38 research outputs found

    Parsing coordinations

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    The present paper is concerned with statistical parsing of constituent structures in German. The paper presents four experiments that aim at improving parsing performance of coordinate structure: 1) reranking the n-best parses of a PCFG parser, 2) enriching the input to a PCFG parser by gold scopes for any conjunct, 3) reranking the parser output for all possible scopes for conjuncts that are permissible with regard to clause structure. Experiment 4 reranks a combination of parses from experiments 1 and 3. The experiments presented show that n- best parsing combined with reranking improves results by a large margin. Providing the parser with different scope possibilities and reranking the resulting parses results in an increase in F-score from 69.76 for the baseline to 74.69. While the F-score is similar to the one of the first experiment (n-best parsing and reranking), the first experiment results in higher recall (75.48% vs. 73.69%) and the third one in higher precision (75.43% vs. 73.26%). Combining the two methods results in the best result with an F-score of 76.69

    Parse reranking with WordNet using a hidden variable model

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-80).We present a new parse reranking algorithm that extends work in (Michael Collins and Terry Koo 2004) by incorporating WordNet (Miller et al. 1993) word senses. Instead of attempting explicit word sense disambiguation, we retain word sense ambiguity in a hidden variable model. We define a probability distribution over candidate parses and word sense assignments with a feature-based log-linear model, and we employ belief propagation to obtain an efficient implementation. Our main results are a relative improvement of [approximately] 0.97% over the baseline parser in development testing, which translated into a [approximately] 0.5% improvement in final testing. We also performed experiments in which our reranker was appended to the (Michael Collins and Terry Koo 2004) boosting reranker. The cascaded system achieved a development set improvement of [approximately] 0.15% over the boosting reranker by itself, but this gain did not carry over into final testing.by Terry Koo.M.Eng

    Structured lexical similarity via convolution Kernels on dependency trees

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    A central topic in natural language process-ing is the design of lexical and syntactic fea-tures suitable for the target application. In this paper, we study convolution dependency tree kernels for automatic engineering of syntactic and semantic patterns exploiting lexical simi-larities. We define efficient and powerful ker-nels for measuring the similarity between de-pendency structures, whose surface forms of the lexical nodes are in part or completely dif-ferent. The experiments with such kernels for question classification show an unprecedented results, e.g. 41 % of error reduction of the for-mer state-of-the-art. Additionally, semantic role classification confirms the benefit of se-mantic smoothing for dependency kernels.

    Syntax-based machine translation using dependency grammars and discriminative machine learning

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    Machine translation underwent huge improvements since the groundbreaking introduction of statistical methods in the early 2000s, going from very domain-specific systems that still performed relatively poorly despite the painstakingly crafting of thousands of ad-hoc rules, to general-purpose systems automatically trained on large collections of bilingual texts which manage to deliver understandable translations that convey the general meaning of the original input. These approaches however still perform quite below the level of human translators, typically failing to convey detailed meaning and register, and producing translations that, while readable, are often ungrammatical and unidiomatic. This quality gap, which is considerably large compared to most other natural language processing tasks, has been the focus of the research in recent years, with the development of increasingly sophisticated models that attempt to exploit the syntactical structure of human languages, leveraging the technology of statistical parsers, as well as advanced machine learning methods such as marging-based structured prediction algorithms and neural networks. The translation software itself became more complex in order to accommodate for the sophistication of these advanced models: the main translation engine (the decoder) is now often combined with a pre-processor which reorders the words of the source sentences to a target language word order, or with a post-processor that ranks and selects a translation according according to fine model from a list of candidate translations generated by a coarse model. In this thesis we investigate the statistical machine translation problem from various angles, focusing on translation from non-analytic languages whose syntax is best described by fluid non-projective dependency grammars rather than the relatively strict phrase-structure grammars or projectivedependency grammars which are most commonly used in the literature. We propose a framework for modeling word reordering phenomena between language pairs as transitions on non-projective source dependency parse graphs. We quantitatively characterize reordering phenomena for the German-to-English language pair as captured by this framework, specifically investigating the incidence and effects of the non-projectivity of source syntax and the non-locality of word movement w.r.t. the graph structure. We evaluated several variants of hand-coded pre-ordering rules in order to assess the impact of these phenomena on translation quality. We propose a class of dependency-based source pre-ordering approaches that reorder sentences based on a flexible models trained by SVMs and and several recurrent neural network architectures. We also propose a class of translation reranking models, both syntax-free and source dependency-based, which make use of a type of neural networks known as graph echo state networks which is highly flexible and requires extremely little training resources, overcoming one of the main limitations of neural network models for natural language processing tasks

    Discriminative Reranking for Spoken Language Understanding

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    Modelling input texts: from Tree Kernels to Deep Learning

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    One of the core questions when designing modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems is how to model input textual data such that the learning algorithm is provided with enough information to estimate accurate decision functions. The mainstream approach is to represent input objects as feature vectors where each value encodes some of their aspects, e.g., syntax, semantics, etc. Feature-based methods have demonstrated state-of-the-art results on various NLP tasks. However, designing good features is a highly empirical-driven process, it greatly depends on a task requiring a significant amount of domain expertise. Moreover, extracting features for complex NLP tasks often requires expensive pre-processing steps running a large number of linguistic tools while relying on external knowledge sources that are often not available or hard to get. Hence, this process is not cheap and often constitutes one of the major challenges when attempting a new task or adapting to a different language or domain. The problem of modelling input objects is even more acute in cases when the input examples are not just single objects but pairs of objects, such as in various learning to rank problems in Information Retrieval and Natural Language processing. An alternative to feature-based methods is using kernels which are essentially non-linear functions mapping input examples into some high dimensional space thus allowing for learning decision functions with higher discriminative power. Kernels implicitly generate a very large number of features computing similarity between input examples in that implicit space. A well-designed kernel function can greatly reduce the effort to design a large set of manually designed features often leading to superior results. However, in the recent years, the use of kernel methods in NLP has been greatly under-estimated primarily due to the following reasons: (i) learning with kernels is slow as it requires to carry out optimization in the dual space leading to quadratic complexity; (ii) applying kernels to the input objects encoded with vanilla structures, e.g., generated by syntactic parsers, often yields minor improvements over carefully designed feature-based methods. In this thesis, we adopt the kernel learning approach for solving complex NLP tasks and primarily focus on solutions to the aforementioned problems posed by the use of kernels. In particular, we design novel learning algorithms for training Support Vector Machines with structural kernels, e.g., tree kernels, considerably speeding up the training over the conventional SVM training methods. We show that using the training algorithms developed in this thesis allows for training tree kernel models on large-scale datasets containing millions of instances, which was not possible before. Next, we focus on the problem of designing input structures that are fed to tree kernel functions to automatically generate a large set of tree-fragment features. We demonstrate that previously used plain structures generated by syntactic parsers, e.g., syntactic or dependency trees, are often a poor choice thus compromising the expressivity offered by a tree kernel learning framework. We propose several effective design patterns of the input tree structures for various NLP tasks ranging from sentiment analysis to answer passage reranking. The central idea is to inject additional semantic information relevant for the task directly into the tree nodes and let the expressive kernels generate rich feature spaces. For the opinion mining tasks, the additional semantic information injected into tree nodes can be word polarity labels, while for more complex tasks of modelling text pairs the relational information about overlapping words in a pair appears to significantly improve the accuracy of the resulting models. Finally, we observe that both feature-based and kernel methods typically treat words as atomic units where matching different yet semantically similar words is problematic. Conversely, the idea of distributional approaches to model words as vectors is much more effective in establishing a semantic match between words and phrases. While tree kernel functions do allow for a more flexible matching between phrases and sentences through matching their syntactic contexts, their representation can not be tuned on the training set as it is possible with distributional approaches. Recently, deep learning approaches have been applied to generalize the distributional word matching problem to matching sentences taking it one step further by learning the optimal sentence representations for a given task. Deep neural networks have already claimed state-of-the-art performance in many computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language tasks. Following this trend, this thesis also explores the virtue of deep learning architectures for modelling input texts and text pairs where we build on some of the ideas to model input objects proposed within the tree kernel learning framework. In particular, we explore the idea of relational linking (proposed in the preceding chapters to encode text pairs using linguistic tree structures) to design a state-of-the-art deep learning architecture for modelling text pairs. We compare the proposed deep learning models that require even less manual intervention in the feature design process then previously described tree kernel methods that already offer a very good trade-off between the feature-engineering effort and the expressivity of the resulting representation. Our deep learning models demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance on a recent benchmark for Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Answer Sentence Selection and Microblog retrieval

    Kernel engineering on parse trees

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    Phrase extraction and rescoring in statistical machine translation

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    The lack of linguistically motivated translation units or phrase pairs in Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT) systems is a well-known source of error. One approach to minimise such errors is to supplement the standard PB-SMT models with phrase pairs extracted from parallel treebanks (linguistically annotated and aligned corpora). In this thesis, we extend the treebank-based phrase extraction framework with percolated dependencies – a hitherto unutilised knowledge source – and evaluate its usability through more than a dozen syntax-aware phrase extraction models. However, the improvement in system performance is neither consistent nor conclusive despite the proven advantages of linguistically motivated phrase pairs. This leads us to hypothesize that the PB-SMT pipeline is flawed as it often fails to access perfectly good phrase-pairs while searching for the highest scoring translation (decoding). A model error occurs when the highest-probability translation (actual output of a PB-SMT system) according to a statistical machine translation model is not the most accurate translation it can produce. In the second part of this thesis, we identify and attempt to trace these model errors across state-of-the-art PB-SMT decoders by locating the position of oracle translations (the translation most similar to a reference translation or expected output of a PB-SMT system) in the n-best lists generated by a PB-SMT decoder. We analyse the impact of individual decoding features on the quality of translation output and introduce two rescoring algorithms to minimise the lower ranking of oracles in the n-best lists. Finally, we extend our oracle-based rescoring approach to a reranking framework by rescoring the n-best lists with additional reranking features. We observe limited but optimistic success and conclude by speculating on how our oracle-based rescoring of n-best lists can help the PB-SMT system (supplemented with multiple treebank-based phrase extractions) get optimal performance out of linguistically motivated phrase pairs