7,467 research outputs found

    La Bohème, April 19, 2007

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    This is the concert program of the La Bohème performances on Thursday - Sunday, April 19 - 22, 2007 at 8:00 p.m., at the Boston University Theater, 264 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. The work performed was La Bohème by Giacomo Puccini. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Center for the Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    The Puccini Code

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    Written in the style of novelist Dan Brown and using actual quotations from Puccini’s letters and other documents, the author creates the characters Prof. Segugio and her assistant Christie Hunter who explore Puccini’s compositional practices in the unfinished opera Turandot. They work toward solving the riddles of Puccini’s technique – parallel constructions, abrupt changes in texture and style, a sense of tonal coherence in polytonal or atonal settings – by reading contemporary and modern critics and by closely examining the scores. Prof. Segugio ultimately sorts Puccini’s unusual techniques into two compositional types: direct and indirect conflation, two forms of layering that combine to create a score with a diatonic basis be- neath modernistic elements. Documentary evidence supporting these conclusions is found in an unpublished note by the composer, at Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book Library, and in a rare sketch for Turandot’s finale with written indications by the composer

    La Boheme

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    One of the most popular and beloved operas of all time, La Bohème was composed in December 1895 by Giacomo Puccini. He became interested in the Scènes de Ia vie de Bohème, a novel by Henri Murger in the winter of 1892-3, before the premiere of Manon Lescaut. His intention to base an opera on Murger\u27s novel involved him in controversy with Leoncavallo, who claimed precedence on the novel in 1893 in his publisher\u27s periodical, II secolo. Leoncavallo asserted that he already had artists in mind and that this fact was well known by Puccini. This assertion was quickly rebutted by Puccini, writing the next day to II carriere della sera. His letter stated that he welcomed the chance to compete with his rival while allowing the public to judge the better composer

    Library News, Fall 2010

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    Academic Gateway, Winter 2011

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    La Bohème

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    De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Empresa Juan A. PamiasÒpera de Giacomo Puccini amb llibret de Giuseppe Giacosa i Luigi Illic

    Opera II Scenes Program, December 5, 1997

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    This is the concert program of the Opera II Scenes Program performance on Friday, December 5, 1997 at 6:00 p.m., at Room 171, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Scenes performed were from Così fan tutte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Der Rosenkavalier by Richard Strauss, L'elisir d'amore by Gaetano Donizetti, Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi, Werther by Jules Massenet, Les contes d'Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach, and La Bohème by Giacomo Puccini. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    La bohème

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    De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Empresa Juan A. PamiasÒpera de Ruggero Leoncavall

    Zur frage des vorkommens von rundscheiben in Böhmen

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    Las estelas discoideas de la región de Bohemia no son un grupo especialmente numeroso entre los monumentos de piedra, pero son interesantes. Aparecen en el territorio de la República de manera irregular, sobre todo concentrados en la Bohemia occidental. Una gran cantidad de estelas aparecen en los alrededores del antiguo monasterio cisterciense de Plasy. Esto hace pensar en la posibilidad de que los monjes del Císter llevaran con ellos, desde Francia a la Bohemia, el modelo de estela discoidea. Estos monumentos habrían proseguido su evolución en Bohemia. Mientras que las estelas discoideas, en España y Francia, hacen sobre todo una función de lápidas, también en Bohemia aparecen de forma aislada, a lo largo de los caminos, en los campos y en los bosques. También sirven de cruz de salvación o cruz de conmemoración. Se erigen en lugares donde hubo una muerte accidental o violenta. Posiblemente las mayores dimensiones de estas estelas comparadas con las de la región pirenaica son debidas a su colocación en plena naturaleza. No hay en Bohemia más que un par de investigadores aficionados que se interesan en la búsqueda de estelas discoideas y de otros pequeños monumentos de piedraLes stèles dicoïdales de la région de Bohème ne forment sans doute pas un groupe particulièrement nombreux parmi les petits monuments de pierre mais il est d'autant plus intéressant. Leur répartion sur le territoire de la République est irrégulière, elle est concentrée dans l'espace de la Bohème occidentale. Une notable concentration de ces monuments se trouve aux environs de l'ancien monastère cistercien de Plasy. Ce fait amène à envisager la possibilité que les moines de Citeaux aient apporté avec eux, de leur patrie de France vers la Bohème, le modèle des stèles discoïdales. Ensuite cette sorte de monument aurait poursuivi son développement en Bohème. Alors que les stèles dicoïdales, en Espagne et en France, ont surtout fait fonction de pierres tombales, elles ont toujours été placées, en Bohème, de façon isolée, le long des chemins, dans les champs et dans les bois. Elles ont, avec la plus grande vraisemblance, servi de croix de sauveté ou croix de commémoration. Elles ont été érigées en des endroits où quelqu'un était décédé de mort violente ou par accident. A l'installation en pleine nature sont liées, vraisemblablement, les plus grandes dimensions que ces stèles de Bohème possédent à la difference de celles de la région Pyrénéenne. II n'y a en Bohème qu'une paire de chercheurs amateurs qui s'intéresse à la recherche des discoïdales et des autres petits monuments de pierre

    All crystal clear: 18th-century glass à la façon de Bohème from the cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine, Belgium

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    Excavations at the Cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine, located near Arlon in the south of Belgium, revealed an assemblage of 18th-century colorless glass. The morphology of the vessels and the engraved decoration suggest a central European origin or, at least, stylistic inspiration. The composition of the glass points to a recipe combining silica, lime, and potash: a colorless potash glass à la façon de Bohème. This article considers the technology, morphology, and origin of the vessels. The art-historical analysis is supported by chemical research (scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy [SEM-EDX]). The finds are also discussed in light of the emerging northwestern European glass industry, changing consumer practices during the 18th century, and their meaning for the inhabitants of the abbey
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