616 research outputs found

    Plasmonic antennas and zero mode waveguides to enhance single molecule fluorescence detection and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy towards physiological concentrations

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    Single-molecule approaches to biology offer a powerful new vision to elucidate the mechanisms that underpin the functioning of living cells. However, conventional optical single molecule spectroscopy techniques such as F\"orster fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) are limited by diffraction to the nanomolar concentration range, far below the physiological micromolar concentration range where most biological reaction occur. To breach the diffraction limit, zero mode waveguides and plasmonic antennas exploit the surface plasmon resonances to confine and enhance light down to the nanometre scale. The ability of plasmonics to achieve extreme light concentration unlocks an enormous potential to enhance fluorescence detection, FRET and FCS. Single molecule spectroscopy techniques greatly benefit from zero mode waveguides and plasmonic antennas to enter a new dimension of molecular concentration reaching physiological conditions. The application of nano-optics to biological problems with FRET and FCS is an emerging and exciting field, and is promising to reveal new insights on biological functions and dynamics.Comment: WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 201

    Functional colloidal surface assemblies: Classical optics meets template-assisted self-assembly

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    Abstract: When noble metals particles are synthesized with progressively smaller dimensions, strikingly novel optical properties arise. For nanoscale particles, collective disturbances of the electron density known as localized surface plasmons resonances can arise, and these resonances are utilized in a variety of applications ranging from surface-enhanced molecular spectroscopy and sensing to photothermal cancer therapy to plasmon-driven photochemistry. Central to all of these studies is the plasmon’s remarkable ability to process light, capturing and converting it into intense near fields, heat, and even energetic carriers at the nanoscale. In the past decade, we have witnessed major advances in plasmonics which is directly linked with the much broader field of (colloidal) nanotechnology. These breakthroughs span from plasmon lasing and waveguides, plasmonic photochemistry and solar cells to active plasmonics, plasmonics nanocomposites and semiconductor plasmons. All the above-mentioned phenomena rely on precise spatial placement and distinct control over the dimensions and orientation of the individual plasmonic building blocks within complex one-, two- or three-dimensional complex arrangements. For the nanofabrication of metal nanostructures at surfaces, most often lithographic approaches, e.g. e-beam lithography or ion-beam milling are generally applied, due to their versatility and precision. However, these techniques come along with several drawbacks such as limited scalability, limited resolution, limited compatibility with silicon manufacturing techniques, damping effects due to the polycrystalline nature of the metal nanostructures and low sample throughput. Thus, there is a great demand for alternative approaches for the fabrication of metal nanostructures to overcome the above-mentioned limitations. But why colloids? True three-dimensionality, lower damping, high quality modes due to mono-dispersity, and the absence of grain boundaries make the colloidal assembly an especially competitive method for high quality large-scale fabrication. On top of that, colloids provide a versatile platform in terms of size, shape, composition and surface modification and dispersion media. 540The combination of directed self-assembly and laser interference lithography is a versatile admixture of bottom-up and top-down approaches that represents a compelling alternative to commonly used nanofabrication methods. The objective of this thesis is to focus on large area fabrication of emergent spectroscopic properties with high structural and optical quality via colloidal self-assembly. We focus on synergy between optical and plasmonic effects such as: (i) coupling between localized surface plasmon resonance and Bragg diffraction leading to surface lattice resonance; (ii) strong light matter interaction between guided mode resonance and collective plasmonic chain modes leading to hybrid guided plasmon modes, which can further be used to boost the hot-electron efficiency in a semiconducting material; (iii) similarly, bilayer nanoparticle chains leading to chiro-optical effects. Following this scope, this thesis introduces a real-time tuning of such exclusive plasmonic-photonic (hybrid) modes via flexible template fabrication. Mechanical stimuli such as tensile strain facilitate the dynamic tuning of surface lattice resonance and chiro-optical effects respectively. This expands the scope to curb the rigidity in optical systems and ease the integration of such systems with flexible electronics or circuits.:Contents Abstract Kurzfassung Abbreviations 1. Introduction and scope of the thesis 1.1. Introduction 1.1.1. Classical optics concepts 1.1.2. Top down fabrication methods and their challenges 1.1.3. Template-assisted self-assembly 1.1.4. Functional colloidal surface assemblies 1.2. Scope of the thesis 2. Results and Discussion 2.1. Mechanotunable Surface Lattice Resonances in the Visible Optical Range by Soft Lithography Templates and Directed Self-Assembly 2.1.1. Fabrication of flexible 2D plasmonic lattice 2.1.2. Investigation of the influence of particle size distribution on SLR quality 2.1.3. Band diagram analysis of 2D plasmonic lattice 2.1.4. Strain induced tuning of SLR 2.1.5. SEM and force transfer analysis in 2D plasmonic lattice under various strain 2.2. Hybridized Guided-Mode Resonances via Colloidal Plasmonic Self-Assembled Grating 2.2.1. Fabrication of hybrid opto-plasmonic structure via template assisted self-assembly 2.2.2. Comparison of optical band diagram of three (plasmonic, photonic and hybrid) different structures in TE and TM modes 2.2.3. Simulative comparison of optical properties of hybrid opto-plasmonic NP chains with a grating of metallic gold bars 2.2.4. Effect of cover index variation with water as a cover medium 2.3. Hot electron generation via guided hybrid modes 2.3.1. Fabrication of the hybrid GMR structure via LIL and lift-off process 2.3.2. Spectroscopic and simulative analysis of hybrid opto-plasmonic structures of different periodicities 2.3.3. Comparative study of photocurrent generation in different plasmonic structures 2.3.4. Polarization dependent response at higher wavelength 2.3.5. Directed self-assembly of gold nanoparticles within grating channels of a dielectric GMR structure supported by titanium dioxide film 2.4. Active Chiral Plasmonics Based on Geometrical Reconfiguration 2.4.1. Chiral 3D assemblies by macroscopic stacking of achiral chain substrates 3. Conclusion 4. Zusammenfassung 5. Bibliography 6. Appendix 6.1. laser interference lithography 6.2. Soft molding 6.3. Determine fill factor of plasmonic lattice 6.4. 2D plasmonic lattice of Au_BSA under strain 6.5. Characterizing order inside a 2D lattice 6.6. Template-assisted colloidal self-assembly 6.7. Out of plane lattice resonance in 1D and 2D lattices 6.8. E-Field distribution at out of plane SLR mode for 1D lattices of various periodicity with AOI 20° 6.9. Refractive index of PDMS and UV-PDMS 6.10. Refractive index measurement for sensing 6.11. Optical constants of TiO2, ma-N 405 photoresist and glass substrate measured from spectroscopic ellipsometry Acknowledgement/ Danksagung Erklärung & Versicherung List of Publication

    Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering: Substrate Development and Applications in Analytical Detection

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    To advance the capabilities of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), we developed a silver modified polypropylene filter (AgPPF) substrate which acts as a pseudo stationary phase in harvesting SERS signatures of so called phytochemical estrogens and other environmentally significant chemicals. To augment electron beam lithography (EBL) in SERS research, we also introduced an interesting nanotransfer printing (nTP) technique which could circumvent the low throughput and extremely high resolution (\u3c 10 nm) limitations of EBL in designing advanced SERS substrates. In our study, a nominal average thickness of 10 nm silver on the polypropylene microfiber produced nanoglobules of less than 100 nm in diameter. This noble metal nanoroughened layer allowed AgPPF to serve as a SERS active substrate, onto which the noted endocrine disrupting chemicals were passed through and harvested. The intense, multifeatured vibrational Raman spectra of very rarely SERS studied chemical species collected indicates the potential for useful detection via this approach of creating SERS substrates. AgPPF substrates were also used in characterizing the adsorption behavior of hydroxyl complexes of uranium. Interestingly, hydroxyl group on the uranium complexes showed slow sorption kinetics on the nanostructured silver surfaces. Understanding the adsorption behavior of aqueous solution of uranium on nanostructured silver surfaces has opened up the possibilities of SERS detection of these environmental and non-proliferation concerned species without any surface modifications. nTP is a high resolution printing technique and relies on interfacial chemistries to control the transfer of thin metal film from a stamp to a substrate . In our research, high-aspect-ratio AutoCAD designed nanopatterns were created on silicon wafers using e-beam lithography and reactive ion etching. Silicon relief pillars based stamps were then used to integrate a variety of nanostructures on different dielectric materials. Thus created nanopatterns have shown their promise to hold their inherent SERS activity. For its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and ease of operation, this hyphenated nTP-SERS technique is impressive in the selection of suitable supporting-films for better SERS enhancements and also to manipulate gap between nanodiscs (gap-plasmonic SERS effect)

    Engineering Plasmonic Nanocrystal Coupling Through Template-Assisted Self-Assembly

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    The construction of materials from nanocrystal building blocks represents a powerful new paradigm for materials design. Just as nature’s materials orchestrate intricate combinations of atoms from the library of the periodic table, nanocrystal “metamaterials” integrate individual nanocrystals into larger architectures with emergent collective properties. The individual nanocrystal “meta-atoms” that make up these materials are themselves each a nanoscale atomic system with tailorable size, shape, and elemental composition, enabling the creation of hierarchical materials with predesigned structure at multiple length scales. However, an improved fundamental understanding of the interactions among individual nanocrystals is needed in order to translate this structural control into enhanced functionality. The ability to form precise arrangements of nanocrystals and measure their collective properties is therefore essential for the continued development of nanocrystal metamaterials. In this dissertation, we utilize template-assisted self-assembly and spatially-resolved spectroscopy to form and characterize individual nanocrystal oligomers. At the intersection of “top-down” and “bottom-up” nanoscale patterning schemes, template-assisted self-assembly combines the design freedom of lithography with the chemical control of colloidal synthesis to achieve unique nanocrystal configurations. Here, we employ shape-selective templates to assemble new plasmonic structures, including heterodimers of Au nanorods and upconversion phosphors, a series of hexagonally-packed Au nanocrystal oligomers, and triangular formations of Au nanorods. Through experimental analysis and numerical simulation, we elucidate the means through which inter-nanocrystal coupling imparts collective optical properties to the plasmonic assemblies. Our self-assembly and measurement strategy offers a versatile platform for exploring optical interactions in a wide range of material systems and application areas

    Optical and sensing properties of various shaped gold nanoplates and highly controlled asymmetric gold nanoplate/nanosphere coupled assemblies.

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    With the development of a strategy to correlate the dark-field light scattering spectra of individual nanostructures with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of the same nanostructures, we were able to investigate several interesting optical properties of Au nanoplates (NPs) and asymmetrically-coupled Au nanospheres (NSs) attached to Au NPs with a high level of control. The light scattering spectra of the NP/NS coupled structures depend strongly on the location of NS attachment on the NP. Attachment of multiple NSs at the edge/vertex sites leads to a unique synergistic effect. In contrast to the uniform distribution of NSs, asymmetric distributions of multiple NSs attached to the sides of a NP result in complex, broadened, multi-peaked spectra with larger plasmonic shifts. Simulations using the discrete dipole approximation (DDA) method verified all of the experimental results. The positive shift in the dipolar plasmon mode of the NP/NS assembly relative to the original NP increases with increasing NS size for those attached on the side of the NP in the order of 9±2 nm, 24±4 nm, and 98±16 nm for the 13, 24, and 51 nm average diameter NSs, respectively. For a NS attached to the top terrace of a NP, the shift in the dipolar plasmon mode is 1±1 nm, 3±1 nm, and 14±4 nm for the 13, 24, and 51 nm NS, respectively, and the spectra become more broad. The attachment of a Au NS to a hexagonal or circular Au NP through a cysteamine (Cys) linker shows different light scattering properties compared to attachment through 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP). The shorter length of Cys leads to stronger dipolar plasmon coupling along the long axis of the NP/NS structure. This leads to a larger red-shift compared to linking with 4-ATP. The geometric shape of the NPs dramatically affects their sensitivity to refractive index changes in the environment and sensitivity to the attachment of a Au NS. The sensitivity of λmax to a change in the refractive index of the environment followed the order of triangles \u3e hexagons \u3e circles. This research provides new fundamental information and a better understanding of shape-dependent optical properties and plasmon coupling of asymmetric metallic nanostructures with potential use in three-dimensional spatial sensing and other plasmonic applications

    Design, implementation and application of nanostructure-enhanced optical fibers

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    This thesis covers the research topic of nano-plasmonics as well as fiber optics with a studyf ocus on design and implementation of a functional optical fiber tip by integrating nanoscale resonance structure on its facet. Accordingly, the research back groundandstate of the art are generally discussed at the beginning. Since this work is highly related to two distinct optic areas, the fundamentals of both fields would begiven in the following sections.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Forschungsthema Nanoplasmonik sowie Faseroptik mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem Design und der Implementierung einer funktionalen Glasfaserspitze durch Integration der nanoskaligen Resonanzstruktur auf ihrer Facette. Dementsprechend werden der Forschungshintergrund und der Stand der Technik in der Regel zu Beginn diskutiert. Da diese Arbeit in hohem Maße mit zwei verschiedenen optischen Bereichen zusammenhängt, werden die Grundlagen beider Bereiche in den folgenden Abschnitten erläutert

    Functional optical surfaces by colloidal self-assembly: Colloid-to-film coupled cavities and colloidal lattices

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    Future developments in nanophotonics require facile, inexpensive and parallelizable fabrication methods and need a fundamental understanding of the spectroscopic properties of such nanostructures. These challenges can be met through colloidal self-assembly where pre-synthesized colloids are arranged over large areas at reasonable cost. As so-called colloidal building blocks, plasmonic nanoparticles and quantum dots are used because of their localized light confinement and localized light emission, respectively. These nanoscopic colloids acquires new hybrid spectroscopic properties through their structural arrangement. To explore the energy transfer between these nanoscopic building blocks, concepts from physical optics are used and implemented with the colloidal self-assembly approach from physical chemistry. Through an established synthesis, the nanocrystals are now available in large quantities, any they receive the tailored spectroscopic properties through directed self-assembly. Moreover, the tailored properties of the colloids and the use of stimuli-responsive polymers allow a functionality that goes beyond current developments. The basics developed in this habilitation thesis can lead to novel functional devices in the field of smart sensors, dynamic light modulators, and large-area quantum devices.:1 Abstract 2 2 State of the art 4 2.1 Metallic and semiconductive nanocrystals as colloidal building blocks 4 2.2 Concept of large-scale colloidal self-assembly 7 2.3 Functional optical nanomaterials by colloidal self-assembly 9 2.4 Scope 13 2.5 References 14 3 Single colloidal cavities 20 3.1 Nanorattles with tailored electric field enhancement 20 4 Colloidal -to-film coupled cavities 31 4.1 Template-assisted colloidal self-assembly of macroscopic magnetic metasurfaces 31 4.2 Single particle spectroscopy of radiative processes in colloid-to-film-coupled nanoantennas 50 4.3 Active plasmonic colloid-to-film coupled cavities for tailored light-matter interactions 65 5 Colloidal polymers 74 5.1 Direct observation of plasmon band formation and delocalization in quasi-infinite nanoparticle chains 74 6 Colloidal lattice 84 6.1 Hybridized guided-node resonances via colloidal plasmonic self-assembled grating 84 6.2 Mechanotunable surface lattice resonances in the visible optical range by soft lithography templates and directed self-assembly 94 6.3 Tunable Circular Dichroism by Photoluminescent Moiré Gratings 103 7 Conclusion and perspective 112 8 Appendix 113 8.1 Further publications during the habilitation period 113 8.2 Curriculum vitae of the author 116 9 Acknowledgments 117 10 Declaration 118Zukünftige Entwicklungen in der Nanophotonik erfordern einfache, kostengünstige und parallelisierbare Herstellungsmethoden und benötigen ein grundlegendes Verständnis der spektroskopischen Eigenschaften solcher Nanostrukturen. Diese Herausforderungen können durch kolloidale Selbstorganisation erfüllt werden, bei der kostengünstige und zuvor synthetisierte Kolloide großflächig angeordnet werden. Als sogenannte kolloide Bausteine werden wegen ihrer lokalisierten Lichtfokussierung unterhalb der Beugungsbegrenzung plasmonische Nanopartikel sowie wegen ihrer lokalisierten Lichtemission Quantenpunkte verwendet. Diese nanoskopischen Kolloide werden in dieser Habilitationsschrift verwendet und durch Selbstanordnung in ihre gewünschte Nanostruktur gebracht, die neue hybride Eigenschaften aufweist. Um den Energietransfer zwischen diesen nanoskopischen Bausteinen zu untersuchen, werden Konzepte aus der physikalischen Optik verwendet und mit dem kolloidalen Selbstorganisationskonzept aus der physikalischen Chemie großflächig umgesetzt. Durch eine etablierte Synthese sind die Nanokristalle nun in großen Mengen verfügbar, wobei sie durch gerichtete Selbstorganisation die gewünschten spektroskopischen Eigenschaften erhalten. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Verwendung von stimulierbaren Polymeren eine Funktionalität, die über die bisherigen Entwicklungen hinausgeht. Die in dieser Habilitationsschrift entwickelten Grundlagen können bei der Entwicklung neuartiger Funktionsgeräte im Bereich für intelligente Sensorik, dynamischer Lichtmodulatoren und großflächiger Quantengeräte genutzt werden.:1 Abstract 2 2 State of the art 4 2.1 Metallic and semiconductive nanocrystals as colloidal building blocks 4 2.2 Concept of large-scale colloidal self-assembly 7 2.3 Functional optical nanomaterials by colloidal self-assembly 9 2.4 Scope 13 2.5 References 14 3 Single colloidal cavities 20 3.1 Nanorattles with tailored electric field enhancement 20 4 Colloidal -to-film coupled cavities 31 4.1 Template-assisted colloidal self-assembly of macroscopic magnetic metasurfaces 31 4.2 Single particle spectroscopy of radiative processes in colloid-to-film-coupled nanoantennas 50 4.3 Active plasmonic colloid-to-film coupled cavities for tailored light-matter interactions 65 5 Colloidal polymers 74 5.1 Direct observation of plasmon band formation and delocalization in quasi-infinite nanoparticle chains 74 6 Colloidal lattice 84 6.1 Hybridized guided-node resonances via colloidal plasmonic self-assembled grating 84 6.2 Mechanotunable surface lattice resonances in the visible optical range by soft lithography templates and directed self-assembly 94 6.3 Tunable Circular Dichroism by Photoluminescent Moiré Gratings 103 7 Conclusion and perspective 112 8 Appendix 113 8.1 Further publications during the habilitation period 113 8.2 Curriculum vitae of the author 116 9 Acknowledgments 117 10 Declaration 11

    Nanophotonics for 21st Century

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