413 research outputs found

    Verification approach for medical data in e-healthcare system based on biometric and watermarking

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    Medical information is crucial in the healthcare system, and its manipulation can lead to misdiagnosis. Medical images also contain personal information for patients; hence, information security and privacy protection are paramount when transferring medical images over the Internet. Biometric approach and watermarking techniques are used to achieve this purpose. The focus of this paper was on a biometric watermarking system with a frequency domain in which the sender's iris code is employed as a sender authentication key. The privacy of the patient's information is preserved by encrypting it and embedding the key in the cover medical image created by the Discrete Wavelet Transform. The algorithm has shown that the proposed system has met previous requirements

    Design a system for an approved video copyright over cloud based on biometric iris and random walk generator using watermark technique

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    Copyright is a tool for preventing anyone forged to copy an electronic work from another person and claim that electronic work is referred to him. Since the identity of the person is always determined by his name and biometrics, there is a concern to handle this information, to preserve the copyright. In this paper, a new idea for copyright technology is used to prove video copyright, by using blind watermarking technique, the ownership information is hidden inside video frames using linear congruential generator (LCG) for adapted the locations of vector features extracted from the name and biometric image of the owner instead of hidden the watermark in the Pseudo Noise sequences or any other feature extraction technique. When providing the watermarked vector, a statistical operation is used to increase randomization state for the amplifier factors of LCG function. LCG provides random positions where the owner's information is stored inside the video. The proposed method is not difficult to execute and can present an adaptable imperceptibility and robustness performance. The output results show the robustness of this approach based on the average PSNR of frames for the embedded in 50 frames is around 47.5 dB while the watermark remains undetectable. MSSIM values with range (0.83 to 0.99)

    New Advanced Technologies to Provide Decentralised and Secure Access to Medical Records: Case Studies in Oncology

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    The main problem for health professionals and patients in accessing information is that this information is very often distributed over many medical records and locations. This problem is particularly acute in cancerology because patients may be treated for many years and undergo a variety of examinations. Recent advances in technology make it feasible to gain access to medical records anywhere and anytime, allowing the physician or the patient to gather information from an “ephemeral electronic patient record”. However, this easy access to data is accompanied by the requirement for improved security (confidentiality, traceability, integrity, ...) and this issue needs to be addressed. In this paper we propose and discuss a decentralised approach based on recent advances in information sharing and protection: Grid technologies and watermarking methodologies. The potential impact of these technologies for oncology is illustrated by the examples of two experimental cases: a cancer surveillance network and a radiotherapy treatment plan. It is expected that the proposed approach will constitute the basis of a future secure “google-like” access to medical records

    Multimedia security and privacy protection in the internet of things: research developments and challenges

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    With the rapid growth of the internet of things (IoT), huge amounts of multimedia data are being generated from and/or exchanged through various IoT devices, systems and applications. The security and privacy of multimedia data have, however, emerged as key challenges that have the potential to impact the successful deployment of IoT devices in some data-sensitive applications. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey on multimedia data security and privacy protection in the IoT. First, we classify multimedia data into different types and security levels according to application areas. Then, we analyse and discuss the existing multimedia data protection schemes in the IoT, including traditional techniques (e.g., cryptography and watermarking) and emerging technologies (e.g., blockchain and federated learning). Based on the detailed analysis on the research development of IoT-related multimedia security and privacy protection, we point out some open challenges and provide future research directions, aiming to advance the study in the relevant fields and assist researchers in gaining a deeper understanding of the state of the art on multimedia data protection in the IoT

    Privacy preserving algorithms for newly emergent computing environments

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    Privacy preserving data usage ensures appropriate usage of data without compromising sensitive information. Data privacy is a primary requirement since customers' data is an asset to any organization and it contains customers' private information. Data seclusion cannot be a solution to keep data private. Data sharing as well as keeping data private is important for different purposes, e.g., company welfare, research, business etc. A broad range of industries where data privacy is mandatory includes healthcare, aviation industry, education system, federal law enforcement, etc.In this thesis dissertation we focus on data privacy schemes in emerging fields of computer science, namely, health informatics, data mining, distributed cloud, biometrics, and mobile payments. Linking and mining medical records across different medical service providers are important to the enhancement of health care quality. Under HIPAA regulation keeping medical records private is important. In real-world health care databases, records may well contain errors. Linking the error-prone data and preserving data privacy at the same time is very difficult. We introduce a privacy preserving Error-Tolerant Linking Algorithm to enable medical records linkage for error-prone medical records. Mining frequent sequential patterns such as, patient path, treatment pattern, etc., across multiple medical sites helps to improve health care quality and research. We propose a privacy preserving sequential pattern mining scheme across multiple medical sites. In a distributed cloud environment resources are provided by users who are geographically distributed over a large area. Since resources are provided by regular users, data privacy and security are main concerns. We propose a privacy preserving data storage mechanism among different users in a distributed cloud. Managing secret key for encryption is difficult in a distributed cloud. To protect secret key in a distributed cloud we propose a multilevel threshold secret sharing mechanism. Biometric authentication ensures user identity by means of user's biometric traits. Any individual's biometrics should be protected since biometrics are unique and can be stolen or misused by an adversary. We present a secure and privacy preserving biometric authentication scheme using watermarking technique. Mobile payments have become popular with the extensive use of mobile devices. Mobile applications for payments needs to be very secure to perform transactions and at the same time needs to be efficient. We design and develop a mobile application for secure mobile payments. To secure mobile payments we focus on user's biometric authentication as well as secure bank transaction. We propose a novel privacy preserving biometric authentication algorithm for secure mobile payments

    A Study on Invisible Digital Image and Video Watermarking Techniques

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    Digital watermarking was introduced as a result of rapid advancement of networked multimedia systems. It had been developed to enforce copyright technologies for cover of copyright possession. This technology is first used for still images however recently they need been developed for different multimedia objects like audio, video etc. Watermarking, that belong to the information hiding field, has seen plenty of research interest. There's a lot of work begin conducted in numerous branches in this field. The image watermarking techniques might divide on the idea of domain like spatial domain or transform domain or on the basis of wavelets. The copyright protection, capacity, security, strength etc are a number of the necessary factors that are taken in account whereas the watermarking system is intended. This paper aims to produce a detailed survey of all watermarking techniques specially focuses on image watermarking types and its applications in today’s world

    Foreword and editorial - July issue

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    A Comprehensive Review on Medical Image Steganography Based on LSB Technique and Potential Challenges

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    The rapid development of telemedicine services and the requirements for exchanging medical information between physicians, consultants, and health institutions have made the protection of patients’ information an important priority for any future e-health system. The protection of medical information, including the cover (i.e. medical image), has a specificity that slightly differs from the requirements for protecting other information. It is necessary to preserve the cover greatly due to its importance on the reception side as medical staff use this information to provide a diagnosis to save a patient's life. If the cover is tampered with, this leads to failure in achieving the goal of telemedicine. Therefore, this work provides an investigation of information security techniques in medical imaging, focusing on security goals. Encrypting a message before hiding them gives an extra layer of security, and thus, will provide an excellent solution to protect the sensitive information of patients during the sharing of medical information. Medical image steganography is a special case of image steganography, while Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is the backbone of all medical imaging divisions, whereby it is most broadly used to store and transmit medical images. The main objective of this study is to provide a general idea of what Least Significant Bit-based (LSB) steganography techniques have achieved in medical images

    Integration of biometrics and steganography: A comprehensive review

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    The use of an individual’s biometric characteristics to advance authentication and verification technology beyond the current dependence on passwords has been the subject of extensive research for some time. Since such physical characteristics cannot be hidden from the public eye, the security of digitised biometric data becomes paramount to avoid the risk of substitution or replay attacks. Biometric systems have readily embraced cryptography to encrypt the data extracted from the scanning of anatomical features. Significant amounts of research have also gone into the integration of biometrics with steganography to add a layer to the defence-in-depth security model, and this has the potential to augment both access control parameters and the secure transmission of sensitive biometric data. However, despite these efforts, the amalgamation of biometric and steganographic methods has failed to transition from the research lab into real-world applications. In light of this review of both academic and industry literature, we suggest that future research should focus on identifying an acceptable level steganographic embedding for biometric applications, securing exchange of steganography keys, identifying and address legal implications, and developing industry standards
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