349 research outputs found

    Multi-function power electronic interface for hybrid mini-grid systems

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    In the past five years, global interest regarding the development of renewable energy technologies has significantly increased. The conventional electric power generation methods sourced from fossil fuels is now problematic, from both the supply and emission points of view. Fossil fuels are non-renewable limited resources that have taken millions of years to form; eventually they will be exhausted and the current cost of automotive fuel is evidence of them becoming diminished. The carbon dioxide emissions created through the energy conversion process are causing an increase in the overall atmospheric concentrations, which through global warming may have serious consequences for humanity.Natural sources of energy production can be derived from the Sun through the use of solar and wind generation methods. Converting these sources to electricity requires the technology of power electronics, the central area of research for this dissertation. Solar energy can most easily be harnessed through the photo-electric effect which creates DC electricity. However, the majority of electric loads and transmission require AC electricity. The inverter is the electronic device required for this power conversion. Wind turbines usually create variable voltage and frequency AC that is rectified to DC and then converted to grid type AC through an inverter.Voltage source inverters, their topologies and control are investigated within this dissertation. Voltage control methods are adopted for both stand-alone and grid connected techniques where control of active and reactive power is required. Current control techniques in the form of PI and hysteresis are applied to allow novel interfaces between generation sources to be achieved. Accurate control of the power electronics allows an enhancement in the power production from the renewable energy source. The power electronic device of the DC-DC converter, either buck or boost is controlled to allow the renewable resource to operate at its optimum power point. The control aspects and algorithms of these converters are central to this research. The solar algorithms of perturb and observe, and incremental conductance are developed with the latter being more favourable to changing levels of irradiation. The author draws a parallel between rapidly changing solar conditions with normally changing wind states. This analogy with an understanding of the mechanics of PMSG allows a novel wind MPPT algorithm to be developed which is simulated in PSIM. Methods to analyse the usefulness of the algorithm are developed and general conclusions are drawn.Another aim central to the research is the efficient combination of renewable energy sources into a single reliable power system. This forms the multi-function aspect of the research. The interconnection of the sources on the AC or DC sides is investigated for both stand-alone and grid connected topologies. A requirement of the stand-alone system is to provide power when no renewable resources are available causing some form of energy storage to be utilised. Conventional batteries are used, causing the VC-VSI to become bi-directional allowing charging. This is simulated in PSIM and demonstrated as part of the Denmark and Eco Beach projects. Many differing topologies of stand alone, grid connected and edge of grid systems are developed, simulated and some are demonstrated.While investigating the currently used topologies the author invents the novel complimentary hybrid system concept. This idea allows a single inverter to be used to feed energy from either the wind or solar resource. With careful engineering of the PV array and wind turbine characteristics only a small loss of energy is caused, deemed the crossover loss. This original concept is mathematically modelled, simulated and demonstrated with results presented from the Denmark project. The strength of this idea is from the quite complimentary nature of wind and solar resources, for only a small proportion of the year are high solar and strong wind conditions occurring simultaneously.Compared to a solar resource, the wind resource is much more complicated to model. An analysis of readily available wind source data is presented with a statistical analysis of the scaling methods; a novel box and whiskers plot is used to convey this information. New software is presented to allow a more accurate and digital model of a power curve to be recreated, allowing a more precise annual energy generation calculation. For various wind turbines a capacity factor analysis is presented with its disadvantages explained. To overcome these issues the concepts of economic efficiency and conversion efficiency are explained. These prevent some of the typical methods to enhance the standard capacity factor expression. The combination of these three methods allows selection of the most suitable wind turbine for a site.The concept of a mini-grid is an isolated power generation and distribution system, which can have its renewable energy sources, centralised or decentralised. The methods used to coalesce conventional generation with renewable energy technology forms another key piece of this research. A design methodology for the development of a hybrid power system is created with examples used from projects attributed to the author. The harmonising of the renewable energy sources with the conventional generation while providing a stable and robust grid is explained in detail with respect to the generator loading and control. The careful control of the renewable resource output is shown to allow a greater overall penetration of renewable energy into the network while continuing network stability. The concept of frequency shift control is presented, simulated and demonstrated with reference to the Eco Beach project. This project epitomises much of the research that has been presented in this dissertation. It combines centralised and decentralised inverters, with battery storage and the control of diesel generators. An overall controller dictates the optimum times to charge or draw from the battery based upon the local environmental and time of day variables. Finally, the monitoring aspects of this project are representative of a future smart grid where loads may be shed on demand through under frequency or direct control


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    This excellent book represents the final part of three-volumes regarding MATLAB-based applications in almost every branch of science. The book consists of 19 excellent, insightful articles and the readers will find the results very useful to their work. In particular, the book consists of three parts, the first one is devoted to mathematical methods in the applied sciences by using MATLAB, the second is devoted to MATLAB applications of general interest and the third one discusses MATLAB for educational purposes. This collection of high quality articles, refers to a large range of professional fields and can be used for science as well as for various educational purposes

    An integrated circuit/microsystem/nano-enhanced four species radiation sensor for inexpensive fissionable material detection

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    Small scale radiation detectors sensitive to alpha, beta, electromagnetic, neutron radiation are needed to combat the threat of nuclear terrorism and maintain national security. There are many types of radiation detectors on the market, and the type of detector chosen is usually determined by the type of particle to be detected. In the case of fissionable material, an ideal detector needs to detect all four types of radiation, which is not the focus of many detectors. For fissionable materials, the two main types of radiation that must be detected are gamma rays and neutrons. Our detector uses a glass or quartz scintillator doped with 10B nanoparticles to detect all four types of radiation particles. Boron-10 has a thermal neutron cross section of 3,840 barns. The interaction between the neutron and boron results in a secondary charge particle in the form of an alpha particle to be emitted, which is detectable by the scintillator. Radiation impinging on the scintillator matrix produces varying optical pulses dependent on the energy of the particles. The optical pulses are then detected by a photomultiplier (PM) tube, creating a current proportional to the energy of the particle. Current pulses from the PM tube are differentiated by on-chip pulse height spectroscopy, allowing for source discrimination. The pulse height circuitry has been fabricated with discrete circuits and designed into an integrated circuit package. The ability to replace traditional PM tubes with a smaller, less expensive photomultiplier will further reduce the size of the device and enhance the cost effectiveness and portability of the detector

    Nonlinear dynamic modeling and analysis of self-oscillating H-bridge parallel resonant converter under zero current switching control: unveiling coexistence of attractors

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    This paper deals with the global dynamical analysis of an H-bridge parallel resonant converter under a zero current switching control. Due to the discontinuity of the vector field in this system, sliding dynamics may take place. Here, the sliding set is found to be an escaping region. Different tools are combined for studying the stability of oscillations of the system. The desired crossing limit cycles are computed by solving their initial value problem and their stability analysis is performed using Floquet theory. The resulting monodromy matrix reveals that these cycles are created according to a smooth cyclic-fold bifurcation. Under parameter variation, an unstable symmetric crossing limit cycle undergoes a crossing-sliding bifurcation leading to the creation of a symmetric unstable sliding limit cycle. Finally, this limit cycle undergoes a double homoclinic connection giving rise to two different unstable asymmetric sliding limit cycles. The analysis is performed using a piecewise-smooth dynamical model of a Filippov type. Sliding limit cycles divide the state plane in three basins of attraction, and hence, different steady-state solutions may coexist which may lead the system to start-up problems. Numerical simulations corroborate the theoretical predictions, which have been experimentally validated.Postprint (author's final draft

    Nanowire Transistors and RF Circuits for Low-Power Applications

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    The background of this thesis is related to the steadily increasing demand of higher bandwidth and lower power consumption for transmitting data. The work aims at demonstrating how new types of structures, at the nanoscale, combined with what is referred to as exotic materials, can help benefit in electronics by lowering the consumed power, possibly by an order of magnitude, compared to the industry standard, silicon (Si), used today. Nanowires are semiconductor rods, with two dimensions at the nanoscale, which can be either grown with a bottom-up technique, or etched out with a top-down approach. The research interest concerning nanowires has gradually increasing for over two decades. Today, few have doubts that nanowires represent an attractive alternative, as scaling of planar structures has reached fundamental limits. With the enhanced electrostatics of a surrounding gate, nanowires offer the possibility of continued miniaturization, giving semiconductors a prolonged window of performance improvements. As a material choice, compound semiconductors with elements from group III and V (III-Vs), such as indium arsenide (InAs), have the possibility to dramatically decrease power consumption. The reason is the inherent electron transport properties of III-Vs, where an electron can travel, in the order of, 10 times faster than in Si. In the projected future, inclusion of III-Vs, as an extension to the Si-CMOS platform, seems almost inevitable, with many of the largest electronics manufacturing companies showing great interest. To investigate the technology potential, we have fabricated InAs nanowire metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (NW-FETs). The performance has been evaluated measuring both RF and DC characteristics. The best devices show a transconductance of 1.36 mS/µm (a device with a single nanowire, normalized to the nanowire circumference) and a maximum unilateral power gain at 57 GHz (for a device with several parallel nanowires), both values at a drive voltage of 0.5 V. The performance metrics are found to be limited by the capacitive load of the contact pads as well as the resistance in the non-gated segments of the nanowires. Using computer models, we have also been able to extract intrinsic transport properties, quantifying the velocity of charge carrier injection, which is the limiting property of semi-ballistic and ballistic devices. The value for our 45-nm-in-diameter nanowires, with 200 nm channel length, is determined to 1.7∙107 cm/s, comparable to other state-of-the-art devices at the same channel length. To demonstrate a higher level of functionality, we have connected several NW-FETs in a circuit. The fabricated circuit is a single balanced differential direct conversion mixer and is composed of three stages; transconductance, mixing, and transimpedance. The basic idea of the mixer circuit is that an information signal can either be extracted from or inserted into a carrier wave at a higher frequency than the information wave itself. It is the relative size of the first and the third stage that accounts for the circuit conversion gain. Measured circuits show a voltage conversion gain of 6 dB and a 3-dB bandwidth of 2 GHz. A conversion mixer is a vital component when building a transceiver, like those found in a cellphone and any other type of radio signal transmitting device. For all types of signals, noise imposes a fundamental limitation on the minimal, distinguishable amplitude. As transistors are scaled down, fewer carriers are involved in charge transport, and the impact of frequency dependent low-frequency noise gets relatively larger. Aiming towards low power applications, it is thus of importance to minimize the amount of transistor generated noise. Included in the thesis are studies of the level and origin of low-frequency 1/f-noise generated in NW-FETs. The measured noise spectral density is comparable to other non-planar devices, including those fabricated in Si. The data suggest that the level of generated noise can be substantially lowered by improving the high-k dielectric film quality and the channel interface. One significant discovery is that the part of the noise originating from the bulk nanowire, identified as mobility fluctuations, is comparably much lower than the measured noise level related to the nanowire surface. This result is promising as mobility fluctuations set the lower limit of what is achievable within a material system

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multi-agent systems have been brought up and used in several application domains

    Analysis and control of nonlinear phenomena in electrical drives

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    PhD ThesisElectrical motors are key to the growth of any modern society. In order to ensure optimal utilisation of the motors, the shaft speed and armature current must be controlled. Currently, the most efficient way of achieving both speed and current control in electrical motors is through power electronic switching, thus making the system both nonlinear and time varying. The combination of electric motors and control electronics is referred to as electric drives. Due to the inherent nonlinear nature of electrical drives, the system is prone to complex dynamical phenomena including bifurcations, chaos, co-existing attractors and fractal basin boundaries. The types of nonlinear phenomena that occur in some of the more common electrical drive systems, namely permanent magnet dc (PMDC) drives, series connected dc (SCDC) drives and switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives, are considered for analysis in this project. The nominal steady state behaviour of these drives is a periodic orbit with a mean value close to the reference value. But as some system parameters are being varied, the nominal orbit of the system referred to as the period-1 orbit, may lose its stability leading to the birth of new attracting orbit that is periodic, quasi-periodic or chaotic in nature. The most common technique for performing stability analysis of a periodic orbit is the Poincaré map approach, which has been successfully applied in DC-DC converters. This method involves reducing the continuous time dynamical system into a discrete time nonlinear iterative map and the periodic orbit into a fixed point. The stability of the periodic orbit then depends on the eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix of the map evaluated at the fixed point. However, for some power electronic based system the nonlinear map cannot be derived in closed form due to the transcendental nature of the equation involved. In this project, the recently introduced Monodromy matrix approach is employed for the stability analysis of the periodic orbit in electrical drives. This method is based on Filippov’s method of differential inclusion and has been successfully applied in the stability analysis of periodic orbits in both low order and higher order DC-DC converters. This represents the first application of the technique in electrical drives. The Monodromy matrix approach involves computing the State Transition Matrix (STM) of the system around the nominal orbit including the STM at the switching manifold (sometimes referred to as the Saltation matrix). Also, by manipulating some of the parameters in the Saltation matrix, it is possible to control the instabilities and thus extend the system parameter range for nominal period-1 operation. The experimental validation of the nonlinear phenomena in a proportional integral (PI) controlled PMDC drive, which is absent in literature, is presented in this thesis. The system was implemented using dsPIC30F3010 which is a low cost and high performance digital signal controller.Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) of Nigeri
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