10 research outputs found

    A Parametrization Tool for Power Electronics Design at System Level

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    This paper describes a parameterization software used for the generation of behavioral models of power converters. This tool eases the capture and generation of fast and accurate models based on the information provided by manufacturers and measures. The models incorporate many behavioral features and can be used at different levels in the analysis, design and verification of complete power distribution systems like aircraft and automotive power systems. Simulations of common tests of power systems are presented to show the functionality of the models

    DC/DC Converter Parametric Models for System level Simulation

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    The objective of this work is to propose a whole solution for simulating power systems based on the use of behavioral DC/DC converter models. The proposed model is a generic model whose parameters can be obtained from data sheets (especially useful to model commercial converters) or equivalent tests. The model has configurable features which can be activated or disabled in order to perform optimal simulations or to generate models with different levels of abstraction to be used in a top-down design methodology

    VHDL-AMS modeling and simulation of a direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) transmitter

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    Many recent standards in telecommunications field are based on CDMA spread spectrum transmissions. In this paper, we describe a methodology for top-down design, modeling, and simulation of CDMA transmitter system using hardware description language VHDL-AMS. Details of VHDL-AMS implementation for each elementary block are shown. This paper together with the developed library of CDMA transmitter blocks are targeted towards engineers who work on behavioral modeling and simulation of complete CDMA systems using hardware description languages

    Framework de síntese de sistemas digitais em alto nível de abstração para emprego em ferramentas CAD

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    The development of digital systems requires an extreme attention by the circuit designer due to the different abstraction domains that the same system could be; therefore, the difficulty of building a circuit might be higher primarily because a schematic in a high level of abstraction has to be modeled, and just then, from the constructed component, the system can be implemented into a low level language. According to the top down methodology, this process of translating a circuit from a level of abstraction to another is called synthesis. This project brings up a framework that is able to translate schematics of digital systems built on the CAD tool Logisim, into implementations at the hardware level. The set of tests applied on 41 different circuits models have shown that the tool ellaborated works and it is effective, ensuring the desired output.A modelagem de sistemas digitais exige que o designer de circuitos atente-se å adequação de um projeto aos demais domínios de abstração. Logo, o nível de dificuldade de construção de um circuito pode-se tornar um tanto quanto elevado, jå que deve-se elaborar um modelo esquemåtico em um alto nível de abstração para depois então, `a partir do diagrama construído, implementar o sistema em uma linguagem de baixo nível. De acordo com a metodologia top down, esse processo de mudança de um sistema digital de um nível de abstração para outro nível mais baixo é denominado síntese. Este projeto oferece um framework capaz de realizar a tradução de modelos esquemåticos de circuitos lógicos produzidos através da ferramenta CAD Logisim para implementaçÔes a nível de descrição de hardware. Os testes executados em 41 modelos de circuitos mostraram que a ferramenta é confiåvel e cumpre de forma eficaz o seu propósito

    Behavioral Modeling for High-Level Synthesis of Analog and Mixed-Signal Systems from VHDL-AMS

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    High-level synthesis is highly demanded for managing the complexity of analog and mixed-signal system designs. However, synthesis methods are currently in their infancy. The absence of a high-level specification notation is an important limitation for the development of efficient synthesis methods

    Continuous/Discrete Co-Simulation Interfaces from Formalization to Implementation

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    ABSTRACT Today’s systems-on-chip are growing in complexity as a result of a higher density of components on the same chip, and also on account of the heterogeneity of different modules that are particular to different application domains (i.e. mechanical, electrical, optical, biological and chemical). These systems can be found in a broad and diverse spectrum of applications in many industries, including but not limited to Automotive, Aerospace, Health Care and, Consumer Electronics. These multi-domain heterogeneous systems enable new applications and the creation of new markets. This thesis focuses on the design and the simulation of heterogeneous embedded systems, more specifically on continuous/discrete heterogeneous systems. Continuous-time and discrete-event models are at the core of the design of multi-domain systems. We present here a generic, language independent methodology for the design of continuous/discrete heterogeneous systems. This methodology is the basis for design of a new framework providing the interfaces that are in charge with the heterogeneous components adaptation. The methodology was successfully used for the implementation of different continuous/discrete systems such as: a glycemia level regulator, an analog/digital converter, a PID controller, a production chain control system and wimax system. Parts of the proposed methodology were adapted for the formalization, modeling and verification of an optical network on chip.---------- RÉSUMÉ Les systĂšmes sur puce sont de plus en plus complexes, pas seulement en terme de densitĂ© de composants sur la mĂȘme puce mais aussi en terme d‘hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des modules spĂ©cifiques pour diffĂ©rents domaines d’application (mĂ©canique, Ă©lectrique, optique, biologique chimique). On retrouve ces systĂšmes dans un grand Ă©ventail d’applications et dans divers industries tels que l’automobile, l’aĂ©ronautique, la santĂ©, l’électroniques et autres. Ces systĂšmes hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes multi-domaine permettent de nouvelles applications et la crĂ©ation de nouveaux marchĂ©s. Cette thĂšse se concentre sur la conception et la simulation des systĂšmes hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes embarquĂ©s. Les modĂšles temps-continu et Ă©vĂ©nement discret sont le noyau de la conception des systĂšmes multi-domaine. On prĂ©sente ici l’analyse de modĂšles d’exĂ©cution et modĂšles de synchronisation des systĂšmes hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes continu/discret, la dĂ©finition d’une mĂ©thodologie gĂ©nĂ©rique pour la conception des outils de co-simulation des systĂšmes hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes continus/discrets et la validation de la mĂ©thodologie par applications – la rĂ©alisation d’un cadre de co-simulation pour les systĂšmes continu/discret. La mĂ©thodologie exploite les techniques de vĂ©rification formelle et de la simulation. La conception des outils de simulation est basĂ©e sur la dĂ©finition d’une architecture gĂ©nĂ©rique des interfaces de simulation ainsi que sur des modĂšles de synchronisation vĂ©rifiĂ©s formellement. La mĂ©thodologie a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour l’implĂ©mentation d’un rĂ©gulateur de niveau de glycĂ©mie. Une partie de la mĂ©thodologie a Ă©tĂ© adaptĂ©e pour la formalisation, la modĂ©lisation et la vĂ©rification formelle d’un rĂ©seau optique sur puce

    Modellierung der ZuverlÀssigkeit bei Entwurf und Verifikation von Mixed-Signal-Schaltungen

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    Die zunehmende Verbreitung von Elektronik im Alltag und die weitere Verringerung der StrukturgrĂ¶ĂŸen stellen neue Anforderungen an die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und VerfĂŒgbarkeit integrierter Schaltungen. Die Arbeit zeigt ein systematisches Vorgehen zur Modellierung des funktionalen Schaltungsverhaltens und ergĂ€nzt es um neue Verfahren zur BerĂŒcksichtigung zuverlĂ€ssigkeitsrelevanter Schaltungseigenschaften. Etablierte Verfahren aus der Mechanik zur Behandlung der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit werden auf die Degradationseffekte integrierter Halbleiterbauelemente angewandt. Entsprechende Lebensdauermodelle zu relevanten Degradationsmechanismen sind dargestellt. Ausgehend davon werden allgemeine Maße zur ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsbewertung von Bauelementen unter Anwendungsbedingungen abgeleitet. Die Diskussion von Methoden zur Analyse der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit ganzer Schaltungen im Entwurf rundet die Darstellung ab. Die entwickelten Verfahren dienen der UnterstĂŒtzung eines schnellen und fehlerfreien Entwurfs sicherer und zuverlĂ€ssiger Schaltungen. Die Optimierung einer Schaltung hinsichtlich ihres Alterungsverhaltens verdeutlicht diesen Nutzen.The widespread use of electronics in everyday life and its ongoing miniaturization poses new demands in terms of reliability and dependability of integrated circuits. Modeling as a means to support circuit and system design has been used for many years, mainly to represent the functional behavior. This thesis aims at the following objectives: ‱ For known modeling techniques regarding the functional behavior a systematic methodology is developed and structured in an integrated modelling flow. ‱ The developed methodology is extended by modeling non-functional characteristics particularly with regard to reliability. In this work reliability modeling covers primarily degradation effects that occur during normal operation and affect the electrical behavior of integrated devices. As an important precondition for the developed methods to consider electrical degradation, linear damage accumulation is assumed. That is, the sequence in time of the applied stress is not important, the damage accumulates linearly over time. As a result a systematic process to model the functional behavior of analog and mixed signal circuits is presented. It is amended by new methods to include reliability relevant characteristics of the circuit. Established methods from mechanical engineering to describe and analyze reliability are adopted and applied to the degradation effects of integrated semiconductor devices. Respective lifetime models for relevant degradation effects are presented. Starting from a generic model structure general measures are derived to assess reliability of devices exposed to application conditions. In addition methods to analyze reliability of large circuits in the design process are discussed. The developed methods support a fast and correct design of safe and reliable circuits. As an example the optimization of a circuit with respect to its degradation behavior is demonstrated.Die zunehmende Verbreitung von Elektronik im Alltag und die weitere Verringerung der StrukturgrĂ¶ĂŸen stellt neue Anforderungen an die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und VerfĂŒgbarkeit integrierter Schaltungen. Modellierung zur UnterstĂŒtzung des Schaltkreis- und Systementwurfs wird seit langer Zeit eingesetzt, bisher hauptsĂ€chlich zur Nachbildung des funktionalen Verhaltens einer Schaltung. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt zwei Ziele: ‱ Zu bekannten Modellierungsverfahren fĂŒr das funktionale Verhalten wird eine Systematik entwickelt und in einen durchgĂ€ngigen Modellierungsablauf abgebildet. ‱ Die Methodik wird um die Modellierung nichtfunktionaler Eigenschaften erweitert, insbesondere werden Verfahren zur BerĂŒcksichtigung der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit entwickelt. FĂŒr die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsmodellierung werden in erster Linie Degradationseffekte betrachtet, die wĂ€hrend des bestimmungsgemĂ€ĂŸen Betriebs entstehen und sich auf das elektrische Verhalten integrierter Bauelemente auswirken. Als eine wesentliche Voraussetzung fĂŒr die entwickelten Verfahren zur BerĂŒcksichtigung der elektrischen Degradation wird lineare Schadensakkumulation angenommen. Dies bedeutet, dass die zeitliche Abfolge des anliegenden Stresses keine Rolle spielt, sondern sich die entstehende SchĂ€digung linear akkumuliert. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit ist eine systematische Vorgehensweise zur Modellierung des funktionalen Verhaltens von analogen und Mixed-Signal-Schaltungen. Diese wird ergĂ€nzt um neue Verfahren zur BerĂŒcksichtigung zuverlĂ€ssigkeitsrelevanter Eigenschaften der Schaltung. Analogien zur Mechanik erlauben es, in diesem Bereich etablierte Vorgehensweisen zur Beschreibung und Analyse der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit zu ĂŒbernehmen und auf die Degradationseffekte integrierter Halbleiterbauelemente anzuwenden. Entsprechende Lebensdauermodelle zu relevanten Degradationsmechanismen sind dargestellt. Ausgehend von der generellen Struktur solcher Modelle werden allgemeine Maße zur ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsbewertung von Bauelementen unter Anwendungsbedingungen abgeleitet. Die Diskussion von Methoden zur Analyse der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit ganzer Schaltungen im Entwurf rundet die Darstellung ab. Die entwickelten Verfahren dienen der UnterstĂŒtzung eines schnellen und fehlerfreien Entwurfs sicherer und zuverlĂ€ssiger Schaltungen. Anhand der Optimierung einer Schaltung auf der Grundlage ihres Alterungsverhaltens wird dieser Nutzen verdeutlicht

    Engineering Education and Research Using MATLAB

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    MATLAB is a software package used primarily in the field of engineering for signal processing, numerical data analysis, modeling, programming, simulation, and computer graphic visualization. In the last few years, it has become widely accepted as an efficient tool, and, therefore, its use has significantly increased in scientific communities and academic institutions. This book consists of 20 chapters presenting research works using MATLAB tools. Chapters include techniques for programming and developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), dynamic systems, electric machines, signal and image processing, power electronics, mixed signal circuits, genetic programming, digital watermarking, control systems, time-series regression modeling, and artificial neural networks