241 research outputs found

    Single Allocation Hub Location with Heterogeneous Economies of Scale

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    We study the single allocation hub location problem with heterogeneous economies of scale (SAHLP-h). The SAHLP-h is a generalization of the classical single allocation hub location problem (SAHLP), in which the hub-hub connection costs are piecewise linear functions of the amounts of flow. We model the problem as an integer nonlinear program, which we then reformulate as a mixed integer linear program (MILP) and as a mixed integer quadratically constrained program (MIQCP). We exploit the special structures of these models to develop Benders-type decomposition methods with integer subproblems. We use an integer L-shaped decomposition to solve the MILP formulation. For the MIQCP, we dualize a set of complicating constraints to generate a Lagrangian function, which offers us a subproblem decomposition and a tight lower bound. We develop linear dual functions to underestimate the integer subproblem, which helps us obtain optimality cuts with a convergence guarantee by solving a linear program. Moreover, we develop a specialized polynomial-time algorithm to generate enhanced cuts. To evaluate the efficiency of our models and solution approaches, we perform extensive computational experiments on both uncapacitated and capacitated SAHLP-h instances derived from the classical Australian Post data set. The results confirm the efficacy of our solution methods in solving large-scale instances

    A Neural Benders Decomposition for the Hub Location Routing Problem

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    In this study, we propose an imitation learning framework designed to enhance the Benders decomposition method. Our primary focus is addressing degeneracy in subproblems with multiple dual optima, among which Magnanti-Wong technique identifies the non-dominant solution. We develop two policies. In the first policy, we replicate the Magnanti-Wong method and learn from each iteration. In the second policy, our objective is to determine a trajectory that expedites the attainment of the final subproblem dual solution. We train and assess these two policies through extensive computational experiments on a network design problem with flow subproblem, confirming that the presence of such learned policies significantly enhances the efficiency of the decomposition process

    A new formulation and branch-and-cut method for single-allocation hub location problems

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    A new compact formulation for uncapacitated single-allocation hub location problems with fewer variables than the previous Integer Linear Programming formulations in the literature is introduced. Our formulation works even with costs not based on distances and not satisfying triangle inequality. Moreover, costs can be given in aggregated or disaggregated way. Different families of valid inequalities that strengthen the formulation are developed and a branch-and-cut algorithm based on a relaxed version of the formulation is designed, whose restrictions are inserted in a cut generation procedure together with two sets of valid inequalities. The performance of the proposed methodology is tested on well-known hub location data sets and compared to the most recent and efficient exact algorithms for single-allocation hub location problems. Extensive computational results prove the efficiency of our methodology, that solves large-scale instances in very competitive times

    Solving the optimum communication spanning tree problem

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    This paper presents an algorithm based on Benders decomposition to solve the optimum communication spanning tree problem. The algorithm integrates within a branch-and-cut framework a stronger reformulation of the problem, combinatorial lower bounds, in-tree heuristics, fast separation algorithms, and a tailored branching rule. Computational experiments show solution time savings of up to three orders of magnitude compared to state-of-the-art exact algorithms. In addition, our algorithm is able to prove optimality for five unsolved instances in the literature and four from a new set of larger instances.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Solving the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem on GPU

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    A parallel genetic algorithm (GA) implemented on GPU clusters is proposed to solve the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median problem. The GA uses binary and integer encoding and genetic operators adapted to this problem. Our GA is improved by generated initial solution with hubs located at middle nodes. The obtained experimental results are compared with the best known solutions on all benchmarks on instances up to 1000 nodes. Furthermore, we solve our own randomly generated instances up to 6000 nodes. Our approach outperforms most well-known heuristics in terms of solution quality and time execution and it allows hitherto unsolved problems to be solved

    Robust intermodal hub location under polyhedral demand uncertainty

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    In this study, we consider the robust uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem under polyhedral demand uncertainty. We model the demand uncertainty in two different ways. The hose model assumes that the only available information is the upper limit on the total flow adjacent at each node, while the hybrid model additionally imposes lower and upper bounds on each pairwise demand. We propose linear mixed integer programming formulations using a minmax criteria and devise two Benders decomposition based exact solution algorithms in order to solve large-scale problems. We report the results of our computational experiments on the effect of incorporating uncertainty and on the performance of our exact approaches. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd
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