230 research outputs found

    A Physics-Informed Low-Shot Learning For sEMG-Based Estimation of Muscle Force and Joint Kinematics

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    Muscle force and joint kinematics estimation from surface electromyography (sEMG) are essential for real-time biomechanical analysis of the dynamic interplay among neural muscle stimulation, muscle dynamics, and kinetics. Recent advances in deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown the potential to improve biomechanical analysis in a fully automated and reproducible manner. However, the small sample nature and physical interpretability of biomechanical analysis limit the applications of DNNs. This paper presents a novel physics-informed low-shot learning method for sEMG-based estimation of muscle force and joint kinematics. This method seamlessly integrates Lagrange's equation of motion and inverse dynamic muscle model into the generative adversarial network (GAN) framework for structured feature decoding and extrapolated estimation from the small sample data. Specifically, Lagrange's equation of motion is introduced into the generative model to restrain the structured decoding of the high-level features following the laws of physics. And a physics-informed policy gradient is designed to improve the adversarial learning efficiency by rewarding the consistent physical representation of the extrapolated estimations and the physical references. Experimental validations are conducted on two scenarios (i.e. the walking trials and wrist motion trials). Results indicate that the estimations of the muscle forces and joint kinematics are unbiased compared to the physics-based inverse dynamics, which outperforms the selected benchmark methods, including physics-informed convolution neural network (PI-CNN), vallina generative adversarial network (GAN), and multi-layer extreme learning machine (ML-ELM).Comment: 17 pages, 8 Figure

    {EventHands}: {R}eal-Time Neural {3D} Hand Reconstruction from an Event Stream

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    3D hand pose estimation from monocular videos is a long-standing and challenging problem, which is now seeing a strong upturn. In this work, we address it for the first time using a single event camera, i.e., an asynchronous vision sensor reacting on brightness changes. Our EventHands approach has characteristics previously not demonstrated with a single RGB or depth camera such as high temporal resolution at low data throughputs and real-time performance at 1000 Hz. Due to the different data modality of event cameras compared to classical cameras, existing methods cannot be directly applied to and re-trained for event streams. We thus design a new neural approach which accepts a new event stream representation suitable for learning, which is trained on newly-generated synthetic event streams and can generalise to real data. Experiments show that EventHands outperforms recent monocular methods using a colour (or depth) camera in terms of accuracy and its ability to capture hand motions of unprecedented speed. Our method, the event stream simulator and the dataset will be made publicly available

    A Physics-Informed Low-Shot Adversarial Learning For sEMG-Based Estimation of Muscle Force and Joint Kinematics

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    Muscle force and joint kinematics estimation from surface electromyography (sEMG) are essential for real-time biomechanical analysis of the dynamic interplay among neural muscle stimulation, muscle dynamics, and kinetics. Recent advances in deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown the potential to improve biomechanical analysis in a fully automated and reproducible manner. However, the small sample nature and physical interpretability of biomechanical analysis limit the applications of DNNs. This paper presents a novel physics-informed low-shot adversarial learning method for sEMG-based estimation of muscle force and joint kinematics. This method seamlessly integrates Lagrange?s equation of motion and inverse dynamic muscle model into the generative adversarial network (GAN) framework for structured feature decoding and extrapolated estimation from the small sample data. Specifically, Lagrange?s equation of motion is introduced into the generative model to restrain the structured decoding of the high-level features following the laws of physics. A physics-informed policy gradient is designed to improve the adversarial learning efficiency by rewarding the consistent physical representation of the extrapolated estimations and the physical references. Experimental validations are conducted on two scenarios (i.e. the walking trials and wrist motion trials). Results indicate that the estimations of the muscle forces and joint kinematics are unbiased compared to the physics-based inverse dynamics, which outperforms the selected benchmark methods, including physics-informed convolution neural network (PI-CNN), vallina generative adversarial network (GAN), and multi-layer extreme learning machine (ML-ELM)

    End-to-end Weakly-supervised Multiple 3D Hand Mesh Reconstruction from Single Image

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    In this paper, we consider the challenging task of simultaneously locating and recovering multiple hands from single 2D image. Previous studies either focus on single hand reconstruction or solve this problem in a multi-stage way. Moreover, the conventional two-stage pipeline firstly detects hand areas, and then estimates 3D hand pose from each cropped patch. To reduce the computational redundancy in preprocessing and feature extraction, we propose a concise but efficient single-stage pipeline. Specifically, we design a multi-head auto-encoder structure for multi-hand reconstruction, where each head network shares the same feature map and outputs the hand center, pose and texture, respectively. Besides, we adopt a weakly-supervised scheme to alleviate the burden of expensive 3D real-world data annotations. To this end, we propose a series of losses optimized by a stage-wise training scheme, where a multi-hand dataset with 2D annotations is generated based on the publicly available single hand datasets. In order to further improve the accuracy of the weakly supervised model, we adopt several feature consistency constraints in both single and multiple hand settings. Specifically, the keypoints of each hand estimated from local features should be consistent with the re-projected points predicted from global features. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks including FreiHAND, HO3D, InterHand2.6M and RHD demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art model-based methods in both weakly-supervised and fully-supervised manners

    A review of computer vision-based approaches for physical rehabilitation and assessment

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    The computer vision community has extensively researched the area of human motion analysis, which primarily focuses on pose estimation, activity recognition, pose or gesture recognition and so on. However for many applications, like monitoring of functional rehabilitation of patients with musculo skeletal or physical impairments, the requirement is to comparatively evaluate human motion. In this survey, we capture important literature on vision-based monitoring and physical rehabilitation that focuses on comparative evaluation of human motion during the past two decades and discuss the state of current research in this area. Unlike other reviews in this area, which are written from a clinical objective, this article presents research in this area from a computer vision application perspective. We propose our own taxonomy of computer vision-based rehabilitation and assessment research which are further divided into sub-categories to capture novelties of each research. The review discusses the challenges of this domain due to the wide ranging human motion abnormalities and difficulty in automatically assessing those abnormalities. Finally, suggestions on the future direction of research are offered

    Real-time 3D hand reconstruction in challenging scenes from a single color or depth camera

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    Hands are one of the main enabling factors for performing complex tasks and humans naturally use them for interactions with their environment. Reconstruction and digitization of 3D hand motion opens up many possibilities for important applications. Hands gestures can be directly used for human–computer interaction, which is especially relevant for controlling augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR) devices where immersion is of utmost importance. In addition, 3D hand motion capture is a precondition for automatic sign-language translation, activity recognition, or teaching robots. Different approaches for 3D hand motion capture have been actively researched in the past. While being accurate, gloves and markers are intrusive and uncomfortable to wear. Hence, markerless hand reconstruction based on cameras is desirable. Multi-camera setups provide rich input, however, they are hard to calibrate and lack the flexibility for mobile use cases. Thus, the majority of more recent methods uses a single color or depth camera which, however, makes the problem harder due to more ambiguities in the input. For interaction purposes, users need continuous control and immediate feedback. This means the algorithms have to run in real time and be robust in uncontrolled scenes. These requirements, achieving 3D hand reconstruction in real time from a single camera in general scenes, make the problem significantly more challenging. While recent research has shown promising results, current state-of-the-art methods still have strong limitations. Most approaches only track the motion of a single hand in isolation and do not take background-clutter or interactions with arbitrary objects or the other hand into account. The few methods that can handle more general and natural scenarios run far from real time or use complex multi-camera setups. Such requirements make existing methods unusable for many aforementioned applications. This thesis pushes the state of the art for real-time 3D hand tracking and reconstruction in general scenes from a single RGB or depth camera. The presented approaches explore novel combinations of generative hand models, which have been used successfully in the computer vision and graphics community for decades, and powerful cutting-edge machine learning techniques, which have recently emerged with the advent of deep learning. In particular, this thesis proposes a novel method for hand tracking in the presence of strong occlusions and clutter, the first method for full global 3D hand tracking from in-the-wild RGB video, and a method for simultaneous pose and dense shape reconstruction of two interacting hands that, for the first time, combines a set of desirable properties previously unseen in the literature.Hände sind einer der Hauptfaktoren für die Ausführung komplexer Aufgaben, und Menschen verwenden sie auf natürliche Weise für Interaktionen mit ihrer Umgebung. Die Rekonstruktion und Digitalisierung der 3D-Handbewegung eröffnet viele Möglichkeiten für wichtige Anwendungen. Handgesten können direkt als Eingabe für die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion verwendet werden. Dies ist insbesondere für Geräte der erweiterten oder virtuellen Realität (AR / VR) relevant, bei denen die Immersion von größter Bedeutung ist. Darüber hinaus ist die Rekonstruktion der 3D Handbewegung eine Voraussetzung zur automatischen Übersetzung von Gebärdensprache, zur Aktivitätserkennung oder zum Unterrichten von Robotern. In der Vergangenheit wurden verschiedene Ansätze zur 3D-Handbewegungsrekonstruktion aktiv erforscht. Handschuhe und physische Markierungen sind zwar präzise, aber aufdringlich und unangenehm zu tragen. Daher ist eine markierungslose Handrekonstruktion auf der Basis von Kameras wünschenswert. Multi-Kamera-Setups bieten umfangreiche Eingabedaten, sind jedoch schwer zu kalibrieren und haben keine Flexibilität für mobile Anwendungsfälle. Daher verwenden die meisten neueren Methoden eine einzelne Farb- oder Tiefenkamera, was die Aufgabe jedoch schwerer macht, da mehr Ambiguitäten in den Eingabedaten vorhanden sind. Für Interaktionszwecke benötigen Benutzer kontinuierliche Kontrolle und sofortiges Feedback. Dies bedeutet, dass die Algorithmen in Echtzeit ausgeführt werden müssen und robust in unkontrollierten Szenen sein müssen. Diese Anforderungen, 3D-Handrekonstruktion in Echtzeit mit einer einzigen Kamera in allgemeinen Szenen, machen das Problem erheblich schwieriger. Während neuere Forschungsarbeiten vielversprechende Ergebnisse gezeigt haben, weisen aktuelle Methoden immer noch Einschränkungen auf. Die meisten Ansätze verfolgen die Bewegung einer einzelnen Hand nur isoliert und berücksichtigen keine alltäglichen Umgebungen oder Interaktionen mit beliebigen Objekten oder der anderen Hand. Die wenigen Methoden, die allgemeinere und natürlichere Szenarien verarbeiten können, laufen nicht in Echtzeit oder verwenden komplexe Multi-Kamera-Setups. Solche Anforderungen machen bestehende Verfahren für viele der oben genannten Anwendungen unbrauchbar. Diese Dissertation erweitert den Stand der Technik für die Echtzeit-3D-Handverfolgung und -Rekonstruktion in allgemeinen Szenen mit einer einzelnen RGB- oder Tiefenkamera. Die vorgestellten Algorithmen erforschen neue Kombinationen aus generativen Handmodellen, die seit Jahrzehnten erfolgreich in den Bereichen Computer Vision und Grafik eingesetzt werden, und leistungsfähigen innovativen Techniken des maschinellen Lernens, die vor kurzem mit dem Aufkommen neuronaler Netzwerke entstanden sind. In dieser Arbeit werden insbesondere vorgeschlagen: eine neuartige Methode zur Handbewegungsrekonstruktion bei starken Verdeckungen und in unkontrollierten Szenen, die erste Methode zur Rekonstruktion der globalen 3D Handbewegung aus RGB-Videos in freier Wildbahn und die erste Methode zur gleichzeitigen Rekonstruktion von Handpose und -form zweier interagierender Hände, die eine Reihe wünschenwerter Eigenschaften komibiniert

    Computationally efficient deformable 3D object tracking with a monocular RGB camera

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    182 p.Monocular RGB cameras are present in most scopes and devices, including embedded environments like robots, cars and home automation. Most of these environments have in common a significant presence of human operators with whom the system has to interact. This context provides the motivation to use the captured monocular images to improve the understanding of the operator and the surrounding scene for more accurate results and applications.However, monocular images do not have depth information, which is a crucial element in understanding the 3D scene correctly. Estimating the three-dimensional information of an object in the scene using a single two-dimensional image is already a challenge. The challenge grows if the object is deformable (e.g., a human body or a human face) and there is a need to track its movements and interactions in the scene.Several methods attempt to solve this task, including modern regression methods based on Deep NeuralNetworks. However, despite the great results, most are computationally demanding and therefore unsuitable for several environments. Computational efficiency is a critical feature for computationally constrained setups like embedded or onboard systems present in robotics and automotive applications, among others.This study proposes computationally efficient methodologies to reconstruct and track three-dimensional deformable objects, such as human faces and human bodies, using a single monocular RGB camera. To model the deformability of faces and bodies, it considers two types of deformations: non-rigid deformations for face tracking, and rigid multi-body deformations for body pose tracking. Furthermore, it studies their performance on computationally restricted devices like smartphones and onboard systems used in the automotive industry. The information extracted from such devices gives valuable insight into human behaviour a crucial element in improving human-machine interaction.We tested the proposed approaches in different challenging application fields like onboard driver monitoring systems, human behaviour analysis from monocular videos, and human face tracking on embedded devices

    Computationally efficient deformable 3D object tracking with a monocular RGB camera

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    182 p.Monocular RGB cameras are present in most scopes and devices, including embedded environments like robots, cars and home automation. Most of these environments have in common a significant presence of human operators with whom the system has to interact. This context provides the motivation to use the captured monocular images to improve the understanding of the operator and the surrounding scene for more accurate results and applications.However, monocular images do not have depth information, which is a crucial element in understanding the 3D scene correctly. Estimating the three-dimensional information of an object in the scene using a single two-dimensional image is already a challenge. The challenge grows if the object is deformable (e.g., a human body or a human face) and there is a need to track its movements and interactions in the scene.Several methods attempt to solve this task, including modern regression methods based on Deep NeuralNetworks. However, despite the great results, most are computationally demanding and therefore unsuitable for several environments. Computational efficiency is a critical feature for computationally constrained setups like embedded or onboard systems present in robotics and automotive applications, among others.This study proposes computationally efficient methodologies to reconstruct and track three-dimensional deformable objects, such as human faces and human bodies, using a single monocular RGB camera. To model the deformability of faces and bodies, it considers two types of deformations: non-rigid deformations for face tracking, and rigid multi-body deformations for body pose tracking. Furthermore, it studies their performance on computationally restricted devices like smartphones and onboard systems used in the automotive industry. The information extracted from such devices gives valuable insight into human behaviour a crucial element in improving human-machine interaction.We tested the proposed approaches in different challenging application fields like onboard driver monitoring systems, human behaviour analysis from monocular videos, and human face tracking on embedded devices