471 research outputs found

    Well-posedness for a class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations

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    In this paper we obtain well-posedness for a class of semilinear weakly degenerate reaction-diffusion systems with Robin boundary conditions. This result is obtained through a Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequality and some embedding results for weighted Sobolev spaces

    A uniform controllability result for the Keller-Segel system

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    In this paper we study the controllability of the Keller-Segel system approximating its parabolic-elliptic version. We show that this parabolic system is locally uniform controllable around a constant solution of the parabolic-elliptic system when the control is acting on the component of the chemical

    Optimal bilinear control problem related to a chemo-repulsion system in 2D domains

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    In this paper we study a bilinear optimal control problem associated to a chemo-repulsion model with linear production term. We analyze the existence, uniqueness and regularity of pointwise strong solutions in a bidimensional domain. We prove the existence of an optimal solution and, using a Lagrange multipliers theorem, we derive first-order optimality conditions

    Local regularity for fractional heat equations

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    We prove the maximal local regularity of weak solutions to the parabolic problem associated with the fractional Laplacian with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on an arbitrary bounded open set ΩRN\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N. Proofs combine classical abstract regularity results for parabolic equations with some new local regularity results for the associated elliptic problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1704.0756

    Fully discrete finite element data assimilation method for the heat equation

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    We consider a finite element discretization for the reconstruction of the final state of the heat equation, when the initial data is unknown, but additional data is given in a sub domain in the space time. For the discretization in space we consider standard continuous affine finite element approximation, and the time derivative is discretized using a backward differentiation. We regularize the discrete system by adding a penalty of the H1H^1-semi-norm of the initial data, scaled with the mesh-parameter. The analysis of the method uses techniques developed in E. Burman and L. Oksanen, Data assimilation for the heat equation using stabilized finite element methods, arXiv, 2016, combining discrete stability of the numerical method with sharp Carleman estimates for the physical problem, to derive optimal error estimates for the approximate solution. For the natural space time energy norm, away from t=0t=0, the convergence is the same as for the classical problem with known initial data, but contrary to the classical case, we do not obtain faster convergence for the L2L^2-norm at the final time

    Unique continuation property and control for the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation on the torus

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    We consider the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (BBM) equation on the one dimensional torus T = R/(2{\pi}Z). We prove a Unique Continuation Property (UCP) for small data in H^1(T) with nonnegative zero means. Next we extend the UCP to certain BBM-like equations, including the equal width wave equation and the KdV-BBM equation. Applications to the stabilization of the above equations are given. In particular, we show that when an internal control acting on a moving interval is applied in BBM equation, then a semiglobal exponential stabilization can be derived in H^s(T) for any s \geq 1. Furthermore, we prove that the BBM equation with a moving control is also locally exactly controllable in H^s(T) for any s \geq 0 and globally exactly controllable in H s (T) for any s \geq 1

    Null controllability of one-dimensional parabolic equations by the flatness approach

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    We consider linear one-dimensional parabolic equations with space dependent coefficients that are only measurable and that may be degenerate or singular.Considering generalized Robin-Neumann boundary conditions at both extremities, we prove the null controllability with one boundary control by following the flatness approach, which providesexplicitly the control and the associated trajectory as series. Both the control and the trajectory have a Gevrey regularity in time related to the LpL^p class of the coefficient in front of u_tu\_t.The approach applies in particular to the (possibly degenerate or singular) heat equation (a(x)u_x)_xu_t=0(a(x)u\_x)\_x-u\_t=0 with a(x)\textgreater{}0 for a.e. x(0,1)x\in (0,1) and a+1/aL1(0,1)a+1/a \in L^1(0,1), or to the heat equation with inverse square potential u_xx+(μ/x2)uu_t=0u\_{xx}+(\mu / |x|^2)u-u\_t=0with μ1/4\mu\ge 1/4

    Inverse problems for linear parabolic equations using mixed formulations -Part 1 : Theoretical analysis

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    We introduce in this document a direct method allowing to solve numerically inverse type problems for linear parabolic equations. We consider the reconstruction of the full solution of the parabolic equation posed in Ω × (0, T)-Ω a bounded subset of R N-from a partial distributed observation. We employ a least-squares technique and minimize the L 2-norm of the distance from the observation to any solution. Taking the parabolic equation as the main constraint of the problem, the optimality conditions are reduced to a mixed formulation involving both the state to reconstruct and a Lagrange multiplier. The well-posedness of this mixed formulation-in particular the inf-sup property-is a consequence of classical energy estimates. We then reproduce the arguments to a linear first order system, involving the normal flux, equivalent to the linear parabolic equation. The method, valid in any dimension spatial dimension N , may also be employed to reconstruct solution for boundary observations. With respect to the hyperbolic situation considered in [10] by the first author, the parabolic situation requires-due to regularization properties-the introduction of appropriate weights function so as to make the problem numerically stable