21 research outputs found

    Secure E-mailing System Using Pair Based Scheme and AES with Session Password

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    In early days Textual passwords are used for security of session but these passwords are vulnerable to the various attacks like Dictionary attack, Shoulder surfing, eves dropping, etc. Further graphical passwords and bio-metric passwords are invented. These two techniques are good performer but they have their own disadvantages. Such as requires extra time for login and more cost respectively. Thus we proposed a session password scheme in which the passwords are used only once for each and when session is terminated the password is no longer in use. The proposed of session password scheme uses Pair Based Authentication scheme for generating session password. In every Data communication system security to data is primary aim. Data security can be provided by many ways. This Paper gives a design of effective security for data communication in network by AES algorithm for encryption and decryption

    Evaluating the Usability and User Acceptance of Biometric Authentication in Different Applications

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    This study investigates the usability and user acceptance of biometric authentication across different applications, including mobile devices and smartphones, access control systems, banking and financial applications, healthcare systems, and travel and border control. The research aims to identify the factors that influence user acceptance and the potential challenges faced in each domain. The findings reveal that biometric authentication in mobile devices and smartphones is widely accepted due to its convenience and speed. However, concerns related to false acceptance or rejection rates, sensor accuracy, and privacy issues can affect user acceptance. Similarly, in access control systems, fast and reliable biometric systems with seamless user experiences are more likely to be accepted. Challenges such as long verification times, high false rejection rates, and complex enrollment processes can impact user acceptance negatively. In banking and financial applications, user acceptance depends on the perceived security and privacy of biometric data. Trust in the system, a user-friendly interface, and clear instructions are crucial factors influencing user acceptance. Healthcare systems face unique challenges, including hygiene concerns, ease of use for elderly or disabled patients, and adherence to privacy and security regulations. User acceptance in healthcare settings is influenced by these factors, along with overall system reliability. In travel and border control, biometric authentication, particularly facial recognition, is gaining popularity for identity verification and immigration processes. User acceptance is influenced by factors such as accuracy, speed, and perceived effectiveness in enhancing security and reducing queues. Privacy concerns and data protection policies also play a role in shaping user acceptance

    Knowledge-driven Biometric Authentication in Virtual Reality

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    With the increasing adoption of virtual reality (VR) in public spaces, protecting users from observation attacks is becoming essential to prevent attackers from accessing context-sensitive data or performing malicious payment transactions in VR. In this work, we propose RubikBiom, a knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication scheme for authentication in VR. We show that hand movement patterns performed during interactions with a knowledge-based authentication scheme (e.g., when entering a PIN) can be leveraged to establish an additional security layer. Based on a dataset gathered in a lab study with 23 participants, we show that knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication increases security in an unobtrusive way. We achieve an accuracy of up to 98.91% by applying a Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) on 32 authentications per subject. Our results pave the way for further investigations towards knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication in VR

    Securing Birth Certificate Documents with DNA Profiles

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    The birth certificate is a document used by a person to obtain identification and licensing documents throughout their lifetime. For identity verification, the birth certificate provides limited information to support a person’s claim of identity. Authentication to the birth certificate is strictly a matter of possession. DNA profiling is becoming a commodity analysis that can be done accurately in under two hours with little human intervention. The DNA profile is a superior biometric to add to a birth record because it is stable throughout a person’s life and beyond. Acceptability of universal DNA profiling will depend heavily on privacy and safety concerns. This paper uses the U.S. FBI CODIS profile as a basis to discuss the effectiveness of DNA profiling and to provide a practical basis for a discussion of potential privacy and authenticity controls. As is discussed, adopting DNA profiles to improve document security should be done cautiously

    Evaluation of Biometric Systems

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    International audienceBiometrics is considered as a promising solution among traditional methods based on "what we own" (such as a key) or "what we know" (such as a password). It is based on "what we are" and "how we behave". Few people know that biometrics have been used for ages for identification or signature purposes. In 1928 for example, fingerprints were used for women clerical employees of Los Angeles police department as depicted in Figure 1. Fingerprints were also already used as a signature for commercial exchanges in Babylon (-3000 before JC). Alphonse Bertillon proposed in 1879 to use anthropometric information for police investigation. Nowadays, all police forces in the world use this kind of information to resolve crimes. The first prototypes of terminals providing an automatic processing of the voice and digital fingerprints have been defined in the middle of the years 1970. Nowadays, biometric authentication systems have many applications [1]: border control, e-commerce, etc. The main benefits of this technology are to provide a better security, and to facilitate the authentication process for a user. Also, it is usually difficult to copy the biometric characteristics of an individual than most of other authentication methods such as passwords. Despite the obvious advantages of biometric systems, their proliferation was not as much as attended. The main drawback is the uncertainty of the verification result. By contrast to password checking, the verification of biometric raw data is subject to errors and represented by a similarity percentage (100% is never reached). Others drawbacks related to vulnerabilities and usability issues exist. In addition, in order to be used in an industrial context, the quality of a biometric system must be precisely quantified. We need a reliable evaluation methodology in order to put into obviousness the benefit of a new biometric system. Moreover, many questions remain: Shall we be confident in this technology? What kind of biometric modalities can be used? What are the trends in this domain? The objective of this chapter is to answer these questions, by presenting an evaluation methodology of biometric systems

    Adaptive Vocal Random Challenge Support for Biometric Authentication

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    Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli arendada välja kõnetuvastusprogramm, mida saaks kasutada vokaalsete juhuväljakutse tarvis. Programmi eesmärgiks oli anda üks võimalik lahendus kõnepõhilise biomeetrilise autentimise kesksele turvaprobleemile – taasesitusrünnetele. Programm põhineb vabavaralisel PocketSphinxi kõnetuvastuse tööriistal ning on kirjutatud Pythoni programmeerimiskeeles. Loodud rakendus koosneb kahest osast: kasutajaliidesega varustatud demonstratsiooniprogrammist ja käsurea utiilidist. Kasutajaliidesega rakendus sobib kõnetuvastusteegi võimete demonstreerimiseks, käsurea utiliiti saab aga kasutada mis tahes teisele programmile kõnetuvastusvõimekuse lisamiseks. Kasutajaliidesega rakenduses saab kasutaja oma hääle abil programmiga vahetult suheldes avada näitlikustamiseks loodud demoprogrammi ust. Kasutaja peab ütlema õige numbrite jada või pildile vastava sõna inglise keeles, et programmi poolt autoriseeritud saada. Mõlemat loodud rakendust saab seadistada luues oma keelemudeleid või muutes demorakenduse puhul numbriliste juhuväljakutsete pikkust.The aim of this thesis was to develop a speech recognition application which could be used for vocal random challenges. The goal of the application was to provide a solution to the central problem for voice-based biometric authentication – replay attacks. This piece of software is based on the PocketSphinx speech recognition toolkit and is written in the Python programming language. The resulting application is composed of two parts: a demonstration application with a GUI interface, and a command line utility. The GUI application is suitable for demonstrating the capabilities of the speech recognition toolkit, whereas the command line utility can be used to add speech recognition capabilities to virtually any application. The user can interact with the door of the GUI application by using his or her voice. The user must utter the correct word corresponding to the picture in English or say the sequence of digits in order to be authenticated. Both of the applications can be configured by generating language models, or by changing the length of the random challenges for the demonstration application

    Multi-Factor Authentication: A Survey

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    Today, digitalization decisively penetrates all the sides of the modern society. One of the key enablers to maintain this process secure is authentication. It covers many different areas of a hyper-connected world, including online payments, communications, access right management, etc. This work sheds light on the evolution of authentication systems towards Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) starting from Single-Factor Authentication (SFA) and through Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Particularly, MFA is expected to be utilized for human-to-everything interactions by enabling fast, user-friendly, and reliable authentication when accessing a service. This paper surveys the already available and emerging sensors (factor providers) that allow for authenticating a user with the system directly or by involving the cloud. The corresponding challenges from the user as well as the service provider perspective are also reviewed. The MFA system based on reversed Lagrange polynomial within Shamir’s Secret Sharing (SSS) scheme is further proposed to enable more flexible authentication. This solution covers the cases of authenticating the user even if some of the factors are mismatched or absent. Our framework allows for qualifying the missing factors by authenticating the user without disclosing sensitive biometric data to the verification entity. Finally, a vision of the future trends in MFA is discussed.Peer reviewe

    Two-factor Authentication in Smartphones: Implementations and Attacks

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    Two-factor authentication is the method of combining two so called authentication factors in order to enhance the security of user authentication. An authentication factor is defined as ”Something the user knows, has or is”. Something the user knows is often the traditional username and password, something the user has is something that the user is in physical possession of and something the user is is a physical trait of the user, such as biometrics. Two-factor authentication greatly enhances security attributes compared to traditional password-only methods. With the advent of the smartphone, new convenient authentication methods have been developed in order to take advantage of the versatility such devices provide. However, older two-factor authentication methods such as sending codes via SMS are still widely popular and in the case of the smartphone opens up new attack vectors for criminals to exploit by creating malware that is able to gain control over SMS functionality. This thesis explores, discusses and compares three distinct two-factor authentication methods used in smartphones today in the sense of security and usability. These are mTAN (mobile Transaction Authentication Number), TOTP (Time-based One Time Password Algorithm) and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). Both practial and theoretical attacks against these methods are reviewed with a focus on malicious software and advantages and disadvantages of each method are presented. An in-depth analysis of an Android smartphone SMS-stealing trojan is done in order to gain a deeper understanding of how smartphone malware operates