715 research outputs found

    Binaural scene analysis : localization, detection and recognition of speakers in complex acoustic scenes

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    The human auditory system has the striking ability to robustly localize and recognize a specific target source in complex acoustic environments while ignoring interfering sources. Surprisingly, this remarkable capability, which is referred to as auditory scene analysis, is achieved by only analyzing the waveforms reaching the two ears. Computers, however, are presently not able to compete with the performance achieved by the human auditory system, even in the restricted paradigm of confronting a computer algorithm based on binaural signals with a highly constrained version of auditory scene analysis, such as localizing a sound source in a reverberant environment or recognizing a speaker in the presence of interfering noise. In particular, the problem of focusing on an individual speech source in the presence of competing speakers, termed the cocktail party problem, has been proven to be extremely challenging for computer algorithms. The primary objective of this thesis is the development of a binaural scene analyzer that is able to jointly localize, detect and recognize multiple speech sources in the presence of reverberation and interfering noise. The processing of the proposed system is divided into three main stages: localization stage, detection of speech sources, and recognition of speaker identities. The only information that is assumed to be known a priori is the number of target speech sources that are present in the acoustic mixture. Furthermore, the aim of this work is to reduce the performance gap between humans and machines by improving the performance of the individual building blocks of the binaural scene analyzer. First, a binaural front-end inspired by auditory processing is designed to robustly determine the azimuth of multiple, simultaneously active sound sources in the presence of reverberation. The localization model builds on the supervised learning of azimuthdependent binaural cues, namely interaural time and level differences. Multi-conditional training is performed to incorporate the uncertainty of these binaural cues resulting from reverberation and the presence of competing sound sources. Second, a speech detection module that exploits the distinct spectral characteristics of speech and noise signals is developed to automatically select azimuthal positions that are likely to correspond to speech sources. Due to the established link between the localization stage and the recognition stage, which is realized by the speech detection module, the proposed binaural scene analyzer is able to selectively focus on a predefined number of speech sources that are positioned at unknown spatial locations, while ignoring interfering noise sources emerging from other spatial directions. Third, the speaker identities of all detected speech sources are recognized in the final stage of the model. To reduce the impact of environmental noise on the speaker recognition performance, a missing data classifier is combined with the adaptation of speaker models using a universal background model. This combination is particularly beneficial in nonstationary background noise

    Informed algorithms for sound source separation in enclosed reverberant environments

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    While humans can separate a sound of interest amidst a cacophony of contending sounds in an echoic environment, machine-based methods lag behind in solving this task. This thesis thus aims at improving performance of audio separation algorithms when they are informed i.e. have access to source location information. These locations are assumed to be known a priori in this work, for example by video processing. Initially, a multi-microphone array based method combined with binary time-frequency masking is proposed. A robust least squares frequency invariant data independent beamformer designed with the location information is utilized to estimate the sources. To further enhance the estimated sources, binary time-frequency masking based post-processing is used but cepstral domain smoothing is required to mitigate musical noise. To tackle the under-determined case and further improve separation performance at higher reverberation times, a two-microphone based method which is inspired by human auditory processing and generates soft time-frequency masks is described. In this approach interaural level difference, interaural phase difference and mixing vectors are probabilistically modeled in the time-frequency domain and the model parameters are learned through the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. A direction vector is estimated for each source, using the location information, which is used as the mean parameter of the mixing vector model. Soft time-frequency masks are used to reconstruct the sources. A spatial covariance model is then integrated into the probabilistic model framework that encodes the spatial characteristics of the enclosure and further improves the separation performance in challenging scenarios i.e. when sources are in close proximity and when the level of reverberation is high. Finally, new dereverberation based pre-processing is proposed based on the cascade of three dereverberation stages where each enhances the twomicrophone reverberant mixture. The dereverberation stages are based on amplitude spectral subtraction, where the late reverberation is estimated and suppressed. The combination of such dereverberation based pre-processing and use of soft mask separation yields the best separation performance. All methods are evaluated with real and synthetic mixtures formed for example from speech signals from the TIMIT database and measured room impulse responses

    Auditory Displays and Assistive Technologies: the use of head movements by visually impaired individuals and their implementation in binaural interfaces

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    Visually impaired people rely upon audition for a variety of purposes, among these are the use of sound to identify the position of objects in their surrounding environment. This is limited not just to localising sound emitting objects, but also obstacles and environmental boundaries, thanks to their ability to extract information from reverberation and sound reflections- all of which can contribute to effective and safe navigation, as well as serving a function in certain assistive technologies thanks to the advent of binaural auditory virtual reality. It is known that head movements in the presence of sound elicit changes in the acoustical signals which arrive at each ear, and these changes can improve common auditory localisation problems in headphone-based auditory virtual reality, such as front-to-back reversals. The goal of the work presented here is to investigate whether the visually impaired naturally engage head movement to facilitate auditory perception and to what extent it may be applicable to the design of virtual auditory assistive technology. Three novel experiments are presented; a field study of head movement behaviour during navigation, a questionnaire assessing the self-reported use of head movement in auditory perception by visually impaired individuals (each comparing visually impaired and sighted participants) and an acoustical analysis of inter-aural differences and cross- correlations as a function of head angle and sound source distance. It is found that visually impaired people self-report using head movement for auditory distance perception. This is supported by head movements observed during the field study, whilst the acoustical analysis showed that interaural correlations for sound sources within 5m of the listener were reduced as head angle or distance to sound source were increased, and that interaural differences and correlations in reflected sound were generally lower than that of direct sound. Subsequently, relevant guidelines for designers of assistive auditory virtual reality are proposed

    A Geometric Approach to Sound Source Localization from Time-Delay Estimates

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    This paper addresses the problem of sound-source localization from time-delay estimates using arbitrarily-shaped non-coplanar microphone arrays. A novel geometric formulation is proposed, together with a thorough algebraic analysis and a global optimization solver. The proposed model is thoroughly described and evaluated. The geometric analysis, stemming from the direct acoustic propagation model, leads to necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of time delays to correspond to a unique position in the source space. Such sets of time delays are referred to as feasible sets. We formally prove that every feasible set corresponds to exactly one position in the source space, whose value can be recovered using a closed-form localization mapping. Therefore we seek for the optimal feasible set of time delays given, as input, the received microphone signals. This time delay estimation problem is naturally cast into a programming task, constrained by the feasibility conditions derived from the geometric analysis. A global branch-and-bound optimization technique is proposed to solve the problem at hand, hence estimating the best set of feasible time delays and, subsequently, localizing the sound source. Extensive experiments with both simulated and real data are reported; we compare our methodology to four state-of-the-art techniques. This comparison clearly shows that the proposed method combined with the branch-and-bound algorithm outperforms existing methods. These in-depth geometric understanding, practical algorithms, and encouraging results, open several opportunities for future work.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 3 table, journa


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    Reverberation significantly impacts the quality and intelligibility of speech. Several dereverberation algorithms have been proposed in the literature to combat this problem. A majority of these algorithms utilize a single channel and are developed for monaural applications, and as such do not preserve the cues necessary for sound localization. This thesis describes a blind two-channel dereverberation technique that improves the quality of speech corrupted by reverberation while preserving cues that affect localization. The method is based by combining a short term (2ms) and long term (20ms) weighting function of the linear prediction (LP) residual of the input signal. The developed and other dereverberation algorithms are evaluated objectively and subjectively in terms of sound quality and localization accuracy. The binaural adaptation provides a significant increase in sound quality while removing the loss in localization ability found in the bilateral implementation
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