721 research outputs found

    Bellman Error Based Feature Generation using Random Projections on Sparse Spaces

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    We address the problem of automatic generation of features for value function approximation. Bellman Error Basis Functions (BEBFs) have been shown to improve the error of policy evaluation with function approximation, with a convergence rate similar to that of value iteration. We propose a simple, fast and robust algorithm based on random projections to generate BEBFs for sparse feature spaces. We provide a finite sample analysis of the proposed method, and prove that projections logarithmic in the dimension of the original space are enough to guarantee contraction in the error. Empirical results demonstrate the strength of this method

    LSPI with Random Projections

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    We consider the problem of reinforcement learning in high-dimensional spaces when the number of features is bigger than the number of samples. In particular, we study the least-squares temporal difference (LSTD) learning algorithm when a space of low dimension is generated with a random projection from a high-dimensional space. We provide a thorough theoretical analysis of the LSTD with random projections and derive performance bounds for the resulting algorithm. We also show how the error of LSTD with random projections is propagated through the iterations of a policy iteration algorithm and provide a performance bound for the resulting least-squares policy iteration (LSPI) algorithm

    Representation discovery using a fixed basis in reinforcement learning

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    A thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. 26 August 2016.In the reinforcement learning paradigm, an agent learns by interacting with its environment. At each state, the agent receives a numerical reward. Its goal is to maximise the discounted sum of future rewards. One way it can do this is through learning a value function; a function which maps states to the discounted sum of future rewards. With an accurate value function and a model of the environment, the agent can take the optimal action in each state. In practice, however, the value function is approximated, and performance depends on the quality of the approximation. Linear function approximation is a commonly used approximation scheme, where the value function is represented as a weighted sum of basis functions or features. In continuous state environments, there are infinitely many such features to choose from, introducing the new problem of feature selection. Existing algorithms such as OMP-TD are slow to converge, scale poorly to high dimensional spaces, and have not been generalised to the online learning case. We introduce heuristic methods for reducing the search space in high dimensions that significantly reduce computational costs and also act as regularisers. We extend these methods and introduce feature regularisation for incremental feature selection in the batch learning case, and show that introducing a smoothness prior is effective with our SSOMP-TD and STOMP-TD algorithms. Finally we generalise OMP-TD and our algorithms to the online case and evaluate them empirically.LG201

    Non-parametric policy search with limited information loss

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    Learning complex control policies from non-linear and redundant sensory input is an important challenge for reinforcement learning algorithms. Non-parametric methods that approximate values functions or transition models can address this problem, by adapting to the complexity of the data set. Yet, many current non-parametric approaches rely on unstable greedy maximization of approximate value functions, which might lead to poor convergence or oscillations in the policy update. A more robust policy update can be obtained by limiting the information loss between successive state-action distributions. In this paper, we develop a policy search algorithm with policy updates that are both robust and non-parametric. Our method can learn non- parametric control policies for infinite horizon continuous Markov decision processes with non-linear and redundant sensory representations. We investigate how we can use approximations of the kernel function to reduce the time requirements of the demanding non-parametric computations. In our experiments, we show the strong performance of the proposed method, and how it can be approximated efficiently. Finally, we show that our algorithm can learn a real-robot under-powered swing-up task directly from image data

    Feature Selection by Singular Value Decomposition for Reinforcement Learning

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    Solving reinforcement learning problems using value function approximation requires having good state features, but constructing them manually is often difficult or impossible. We propose Fast Feature Selection (FFS), a new method for automatically constructing good features in problems with high-dimensional state spaces but low-rank dynamics. Such problems are common when, for example, controlling simple dynamic systems using direct visual observations with states represented by raw images. FFS relies on domain samples and singular value decomposition to construct features that can be used to approximate the optimal value function well. Compared with earlier methods, such as LFD, FFS is simpler and enjoys better theoretical performance guarantees. Our experimental results show that our approach is also more stable, computes better solutions, and can be faster when compared with prior work

    Non-parametric policy search with limited information loss

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    Learning complex control policies from non-linear and redundant sensory input is an important challenge for reinforcement learning algorithms. Non-parametric methods that approximate values functions or transition models can address this problem, by adapting to the complexity of the dataset. Yet, many current non-parametric approaches rely on unstable greedy maximization of approximate value functions, which might lead to poor convergence or oscillations in the policy update. A more robust policy update can be obtained by limiting the information loss between successive state-action distributions. In this paper, we develop a policy search algorithm with policy updates that are both robust and non-parametric. Our method can learn non-parametric control policies for infinite horizon continuous Markov decision processes with non-linear and redundant sensory representations. We investigate how we can use approximations of the kernel function to reduce the time requirements of the demanding non-parametric computations. In our experiments, we show the strong performance of the proposed method, and how it can be approximated efficiently. Finally, we show that our algorithm can learn a real-robot underpowered swing-up task directly from image data
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