7 research outputs found

    Validation strategies for target prediction methods

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    Computational methods for target prediction, based on molecular similarity and network-based approaches, machine learning, docking and others, have evolved as valuable and powerful tools to aid the challenging task of mode of action identification for bioactive small molecules such as drugs and drug-like compounds. Critical to discerning the scope and limitations of a target prediction method is understanding how its performance was evaluated and reported. Ideally, large-scale prospective experiments are conducted to validate the performance of a model; however, this expensive and time-consuming endeavor is often not feasible. Therefore, to estimate the predictive power of a method, statistical validation based on retrospective knowledge is commonly used. There are multiple statistical validation techniques that vary in rigor. In this review we discuss the validation strategies employed, highlighting the usefulness and constraints of the validation schemes and metrics that are employed to measure and describe performance. We address the limitations of measuring only generalized performance, given that the underlying bioactivity and structural data are biased towards certain small-molecule scaffolds and target families, and suggest additional aspects of performance to consider in order to produce more detailed and realistic estimates of predictive power. Finally, we describe the validation strategies that were employed by some of the most thoroughly validated and accessible target prediction methods.publishedVersio

    VB-MK-LMF: Fusion of drugs, targets and interactions using Variational Bayesian Multiple Kernel Logistic Matrix Factorization

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    Background Computational fusion approaches to drug-target interaction (DTI) prediction, capable of utilizing multiple sources of background knowledge, were reported to achieve superior predictive performance in multiple studies. Other studies showed that specificities of the DTI task, such as weighting the observations and focusing the side information are also vital for reaching top performance. Method We present Variational Bayesian Multiple Kernel Logistic Matrix Factorization (VB-MK-LMF), which unifies the advantages of (1) multiple kernel learning, (2) weighted observations, (3) graph Laplacian regularization, and (4) explicit modeling of probabilities of binary drug-target interactions. Results VB-MK-LMF achieves significantly better predictive performance in standard benchmarks compared to state-of-the-art methods, which can be traced back to multiple factors. The systematic evaluation of the effect of multiple kernels confirm their benefits, but also highlights the limitations of linear kernel combinations, already recognized in other fields. The analysis of the effect of prior kernels using varying sample sizes sheds light on the balance of data and knowledge in DTI tasks and on the rate at which the effect of priors vanishes. This also shows the existence of ``small sample size'' regions where using side information offers significant gains. Alongside favorable predictive performance, a notable property of MF methods is that they provide a unified space for drugs and targets using latent representations. Compared to earlier studies, the dimensionality of this space proved to be surprisingly low, which makes the latent representations constructed by VB-ML-LMF especially well-suited for visual analytics. The probabilistic nature of the predictions allows the calculation of the expected values of hits in functionally relevant sets, which we demonstrate by predicting drug promiscuity. The variational Bayesian approximation is also implemented for general purpose graphics processing units yielding significantly improved computational time. Conclusion In standard benchmarks, VB-MK-LMF shows significantly improved predictive performance in a wide range of settings. Beyond these benchmarks, another contribution of our work is highlighting and providing estimates for further pharmaceutically relevant quantities, such as promiscuity, druggability and total number of interactions. Availability Data and code are available at http://bioinformatics.mit.bme.hu

    Recent advances in in silico target fishing

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    In silico target fishing, whose aim is to identify possible protein targets for a query molecule, is an emerging approach used in drug discovery due its wide variety of applications. This strategy allows the clarification of mechanism of action and biological activities of compounds whose target is still unknown. Moreover, target fishing can be employed for the identification of off targets of drug candidates, thus recognizing and preventing their possible adverse effects. For these reasons, target fishing has increasingly become a key approach for polypharmacology, drug repurposing, and the identification of new drug targets. While experimental target fishing can be lengthy and difficult to implement, due to the plethora of interactions that may occur for a single small-molecule with different protein targets, an in silico approach can be quicker, less expensive, more efficient for specific protein structures, and thus easier to employ. Moreover, the possibility to use it in combination with docking and virtual screening studies, as well as the increasing number of web-based tools that have been recently developed, make target fishing a more appealing method for drug discovery. It is especially worth underlining the increasing implementation of machine learning in this field, both as a main target fishing approach and as a further development of already applied strategies. This review reports on the main in silico target fishing strategies, belonging to both ligand-based and receptor-based approaches, developed and applied in the last years, with a particular attention to the different web tools freely accessible by the scientific community for performing target fishing studies

    Development, validation and application of in-silico methods to predict the macromolecular targets of small organic compounds

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    Computational methods to predict the macromolecular targets of small organic drugs and drug-like compounds play a key role in early drug discovery and drug repurposing efforts. These methods are developed by building predictive models that aim to learn the relationships between compounds and their targets in order to predict the bioactivity of the compounds. In this thesis, we analyzed the strategies used to validate target prediction approaches and how current strategies leave crucial questions about performance unanswered. Namely, how does an approach perform on a compound of interest, with its structural specificities, as opposed to the average query compound in the test data? We constructed and present new guidelines on validation strategies to address these short-comings. We then present the development and validation of two ligand-based target prediction approaches: a similarity-based approach and a binary relevance random forest (machine learning) based approach, which have a wide coverage of the target space. Importantly, we applied a new validation protocol to benchmark the performance of these approaches. The approaches were tested under three scenarios: a standard testing scenario with external data, a standard time-split scenario, and a close-to-real-world test scenario. We disaggregated the performance based on the distance of the testing data to the reference knowledge base, giving a more nuanced view of the performance of the approaches. We showed that, surprisingly, the similarity-based approach generally performed better than the machine learning based approach under all testing scenarios, while also having a target coverage which was twice as large. After validating two target prediction approaches, we present our work on a large-scale application of computational target prediction to curate optimized compound libraries. While screening large collections of compounds against biological targets is key to identifying new bioactivities, it is resource intensive and challenging. Small to medium-sized libraries, that have been optimized to have a higher chance of producing a true hit on an arbitrary target of interest are therefore valuable. We curated libraries of readily purchasable compounds by: i. utilizing property filters to ensure that the compounds have key physicochemical properties and are not overly reactive, ii. applying a similaritybased target prediction method, with a wide target scope, to predict the bioactivities of compounds, and iii. employing a genetic algorithm to select compounds for the library to maximize the biological diversity in the predicted bioactivities. These enriched small to medium-sized compound libraries provide valuable tool compounds to support early drug development and target identification efforts, and have been made available to the community. The distinctive contributions of this thesis include the development and benchmarking of two ligand-based target prediction approaches under novel validation scenarios, and the application of target prediction to enrich screening libraries with biologically diverse bioactive compounds. We hope that the insights presented in this thesis will help push data driven drug discovery forward.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    High-throughput prediction and analysis of drug-protein interactions in the druggable human proteome

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    Drugs exert their (therapeutic) effects via molecular-level interactions with proteins and other biomolecules. Computational prediction of drug-protein interactions plays a significant role in the effort to improve our current and limited knowledge of these interactions. The use of the putative drug-protein interactions could facilitate the discovery of novel applications of drugs, assist in cataloging their targets, and help to explain the details of medicinal efficacy and side-effects of drugs. We investigate current studies related to the computational prediction of drug-protein interactions and categorize them into protein structure-based and similarity-based methods. We evaluate three representative structure-based predictors and develop a Protein-Drug Interaction Database (PDID) that includes the putative drug targets generated by these three methods for the entire structural human proteome. To address the fact that only a limited set of proteins has known structures, we study the similarity-based methods that do not require this information. We review a comprehensive set of 35 high-impact similarity-based predictors and develop a novel, high-quality benchmark database. We group these predictors based on three types of similarities and their combinations that they use. We discuss and compare key architectural aspects of these methods including their source databases, internal databases and predictive models. Using our novel benchmark database, we perform comparative empirical analysis of predictive performance of seven types of representative predictors that utilize each type of similarity individually or in all possible combinations. We assess predictive quality at the database-wide drug-protein interaction level and we are the first to also include evaluation across individual drugs. Our comprehensive analysis shows that predictors that use more similarity types outperform methods that employ fewer similarities, and that the model combining all three types of similarities secures AUC of 0.93. We offer a first-of-its-kind analysis of sensitivity of predictive performance to intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of the considered predictors. We find that predictive performance is sensitive to low levels of similarities between sequences of the drug targets and several extrinsic properties of the input drug structures, drug profiles and drug targets

    Benchmark Data Sets for Structure-Based Computational Target Prediction

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    Structure-based computational target prediction methods identify potential targets for a bioactive compound. Methods based on protein–ligand docking so far face many challenges, where the greatest probably is the ranking of true targets in a large data set of protein structures. Currently, no standard data sets for evaluation exist, rendering comparison and demonstration of improvements of methods cumbersome. Therefore, we propose two data sets and evaluation strategies for a meaningful evaluation of new target prediction methods, i.e., a small data set consisting of three target classes for detailed proof-of-concept and selectivity studies and a large data set consisting of 7992 protein structures and 72 drug-like ligands allowing statistical evaluation with performance metrics on a drug-like chemical space. Both data sets are built from openly available resources, and any information needed to perform the described experiments is reported. We describe the composition of the data sets, the setup of screening experiments, and the evaluation strategy. Performance metrics capable to measure the early recognition of enrichments like AUC, BEDROC, and NSLR are proposed. We apply a sequence-based target prediction method to the large data set to analyze its content of nontrivial evaluation cases. The proposed data sets are used for method evaluation of our new inverse screening method <i>i</i>RAISE. The small data set reveals the method’s capability and limitations to selectively distinguish between rather similar protein structures. The large data set simulates real target identification scenarios. <i>i</i>RAISE achieves in 55% excellent or good enrichment a median AUC of 0.67 and RMSDs below 2.0 Å for 74% and was able to predict the first true target in 59 out of 72 cases in the top 2% of the protein data set of about 8000 structures