38 research outputs found

    Skema Lokalisasi Node pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel Berbasis Algoritma Hibrid Bat-PSO

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    Jaringan sensor nirkabel terdiri dari ratusan hingga ribuan nodes. Metode konvensional yang digunakan untuk mengetahui posisi node sensor yang tersebar pada lokasi pengamatan adalah pemasangan GPS pada setiap node. Namun, hal ini sangat tidak efektif dan membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu metode lokalisasi yang akurat untuk dapat mengestimasi posisi dari setiap node sensor. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah menggunakan algoritma metaheuristik. Pada penelitian ini, diusulkan sebuah algoritma metaheuristik yang menggabungkan keunggulan dari algoritma Bat dan algoritma particle swarm optimization (PSO) untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan lokalisasi pada jaringan sensor nirkabel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, algoritma hibrid Bat-PSO mampu digunakan untuk mengestimasi seluruh posisi node dalam berbagai variasi kepadatan node. Algoritma hibrid Bat-PSO juga dapat mengestimasi posisi node dengan lebih akurat jika dibandingkan dengan algoritma orisinil Bat

    Metaheuristics Techniques for Cluster Head Selection in WSN: A Survey

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    In recent years, Wireless sensor communication is growing expeditiously on the capability to gather information, communicate and transmit data effectively. Clustering is the main objective of improving the network lifespan in Wireless sensor network. It includes selecting the cluster head for each cluster in addition to grouping the nodes into clusters. The cluster head gathers data from the normal nodes in the cluster, and the gathered information is then transmitted to the base station. However, there are many reasons in effect opposing unsteady cluster head selection and dead nodes. The technique for selecting a cluster head takes into factors to consider including residual energy, neighbors’ nodes, and the distance between the base station to the regular nodes. In this study, we thoroughly investigated by number of methods of selecting a cluster head and constructing a cluster. Additionally, a quick performance assessment of the techniques' performance is given together with the methods' criteria, advantages, and future directions

    Development an accurate and stable range-free localization scheme for anisotropic wireless sensor networks

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    With the high-speed development of wireless radio technology, numerous sensor nodes are integrated into wireless sensor networks, which has promoted plentiful location-based applications that are successfully applied in various fields, such as monitoring natural disasters and post-disaster rescue. Location information is an integral part of wireless sensor networks, without location information, all received data will lose meaning. However, the current localization scheme is based on equipped GPS on every node, which is not cost-efficient and not suitable for large-scale wireless sensor networks and outdoor environments. To address this problem, research scholars have proposed a rangefree localization scheme which only depends on network connectivity. Nevertheless, as the representative range-free localization scheme, Distance Vector-Hop (DV-Hop) localization algorithm demonstrates extremely poor localization accuracy under anisotropic wireless sensor networks. The previous works assumed that the network environment is evenly and uniformly distributed, ignored anisotropic factors in a real setting. Besides, most research academics improved the localization accuracy to a certain degree, but at expense of high communication overhead and computational complexity, which cannot meet the requirements of high-precision applications for anisotropic wireless sensor networks. Hence, finding a fast, accurate, and strong solution to solve the range-free localization problem is still a big challenge. Accordingly, this study aspires to bridge the research gap by exploring a new DV-Hop algorithm to build a fast, costefficient, strong range-free localization scheme. This study developed an optimized variation of the DV-Hop localization algorithm for anisotropic wireless sensor networks. To address the poor localization accuracy problem in irregular C-shaped network topology, it adopts an efficient Grew Wolf Optimizer instead of the least-squares method. The dynamic communication range is introduced to refine hop between anchor nodes, and new parameters are recommended to optimize network protocol to balance energy cost in the initial step. Besides, the weighted coefficient and centroid algorithm is employed to reduce cumulative error by hop count and cut down computational complexity. The developed localization framework is separately validated and evaluated each optimized step under various evaluation criteria, in terms of accuracy, stability, and cost, etc. The results of EGWO-DV-Hop demonstrated superior localization accuracy under both topologies, the average localization error dropped up to 87.79% comparing with basic DV-Hop under C-shaped topology. The developed enhanced DWGWO-DVHop localization algorithm illustrated a favorable result with high accuracy and strong stability. The overall localization error is around 1.5m under C-shaped topology, while the traditional DV-Hop algorithm is large than 20m. Generally, the average localization error went down up to 93.35%, compared with DV-Hop. The localization accuracy and robustness of comparison indicated that the developed DWGWO-DV-Hop algorithm super outperforms the other classical range-free methods. It has the potential significance to be guided and applied in practical location-based applications for anisotropic wireless sensor networks

    A review of UAV autonomous navigation in GPS-denied environments

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have drawn increased research interest in recent years, leading to a vast number of applications, such as, terrain exploration, disaster assistance and industrial inspection. Unlike UAV navigation in outdoor environments that rely on GPS (Global Positioning System) for localization, indoor navigation cannot rely on GPS due to the poor quality or lack of signal. Although some reviewing papers particularly summarized indoor navigation strategies (e.g., Visual-based Navigation) or their specific sub-components (e.g., localization and path planning) in detail, there still lacks a comprehensive survey for the complete navigation strategies that cover different technologies. This paper proposes a taxonomy which firstly classifies the navigation strategies into Mapless and Map-based ones based on map usage and then, respectively categorizes the Mapless navigation into Integrated, Direct and Indirect approaches via common characteristics. The Map-based navigation is then split into Known Map/Spaces and Map-building via prior knowledge. In order to analyze these navigation strategies, this paper uses three evaluation metrics (Path Length, Deviation Rate and Exploration Efficiency) according to the common purposes of navigation to show how well they can perform. Furthermore, three representative strategies were selected and 120 flying experiments conducted in two reality-like simulated indoor environments to show their performances against the evaluation metrics proposed in this paper, i.e., the ratio of Successful Flight, the Mean time of Successful Flight, the Mean Length of Successful Flight, the Mean time of Flight, and the Mean Length of Flight. In comparison to the CNN-based Supervised Learning (directly maps visual observations to UAV controls) and the Frontier-based navigation (necessitates continuous global map generation), the experiments show that the CNN-based Distance Estimation for navigation trades off the ratio of Successful Flight and the required time and path length. Moreover, this paper identifies the current challenges and opportunities which will drive UAV navigation research in GPS-denied environments

    Feature Papers of Drones - Volume I

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    [EN] The present book is divided into two volumes (Volume I: articles 1–23, and Volume II: articles 24–54) which compile the articles and communications submitted to the Topical Collection ”Feature Papers of Drones” during the years 2020 to 2022 describing novel or new cutting-edge designs, developments, and/or applications of unmanned vehicles (drones). Articles 1–8 are devoted to the developments of drone design, where new concepts and modeling strategies as well as effective designs that improve drone stability and autonomy are introduced. Articles 9–16 focus on the communication aspects of drones as effective strategies for smooth deployment and efficient functioning are required. Therefore, several developments that aim to optimize performance and security are presented. In this regard, one of the most directly related topics is drone swarms, not only in terms of communication but also human-swarm interaction and their applications for science missions, surveillance, and disaster rescue operations. To conclude with the volume I related to drone improvements, articles 17–23 discusses the advancements associated with autonomous navigation, obstacle avoidance, and enhanced flight plannin

    Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems

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    The aim of this reprint focuses on the latest protocol research, software/hardware development and implementation, and system architecture design in addressing emerging security and privacy issues for modern wireless communication networks. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: deep-learning-based security and privacy design; covert communications; information-theoretical foundations for advanced security and privacy techniques; lightweight cryptography for power constrained networks; physical layer key generation; prototypes and testbeds for security and privacy solutions; encryption and decryption algorithm for low-latency constrained networks; security protocols for modern wireless communication networks; network intrusion detection; physical layer design with security consideration; anonymity in data transmission; vulnerabilities in security and privacy in modern wireless communication networks; challenges of security and privacy in node–edge–cloud computation; security and privacy design for low-power wide-area IoT networks; security and privacy design for vehicle networks; security and privacy design for underwater communications networks

    The doctoral research abstracts. Vol:11 2017 / Institute of Graduate Studies, UiTM

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    Foreword: Congratulation to IGS on the continuous effort to publish the 11th issue of the Doctoral Research Abstracts which highlights the research in various disciplines from science and technology, business and administration to social science and humanities. This research abstract issue features the abstracts from 91 PhD doctorates who will receive their scrolls in this 86th UiTM momentous convocation ceremony. This is a special year for the Institute of Graduate Studies where we are celebrating our 20th anniversary. The 20th anniversary is celebrated with pride with an increase in the number of PhD graduates. In this 86th convocation, the number of PhD graduates has increased by 30% compared to the previous convocation. Each research produces an innovation and this year, 91 research innovations have been successfully recognized to have made contributions to the body of knowledge. This is in line with this year UiTM theme that is “Inovasi Melonjak Persaingan Global (Innovation Soars Global Competition)”. Embarking on PhD research may not have been an easy decision for many of you. It often comes at a point in life when the decision to further one’s studies is challenged by the comfort of status quo. I would like it to be known that you have most certainly done UiTM proud by journeying through the scholarly world with its endless challenges and obstacles, and by persevering right till the very end. Again, congratulations to all PhD graduates. As you leave the university as alumni we hope a new relationship will be fostered between you and UiTM to ensure UiTM soars to greater heights. I wish you all the best in your future endeavor. Keep UiTM close to your heart and be our ambassadors wherever you go. / Prof Emeritus Dato’ Dr Hassan Said Vice Chancellor Universiti Teknologi MAR


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications

    Políticas de Copyright de Publicações Científicas em Repositórios Institucionais: O Caso do INESC TEC

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    A progressiva transformação das práticas científicas, impulsionada pelo desenvolvimento das novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), têm possibilitado aumentar o acesso à informação, caminhando gradualmente para uma abertura do ciclo de pesquisa. Isto permitirá resolver a longo prazo uma adversidade que se tem colocado aos investigadores, que passa pela existência de barreiras que limitam as condições de acesso, sejam estas geográficas ou financeiras. Apesar da produção científica ser dominada, maioritariamente, por grandes editoras comerciais, estando sujeita às regras por estas impostas, o Movimento do Acesso Aberto cuja primeira declaração pública, a Declaração de Budapeste (BOAI), é de 2002, vem propor alterações significativas que beneficiam os autores e os leitores. Este Movimento vem a ganhar importância em Portugal desde 2003, com a constituição do primeiro repositório institucional a nível nacional. Os repositórios institucionais surgiram como uma ferramenta de divulgação da produção científica de uma instituição, com o intuito de permitir abrir aos resultados da investigação, quer antes da publicação e do próprio processo de arbitragem (preprint), quer depois (postprint), e, consequentemente, aumentar a visibilidade do trabalho desenvolvido por um investigador e a respetiva instituição. O estudo apresentado, que passou por uma análise das políticas de copyright das publicações científicas mais relevantes do INESC TEC, permitiu não só perceber que as editoras adotam cada vez mais políticas que possibilitam o auto-arquivo das publicações em repositórios institucionais, como também que existe todo um trabalho de sensibilização a percorrer, não só para os investigadores, como para a instituição e toda a sociedade. A produção de um conjunto de recomendações, que passam pela implementação de uma política institucional que incentive o auto-arquivo das publicações desenvolvidas no âmbito institucional no repositório, serve como mote para uma maior valorização da produção científica do INESC TEC.The progressive transformation of scientific practices, driven by the development of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which made it possible to increase access to information, gradually moving towards an opening of the research cycle. This opening makes it possible to resolve, in the long term, the adversity that has been placed on researchers, which involves the existence of barriers that limit access conditions, whether geographical or financial. Although large commercial publishers predominantly dominate scientific production and subject it to the rules imposed by them, the Open Access movement whose first public declaration, the Budapest Declaration (BOAI), was in 2002, proposes significant changes that benefit the authors and the readers. This Movement has gained importance in Portugal since 2003, with the constitution of the first institutional repository at the national level. Institutional repositories have emerged as a tool for disseminating the scientific production of an institution to open the results of the research, both before publication and the preprint process and postprint, increase the visibility of work done by an investigator and his or her institution. The present study, which underwent an analysis of the copyright policies of INESC TEC most relevant scientific publications, allowed not only to realize that publishers are increasingly adopting policies that make it possible to self-archive publications in institutional repositories, all the work of raising awareness, not only for researchers but also for the institution and the whole society. The production of a set of recommendations, which go through the implementation of an institutional policy that encourages the self-archiving of the publications developed in the institutional scope in the repository, serves as a motto for a greater appreciation of the scientific production of INESC TEC