295 research outputs found

    Patterns formation in axially symmetric Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski equations

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    The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation describes magnetization dynamics in the presence of an applied field and a spin polarized current. In the case of axial symmetry and with focus on one space dimension, we investigate the emergence of space-time patterns in the form of wavetrains and coherent structures, whose local wavenumber varies in space. A major part of this study concerns existence and stability of wavetrains and of front- and domain wall-type coherent structures whose profiles asymptote to wavetrains or the constant up-/down-magnetizations. For certain polarization the Slonczewski term can be removed which allows for a more complete charaterization, including soliton-type solutions. Decisive for the solution structure is the polarization parameter as well as size of anisotropy compared with the difference of field intensity and current intensity normalized by the damping

    Control of integrable Hamiltonian systems and degenerate bifurcations

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    In this dissertation, we study the control of near-integrable systems. A near-integrable system is one whose phase space has a similar structure to an integrable system during short time periods and for some parameter regime. We begin by studying the control of integrable Hamiltonian systems. The controller targets an exact solution to the integrable system using dissipative and conservative terms. We find that a Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation occurs in the limit of no dissipative control. The presence of a Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation implies that the control is highly susceptible to noise. We illustrate our results using a two- and four-dimensional integrable systems generated by low order truncations of solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS). We then extend our results to a near-integrable system related to the NLS; the Ginzburg-Landau equation. We attempt to control the Ginzburg-Landau equation to a plane wave solution of the NLS. We show that for a certain parameter regime; a Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation occurs in the limit of no dissipative control. Through this example, we show that solutions of integrable systems can be viable control targets for related near-integrable systems

    Hysteresis in Adiabatic Dynamical Systems: an Introduction

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    We give a nontechnical description of the behaviour of dynamical systems governed by two distinct time scales. We discuss in particular memory effects, such as bifurcation delay and hysteresis, and comment the scaling behaviour of hysteresis cycles. These properties are illustrated on a few simple examples.Comment: 28 pages, 10 ps figures, AMS-LaTeX. This is the introduction of my Ph.D. dissertation, available at http://dpwww.epfl.ch/instituts/ipt/berglund/these.htm

    Continuation for thin film hydrodynamics and related scalar problems

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    This chapter illustrates how to apply continuation techniques in the analysis of a particular class of nonlinear kinetic equations that describe the time evolution through transport equations for a single scalar field like a densities or interface profiles of various types. We first systematically introduce these equations as gradient dynamics combining mass-conserving and nonmass-conserving fluxes followed by a discussion of nonvariational amendmends and a brief introduction to their analysis by numerical continuation. The approach is first applied to a number of common examples of variational equations, namely, Allen-Cahn- and Cahn-Hilliard-type equations including certain thin-film equations for partially wetting liquids on homogeneous and heterogeneous substrates as well as Swift-Hohenberg and Phase-Field-Crystal equations. Second we consider nonvariational examples as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, convective Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations and thin-film equations describing stationary sliding drops and a transversal front instability in a dip-coating. Through the different examples we illustrate how to employ the numerical tools provided by the packages auto07p and pde2path to determine steady, stationary and time-periodic solutions in one and two dimensions and the resulting bifurcation diagrams. The incorporation of boundary conditions and integral side conditions is also discussed as well as problem-specific implementation issues

    Complex Patterns in Extended Oscillatory Systems

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    Ausgedehnte dissipative Systeme können fernab vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht instabil gegenüber Oszillationen bzw. Wellen oder raumzeitlichem Chaos werden. Die komplexe Ginzburg-Landau Gleichung (CGLE) stellt ein universelles Modell zur Beschreibung dieser raumzeitlichen Strukturen dar. Diese Arbeit ist der theoretischen Analyse komplexer Muster gewidmet. Mittels numerischer Bifurkations- und Stabilitätsanalyse werden Instabilitäten einfacher Muster identifiziert und neuartige Lösungen der CGLE bestimmt. Modulierte Amplitudenwellen (MAW) und Super-Spiralwellen sind Beispiele solcher komplexer Muster. MAWs können in hydrodynamischen Experimenten und Super-Spiralwellen in der Belousov-Zhabotinsky-Reaktion beobachtet werden. Der Grenzübergang von Phasen- zu Defektchaos wird durch den Existenzbereich der MAWs erklärt. Mittels der selben numerischen Methoden wird Bursting vom Fold-Hopf-Typ in einem Modell der Kalziumsignalübertragung in Zellen identifiziert

    Localized states in the conserved Swift-Hohenberg equation with cubic nonlinearity

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    The conserved Swift-Hohenberg equation with cubic nonlinearity provides the simplest microscopic description of the thermodynamic transition from a fluid state to a crystalline state. The resulting phase field crystal model describes a variety of spatially localized structures, in addition to different spatially extended periodic structures. The location of these structures in the temperature versus mean order parameter plane is determined using a combination of numerical continuation in one dimension and direct numerical simulation in two and three dimensions. Localized states are found in the region of thermodynamic coexistence between the homogeneous and structured phases, and may lie outside of the binodal for these states. The results are related to the phenomenon of slanted snaking but take the form of standard homoclinic snaking when the mean order parameter is plotted as a function of the chemical potential, and are expected to carry over to related models with a conserved order parameter.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figure

    Critical behavior of a Ginzburg-Landau model with additive quenched noise

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    We address a mean-field zero-temperature Ginzburg-Landau, or \phi^4, model subjected to quenched additive noise, which has been used recently as a framework for analyzing collective effects induced by diversity. We first make use of a self-consistent theory to calculate the phase diagram of the system, predicting the onset of an order-disorder critical transition at a critical value {\sigma}c of the quenched noise intensity \sigma, with critical exponents that follow Landau theory of thermal phase transitions. We subsequently perform a numerical integration of the system's dynamical variables in order to compare the analytical results (valid in the thermodynamic limit and associated to the ground state of the global Lyapunov potential) with the stationary state of the (finite size) system. In the region of the parameter space where metastability is absent (and therefore the stationary state coincide with the ground state of the Lyapunov potential), a finite-size scaling analysis of the order parameter fluctuations suggests that the magnetic susceptibility diverges quadratically in the vicinity of the transition, what constitutes a violation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation. We derive an effective Hamiltonian and accordingly argue that its functional form does not allow to straightforwardly relate the order parameter fluctuations to the linear response of the system, at odds with equilibrium theory. In the region of the parameter space where the system is susceptible to have a large number of metastable states (and therefore the stationary state does not necessarily correspond to the ground state of the global Lyapunov potential), we numerically find a phase diagram that strongly depends on the initial conditions of the dynamical variables.Comment: 8 figure

    Fourth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems

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    Self-Organization, Coherence and Turbulence in Laser Optics

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    In the last decades, rapid progress in modern nonlinear science was marked by the development of the concept of dissipative soliton (DS). This concept is highly useful in many different fields of science ranging from field theory, optics, and condensed matter physics to biology, medicine, and even sociology. This chapter aims to present a DS appearance from random fluctuations, development, and growth, the formation of the nontrivial internal structure of mature DS and its breakup, in other words, a full life cycle of DS as a self-organized object. Our extensive numerical simulations of the generalized cubic-quintic nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation, which models, in particular, dynamics of mode-locked fiber lasers, demonstrate a close analogy between the properties of DS and the general properties of turbulent and chaotic systems. In particular, we show a disintegration of DS into a noncoherent (or partially coherent) multisoliton complex. Thus, a DS can be interpreted as a complex of nonlinearly coupled coherent “internal modes” that allows developing the kinetic and thermodynamic theory of the nonequilibrious dissipative phenomena. Also, we demonstrate an improvement of DS integrity and, as a result, its disintegration suppression due to noninstantaneous nonlinearity caused by the stimulated Raman scattering. This effect leads to an appearance of a new coherent structure, namely, a dissipative Raman soliton
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