97 research outputs found

    Efficiency of island homing by sea turtles under multimodal navigating strategies

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    A dot in the vastness of the Atlantic, Ascension Island remains a lifelong goal for the green sea turtles that hatched there, returning as adults every three or four years to nest. This navigating puzzle was brought to the scientific community's attention by Charles Darwin and remains a topic of considerable speculation. Various cues have been suggested, with orientation to geomagnetic field elements and following odour plumes to their island source among the most compelling. Via a comprehensive in silico investigation we test the hypothesis that multimodal cue following, in which turtles utilise multiple guidance cues, is the most effective strategy. Specifically, we combine agent-based and continuous-level modelling to simulate displaced virtual turtles as they attempt to return to the island. Our analysis shows how population homing efficiency improves as the number of utilised cues is increased, even under “extreme” scenarios where the overall strength of navigating information decreases. Beyond the paradigm case of green turtles returning to Ascension Island, we believe this could commonly apply throughout animal navigation

    Bioinspired Magnetic Nanochains for Medicine

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have been widely used for medicine, both in therapy and diagnosis. Their guided assembly into anisotropic structures, such as nanochains, has recently opened new research avenues; for instance, targeted drug delivery. Interestingly, magnetic nanochains do occur in nature, and they are thought to be involved in the navigation and geographic orientation of a variety of animals and bacteria, although many open questions on their formation and functioning remain. In this review, we will analyze what is known about the natural formation of magnetic nanochains, as well as the synthetic protocols to produce them in the laboratory, to conclude with an overview of medical applications and an outlook on future opportunities in this exciting research field

    Bioinspired Navigation Based on Distributed Sensing in the Leech using Dynamic Neural Fields

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    Leeches use various sensory stimuli to navigate around their environment and perform survival behaviors. Water wave disturbances serve as an important source of environmental information for aquatic animals as they can be the distinguishing factor between a predator or prey. Previous studies show that certain leech species prefer specific frequencies of water waves, suggesting that the leech’s sensory receptors have been evolutionarily calibrated to respond to wave frequencies in the safest way. While these animal studies provide important discoveries about the relationship between sensory information and animal behavior, the internal neural mechanisms driving the leech’s decision-making are still unknown. In this study, we present a model that mimics the navigational behavior of the leech using dynamic neural fields and an agent-based simulation. The modeled leech (agent) was placed in virtual environments containing simulated stimuli based on the actual stimuli a leech detects in their natural environment. Sensors placed around the agent detected the stimulus and sent the sensory information to a neural field, which was responsible for calculating navigational behaviors. Data produced by the model matched real-world observed behaviors found in previous leech studies. The development and validation of this model offer a fast and low-cost way to study leech behavior, compliment animal experiments, and provide insights into the mechanics behind distributed sensing in animals. Additionally, the findings may provide insights into novel data-processing methods and architectures for man-made sensory systems that rely on multiple sensors.Bachelor of Scienc

    Biology and bioinspiration of soft robotics : actuation, sensing, and system integration

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    Organisms in nature grow with senses, nervous, and actuation systems coordinated in ingenious ways to sustain metabolism and other essential life activities. The understanding of biological structures and functions guide the construction of soft robotics with unprecedented performances. However, despite the progress in soft robotics, there still remains a big gap between man-made soft robotics and natural lives in terms of autonomy, adaptability, self-repair, durability, energy efficiency, etc. Here, the actuation and sensing strategies in the natural biological world are summarized along with their man-made counterparts applied in soft robotics. The development trends of bioinspired soft robotics toward closed loop and embodiment are proposed. Challenges for obtaining autonomous soft robotics similar to natural organisms are outlined to provide a perspective in this field. [Abstract copyright: © 2021.

    Progress and prospects in flexible tactile sensors

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    Flexible tactile sensors have the advantages of large deformation detection, high fault tolerance, and excellent conformability, which enable conformal integration onto the complex surface of human skin for long-term bio-signal monitoring. The breakthrough of flexible tactile sensors rather than conventional tactile sensors greatly expanded application scenarios. Flexible tactile sensors are applied in fields including not only intelligent wearable devices for gaming but also electronic skins, disease diagnosis devices, health monitoring devices, intelligent neck pillows, and intelligent massage devices in the medical field; intelligent bracelets and metaverse gloves in the consumer field; as well as even brain–computer interfaces. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an overview of the current technological level and future development of flexible tactile sensors to ease and expedite their deployment and to make the critical transition from the laboratory to the market. This paper discusses the materials and preparation technologies of flexible tactile sensors, summarizing various applications in human signal monitoring, robotic tactile sensing, and human–machine interaction. Finally, the current challenges on flexible tactile sensors are also briefly discussed, providing some prospects for future directions

    Engineering for a changing world: 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau, September 04-08, 2023 : programme

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    In 2023, the Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium is once more organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The title of this year’s conference “Engineering for a Changing World” refers to limited natural resources of our planet, to massive changes in cooperation between continents, countries, institutions and people – enabled by the increased implementation of information technology as the probably most dominant driver in many fields. The Colloquium, supplemented by workshops, is characterised but not limited to the following topics: – Precision engineering and measurement technology Nanofabrication – Industry 4.0 and digitalisation in mechanical engineering – Mechatronics, biomechatronics and mechanism technology – Systems engineering – Productive teaming - Human-machine collaboration in the production environment The topics are oriented on key strategic aspects of research and teaching in Mechanical Engineering at our university

    Hardware, software and control design considerations towards low-cost compliant quadruped robots

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    Quadrupedal robots have been a field of interest the last few years, with many new maturing platforms. Many of these projects have in common the use of state of the art actuation and sensing, and therefore are able to handle difficult locomotion tasks very effectively. This work focuses on another trend of low-cost, quadrupedal robots, that features less precise actuators and sensors, but overcomes their limitations with strong bio-inspired designs to achieve state of the art locomotion. We aim here to further extend the achievements of this approach to handle more complex tasks and that require anticipation, We would like also to verify to which extent a close synergy between clever mechanics, sensorimotor coordination, and Central Pattern Generator models is able to handle these tasks. This thesis presents supporting work that was required to pursue this goal. A software architecture for the development of real-time drivers and low-level control for robotic applications, based on a clear separation of concerns is presented. An implementation of this architecture able to handle the specific requirements for small compliant quadruped robots is proposed. Furthermore, the development and integration of a communication protocol for inter-electronic devices communication on the Oncilla robot is discussed. As leg load is a key quantity in some of the sensory-motor coordination this thesis want to explore, a novel tactile sensing approach for its estimation is proposed, based on an Extended Kalman Filter data fusion of static and dynamic tactile sensor information. Then, to support the design of efficient interactions between the control and the bio-inspired mechanics, accurate dynamic modeling of the Advanced Spring Loaded Pantographic leg, equipping all robots considered here, is presented. We propose two approaches to this modeling with the presentation of their benefits and limitations. Finally, two Central Pattern Generator architectures are proposed, based on biologically inspired foot trajectories. The first is using a well-known method for inter-limb coordination with strong neural coupling, and the second, the Tegotae rule, relies only on limb physical coupling and strong sensory-motor coordination. These two approaches are compared on their capacity to handle dynamic footstep placement and it let to the conclusion that strong sensory-motor coordination is required for this task

    Dielectric Resonator Nantennas for Optical Communication

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    Dielectric resonator antennas (DRA) are ceramic based materials that are nonmetallic in nature. They offer high permitivity values (εr: 10-100). DRAs? have made their mark in various applications specially in the microwave and millimeter wave (MMW) spectrum, and are making encouraging progress in the THz band, because of their low conduction losses and higher radiation efficiencies compared to their metallic counterparts. With the advancements in nano fabrication, metallic antennas designed in the THz band have taken an interest. These antennas are termed as optical antennas or nantennas. Optical antennas work by receiving the incident electromagnetic wave or light and focusing it on a certain point or hot spot. Since most of the antennas are metallic based with Noble metals as radiators, the conducting losses are huge. One solution that we offer in this work is to integrate the nantennas with DRs. Two different DR based designs, one triangular and other hexagonal, are presented. Both the antennas operate in the optical C-band window (1550 nm). We design, perform numerical analysis, simulate, and optimize the proposed DR nantennas. We also consider array synthesis of the proposed nantennas in evaluating how much directive the nantennas are for use in nano network applications

    Animal-Robot Interactions: Electrocommunication, Sensory Ecology, and Group Dynamics in a Mormyrid Weakly Electric Fish

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    Mormyrid weakly electric fish possess a specialized electrosensory system. During the process of active electrolocation, these animals perceive self-generated electric organ dis-charges (EOD) and are thereby able to detect objects in their nearby environment. The EOD is a short, biphasic pulse, which is simultaneously used to communicate with conspe-cifics. There are two principles according to which information exchange occurs during electrocommunication. The waveform of the EOD constitutes a relatively stable identity marker that signals species, gender, and status of an individual. In contrast, the temporal sequence of inter-discharge intervals (IDI) is highly variable and encodes context-specific information. Modifications of IDI-duration not only alter the instantaneous discharge fre-quency but also enable the generation of specific signaling patterns and interactive dis-charge sequences. One such interactive discharge behavior is the so-called echo response, during which a fish responds with a constant latency of only a few milliseconds to the EOD of a conspecific. Animals can synchronize their signaling sequences by mutually generating echoes to each other's signals over a coherent period. Although active electrolocation and electrocommunication are mediated by different types of electroreceptor organs and neural pathways, an unambiguous assignment of electromotor behavior to only one of the two functions is often problematic. In this thesis, the significance of IDI-based signaling sequences during motor and electro-motor interactions of the mormyrid fish Mormyrus rume proboscirostris were investigated. To this end, different electrical playback sequences of species-specific EODs were generated via mobile fish dummies, and the motor and electromotor responses of live fish were analyzed. In Part One of this thesis, electrocommunication strategies of the fish were analyzed, and particularly the functions of double pulses, discharge regularizations, and echo responses were examined in an adaptive context. Double pulses were classified as an aggressive mo-tivation signal, whereas regularizations may have a communicative function during the early stages of the sequential assessment of a potential opponent. In this context, discharge synchronization by means of echo responses may enable a mutual assessment for the net benefit of both contestants. Because echo responses occur in various behavioral contexts, and artificial echoes of the dummy evoked increased echoing by the fish, it was hypothesized that the echo response serves a more general purpose by enabling mutual allocation of social attention between two fish. In Part Two of this thesis, a biomimetic robotic fish was designed to investigate the senso-ry basis on which fish followed the dummy. It was shown that electrical playback signals induced following-behavior in live fish, whereas biomimetic motility patterns had no ef-fect. By subsequently reducing the mobile dummy to only the electric signaling sequence from the perspective of the fish, it could be shown that passive perception of electrical communication signals is also involved in mediating the spatial coordination of social in-teractions. This passive perception is likely mediated by the same electroreceptor organs that are used during electrocommunication. The EOD can therefore be considered to be an essential social stimulus that makes it possible to integrate a dummy into a group of weak-ly electric fish as an artificial conspecific. The influence of an interactively signaling mobile dummy fish on small groups of up to four individuals was investigated in Part Three of this thesis. Typical schooling behavior was a rare occurrence in this context. However, EOD-synchronizations through mutual echo responses between two fish, or between a fish and the interactive dummy, were fre-quently observed during social interactions in small groups. Motor interactions during synchronization episodes supported the hypothesis that mormyrids may use discharge synchronizations between individuals to allocate social attention, and the echo response may thus adopt a particularly useful function during communication in groups.Schwach elektrische Fisch aus der Familie der Mormyriden verfügen über ein spezialisier-tes elektrosensorisches Sinnessystem. In einem Prozess, der als aktive Elektroortung be-zeichnet wird, sind diese Tiere in der Lage, selbstgenerierte elektrische Organentladungen (EOD) wahrzunehmen, und dadurch Objekte in ihrer unmittelbaren Nähe zu detektieren. Das EOD ist ein kurzer bipolarer Puls, der gleichzeitig auch zur Kommunikation mit Artge-nossen dient. Informationsaustausch während der Elektrokommunikation basiert auf zwei verschiedenen Prinzipien: Die Wellenform des EOD stellt einen relativ konstanten Identi-tätsmarker dar, der beispielsweise Art, Geschlecht und Status eines Individuums signali-siert. Die zeitliche Abfolge der Intervalle zwischen den EODs ist hingegen höchst variabel und kodiert kontextspezifische Information. Durch Modifikation der Intervalldauer ändert sich nicht nur die Entladungsfrequenz, sondern es können auch spezifische Signalmuster und interaktive Entladungssequenzen generiert werden. Ein interaktives Entladungsver-halten stellt beispielsweise die Echoantwort dar, bei der ein Fisch mit einer konstanten Latenz von wenigen Millisekunden auf das EOD eines Artgenossen reagiert. Zwei Tiere können ihre Entladungssequenzen synchronisieren, indem sie ihre Signale über einen kohärenten Zeitraum gegenseitig mit Echos beantworten. Obwohl aktive Elektroortung und Elektrokommunikation über unterschiedliche Rezeptororgansysteme und neuronale Pfade vermittelt werden, ist eine eindeutige Zuordnung der elektromotorischen Verhal-tensäußerungen der Fische zu nur einer der beiden Funktionen oft problematisch. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung intervallbasierter EOD-Sequenzen für motorische und elektromotorische Interaktionen des Mormyriden Mormyrus rume proboscirostris erforscht. Hierzu wurden verschiedene elektrische Playbacksequenzen artspezifischer EODs generiert und durch mobile Fischattrappen wiedergegeben. Die mo-torischen und elektromotorischen Verhaltensreaktionen der Fische wurden analysiert. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden Elektrokommunikationsstrategien der Fische analysiert und die adaptive Funktion insbesondere von Doppelpulsen, Entladungsregularisierungen und Echoantworten untersucht. Doppelpulse wurden als aggressives Motivationssignal kategorisiert, wohingegen die Kommunikationsfunktion von Regularisierungen im gegen-seitigen Einschätzen zu Beginn einer kompetitiven Begegnung zu liegen scheint. Entla-dungssynchronisation durch gegenseitige Echoantworten kann dabei eine Einschätzung des Gegenübers zum Vorteil beider Parteien erleichtern. Da Echoantworten in verschiede-nen Verhaltenssituationen auftreten und artifizielle Echoantworten der Attrappe vermehrt zu Echos vonseiten der Fische führten, wurde postuliert, dass die Echoantwort eine generellere Funktion bei der Fokussierung gegenseitiger sozialer Aufmerksamkeit über-nehmen kann. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde ein biomimetischer Fischroboter konstruiert, um zu untersuchen, auf welcher sensorischen Grundlage die Fische der Attrappe folgen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass elektrische Playbacksignale, nicht aber biomimetische Bewe-gungsmuster, Folgeverhalten der Fische induzieren. In einem weiteren Schritt konnte durch die Reduktion der Attrappe auf die elektrischen Signalsequenzen aus der Perspektive der Versuchsfische gezeigt werden, dass passive Wahrnehmung elektrischer Kommu-nikationssignale auch bei der räumlichen Koordination sozialer Interaktionen von Bedeu-tung ist. Dies wird mutmaßlich über die gleichen Rezeptororgane vermittelt, die auch für die Elektrokommunikation verantwortlich sind. Das EOD kann daher als ein soziales Signal betrachtet werden, das es ermöglicht, eine Attrappe als künstlichen Artgenossen in eine Gruppe schwach elektrischer Fische zu integrieren. Der Einfluss einer elektrisch interaktiven mobilen Fischattrappe auf kleine Gruppen von bis zu vier Individuen wurde im dritten Teil der Arbeit getestet. Typisches Schwarmver-halten konnte in diesem Zusammenhang nur selten beobachtet werden. In kleinen Gruppen kam es während sozialer Interaktionen jedoch häufig zu EOD-Synchronisationen durch Echoantworten zwischen zwei Fischen, oder zwischen einem Fisch und der interaktiven Attrappe. Motorische Verhaltensinteraktionen im Zeitraum dieser Synchronisationen stützen die Hypothese, dass Mormyriden durch elektrische Entladungssynchronisation soziale Aufmerksamkeit zwischen Individuen herstellen können, und die Echoantwort somit besonders in Gruppen eine nützliche Kommunikationsfunktion übernehmen kann
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