87,446 research outputs found

    Brecht - Galileo

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    This is the age of doubt, says Brecht's Galileo, the 17th century scientist. "It ain't necessarily so," says Gershwin's Sportin' Life of the 1930ies. "De t'ings dat yo li'ble / to read in de Bible / it ain't necessarily so. / Now I takes dat gospel / whenever it's pos'ble / but wid a grain of salt.

    Hanns Eisler: companheiro musical de Brecht

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    This paper portrays the composer Hanns Eisler, whose music accompanies numerous plays by Bertolt Brecht, in the light of statements made by Eisler himself, as well as by Arnold Schoenberg and Bertolt Brecht. Eisler, who introduced a new political awareness into music – Brecht used the term Misuk instead of Musik –, would have completed 100 years in 1998.Dieser Artikel porträtiert den Komponisten Hanns Eisler, dessen Musik zahlreiche Stücke von Bertolt Brecht begleitet, anhand von Äußerungen von Eisler selbst sowie von Arnold Schoenberg und Bertolt Brecht. Eisler, der ein neues politisches Bewusstsein in die Musik einführte – Brecht sprach von Misuk im Gegensatz zu Musik – wäre 1998 100 Jahre alt geworden

    Die IV. Brecht´schen Lesungen vom 10. bis 12. Februar in Zhytomyr (Ukraine)

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    Der Artikel schildert kurz die Thematik der Vorträge während der IV. Brecht´schen Lesungen – Der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenz „Bertolt Brecht und seine Zeit, unsere Zeit und Bertolt Brecht“ sowie die Hauptrichtungen der Diskussionen während des philologischen Seminars von Herrn Dr. Erdmut Wizisla. Es wird auch die erste Nummer des Brecht-Hefts präsentier

    Brecht by Formosa. Between effective staging and poetic conciseness

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    Per esbrinar a quins aspectes de Bertolt Brecht donà més importància el seu principal traductor al català, Feliu Formosa, que també muntà la primera representació d’una obra de Brecht a Catalunya, aquest article tracta de les teories de Brecht tal com Formosa les va assimilar i del pes que tingueren en la pràctica i en l’evolució del teatre independent. S’hi repassaran les obres de teatre de Brecht traduïdes per Formosa, tant per a la representació com per a la publicació, i també de la seua poesia. Quasi des de l’inici, Formosa treballava amb textos dramàtics i poètics de l’autor alemany, alhora que s’impregnava de les seues teories. El Brecht que Formosa ha incorporat a la cultura catalana és un autor multifacètic que combina perfectament l’eficàcia escènica i la concisió poètica per a fer-ne una arma al servei d’uns objectius de caràcter social i polític.This article deals with the dramatic theory of Bertolt Brecht and his reception by Feliu Formosa, who is the main Catalan translator of Brecht, and staged the first performance of a work by Brecht in Catalonia. The paper also analyses the influence of Brecht’s theories on the so-called “independent theatre”, and reviews Brecht’s plays as well as his poetry, both translated by Formosa. The analysis shows that the Brecht brought in the Catalan culture by Formosa is a multifaceted author who perfectly combines scenic efficacy and poetic conciseness to turn them into a weapon at the service of social and political objectives

    Brecht on Brecht

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    An interpretation of Bertold Brecht, Don\u27t write that you admire me! Write that I was an uncomfortable person, and that I intend to remain so after my death. Even then there are certain possibilities. April, 1971.https://collected.jcu.edu/plays/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Levels of discontinuity, limit-computability, and jump operators

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    We develop a general theory of jump operators, which is intended to provide an abstraction of the notion of "limit-computability" on represented spaces. Jump operators also provide a framework with a strong categorical flavor for investigating degrees of discontinuity of functions and hierarchies of sets on represented spaces. We will provide a thorough investigation within this framework of a hierarchy of Δ20\Delta^0_2-measurable functions between arbitrary countably based T0T_0-spaces, which captures the notion of computing with ordinal mind-change bounds. Our abstract approach not only raises new questions but also sheds new light on previous results. For example, we introduce a notion of "higher order" descriptive set theoretical objects, we generalize a recent characterization of the computability theoretic notion of "lowness" in terms of adjoint functors, and we show that our framework encompasses ordinal quantifications of the non-constructiveness of Hilbert's finite basis theorem

    The Grizzly, October 8, 1997

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    Teachers Honored • Gutwirth Lectures on Femininity • Job Help Available • Brecht on Brecht Performance • Students Harassed by Construction Workers • Opinion: Ursinus, Sometimes it Ursuckus • Another Successful Ursinus Family Day • Professors Perform Sweet Suite • Daneen on Brecht on Brecht • Kelly Foster Key to Field Hockey\u27s Success • XC Teams Fare Well at Messiah Invitational • Helpful Homecoming Hintshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1406/thumbnail.jp

    A generalization of a theorem of Hurewicz for quasi-Polish spaces

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    We identify four countable topological spaces S2S_2, S1S_1, SDS_D, and S0S_0 which serve as canonical examples of topological spaces which fail to be quasi-Polish. These four spaces respectively correspond to the T2T_2, T1T_1, TDT_D, and T0T_0-separation axioms. S2S_2 is the space of rationals, S1S_1 is the natural numbers with the cofinite topology, SDS_D is an infinite chain without a top element, and S0S_0 is the set of finite sequences of natural numbers with the lower topology induced by the prefix ordering. Our main result is a generalization of Hurewicz's theorem showing that a co-analytic subset of a quasi-Polish space is either quasi-Polish or else contains a countable Π20\Pi^0_2-subset homeomorphic to one of these four spaces