPads especially due to the perceived benefits of inclusivity, flexibility, increased engagement, and more efficient production of better outputs. However, there are also some drawbacks identified, such as distraction, dependency, and saturation. Further studies are recommended to explore the benefits of using tablets in educational management and technology.Al llarg dels anys, els ordinadors i els dispositius mòbils han transformat la manera d’ensenyar anglès a l’escola. Tot i que hi ha força bibliografia disponible d’àmbit mundial sobre l’aprenentatge de llengües assistit per ordinador i dispositius mòbils, aquest camp no ha estat mai explorat en el context local d’Andorra. Aquesta investigació pretén, doncs, estudiar les percepcions, les pràctiques i les actituds dels professors i dels estudiants sobre l’ús dels iPads a les classes d’anglès del sistema educatiu andorrà. Guiat pel paradigma interpretatiu i constructivista, l’estudi segueix el disseny de la investigació qualitativa, emprant l’etnografia com a metodologia, per recollir respostes detallades i fonamentades a les preguntes de la investigació. Per recopilar dades del professorat d’anglès i dels estudiants de primer i segon nivell de secundària de les escoles del sistema educatiu andorrà, s’han utilitzat observacions a l’aula, entrevistes de grups focals semiestructurades i qüestionaris. Per processar la informació, s’han dut a terme anàlisis qualitatives de dades i estadístiques descriptives. Les conclusions revelen que els usuaris tenen percepcions positives sobre l’ús dels iPads a les classes d’anglès i que la tecnologia s’empra principalment per dur a terme tasques identificades a les directrius del currículum del curs. Les actituds dels usuaris són majoritàriament favorables envers els iPads, sobretot a causa dels beneficis percebuts d’inclusivitat, flexibilitat, millor interacció i producció més eficient dels treballs encomanats. No obstant això, també s’han identificat alguns inconvenients, com ara la distracció, la dependència i la saturació. Es recomanen estudis addicionals per explorar els avantatges de l’ús de tauletes tàctils en gestió i tecnologia educatives