107 research outputs found


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    The goal of this research is to explain the role of blended learning methodologies in the Covid-19 pandemic's "New Normal" era. Blended learning is one of the training strategies that mixes online and offline learning to prevent mass gathering activities as one of the health treatments to avoid Covid-19. Blended learning is a learning approach or method that focuses on improving knowledge, abilities, and attitudes in order to achieve the desired learning objectives. In learning mathematics, the blended learning technique combines three elements into a single learning experience. These elements are: 1) online learning, 2) face-to-face learning, and 3) self-study. In light of the advancement of information and communication technology, the blender learning technique is suited for use in learning mathematics for future learning

    The Truth About E-Learning: Lessons Learnt for Architecture.

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    This presentation will introduce key ideas about designing e-learning experiences for students. It is organised around the following topics: Designing E-learning: Pedagogy and Practice Model of E-learning: Blended Learning Changing student and teacher roles: online tutoring Integrating Online Resources DIT Case Studies in the Built Environment: WebCT Courses in Architecture E-Portfolio Exploratio

    Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in pre-service science teachers: Support from blended learning

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    The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework has been used to prepare pre-service science teachers at the Public Authority of Applied Education and Training in Kuwait for ICT integration in education. Pre-service teachers worked in teams to design an ICT solution for an authentic problem they faced during in-school training. Pre-service teachers were separated into two groups. The first group was coached by ICT, pedagogy, and content experts. The second group was offered a blended condition, by which they had access to an online portal with different tutorials and examples, with opportunities to meet with different experts whenever they wanted. Pre-test and post-test design data were collected for attitudes toward ICT, ICT skills, and TPACK. The findings show that the self-reported TPACK, the score of attitudes toward ICT, and ICT skills increased in both groups. However, the blended support condition reported a higher increase in the participants' technological knowledge (TK), technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), their attitude toward ICT as a tool for instruction and productivity, and ICT enjoyment. This indicated that students perceived the blended condition for supporting design teams as a more desirable method for enhancing their development of TPACK


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    Revolusi industri 4.0 sangat erat kaitannya dengan teknology, yang dimana internet dan komputasi awan menciptakan peluang dan tantangan yang berbeda untuk sistem pendidikan formal. Kemajuan teknologi saat ini selalu berkembang, dan inipun terjadi di dalam sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Pendidikan harus dapat mudah di akses oleh siapapun, kapanpun, dan dimanapun. Proses belajar dan pembelajaran si beberapa sekolah masih berpusat kepada guru. Guru harus membuat proses pembelajaran menjadi berpusat pada siswa. Salah satu alternatif pendekatan mengajar adalah dengan menggunakan Blended Learning. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari Blended Learning terhadap penguasaan konsep dan motivasi dalam pembelajaran sistem tata surya untuk kelas 7. Metode yang digunakan didalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian weak eksperimental. The one group Pre-test and Post-test design digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai desain penelitian. Sample diambil dengan teknik convenience sampling technique. Peserta didalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 16 siswa laki-laki di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Pertama Swasta di Bandung, Indonesia. Kelompok siswa yang belajar menggunakan Blended Learning (N=16). Hasil penguasaan konsep siswa yang belajar menggunakan Blended Learning meningkat dari hasil pre-test dan post-test dengan hasil hasil N-Gain memperoleh 0,48 yang dikategorikan sebagai peningkatan sedang. Peningkatan terendah adalah C2 (pemahaman) yaitu sebanyak 0.42 dan dikategorikan sebagai peningkatan sedang dan peningkatan yang tertinggi adalah C5 (Evaluasi) yaitu sebanyak 0.89 dan dikategorikan sebagai peninggkatan tinggi. Sebanyak 68.75% dari total siswa melampaui nilai kriteria minimum dan peningkatan tertinggi adalah di dalam subtopik matahari sebagai bintang. Kemudian hasil dari motivasi siswa yang belajar menggunakan Blended Learning adalah sebanyak 93,75 persen siswa dikategorikan sebagai cukup termotivasi dan sebanyak 6,25 persen siswa dikategorikan sebagai tinggi termotivasi. Berdasarkan hasil ini menunjukan bahwa Blended Learning dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep siswa dan motivasi siswa. Blended Learning dapat digunakan sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama.;--Revolution industry 4.0 is really related to technology, in which the Internet and cloud computing create different opportunities and challenges for formal education systems. The advance of technonolgy now days is always improving, and its also happen in educational system in Indonesia. Education should be easy to access by everyone, everytime and everywhere. Teaching learning process in some school are still teacher centered. Teachers have to make the learning process to become students centered. One of the alternative learning approach is by using Blended Learning. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of Blended Learning on students’ concept mastery and motivation in learning solar system for 7th grade students. The method used in this research was weak experiment research. The one group Pre-test and Post-test design is used in this research as research design. The sample was taken by convenience sampling technique. Participants in this research were 16 male students at one Privat Junior High School in Bandung, Indonesia. Students of experiment group learnt with Blended Learning (N=16). The result of students’ concept mastery that learnt by using Blended Learning were increase from pre-test to post-test with N-Gain 0,48 catagorized as medium improvement. The lowet of cognitive domain improvement was C2 (Understanding) that obtained 0.42 catagorized as medium improvement and the highest is C5 (Evaluating) that obtained 0.89 catagorized as high improvement. As much as 68.75%from total number of students who learn using Blended learning can pass the minimum criteria. The highest improvement is in the subtopic of Sun as the stars. Then the result of students motivation that learning using Blended Learning are 93,75 percent of students are catagorized as adequately motivated and 6,25 percent of students catagorized as high motivated. Based on this results showed that Blended Learning can be an alternative tool to improve students’ concept mastery and students’ motivation. Blended Learning can be use as teaching approach in Junior High School

    The Effect of Virtual Blended Learning Models with PhET Assistance on Students' Mastery of Concepts in Fluid Material

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    This study aims to determine the effect of blended learning virtual learning models on PhET-assisted fluid material on students' conceptual comprehension. The design model used in this research is an experiment with a pretest-posttest type. The sample used in this study was Class XI IPA C as the experimental object consisting of 35 students in one class. The test given was in the form of a concept comprehension ability test consisting of 10 multiple choice questions with a maximum score of 100. The results showed that the average posttest score was higher than the average pretest score in the experimental class. In addition, an N-gain value of 0.62 was obtained, which means that the value of increasing student learning outcomes using the phet-assisted virtual blended learning model is in the medium category. This shows that the use of PhET-assisted blended learning virtual models has an effect on students' mastery of concepts

    Students' motivational engagement through distance education

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    У статті зроблено спробу зробити теоретичну основу методів дистанційного навчання та висвітлити їх вплив на ефективне навчання. Дослідження аналізує результати дистанційної роботи студентів першого курсу на освітній інтерактивній платформі Пірсон з розвитком початкових мовних навичок за сучасними технологіями та методами. Останній глобальний обвал пандемії поставив перед університетами безліч освітніх проблем. Сучасний стан освіти відфільтрував фактичну готовність вищих навчальних закладів до гнучких змін у дистанційному навчанні. Викладачам довелося адаптуватися до закликів реалій, що переробляють освітні програми, на дистанційні курси, якщо вони не робили цього раніше. Хоча тема дистанційного навчання посіла провідне місце в сучасних дослідженнях, багато університетів мали проблеми з безболісним переходом своїх студентів на дистанційний процес навчання. Дистанційне навчання лише набирає обертів, і ті університети, які розробили можливості для онлайн-навчання, швидко впорались із вимогами сучасності. Дослідження розкриває результати анкетування студентів першого курсу фізичної реабілітації та спорту Сумського державного університету для визначення їх оцінки про онлайн-курс англійської мови на інтерактивній платформі Пірсон. Результати дослідження виявляють значний взаємозв’язок між сучасним та високотехнологічним дизайном та методами в онлайн-інструкціях та мотивації та самоорганізації учнів, що призводить до кращого набуття та результатів. Беручи до уваги принципи розробки мотиваційного курсу, такого як інтерактивна платформа Пірсон, викладачі університету можуть використовувати цей шаблон для створення своїх онлайн-курсів з використанням вправ критичного мислення, рефлексивних практик, вдосконаленого ІТ-інтерфейсу, різноманітності завдань, додавання конкурентних елементів у дизайн, що в цілому значно підвищить ефективність дистанційного навчання.В статье сделана попытка сделать теоретическую основу методов дистанционного обучения и осветить их влияние на эффективное обучение. Исследование анализирует результаты дистанционной работы студентов первого курса на образовательный интерактивной платформе Пирсон с развитием начальных языковых навыков по современным технологиям и методами. Последний глобальный обвал пандемии поставил перед университетами множество образовательных проблем. Современное состояние образования отфильтровал фактической готовности вузов к гибких изменений в дистанционном обучении. Преподавателям пришлось адаптироваться к призывам реалий, перерабатывающих образовательные программы, на дистанционные курсы, если они не делали этого раньше. Хотя тема дистанционного обучения заняла ведущее место в современных исследованиях, многие университеты имели проблемы с безболезненным переходом своих студентов на дистанционный процесс обучения. Дистанционное обучение только набирает обороты, и те университеты, которые разработали возможности для онлайн-обучения, быстро справились с требованиями современности. Исследование раскрывает результаты анкетирования студентов первого курса физической реабилитации и спорта Сумского государственного университета для определения их оценки об онлайн-курс английского языка на интерактивной платформе Пирсон. Результаты исследования проявляют значительный взаимосвязь между современным и высокотехнологичным дизайном и методами в онлайн-инструкциях и мотивации и самоорганизации учащихся, что приводит к лучшему приобретения и результатов. Принимая во внимание принципы разработки мотивационного курса, такого как интерактивная платформа Пирсон, преподаватели университета могут использовать этот шаблон для создания своих онлайн-курсов с использованием упражнений критического мышления, рефлексивных практик, усовершенствованного ИТ-интерфейса, разнообразия задач, добавление конкурентных элементов в дизайн, в целом значительно повысит эффективность дистанционного обучения.The paper attempts to make the theoretical background of distance learning methods and highlight their influence on efficient learning. It also analyzes the results of the distance work of undergraduate students on the educational interactive platform Pearson with the development of the primary language skills by modern technologies and methods. The latest global pandemic collapse has presented universities with many educational challenges. The current state of education has filtered the actual preparedness of the higher institutions for flexible adjustments in distance learning. The educators had to adapt to the calls of realia reshaping the educational programs to the distance courses if they hadn't done that before quickly. Although distance learning topic has taken the leading place in modern research, many universities struggled with the smooth transition of their students to the distance learning process. Distance learning has been just gaining momentum, and those universities who have developed facilities for online education have quickly managed to requirements of nowadays challenge. The research reveals the results of the questionnaire given to the first-year students of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports at Sumy State University to define their perception about English online course on Pearson interactive platform. The results in the study reveal the significant relationship between the up-to-date and high technological design and methods in online instructions and development students’ motivation and self-organization, which leads to better acquisition and results. Taking into account the principles of designing the motivational course like Pearson interactive platform, the university teachers may use this pattern for creating their online courses using critical thinking exercises, reflective practices, improved IT interface, variety of tasks, adding the competitive elements in the design, which in total will significantly increase the efficiency of distance learning

    Efektivitas Layanan Informasi Dengan Menggunakan Metode Blended Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar

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    This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of layanan informasi using blended learning methods to improve students\u27 motivation. The study used a quasi-experimental design types of non equivalent control group. Sampling using purposive sampling with sample 22 in the experimental group and 23 control group. The instrument uses Pengukuran Motivasi Belajar Scale (SPMB). The study findings revealed that 1) the level of student motivation experimental group in the pretest middle category while, at posttest at the high category, 2) the level of student motivation control group at pretest and posttest same which are in the moderate category, 3) there is a difference significant student motivation experimental group before and after treatment of information services using blended learning methods, 4) there is a significant difference in students\u27 motivation experimental group treated with the information service blended learning method with the control group. Based on these results it can be concluded that the service information using blended learning methods effectively improve students\u27 motivation