7 research outputs found

    An Overview of Classification Techniques for Human Activity Recognition

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    In this paper, both classic and less commonly used classification techniques are evaluated in terms of recognizing human activities recorded in the PAMAP2 dataset that was created using three inertial measurement units. Seven algorithms are compared in terms of their accuracy performance with the best classifier being based on the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm that has been modified to remove the limitation of the number of training vectors per class present in its original version. The overview shows that human activities as defined by the PAMAP2 dataset can be recognized reliably even without any prior data preprocessing

    Success Factors of Donation-Based Crowdfunding Campaigns: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Crowdfunding has emerged as an alternative mechanism to traditional financing mechanisms in which individuals solicit financial capital or donation from the crowd. The success factors of crowdfunding are not well-understood, particularly for donation-based crowdfunding platforms. This study identifies key drivers of donation-based crowdfunding campaign success using a machine learning approach. Based on an analysis of crowdfunding campaigns from Gofundme.com, we show that our models were able to predict the average daily amount received at a high level of accuracy using variables available at the beginning of the campaign and the number of days it had been posted. In addition, Facebook and Twitter shares and the number of likes, improved the accuracy of the models. Among the six machine learning algorithms we used, support vector machine (SVM) performs the best in predicting campaign success

    Abdominal Computed Tomography Imaging Findings in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: A Year-Long Experience and Associations Revealed by Explainable Artificial Intelligence.

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    The aim of this retrospective study is to assess any association between abdominal CT findings and the radiological stage of COVID-19 pneumonia, pulmonary embolism and patient outcomes. We included 158 adult hospitalized COVID-19 patients between 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021 who underwent 206 abdominal CTs. Two radiologists reviewed all CT images. Pathological findings were classified as acute or not. A subset of patients with inflammatory pathology in ACE2 organs (bowel, biliary tract, pancreas, urinary system) was identified. The radiological stage of COVID pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, overall days of hospitalization, ICU admission and outcome were registered. Univariate statistical analysis coupled with explainable artificial intelligence (AI) techniques were used to discover associations between variables. The most frequent acute findings were bowel abnormalities

    A nuclear factor Y interacting protein of the GRAS family is required for nodule organogenesis, infection thread progression, and lateral root growth

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    A C subunit of the heterotrimeric nuclear factor Y (NF-YC1) was shown to play a key role in nodule organogenesis and bacterial infection during the nitrogen fixing symbiosis established between common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and Rhizobium etli. To identify other proteins involved in this process, we used the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid system to screen for NFYC1- interacting proteins. One of the positive clones encodes a member of the Phytochrome A Signal Transduction1 subfamily of GRAS (for Gibberellic Acid-Insensitive (GAI), Repressor of GAI, and Scarecrow) transcription factors. The protein, named Scarecrow-like13 Involved in Nodulation (SIN1), localizes both to the nucleus and the cytoplasm, but in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana cells, bimolecular fluorescence complementation suggested that the interaction with NF-YC1 takes place predominantly in the nucleus. SIN1 is expressed in aerial and root tissues, with higher levels in roots and nodules. Posttranscriptional gene silencing of SIN1 using RNA interference (RNAi) showed that the product of this gene is involved in lateral root elongation. However, root cell organization, density of lateral roots, and the length of root hairs were not affected by SIN1 RNAi. In addition, the expression of the RNAi of SIN1 led to a marked reduction in the number and size of nodules formed upon inoculation with R. etli and affected the progression of infection threads toward the nodule primordia. Expression of NF-YA1 and the G2/M transition cell cycle genes CYCLIN B and Cell Division Cycle2 was reduced in SIN1 RNAi roots. These data suggest that SIN1 plays a role in lateral root elongation and the establishment of root symbiosis in common bean.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    L-Tetrolet Pattern-Based Sleep Stage Classification Model Using Balanced EEG Datasets

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    Background: Sleep stage classification is a crucial process for the diagnosis of sleep or sleep-related diseases. Currently, this process is based on manual electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis, which is resource-intensive and error-prone. Various machine learning models have been recommended to standardize and automate the analysis process to address these problems. Materials and methods: The well-known cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) sleep dataset is used to train and test an L-tetrolet pattern-based sleep stage classification model in this research. By using this dataset, the following three cases are created, and they are: Insomnia, Normal, and Fused cases. For each of these cases, the machine learning model is tasked with identifying six sleep stages. The model is structured in terms of feature generation, feature selection, and classification. Feature generation is established with a new L-tetrolet (Tetris letter) function and multiple pooling decomposition for level creation. We fuse ReliefF and iterative neighborhood component analysis (INCA) feature selection using a threshold value. The hybrid and iterative feature selectors are named threshold selection-based ReliefF and INCA (TSRFINCA). The selected features are classified using a cubic support vector machine. Results: The presented L-tetrolet pattern and TSRFINCA-based sleep stage classification model yield 95.43%, 91.05%, and 92.31% accuracies for Insomnia, Normal dataset, and Fused cases, respectively. Conclusion: The recommended L-tetrolet pattern and TSRFINCA-based model push the envelope of current knowledge engineering by accurately classifying sleep stages even in the presence of sleep disorders.</jats:p

    Caracterizaci贸n funcional de factores de transcripci贸n de tipo NF-Y y GRAS en la asociaci贸n simbi贸tica <i>Phaseolus vulgaris - Rhizobium etli</i>

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    La fijaci贸n biol贸gica de nitr贸geno que surge a partir de la relaci贸n simbi贸tica entre rizobios y leguminosas permite la incorporaci贸n de nitr贸geno al suelo para su explotaci贸n en sistemas agropecuarios a muy bajo costo. En esta relaci贸n compleja y espec铆fica existen determinantes moleculares de las plantas que gobiernan la colonizaci贸n preferencial por ciertas cepas de rizobios. Las plantas integran se帽ales derivadas del microsimbionte y del ambiente para iniciar los programas de organog茅nesis de estructuras diferenciadas llamadas n贸dulos y el proceso de infecci贸n. Varios factores de transcripci贸n desempe帽an funciones fundamentales en estos procesos, incluyendo las prote铆nas de las familias GRAS y NF-Y. En el presente trabajo de tesis se gener贸 un conjunto de datos de secuencias, estructuras g茅nicas, relaciones filogen茅ticas y patrones de expresi贸n de genes que codifican las subunidades NF-Y en Phaseolus vulgaris, la leguminosa de grano m谩s importante utilizado para el consumo humano directo. A partir de este an谩lisis se seleccionaron genes candidatos para estudiar su rol en la nodulaci贸n mediante gen茅tica reversa. La reducci贸n de los niveles de mRNA de PvNF-YA1 y PvNF-YA9 condujo a la ausencia de nodulaci贸n y provoc贸 defectos en el proceso de infecci贸n. La inducci贸n de genes del ciclo celular en respuesta al rizobio se vio afectada en las ra铆ces silenciadas, sugiriendo que estos factores de transcripci贸n podr铆an promover el desarrollo de n贸dulos mediante la activaci贸n de divisiones celulares corticales que participan en la formaci贸n del primordio del n贸dulo. A su vez, ensayos de sobreexpresi贸n permitieron demostrar que PvNF-YA1 contribuye a la selecci贸n de cepas de rizobio que son m谩s eficientes en la formaci贸n de n贸dulos. Por otro lado, se llev贸 a cabo la caracterizaci贸n de una prote铆na de la familia GRAS, denominada SIN1 (Scarecrow like 13 Involved in Nodulation), que interact煤a f铆sicamente con la subunidad PvNF-YC1, previamente vinculada al proceso de nodulaci贸n. Ensayos de silenciamiento mostraron que SIN1 desempe帽a una funci贸n importante tanto en la elongaci贸n de ra铆ces laterales como en el desarrollo de n贸dulos fijadores de nitr贸geno y en la progresi贸n de la infecci贸n bacteriana durante la interacci贸n simbi贸tica. El presente trabajo de tesis contribuye a sustentar la relevancia de los complejos de transcripci贸n multim茅ricos en la capacidad de las plantas para integrar y responder a m煤ltiples factores ambientales.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Caracterizaci贸n funcional de factores de transcripci贸n de tipo NF-Y y GRAS en la asociaci贸n simbi贸tica <i>Phaseolus vulgaris - Rhizobium etli</i>

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    La fijaci贸n biol贸gica de nitr贸geno que surge a partir de la relaci贸n simbi贸tica entre rizobios y leguminosas permite la incorporaci贸n de nitr贸geno al suelo para su explotaci贸n en sistemas agropecuarios a muy bajo costo. En esta relaci贸n compleja y espec铆fica existen determinantes moleculares de las plantas que gobiernan la colonizaci贸n preferencial por ciertas cepas de rizobios. Las plantas integran se帽ales derivadas del microsimbionte y del ambiente para iniciar los programas de organog茅nesis de estructuras diferenciadas llamadas n贸dulos y el proceso de infecci贸n. Varios factores de transcripci贸n desempe帽an funciones fundamentales en estos procesos, incluyendo las prote铆nas de las familias GRAS y NF-Y. En el presente trabajo de tesis se gener贸 un conjunto de datos de secuencias, estructuras g茅nicas, relaciones filogen茅ticas y patrones de expresi贸n de genes que codifican las subunidades NF-Y en Phaseolus vulgaris, la leguminosa de grano m谩s importante utilizado para el consumo humano directo. A partir de este an谩lisis se seleccionaron genes candidatos para estudiar su rol en la nodulaci贸n mediante gen茅tica reversa. La reducci贸n de los niveles de mRNA de PvNF-YA1 y PvNF-YA9 condujo a la ausencia de nodulaci贸n y provoc贸 defectos en el proceso de infecci贸n. La inducci贸n de genes del ciclo celular en respuesta al rizobio se vio afectada en las ra铆ces silenciadas, sugiriendo que estos factores de transcripci贸n podr铆an promover el desarrollo de n贸dulos mediante la activaci贸n de divisiones celulares corticales que participan en la formaci贸n del primordio del n贸dulo. A su vez, ensayos de sobreexpresi贸n permitieron demostrar que PvNF-YA1 contribuye a la selecci贸n de cepas de rizobio que son m谩s eficientes en la formaci贸n de n贸dulos. Por otro lado, se llev贸 a cabo la caracterizaci贸n de una prote铆na de la familia GRAS, denominada SIN1 (Scarecrow like 13 Involved in Nodulation), que interact煤a f铆sicamente con la subunidad PvNF-YC1, previamente vinculada al proceso de nodulaci贸n. Ensayos de silenciamiento mostraron que SIN1 desempe帽a una funci贸n importante tanto en la elongaci贸n de ra铆ces laterales como en el desarrollo de n贸dulos fijadores de nitr贸geno y en la progresi贸n de la infecci贸n bacteriana durante la interacci贸n simbi贸tica. El presente trabajo de tesis contribuye a sustentar la relevancia de los complejos de transcripci贸n multim茅ricos en la capacidad de las plantas para integrar y responder a m煤ltiples factores ambientales.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta