14 research outputs found

    Blind Separation of Surface Electromyographic Mixtures from Two Finger Extensor Muscles

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    International audienceBlind source separation (BSS) was performed to reduce the crosstalk in the surface electromyografic signals (SEMG) for the muscle force estimation applications. A convolutive mixture model was employed to separate the SEMG signals from two finger extensor muscles using a frequency-domain approach. It was assumed that the tension of each muscle varies independently and the independence of the SEMG was replaced by minimization of the covar-iance of muscle forces represented by integrated SEMG. This covariance was also used to resolve the permutation ambiguity inherent to the frequency-domain BSS. The forces estimated by the reconstructed sources were compared with the measured forces to calculate the crosstalk reduction efficiency. The proposed algorithm was shown to be more effective in frequency domain than an ICA algorithm for extensor muscles crosstalk reduction


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    The human hand is an excellent example of versatile architecture which can easily accomplish numerous tasks with very least effort possible. Researchers have been trying to analyze the complex architecture of the human hand. It is an unsolved mystery even today how Central Nervous System (CNS) controls the high degree of freedom (DoF) of the human hand. Investigators have put forth numerous theories which support movement planning both at higher and lower levels of the neural system as well as the bio mechanical system. This planning is hypothesized to happen in a reduced dimensionality space of tiny modules of movement called movement primitives often referred to as synergies. These synergies are physiologically significant in planning and control of movement.This dissertation presents time-varying kinematic synergies which linearly combine to generate the entire movement. The decomposition of these synergies becomes an exciting optimization problem and even more fascinating as it addresses two most important problems of motor control—coordination and dimensionality reduction. In this dissertation, a new model of convolutive mixtures for generation of joint movements is proposed. According to this model, an impulse originated in the higher-level neural system evokes the activation of some circuits in the lower-level neural system, then stimulates certain biomechanical structures, and eventually creates a stereotyped angular change at each finger-joint of the hand. Current model enabled greater access to existing blind source separation algorithms which reduce the computational complexity. First, kinematic synergies were extracted from a well known matrix factorization method, namely principal component analysis. By using the above kinematic synergies, a method to obtain temporal postural synergies is established. These temporal postural synergies were further used in the model of convolutive mixtures. An optimal selection of these temporal synergies which can reconstruct movements is then achieved by l1-minimization. The realization of the model by l1-minimization out performed the previous models which use steepest descent gradient methods. Synergies have received increased attention in the fields of robotics, human computer interface, telesurgery and rehabilitation. Improved performance and new computational model to decompose synergies presented here might enable them to be appropriate for real time applications

    Surface EMG decomposition using a novel approach for blind source separation

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    We introduce a new method to perform a blind deconvolution of the surface electromyogram (EMG) signals generated by isometric muscle contractions. The method extracts the information from the raw EMG signals detected only on the skin surface, enabling longtime noninvasive monitoring of the electromuscular properties. Its preliminary results show that surface EMG signals can be used to determine the number of active motor units, the motor unit firing rate and the shape of the average action potential in each motor unit

    Noninvasive methods for children\u27s cholesterol level determination

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    Today, there is a controversy about the role of cholesterol in infants and the measurement and management of blood cholesterol in children. Several scientific evidences are supporting relationship between elevated blood cholesterol in children and high cholesterol in adults and development of adult arteriosclerotic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Therefore controlling the level of blood cholesterol in children is very important for the health of the whole population. Non-invasive methods are much more convenient for the children because of their anxieties about blood examinations. In this paper we will present a new try to find non-invasive methods for determining the level of blood cholesterol in children with the use of intelligent system

    ICA and Sparse ICA for Biomedical Signals

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    Biomedical signs or bio signals are a wide range of signals obtained from the human body that can be at the cell organ or sub-atomic level Electromyogram refers to electrical activity from muscle sound signals electroencephalogram refers to electrical activity from the encephalon electrocardiogram refers to electrical activity from the heart electroretinogram refers to electrical activity from the eye and so on Monitoring and observing changes in these signals assist physicians whose work is related to this branch of medicine in covering predicting and curing various diseases It can also assist physicians in examining prognosticating and curing numerous condition

    Iterative issues of ICA, quality of separation and number of sources : a study for biosignal applications

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    This thesis has evaluated the use of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) on Surface Electromyography (sEMG), focusing on the biosignal applications. This research has identified and addressed the following four issues related to the use of ICA for biosignals: • The iterative nature of ICA • The order and magnitude ambiguity problems of ICA • Estimation of number of sources based on dependency and independency nature of the signals • Source separation for non-quadratic ICA (undercomplete and overcomplete) This research first establishes the applicability of ICA for sEMG and also identifies the shortcomings related to order and magnitude ambiguity. It has then developed, a mitigation strategy for these issues by using a single unmixing matrix and neural network weight matrix corresponding to the specific user. The research reports experimental verification of the technique and also the investigation of the impact of inter-subject and inter-experimental variations. The results demonstrate that while using sEMG without separation gives only 60% accuracy, and sEMG separated using traditional ICA gives an accuracy of 65%, this approach gives an accuracy of 99% for the same experimental data. Besides the marked improvement in accuracy, the other advantages of such a system are that it is suitable for real time operations and is easy to train by a lay user. The second part of this thesis reports research conducted to evaluate the use of ICA for the separation of bioelectric signals when the number of active sources may not be known. The work proposes the use of value of the determinant of the Global matrix generated using sparse sub band ICA for identifying the number of active sources. The results indicate that the technique is successful in identifying the number of active muscles for complex hand gestures. The results support the applications such as human computer interface. This thesis has also developed a method of determining the number of independent sources in a given mixture and has also demonstrated that using this information, it is possible to separate the signals in an undercomplete situation and reduce the redundancy in the data using standard ICA methods. The experimental verification has demonstrated that the quality of separation using this method is better than other techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and selective PCA. This has number of applications such as audio separation and sensor networks

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    Efficient Blind Source Separation Algorithms with Applications in Speech and Biomedical Signal Processing

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    Blind source separation/extraction (BSS/BSE) is a powerful signal processing method and has been applied extensively in many fields such as biomedical sciences and speech signal processing, to extract a set of unknown input sources from a set of observations. Different algorithms of BSS were proposed in the literature, that need more investigations, related to the extraction approach, computational complexity, convergence speed, type of domain (time or frequency), mixture properties, and extraction performances. This work presents a three new BSS/BSE algorithms based on computing new transformation matrices used to extract the unknown signals. Type of signals considered in this dissertation are speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals. The first algorithm, named as the BSE-parallel linear predictor filter (BSE-PLP), computes a transformation matrix from the the covariance matrix of the whitened data. Then, use the matrix as an input to linear predictor filters whose coefficients being the unknown sources. The algorithm has very fast convergence in two iterations. Simulation results, using speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals, show that the model is capable of extracting the unknown source signals and removing noise when the input signal to noise ratio is varied from -20 dB to 80 dB. The second algorithm, named as the BSE-idempotent transformation matrix (BSE-ITM), computes its transformation matrix in iterative form, with less computational complexity. The proposed method is tested using speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm significantly separate the source signals with better performance measures as compared with other approaches used in the dissertation. The third algorithm, named null space idempotent transformation matrix (NSITM) has been designed using the principle of null space of the ITM, to separate the unknown sources. Simulation results show that the method is successfully separating speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals from their mixture. The algorithm has been used also to estimate average FECG heart rate. Results indicated considerable improvement in estimating the peaks over other algorithms used in this work