14 research outputs found

    Nuremberg’s Noble Servant. Werner von Parsberg (d. 1455) between Town and Nobility in Late Medieval Germany

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    The nobleman Werner von Parsberg served the imperial town of Nuremberg between 1430 and his death in 1455 as a mounted retainer and (from 1442) as the town’s imperial chief magistrate. In 1450 he carried Nuremberg’s standard in battle during the Second South German Towns’ War. This long record of close engagement with Nuremberg contrasts with the tradition of reading ‘town’ and ‘nobility’ in Germany as mutually exclusive and inherently antagonistic. In Parsberg’s time this was a position advocated by Nuremberg’s opponents amongst the territorial princes and rural nobility, and from the Enlightenment onwards a more rigid version of this dichotomy was projected back onto the late Middle Ages. This perceived opposition between ‘town’ and ‘nobility’ denied the possibility of meaningful cooperation between townspeople and rural nobles: all such relationships have consequently been described as the result of economic and political weakness on the part of the nobles concerned. Recent research, however, suggests that a re-examination of these relationships is necessary, and the case of Werner von Parsberg offers a model for such a reassessment. This article shows that Parsberg’s service for Nuremberg was not a symptom of weakness, but part of an assertive strategy to advance the independence from princely authority of his family’s lordship in the Upper Palatinate. Through this appreciation of the factors supporting town–noble cooperation in the late Middle Ages we are better able to understand the formation and development of the dialectic of town and nobility as a way of understanding German society

    Bruderschaften in Coesfeld um 1500

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    Bruderschaften sind Teil der genossenschaftlichen Strukturen des Mittelalters und der FrĂŒhen Neuzeit und prĂ€gen vor allem das Leben in den StĂ€dten in vielfĂ€ltiger Weise. Analysiert man das Bruderschaftswesen einer Stadt, gewinnt man nicht nur Einblicke in den religiösen Bereich stĂ€dtischen Lebens, sondern in die Stadtgesellschaft ĂŒberhaupt. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht das Bruderschaftswesen von Coesfeld im ausgehenden 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Die reiche Coesfelder Überlieferung an seriellen Quellen dieser Zeit ermöglicht zahlreiche Erkenntnisse ĂŒber das Leben, die Rolle und die Funktionen von Bruderschaften und ihren Mitgliedern in der Stadt. Wer ist mit wem und warum vernetzt? Diese Fragen werden exemplarisch anhand der SchĂŒtzenbruderschaft des hl. Antonius geklĂ€rt. Basis der Untersuchung ist dabei das Mitgliedsbuch der Bruderschaft, das in einer Edition zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt wird. SchĂŒtzenbruderschaften bilden einen eigenen Typ, der fĂŒr den Raum Westfalen beleuchtet wird. <br/

    Juristische Aspekte der Ketzerverfolgung im Erzherzogtum Österreich in der Regierungszeit Karls VI.

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    Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit den juristischen Voraussetzungen der Transmigration der evangelischen Untertanen aus den österreichischen Erblanden nach SiebenbĂŒrgen unter der Regentschaft Kaiser Karls VI. auseinander. Im Besonderen wird untersucht, in welcher Weise das Corpus Evangelicorum den GlaubensbrĂŒdern durch seine Interventionen Hilfestellung geben und deren Situation verĂ€ndern oder verbessern konnte. Große Teile des Archivs des Corpus Evangelicorum befinden sich im Bestand des SĂ€chsischen Staatsarchivs in Dresden, das dieser Untersuchung zugrunde gelegt wurde. Eine Darstellung der rechtlichen Entwicklung seit der Reformation mit den Bestimmungen des Augsburger Religionsfriedens und des WestfĂ€lischen Friedens war fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis erforderlich; insbesondere sollte aber auch gezeigt werden, welche Teile der Vertragswerke in den Erblanden tatsĂ€chlich Geltung hatten. Weiters wurde die Stellung des Corpus Evangelicorum in der Regierungszeit Karls VI. untersucht. Bis 1730 konnten die Evangelischen unter den ĂŒblichen Auflagen ohne besondere BeschrĂ€nkungen in das Land ihrer Wahl emigrieren. Nach der Vertreibung der Salzburger Protestanten 1731/32 verĂ€nderte sich die Sachlage schlagartig. In den angrenzenden Gebieten des Salzkammergutes bekannten sich immer mehr Untertanen öffentlich zum evangelischen Glauben und wollten das Land verlassen. Um einen Exodus großer Bevölkerungsteile zu verhindern, machte der Kaiser zunĂ€chst ZugestĂ€ndnisse. Die AnfĂŒhrer wurden als RĂ€delsfĂŒhrer gebrandmarkt. Da man keine Untertanen verlieren wollte, wurden sie innerhalb des eigenen Herrschaftsbereiches nach SiebenbĂŒrgen, einem dĂŒnn besiedeltes Land, in welchem der evangelische Glaube gemĂ€ĂŸ Leopoldinischem Diplom geduldet war, transmigriert. Das Corpus Evangelicorum sandte in den Jahren 1733, 1734 und 1735 Interzessions-Schreiben an den Kaiser, die aber von diesem nicht beantwortet wurden, sie blieben ohne Erfolg. Nach 1737 erfolgten unter Karl VI. keine Transmigrationen mehr. Unter Maria Theresia wurden nach 1752 die Deportationen wieder aufgenommen. Die Maßnahmen wurden wesentlich verschĂ€rft und konsequent durchgefĂŒhrt. Das Corpus Evangelicorum verfasste in den Jahren 1753 und 1754 Interzessions-Schreiben. Im Gegensatz zu ihrem Vater beantwortete Maria Theresia diese Schreiben sehr ausfĂŒhrlich und ging auf das Vorbringen im Detail ein. Das Corpus Evangelicorum richtete aber ĂŒberdies Interventionsschreiben an die Generalstaaten und die evangelischen Kantone in der Schweiz.This paper addresses the legal prerequisites for the forced migration of Protestant subjects from the Austrian Erblande (hereditary territories) to Transylvania under the reign of Emperor Karl VI. In particular, it investigates how the interventions of the Corpus Evangelicorum were in a position to assist its brothers in faith so as to change or improve their situation. This study is based on material from the archives of the Corpus Evangelicorum, a great deal of which is held by the SĂ€chsische Staatsarchiv in Dresden. For better comprehension of the subject matter, it was necessary to first describe the legal developments that had taken place since the Reformation, including the provisions of the Religious Peace of Augsburg and the Peace of Westphalia; in particular, it was necessary to point out those parts of the legal framework that were actually in force in the Erblande. In addition, an analysis was made of the position of the Corpus Evangelicorum during the reign of Karl VI. Until 1730, Protestants were free to emigrate to their country of choice under prevailing conditions and without major limitations. The situation changed abruptly after the banishment of the Salzburg Protestants in 1731/32. A growing number of subjects in adjacent areas of the Salzkammergut region publicly confessed to the Protestant faith and wanted to leave the country. To prevent an exodus of major proportion, the Emperor’s response was accommodating at first. However, realising that all measures were in vain, the leaders were captured. They were denounced as leaders of the riots. In an effort not to lose any subjects, they were forced to migrate within the home territory, to Transylvania, a sparsely populated land where the Protestant faith was tolerated under the Leopoldinische Diplom. The present study also makes reference to the different treatment of migrants from the Salzkammergut region and from the province of Carinthia. In 1733, 1734 and 1735, respectively, the Corpus Evangelicorum dispatched letters of intercession to the Emperor, who never responded; hence they never rendered any result. After 1737, no further forced migration took place under Karl VI. After 1752, deportations were consistently resumed under Maria Theresia, with much greater impact. In 1753 and 1754, the Corpus Evangelicorum prepared several letters of intercession. Unlike her father, Maria Theresia responded to these letters and requests in great detail. Moreover, the Corpus Evangelicorum also addressed letters of intervention to the Generalstaaten and to the Protestant cantons in Switzerland

    Constructing and Representing Territory in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe

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    In recent political and constitutional history, scholars seldom specify how and why they use the concept of territory. In research on state formation processes and nation building, for instance, the term mostly designates an enclosed geographical area ruled by a central government. Inspired by ideas from political geographers, this book explores the layered and constantly changing meanings of territory in late medieval and early modern Europe before cartography and state formation turned boundaries and territories into more fixed (but still changeable) geographical entities. Its central thesis is that analysing the notion of territory in a premodern setting involves analysing territorial practices: practices that relate people and power to space(s). The book not only examines the construction and spatial structure of premodern territories but also explores their perception and representation through the use of a broad range of sources: from administrative texts to maps, from stained glass windows to chronicles

    Constructing and Representing Territory in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe

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    In recent political and constitutional history, scholars seldom specify how and why they use the concept of territory. In research on state formation processes and nation building, for instance, the term mostly designates an enclosed geographical area ruled by a central government. Inspired by ideas from political geographers, this book explores the layered and constantly changing meanings of territory in late medieval and early modern Europe before cartography and state formation turned boundaries and territories into more fixed (but still changeable) geographical entities. Its central thesis is that analysing the notion of territory in a premodern setting involves analysing territorial practices: practices that relate people and power to space(s). The book not only examines the construction and spatial structure of premodern territories but also explores their perception and representation through the use of a broad range of sources: from administrative texts to maps, from stained glass windows to chronicles

    Brigitte Maria WĂŒbbeke, Das MilitĂ€rwesen der Stadt Köln im 15. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart 1991

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