476 research outputs found

    Abstractions, Analysis Techniques, and Synthesis of Scalable Control Strategies for Robot Swarms

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    Tasks that require parallelism, redundancy, and adaptation to dynamic, possibly hazardous environments can potentially be performed very efficiently and robustly by a swarm robotic system. Such a system would consist of hundreds or thousands of anonymous, resource-constrained robots that operate autonomously, with little to no direct human supervision. The massive parallelism of a swarm would allow it to perform effectively in the event of robot failures, and the simplicity of individual robots facilitates a low unit cost. Key challenges in the development of swarm robotic systems include the accurate prediction of swarm behavior and the design of robot controllers that can be proven to produce a desired macroscopic outcome. The controllers should be scalable, meaning that they ensure system operation regardless of the swarm size. This thesis presents a comprehensive approach to modeling a swarm robotic system, analyzing its performance, and synthesizing scalable control policies that cause the populations of different swarm elements to evolve in a specified way that obeys time and efficiency constraints. The control policies are decentralized, computed a priori, implementable on robots with limited sensing and communication capabilities, and have theoretical guarantees on performance. To facilitate this framework of abstraction and top-down controller synthesis, the swarm is designed to emulate a system of chemically reacting molecules. The majority of this work considers well-mixed systems when there are interaction-dependent task transitions, with some modeling and analysis extensions to spatially inhomogeneous systems. The methodology is applied to the design of a swarm task allocation approach that does not rely on inter-robot communication, a reconfigurable manufacturing system, and a cooperative transport strategy for groups of robots. The third application incorporates observations from a novel experimental study of the mechanics of cooperative retrieval in Aphaenogaster cockerelli ants. The correctness of the abstractions and the correspondence of the evolution of the controlled system to the target behavior are validated with computer simulations. The investigated applications form the building blocks for a versatile swarm system with integrated capabilities that have performance guarantees

    Exploring the intersection of biology and design for product innovations

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    Design, development, productization, and applications of advanced product concepts are pressing for higher multifunctionality, resilience, and maximization of available resources equitably to meet the growing and continuing demands of global customers. These demands have further accelerated during the recent COVID- 19 pandemic and are continuing to be a challenge. Engineering designs are one of the most effective ways to endow products with functions, resilience, and sustainability. Biology, through millions of years of evolution, has met these acute requirements under severe resource and environmental constraints. As the manufacturing of products is reaching the fundamental limits of raw materials, labor, and resource constraints in terms of availability, accessibility, and affordability, new approaches are a call to action to meet these challenges. Understanding the designs in biology is an attractive, novel, and desired frontier for learning and implementation to meet this call to action. This is the focus of the paper discussed through examples for convergence of fundamental engineering design concepts and the lessons learned and applied from biology

    Distributed Cognition as the Basis for Adaptation and Homeostasis in Robots

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    Many researchers approach the problem of building autonomous systems by looking to biology for inspiration. This has given rise to a wide-range of artificial systems mimicking their biological counterparts—artificial neural networks, artificial endocrine systems, and artificial musculoskeletal systems are prime examples. While these systems are succinct and work well in isolation, they can become cumbersome and complicated when combined to perform more complex tasks. Autonomous behaviour is one such complex task. This thesis considers autonomy as the complex behaviour it is, and proposes a bottom-up approach to developing autonomous behaviour from cognition. This consists of investigating how cognition can provide new approaches to the current limitations of swarm systems, and using this as the basis for one type of autonomous behaviour: artificial homeostasis. Distributed cognition, a form of emergent cognition, is most often described in terms of the immune system and social insects. By taking inspiration from distributed cognition, this thesis details the development of novel algorithms for cognitive decision-making and emergent identity in leaderless, homogenous swarms. Artificial homeostasis is provided to a robot through an architecture that combines the cognitive decision-making algorithm with a simple associative memory. This architecture is used to demonstrate how a simple architecture can endow a robot with the capacity to adapt to an unseen environment, and use that information to proactively seek out what it needs from the environment in order to maintain its internal state

    A Nature inspired guidance system for unmanned autonomous vehicles employed in a search role.

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    Since the very earliest days of the human race, people have been studying animal behaviours. In those early times, being able to predict animal behaviour gave hunters the advantages required for success. Then, as societies began to develop this gave way, to an extent, to agriculture and early studies, much of it trial and error, enabled farmers to successfully breed and raise livestock to feed an ever growing population. Following the advent of scientific endeavour, more rigorous academic research has taken human understanding of the natural world to much greater depth. In recent years, some of this understanding has been applied to the field of computing, creating the more specialised field of natural computing. In this arena, a considerable amount of research has been undertaken to exploit the analogy between, say, searching a given problem space for an optimal solution and the natural process of foraging for food. Such analogies have led to useful solutions in areas such as numerical optimisation and communication network management, prominent examples being ant colony systems and particle swarm optimisation; however, these solutions often rely on well-defined fitness landscapes that may not always be available. One practical application of natural computing may be to create behaviours for the control of autonomous vehicles that would utilise the findings of ethological research, identifying the natural world behaviours that have evolved over millennia to surmount many of the problems that autonomous vehicles find difficult; for example, long range underwater navigation or obstacle avoidance in fast moving environments. This thesis provides an exploratory investigation into the use of natural search strategies for improving the performance of autonomous vehicles operating in a search role. It begins with a survey of related work, including recent developments in autonomous vehicles and a ground breaking study of behaviours observed within the natural world that highlights general cooperative group behaviours, search strategies and communication methods that might be useful within a wider computing context beyond optimisation, where the information may be sparse but new paradigms could be developed that capitalise on research into biological systems that have developed over millennia within the natural world. Following this, using a 2-dimensional model, novel research is reported that explores whether autonomous vehicle search can be enhanced by applying natural search behaviours for a variety of search targets. Having identified useful search behaviours for detecting targets, it then considers scenarios where detection is lost and whether natural strategies for re-detection can improve overall systemic performance in search applications. Analysis of empirical results indicate that search strategies exploiting behaviours found in nature can improve performance over random search and commonly applied systematic searches, such as grids and spirals, across a variety of relative target speeds, from static targets to twice the speed of the searching vehicles, and against various target movement types such as deterministic movement, random walks and other nature inspired movement. It was found that strategies were most successful under similar target-vehicle relationships as were identified in nature. Experiments with target occlusion also reveal that natural reacquisition strategies could improve the probability oftarget redetection

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Coordinating Team Tactics for Swarm-vs.-Swarm Adversarial Games

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    While swarms of UAVs have received much attention in the last few years, adversarial swarms (i.e., competitive, swarm-vs.-swarm games) have been less well studied. In this dissertation, I investigate the factors influential in team-vs.-team UAV aerial combat scenarios, elucidating the impacts of force concentration and opponent spread in the engagement space. Specifically, this dissertation makes the following contributions: (1) Tactical Analysis: Identifies conditions under which either explicitly-coordinating tactics or decentralized, greedy tactics are superior in engagements as small as 2-vs.-2 and as large as 10-vs.-10, and examines how these patterns change with the quality of the teams' weapons; (2) Coordinating Tactics: Introduces and demonstrates a deep-reinforcement-learning framework that equips agents to learn to use their own and their teammates' situational context to decide which pre-scripted tactics to employ in what situations, and which teammates, if any, to coordinate with throughout the engagement; the efficacy of agents using the neural network trained within this framework outperform baseline tactics in engagements against teams of agents employing baseline tactics in N-vs.-N engagements for N as small as two and as large as 64; and (3) Bio-Inspired Coordination: Discovers through Monte-Carlo agent-based simulations the importance of prioritizing the team's force concentration against the most threatening opponent agents, but also of preserving some resources by deploying a smaller defense force and defending against lower-penalty threats in addition to high-priority threats to maximize the remaining fuel within the defending team's fuel reservoir.Ph.D

    Swarm robotics: a review from the swarm engineering perspective

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    Discrete Consensus Decisions in Human-Collective Teams

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    Swarm intelligence: novel tools for optimization, feature extraction, and multi-agent system modeling

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    Abstract Animal swarms in nature are able to adapt to dynamic changes in their envi-ronment, and through cooperation they can solve problems that are crucial for their survival. Only by means of local interactions with other members of the swarm and with the environment, they can achieve a common goal more efficiently than it would be done by a single individual. This problem-solving behavior that results from the multiplicity of such interactions is referred to as Swarm Intelligence. The mathematical models of swarming behavior in nature were initially proposed to solve optimization problems. Nevertheless, this decentralized approach can be a valuable tool for a variety of applications, where emerging global patterns represent a solution to the task at hand. Methods for the solution of difficult computational problems based on Swarm Intelligence have been experimentally demonstrated and reported in the literature. However, a general framework that would facilitate their design does not exist yet. In this dissertation, a new general design methodology for Swarm Intelligence tools is proposed. By defining a discrete space in which the members of the swarm can move, and by modifying the rules of local interactions and setting the adequate objective function for solutions evaluation, the proposed methodology is tested in various domains. The dissertation presents a set of case studies, and focuses on two general approaches. One approach is to apply Swarm Intelligence as a tool for optimization and feature extraction, and the other approach is to model multi-agent systems such that they resemble swarms of animals in nature providing them with the ability to autonomously perform a task at hand. Artificial swarms are designed to be autonomous, scalable, robust, and adaptive to the changes in their environment. In this work, the methods that exploit one or more of these features are presented. First, the proposed methodology is validated in a real-world scenario seen as a combinatorial optimization problem. Then a set of novel tools for feature extraction, more precisely the adaptive edge detection and the broken-edge linking in digital images is proposed. A novel data clustering algorithm is also proposed and applied to image segmentation. Finally, a scalable algorithm based on the proposed methodology is developed for distributed task allocation in multi-agent systems, and applied to a swarm of robots. The newly proposed general methodology provides a guideline for future developers of the Swarm Intelligence tools. Los enjambres de animales en la naturaleza son capaces de adaptarse a cambios dinamicos en su entorno y, por medio de la cooperación, pueden resolver problemas ´ cruciales para su supervivencia. Unicamente por medio de interacciones locales con otros miembros del enjambre y con el entorno, pueden lograr un objetivo común de forma más eficiente que lo haría un solo individuo. Este comportamiento problema-resolutivo que es resultado de la multiplicidad de interacciones se denomina Inteligencia de Enjambre. Los modelos matemáticos de comportamiento de enjambres en entornos naturales fueron propuestos inicialmente para resolver problemas de optimización. Sin embargo, esta aproximación descentralizada puede ser una herramienta valiosa en una variedad de aplicaciones donde patrones globales emergentes representan una solución de las tareas actuales. Aunque en la literatura se muestra la utilidad de los métodos de Inteligencia de Enjambre, no existe un entorno de trabajo que facilite su diseño. En esta memoria de tesis proponemos una nueva metodologia general de diseño para herramientas de Inteligencia de Enjambre. Desarrollamos herramientas noveles que representan ejem-plos ilustrativos de su implementación. Probamos la metodología propuesta en varios dominios definiendo un espacio discreto en el que los miembros del enjambre pueden moverse, modificando las reglas de las interacciones locales y fijando la función objetivo adecuada para evaluar las soluciones. La memoria de tesis presenta un conjunto de casos de estudio y se centra en dos aproximaciones generales. Una aproximación es aplicar Inteligencia de Enjambre como herramienta de optimización y extracción de características mientras que la otra es modelar sistemas multi-agente de tal manera que se asemejen a enjambres de animales en la naturaleza a los que se les confiere la habilidad de ejecutar autónomamente la tarea. Los enjambres artificiales están diseñados para ser autónomos, escalables, robustos y adaptables a los cambios en su entorno. En este trabajo, presentamos métodos que explotan una o más de estas características. Primero, validamos la metodología propuesta en un escenario del mundo real visto como un problema de optimización combinatoria. Después, proponemos un conjunto de herramientas noveles para ex-tracción de características, en concreto la detección adaptativa de bordes y el enlazado de bordes rotos en imágenes digitales, y el agrupamiento de datos para segmentación de imágenes. Finalmente, proponemos un algoritmo escalable para la asignación distribuida de tareas en sistemas multi-agente aplicada a enjambres de robots. La metodología general recién propuesta ofrece una guía para futuros desarrolladores deherramientas de Inteligencia de Enjambre