582 research outputs found

    Towards a multiservice & multiformat optical home area networks

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    International audienceWe propose mid and long term visions of optical Home Area Networks. The challenge is not only to increase the network capacity, but also to take into account the heterogeneity of the signals to be conveyed: Ethernet, RF TV and radio signals for wireless-end-connectivity. Two solutions are described: a mid term solution, based on an active star and centered on a multiformat switch, and a long term solution based on a fully transparent infrastructure, associated with optical wavelength multiplexing. These solutions and the corresponding realized setups will be described and compared in terms of performances, flexibility and robustness to future evolutions

    VCSEL-based, CWDM - PON systems using reflective technology for bi-directional multi-play service provision

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based on radio-overfiber schemes allows the direct use of multiple, native format wireless platforms. In combination with standard baseband provision such as Gigabit Ethernet, this provides access to a wide range of services without requiring specialized end-user equipment. However, such signals have a high laser power-bandwidth requirement which may not be a good fit to the domestic environment. Here we explore the use of low-power optical components in customer premises which interface with an intermediate optical network node. Two solutions in the context of SSMF over a CWDM optical network are described, based on either reflective or direct modulation. EVMs of better than 35 dB were achieved. ©2012 Optical Society of America

    Discrete Multitone Modulation for Maximizing Transmission Rate in Step-Index Plastic Optical Fibres

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    The use of standard 1-mm core-diameter step-index plastic optical fiber (SI-POF) has so far been mainly limited to distances of up to 100 m and bit-rates in the order of 100 Mbit/s. By use of digital signal processing, transmission performance of such optical links can be improved. Among the different technical solutions proposed, a promising one is based on the use of discrete multitone (DMT) modulation, directly applied to intensity-modulated, direct detection (IM/DD) SI-POF links. This paper presents an overview of DMT over SI-POF and demonstrates how DMT can be used to improve transmission rate in such IM/DD systems. The achievable capacity of an SI-POF channel is first analyzed theoretically and then validated by experimental results. Additionally, first experimental demonstrations of a real-time DMT over SI-POF system are presented and discusse

    Full-Service MAC Protocol for Metro-Reach GPONs

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.”An advanced medium access control protocol is presented demonstrating dynamic bandwidth allocation for long-reach gigabit-capable passive optical networks (GPONs). The protocol enables the optical line terminal to overlap the idle time slots in each packet transmission cycle with a virtual polling cycle to increase the effective transmission bandwidth. Contrasting the new scheme with developed algorithms, network modeling has exhibited significant improvement in channel throughput, mean packet delay, and packet loss rate in the presence of class-of-service and service-level differentiation. In particular, the displayed 34% increase in the overall channel throughput and 30 times reduction in mean packet delay for service-level 1 and service-level 2 optical network units (ONUs) at accustomed 50% ONU load constitutes the highest extended-reach GPON performance reported up to date.Peer reviewe

    A Carrierless Amplitude Phase (CAP) Modulation Format: Perspective and Prospect in Optical Transmission System

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    The explosive demand of broadband services nowadays requires data communication systems to have intensive capacity which subsequently increases the need for higher data rate as well. Although implementation of multiple wavelengths channels can be used (e.g. 4 × 25.8 Gb/s for 100 Gb/s connection) for such desired system, it usually leads to cost increment issue which is caused by employment of multiple optical components. Therefore, implementation of advanced modulation format using a single wavelength channel has become a preference to increase spectral efficiency by increasing the data rate for a given transmission system bandwidth. Conventional advanced modulation format however, involves a degree of complexity and costly transmission system. Hence, carrierless amplitude phase (CAP) modulation format has emerged as a promising advanced modulation format candidate due to spectral efficiency improvement ability with reduction of optical transceiver complexity and cost. The intriguing properties of CAP modulation format are reviewed as an attractive prospect in optical transmission system applications

    Transport of fixed and wireless signals over a multimode fiber link

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    Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb el centre DTULa demanda d’alta velocitat de transmissió de dades dins les instal·lacions de xarxa impulsada per tecnologies com Gigabit i 10 Gigabit Ethernet i, més recentment, pel desenvolupament dels estàndards 40 i 100 Gigabit Ethernet, requereix fonts més ràpides i un millor rendiment en els suports de transmissió utilitzats. Les tecnologies basades en el coure (parell trenat i cable coaxial) eren les utilitzades principalment per a la implementació dels cablejats de xarxes d’àrea local, però mostraven limitacions degut al limitat ample de banda i als problemes respecte la immunitat electromagnètica i el crosstalk que presenten. En les últimes dècades, les tecnologies òptiques han aparegut com una bona alternativa oferint baix pes, gran capacitat i facilitat d’instal·lació. Així, les fibres òptiques monomode (SMF) de vidre i silici, han sigut extensament usades per enllaços de telecomunicacions d’alta capacitat, degut a la seva baixa atenuació i elevat ample de banda, cosa que permet l’assoliment de comunicacions fiables per grans distàncies i amb altes velocitats de transmissió. Tot i així, la seva aplicació per a enllaços de distància curta s’ha vist limitat pel seus elevats costos. Mentrestant, en els últims anys, la recerca en fibres òptiques multimode ha experimentat una ràpida evolució, millorant les seves característiques en consonància amb l’evolució de les fonts de llum i disminuint considerablement els seus costos de producció. Gràcies a això, les fibres multimode, amb la recent optimització de les seves característiques per funcionar amb làsers, han esdevingut el present i el futur dels escenaris de curta i mitja distància. Per assolir velocitats de l’ordre del gigabit i multi-gigabit cal utilitzar tecnologies basades en làser. Mentre els díodes emissors de llum (LEDs) poden ser utilitzats per aplicacions fins a uns quants centenars de Mb/s, i no poden suportar modulacions amb velocitats de transmissió de dades més alevades, els làsers monomode capaços d’assolir velocitats més elevades han estat disponibles durant anys però amb un cost molt més elevat que el dels LEDs comuns. Afortunadament, ha sigut desenvolupada i introduïda una tecnologia làser amb uns costos molt més reduïts. Aquests làsers són coneguts com VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) i ofereixen altes velocitats i capacitats de modulació per a la transmissió de dades en longituds d’ona curtes (850nm), amb uns costos propers als de la tecnologia LED. Els beneficis d’aquests costos més baixos junt amb la més alta capacitat de transmissió, han fet de les fonts VCSEL l’elecció preferent per a l’electrònica en fibra òptica. Degut a aquestes tendències i amb aquestes premisses d’evolució, la clau per a les xarxes d’accés d’alta capacitat es troba en els sistemes de fibres òptiques monomode de 50μm a longituds d’ona de 850nm (50μm MMF a 850nm). Així, en aquest projecte, són analitzades algunes de les possibilitats que ofereix aquest sistema. Com a introducció es mostra una visió general sobre els escenaris per a MMF i VCEL i les seves aplicacions per a xarxes d’accés, així com una descripció de la tecnologia VCSEL, els avantatges de les fibres multimode i l’actual estandardització per als enllaços de fibra òptica. Finalment es proposa la implementació d’una sèrie de sistemes per tal de poder analitzar el funcionament del sistema escollit

    Deployment of PON in Europe and Deep Data Analysis of GPON

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    This chapter discusses the extensibility of fiber to the x (FTTx) households, specifically in the territory of the European Union. The Czech Republic has made a commitment to other member states to provide connectivity of at least 100 Mbit/s for half of the households by 2020. Although Internet access in the Czech Republic is mostly dominated by wireless fidelity (WiFi), this technology is not capable of meeting the demanding current demands at a reasonable price. As a result, passive optical networks are on the rise in access networks and in mobile cell networks by fiber to the antenna (FTTA). Passive optical networks use much more complex networks. In cooperation with Orange Slovakia, the analysis of the transmitted data was conducted. The optical network unit management and control interface (OMCI) channel data, as well as the activation data associated with specific end units, were analyzed. We propose a complete analysis of the end-unit-related activation process, download, and initialization of the data image for setting the end units and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) parameters. Finally, we performed an analysis of the transmission of dying gasp messages

    Green radio communication networks applying radio-over-fibre technology for wireless access

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    Wireless communication increasingly is becoming the first choice link to enter into the global information society. It is an essential part of broadband communication networks, due to its capacity to cover the end-user domain, outdoors or indoors. The use of mobile phones and broadband has already exceeded the one of the fixed telephones and has caused tremendous changes in peoples life, as not only to be recognised in the current political overthrows. The all-around presence of wireless communication links combined with functions that support mobility will make a roaming person-bound communication network possible in the near future. This idea of a personal network, in which a user has his own communication environment available everywhere, necessitates immense numbers of radio access points to maintain the wireless links and support mobility. The progress towards “all-around wireless” needs budget and easily maintainable radio access points, with simplified signal processing and consolidation of the radio network functions in a central station. The RF energy consumption in mobile base stations is one of the main problems in the wireless communication system, which has led to the worldwide research in so called green communication, which offers an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution. In order to extend networks and mobility support, the simplification of antenna stations and broadband communication capacity becomes an increasingly urgent demand, also the extension of the wireless signal transmission distance to consolidate the signal processing in a centralised site. Radio-over-Fibre technology (RoF) was considered and found to be the most promising solution to achieve effective delivery of wireless and baseband signals, also to reduce RF energy consumption. The overall aim of this research project was to simulate the transmission of wireless and baseband RF signals via fibre for a long distance in high quality, consuming a low-power budget. Therefore, this thesis demonstrated a green radio communication network and the advantage of transmitting signals via fibre rather than via air. The contributions of this research work were described in the follows: Firstly, a comparison of the power consumption in WiMAX via air and fibre is presented. As shown in the simulation results, the power budget for the transmission of 64 QAM WiMAX IEEE 802.16-2005 via air for a distance of 5km lies at -189.67 dB, whereas for the transmission via RoF for a distance of 140km, the power consumption ranges at 65dB. Through the deployment of a triple symmetrical compensator technique, consisting of SMF, DCF and FBG, the transmission distance of the 54 Mbps WiMAX signal can be increased to 410km without increasing the power budget of 65dB. An amendment of the triple compensator technique to SMF, DCF and CFBG allows a 120Mbps WiMAX signal transmission with a clear RF spectrum of 3.5 GHz and constellation diagram over a fibre length of 792km using a power budget of 192dB. Secondly, the thesis demonstrates a simulation setup for the deployment of more than one wireless system, namely 64 QAM WiMAX IEEE 802.16-2005 and LTE, for a data bit rate of 1Gbps via Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) RoF over a transmission distance of 1800km. The RoF system includes two triple symmetrical compensator techniques - DCF, SMF, and CFBG - to obtain a large bandwidth, power budget of 393.6dB and a high signal quality for the long transmission distance. Finally, the thesis proposed a high data bit rate and energy efficient simulation architecture, applying a passive optical component for a transmission span up to 600km. A Gigabit Optical Passive Network (GPON) based on RoF downlink 2.5 Gbps and uplink 1.25Gbps is employed to carry LTE and WiMAX, also 18 digital channels by utilising Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM). The setup achieved high data speed, a low-power budget of 151.2dB, and an increased service length of up to 600km