42 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Multimedia Communications

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    Machine learning is revolutionizing the way multimedia information is processed and transmitted to users. After intensive and powerful training, some impressive efficiency/accuracy improvements have been made all over the transmission pipeline. For example, the high model capacity of the learning-based architectures enables us to accurately model the image and video behavior such that tremendous compression gains can be achieved. Similarly, error concealment, streaming strategy or even user perception modeling have widely benefited from the recent learningoriented developments. However, learning-based algorithms often imply drastic changes to the way data are represented or consumed, meaning that the overall pipeline can be affected even though a subpart of it is optimized. In this paper, we review the recent major advances that have been proposed all across the transmission chain, and we discuss their potential impact and the research challenges that they raise

    dashc: a highly scalable client emulator for DASH video

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    In this paper we introduce a client emulator for experimenting with DASH video. dashc is a standalone, compact, easy-to-build and easy-to-use command line software tool. The design and implementation of dashc were motivated by the pressing need to conduct network experiments with large numbers of video clients. The highly scalable dashc has low CPU and memory usage. dashc collects necessary statistics about video delivery performance in a convenient format, facilitating thorough post hoc analysis. The code of dashc is modular and new video adaptation algorithm can easily be added. We compare dashc to a state-of-the art client and demonstrate its efficacy for large-scale experiments using the Mininet virtual network

    Machine Learning for Multimedia Communications

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    Machine learning is revolutionizing the way multimedia information is processed and transmitted to users. After intensive and powerful training, some impressive efficiency/accuracy improvements have been made all over the transmission pipeline. For example, the high model capacity of the learning-based architectures enables us to accurately model the image and video behavior such that tremendous compression gains can be achieved. Similarly, error concealment, streaming strategy or even user perception modeling have widely benefited from the recent learning-oriented developments. However, learning-based algorithms often imply drastic changes to the way data are represented or consumed, meaning that the overall pipeline can be affected even though a subpart of it is optimized. In this paper, we review the recent major advances that have been proposed all across the transmission chain, and we discuss their potential impact and the research challenges that they raise

    SAP: Stall-aware pacing for improved DASH video experience in cellular networks

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    The dramatic growth of cellular video traffic represents a practical challenge for cellular network operators in providing a consistent streaming Quality of Experience (QoE) to their users. Satisfying this objective has so-far proved elusive, due to the inherent system complexities that degrade streaming performance, such as variability in both video bitrate and network conditions. In this paper, we present SAP as a DASH video traffic management solution that reduces playback stalls and seeks to maintain a consistent QoE for cellular users, even those with diverse channel conditions. SAP achieves this by leveraging both network and client state information to optimize the pacing of individual video flows. We extensively evaluate SAP performance using real video content and clients, operating over a simulated LTE network. We implement state-of-the-art client adaptation and traffic management strategies for direct comparison. Our results, using a heavily loaded base station, show that SAP reduces the number of stalls and the average stall duration per session by up to 95%. Additionally, SAP ensures that clients with good channel conditions do not dominate available wireless resources, evidenced by a reduction of up to 40% in the standard deviation of the QoE metric

    Context-driven encrypted multimedia traffic classification on mobile devices

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    The Internet has been experiencing immense growth in multimedia traffic from mobile devices. The increase in traffic presents many challenges to user-centric networks, network operators, and service providers. Foremost among these challenges is the inability of networks to determine the types of encrypted traffic and thus the level of network service the traffic needs to maintain an acceptable quality of experience. Therefore, end devices are a natural fit for performing traffic classification since end devices have more contextual information about device usage and traffic. This paper proposes a novel approach that classifies multimedia traffic types produced and consumed on mobile devices. The technique relies on a mobile device’s detection of its multimedia context characterized by its utilization of different media input/output (I/O) components, e.g., camera, microphone, and speaker. We develop an algorithm, MediaSense, which senses the states of multiple I/O components and identifies the specific multimedia context of a mobile device in real-time. We demonstrate that MediaSense classifies encrypted multimedia traffic in real-time as accurately as deep learning approaches and with even better generalizability.Peer reviewe

    Context-driven encrypted multimedia traffic classification on mobile devices

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    The Internet has been experiencing immense growth in multimedia traffic from mobile devices. The increase in traffic presents many challenges to user-centric networks, network operators, and service providers. Foremost among these challenges is the inability of networks to determine the types of encrypted traffic and thus the level of network service the traffic needs to maintain an acceptable quality of experience. Therefore, end devices are a natural fit for performing traffic classification since end devices have more contextual information about device usage and traffic. This paper proposes a novel approach that classifies multimedia traffic types produced and consumed on mobile devices. The technique relies on a mobile device’s detection of its multimedia context characterized by its utilization of different media input/output (I/O) components, e.g., camera, microphone, and speaker. We develop an algorithm, MediaSense, which senses the states of multiple I/O components and identifies the specific multimedia context of a mobile device in real-time. We demonstrate that MediaSense classifies encrypted multimedia traffic in real-time as accurately as deep learning approaches and with even better generalizability.Peer reviewe

    Improving video streaming experience through network measurements and analysis

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    Multimedia traffic dominates today’s Internet. In particular, the most prevalent traffic carried over wired and wireless networks is video. Most popular streaming providers (e.g. Netflix, Youtube) utilise HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) for video content delivery to end-users. The power of HAS lies in the ability to change video quality in real time depending on the current state of the network (i.e. available network resources). The main goal of HAS algorithms is to maximise video quality while minimising re-buffering events and switching between different qualities. However, these requirements are opposite in nature, so striking a perfect blend is challenging, as there is no single widely accepted metric that captures user experience based on the aforementioned requirements. In recent years, researchers have put a lot of effort into designing subjectively validated metrics that can be used to map quality, re-buffering and switching behaviour of HAS players to the overall user experience (i.e. video QoE). This thesis demonstrates how data analysis can contribute in improving video QoE. One of the main characteristics of mobile networks is frequent throughput fluctuations. There are various underlying factors that contribute to this behaviour, including rapid changes in the radio channel conditions, system load and interaction between feedback loops at the different time scales. These fluctuations highlight the challenge to achieve a high video user experience. In this thesis, we tackle this issue by exploring the possibility of throughput prediction in cellular networks. The need for better throughput prediction comes from data-based evidence that standard throughput estimation techniques (e.g. exponential moving average) exhibit low prediction accuracy. Cellular networks deploy opportunistic exponential scheduling algorithms (i.e. proportional-fair) for resource allocation among mobile users/devices. These algorithms take into account a user’s physical layer information together with throughput demand. While the algorithm itself is proprietary to the manufacturer, physical layer and throughput information are exchanged between devices and base stations. Availability of this information allows for a data-driven approach for throughput prediction. This thesis utilises a machine-learning approach to predict available throughput based on measurements in the near past. As a result, a prediction accuracy with an error less than 15% in 90% of samples is achieved. Adding information from other devices served by the same base station (network-based information) further improves accuracy while lessening the need for a large history (i.e. how far to look into the past). Finally, the throughput prediction technique is incorporated to state-of-the-art HAS algorithms. The approach is validated in a commercial cellular network and on a stock mobile device. As a result, better throughput prediction helps in improving user experience up to 33%, while minimising re-buffering events by up to 85%. In contrast to wireless networks, channel characteristics of the wired medium are more stable, resulting in less prominent throughput variations. However, all traffic traverses through network queues (i.e. a router or switch), unlike in cellular networks where each user gets a dedicated queue at the base station. Furthermore, network operators usually deploy a simple first-in-first-out queuing discipline at queues. As a result, traffic can experience excessive delays due to the large queue sizes, usually deployed in order to minimise packet loss and maximise throughput. This effect, also known as bufferbloat, negatively impacts delay-sensitive applications, such as web browsing and voice. While there exist guidelines for modelling queue size, there is no work analysing its impact on video streaming traffic generated by multiple users. To answer this question, the performance of multiple videos clients sharing a bottleneck link is analysed. Moreover, the analysis is extended to a realistic case including heterogeneous round-trip-time (RTT) and traffic (i.e. web browsing). Based on experimental results, a simple two queue discipline is proposed for scheduling heterogeneous traffic by taking into account application characteristics. As a result, compared to the state-of-the-art Active Queue Management (AQM) discipline, Controlled Delay Management (CoDel), the proposed discipline decreases median Page Loading Time (PLT) of web traffic by up to 80% compared to CoDel, with no significant negative impact on video QoE