208,404 research outputs found

    A Unified Multilingual Handwriting Recognition System using multigrams sub-lexical units

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    We address the design of a unified multilingual system for handwriting recognition. Most of multi- lingual systems rests on specialized models that are trained on a single language and one of them is selected at test time. While some recognition systems are based on a unified optical model, dealing with a unified language model remains a major issue, as traditional language models are generally trained on corpora composed of large word lexicons per language. Here, we bring a solution by con- sidering language models based on sub-lexical units, called multigrams. Dealing with multigrams strongly reduces the lexicon size and thus decreases the language model complexity. This makes pos- sible the design of an end-to-end unified multilingual recognition system where both a single optical model and a single language model are trained on all the languages. We discuss the impact of the language unification on each model and show that our system reaches state-of-the-art methods perfor- mance with a strong reduction of the complexity.Comment: preprin

    Observing Users - Designing clarity a case study on the user-centred design of a cross-language information retrieval system

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    This paper presents a case study of the development of an interface to a novel and complex form of document retrieval: searching for texts written in foreign languages based on native language queries. Although the underlying technology for achieving such a search is relatively well understood, the appropriate interface design is not. A study involving users (with such searching needs) from the start of the design process is described covering initial examination of user needs and tasks; preliminary design and testing of interface components; building, testing, and further refining an interface; before finally conducting usability tests of the system. Lessons are learned at every stage of the process leading to a much more informed view of how such an interface should be built

    PoN-S : a systematic approach for applying the Physics of Notation (PoN)

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    Visual Modeling Languages (VMLs) are important instruments of communication between modelers and stakeholders. Thus, it is important to provide guidelines for designing VMLs. The most widespread approach for analyzing and designing concrete syntaxes for VMLs is the so-called Physics of Notation (PoN). PoN has been successfully applied in the analysis of several VMLs. However, despite its popularity, the application of PoN principles for designing VMLs has been limited. This paper presents a systematic approach for applying PoN in the design of the concrete syntax of VMLs. We propose here a design process establishing activities to be performed, their connection to PoN principles, as well as criteria for grouping PoN principles that guide this process. Moreover, we present a case study in which a visual notation for representing Ontology Pattern Languages is designed


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    One of important things that a speaker should pay attention in delivering a speech is constructing appeals. By constructing appeals in the speech, it will make the well-organized content of speech to be more influencing and convincing. In addition, constructing appeals in the speech is also primarily essential as it particularly impacts to the audience’s feeling. As Baird stated (1981: 19) the feelings toward the speaker are important determinants of listeners’ acceptance of the speaker’s message. Constructing audience’s appeals is an important point in communication in the objective of persuading audience (Baird, 1981:199). By constructing appeals in the message, the speaker can also motivate the listeners to attend the message and to persuade them. In addition, the speaker not only needs to give people reasons for doing or thinking things, we also need to stir their emotions so that those actions or thought are strong and long lasting. As a matured politician having well experienced in public speaking, Obama has many inspiring speeches which achieved immediate popularity around the world. Many of his speeches are broadcasted in video sharing web site like YouTube, garnering many views and being watched by million views around the world. One of his inspiring speeches is his victory speech delivered right after he won U.S. presidential election. Obama's victory speech is a powerful example speech in communication on how to connect with and inspire audiences. He gave his victory speech at Grant Park in his home city of Chicago, Illinois. There were tears of joy in Chicago when America's new president-elect Barack Obama took to the stage to speak to his supporters. It was watched by an estimated crowd of 240,000. Considered one of the most widely-watched and repeated political addresses in recent history, Obama's speech focused on the major issues facing the United States and the world, all echoed through his campaign slogan of change. Obama’s victory speech consists of influencing people's beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors. He persuaded people when he somehow convinced them, to think what he wanted them to think, feel what he wanted them to feel, or do what he wanted them to do. As a learner, I am interestingly interested to analyze strategies of constructing appeals in Obama’s victory speech as it is a model of great powerfully inspiring speech
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