8 research outputs found

    An experience in modelling business process architecture

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    We present a mapping of a previously designed Business Process Architecture (BPA) meta-model onto ArchiMate, i.e., the de facto standard Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling language. This construct mapping allows developing process maps, i.e., descriptions of (views of) the business process architecture of an organization. We demonstrate the development of these process maps using the Signavio Business Process Management (BPM) modelling platform. The developed process maps are part of the organization’s enterprise architecture model and are linked to BPMN process diagrams that detail the functional, control-flow, data and resource aspects of the business processes included in the process map. Our research contributes to the integration of BPM and EA by researching BPA as a concept common to both disciplines

    System administration of UNIX / LINUX operating systems

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    Diplomski rad iz kolegija “Informacijski management“ bavi se tematikom uporabe i sistemske administracije Unix/Linux operacijskih sustava s naglaskom na implementaciju u poslovne organizacije te financijskim benefitima. Rad započinje uvodom u samu definiciju IT infrastrukture kao žarišne točke poslovne organizacije. Potom prelazi u polje sistem administracije i njenih temelja, DevOps kao pozicije u koju sistem administratori sve više zalaze. Slijedi pregled uporabe u poslovnim organizacijama kroz određena polja (administracija, virtualizacija, uporaba kontejnera, kibernetička sigurnost) u kojima se pojedinačno mogu vidjeti financijski dobitci. Uporabom sustava baziranih na Unix/Linux unutar poslovnih organizacija i sistem administratorom kao glavnom osobom zaduženom za održavanje rada IT infrastrukture dokazani su benefiti. Poslovnim organizacijama bit je maksimizirati dobit uz najmanje moguće rashode. Povezanost financijskih metoda s ovakvom vrstom operacijskog sustava je iznenađujuća. Uz metode kao ROI, NPV i ostale metode u kombinaciji s pravim alatima, metodama i standardima prikazuje se simbioza IT, IT managementa i ekonomije te je najbolji prikaz kako tehnologija daje oslonac za dugoročno poslovanje i boljitak poslovne organizacije. Ovim radom dokazano je da svaka poslovna organizacija koja nastoji dugoročno poslovati te pritom ostvarivati dobit a imati što manje rashode treba implementirati ovakvu vrstu operacijskog sustava te time dati na važnosti ulogu sistem administratora u poslovnoj organizaciji.The thesis "Information Management" focuses on the use and system administration of Unix/Linux operating systems with an emphasis on implementation in business organizations and financial benefits. The work begins with an introduction to the definition of IT infrastructure as a focal point of the business organization. It then moves into the field of the administration system and its foundations, DevOps as a position in which the system administrators increasingly go. The following is an overview of the use in business organizations through certain fields (administration, virtualization, use of containers, cybersecurity) where financial gains can be seen individually. The work begins with an introduction to the definition of IT infrastructure as a focal point of the business organization. It then moves into the field of the administration system and its foundations, DevOps as a position in which the system administrators increasingly go. The following is an overview of the use in business organizations through certain fields (administration, virtualization, use of containers, cybersecurity) where financial gains can be seen individually

    System administration of UNIX / LINUX operating systems

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    Diplomski rad iz kolegija “Informacijski management“ bavi se tematikom uporabe i sistemske administracije Unix/Linux operacijskih sustava s naglaskom na implementaciju u poslovne organizacije te financijskim benefitima. Rad započinje uvodom u samu definiciju IT infrastrukture kao žarišne točke poslovne organizacije. Potom prelazi u polje sistem administracije i njenih temelja, DevOps kao pozicije u koju sistem administratori sve više zalaze. Slijedi pregled uporabe u poslovnim organizacijama kroz određena polja (administracija, virtualizacija, uporaba kontejnera, kibernetička sigurnost) u kojima se pojedinačno mogu vidjeti financijski dobitci. Uporabom sustava baziranih na Unix/Linux unutar poslovnih organizacija i sistem administratorom kao glavnom osobom zaduženom za održavanje rada IT infrastrukture dokazani su benefiti. Poslovnim organizacijama bit je maksimizirati dobit uz najmanje moguće rashode. Povezanost financijskih metoda s ovakvom vrstom operacijskog sustava je iznenađujuća. Uz metode kao ROI, NPV i ostale metode u kombinaciji s pravim alatima, metodama i standardima prikazuje se simbioza IT, IT managementa i ekonomije te je najbolji prikaz kako tehnologija daje oslonac za dugoročno poslovanje i boljitak poslovne organizacije. Ovim radom dokazano je da svaka poslovna organizacija koja nastoji dugoročno poslovati te pritom ostvarivati dobit a imati što manje rashode treba implementirati ovakvu vrstu operacijskog sustava te time dati na važnosti ulogu sistem administratora u poslovnoj organizaciji.The thesis "Information Management" focuses on the use and system administration of Unix/Linux operating systems with an emphasis on implementation in business organizations and financial benefits. The work begins with an introduction to the definition of IT infrastructure as a focal point of the business organization. It then moves into the field of the administration system and its foundations, DevOps as a position in which the system administrators increasingly go. The following is an overview of the use in business organizations through certain fields (administration, virtualization, use of containers, cybersecurity) where financial gains can be seen individually. The work begins with an introduction to the definition of IT infrastructure as a focal point of the business organization. It then moves into the field of the administration system and its foundations, DevOps as a position in which the system administrators increasingly go. The following is an overview of the use in business organizations through certain fields (administration, virtualization, use of containers, cybersecurity) where financial gains can be seen individually

    Architecting business process maps

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    Process maps provide a high-level overview of an organization's business processes. While used for many years in different shapes and forms, there is little shared understanding of the concept and its relationship to business process architecture. In this paper, we position the concept of process map within the domain of architecture description. By 'architecting' the concept of business process map, we identify and clarify diverging views of this concept as found in the literature and set requirements for describing process maps. A meta-model for a process mapping language is produced as a result. The proposed meta-model allows investigating the suitability of EA modelling languages as a basis for defining a domain-specific language for process mapping along with the creation of a better understanding of business process architecture in relation to enterprise architecture, which can be beneficial for both BPM and EA professionals

    DevOps-käytäntöjen asettamat vaatimukset henkilöstöresursseille

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    DevOps on kokoelma käytäntöjä, filosofioita ja työkaluja ohjelmistokehityksen organisoimiksesi. Kyseessä on sateenvarjotermi, joka koostuu useista eri osa-alueista. Se ei tarjoa valmiita työkaluja kuten esimerkiksi ohjelmistokehityksen prosessimallia vaan kokoelman käytäntöjä, joiden avulla sopiva prosessimalli voidaan kehittää. Ne eivät kuitenkaan rajoitu vain ohjelmistokehityksen organisoimiseen vaan niiden keskeisenä ideana on organisaation matka kohti oppivaa organisaatiota. Niiden laajamittainen hyödyntäminen vaatii koko organisaation kulttuurinmuutoksen. DevOps-käytäntöjä hyödyntäville organisaatioille tyypillisiä piirteitä ovat korkea automaation aste, matala organisaatio hierarkia, erilaisten mittareiden aktiivinen seuraaminen, pyrkimys nopeaan reagoimiseen, kommunikaation ja yhteistyön korostunut merkitys sekä ketterien ohjelmistokehitysmenetelmien hyödyntäminen. Pehmeille taidoille ei ole olemassa yhtä yleisesti hyväksyttyä määritelmää, vaan niiden voidaankin katsoa olevan aina sidottuja kontekstiin. Termillä pehmeät taidot tarkoitetaan kuitenkin yleisesti ei-kognitiivisia taitoja kuten sosiaalisia taitoja. Tämän lisäksi termin alle mahtuvat henkilökohtaiset ominaisuudet, luonteen piirteet sekä yksilön elämänkatsomus. Teknologian kehittymisen seurauksena työelämä on murroksessa, jossa toistuvat työtehtävät pyritään automatisoimaan. Näin organisaatioiden henkilöstöstä yhä pienempi osa työskentelee työtehtävissä, joissa vaaditaan vain kovia taitoja. Sen sijaan yhä suurempi osa työtehtävistä nojaa pehmeisiin taitoihin kuten yhteistyökykyyn ja ongelmanratkaisuun. Esimerkkinä tällaisesta muutoksesta on ohjelmistokehitysorganisaatiot, joissa pyritään hyödyntämään DevOps-käytäntöjä. Muutoksen keskeisenä pyrkimyksenä on parantaa yhteistyön ja kommunikaation astetta kokoamalla monialaisia tiimejä, joissa eri toiminnot tekevät keskenään yhteistyötä. DevOps-käytäntöjä on tutkittu niiden lyhyen historian aikana varsin runsaasti ja laaja-alaisesti sekä akateemisten- että kaupallistentahojen toimesta. Tästä huolimatta olemassa oleva tutkimus ei juurikaan ota suoraan kantaa siihen millaisia pehmeitä taitoja DevOps-käytäntöjen kattava hyödyntäminen vaatii organisaation henkilöstöresursseilta. Tämä siitäkin huolimatta, että DevOps-organisaatioissa korostuvat erityisesti pehmeät taidot kuten sosiaaliset taidot ja ongelmanratkaisukyky. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää henkilöstöresursseilta vaadittuja pehmeitä taitoja organisaatioissa, joissa pyritään työskentelemään DevOps-käytäntöjen mukaisesti. Tutkimus suoritettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena olemassa olevasta DevOps-tutkimuksesta. Sen tavoitteena oli määrittää lista sellaisia pehmeitä taitoja, jotka henkilöstöresursseilta vaaditaan DevOps-käytäntöjä hyödyntävässä organisaatiossa. Katsauksessa käytetty tutkimusaineisto rajatiin käsittämään vain akateeminen DevOps-tutkimus, joka oli saatavilla kahdesta eri tietokannasta. Se suoritettiin käyttäen IS tutkimuksen adaptoitua Fink-mallia. Tutkimuksen tuloksena tutkittavista julkaisuista tunnistettiin 23 kappaletta uniikkeja pehmeitä taitoja. Tämän lisäksi työn tuloksena syntyi ajantasainen kirjallisuuskatsaus DevOps-käytännöistä. Tutkimuksen tulokset tarjoavat työkalun esimerkiksi oppilaitosten koulutusten suunnitteluun, organisaatioiden henkilöstöhallinnon rekrytointien suunnitteluun sekä tarjoaa pohjan tulevalle tutkimukselle aiheen ympärille

    Contextual Process Digitalization

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    This open access book presents an overview and step-by-step explanation of process management. It starts with the individual participants’ perspectives on their work in a process and its structuring and harmonization, and then moves on to its specification in a model and how it is embedded in the organizational and IT environment of the company. Lastly, the book examines the joint processing of instances in the resulting socio-technical systems. A corresponding illustration, which expands with the overview, enables readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of business process management. The book presents various facets of business process management from the perspective of the participants, and introduces a selection of models that have proved useful in practice. The design of such models supports the transition from a more-or-less unstructured or unsatisfactory way of working to a structured process that corresponds to the ideas of the company and its customers. The book is intended for professionals in industry as well as students in the field of business information systems who are looking for guidelines on how to discover, create and implement real-world processes

    Contextual Process Digitalization

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    This open access book presents an overview and step-by-step explanation of process management. It starts with the individual participants’ perspectives on their work in a process and its structuring and harmonization, and then moves on to its specification in a model and how it is embedded in the organizational and IT environment of the company. Lastly, the book examines the joint processing of instances in the resulting socio-technical systems. A corresponding illustration, which expands with the overview, enables readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of business process management. The book presents various facets of business process management from the perspective of the participants, and introduces a selection of models that have proved useful in practice. The design of such models supports the transition from a more-or-less unstructured or unsatisfactory way of working to a structured process that corresponds to the ideas of the company and its customers. The book is intended for professionals in industry as well as students in the field of business information systems who are looking for guidelines on how to discover, create and implement real-world processes