33 research outputs found

    Behavioral analysis of anisotropic diffusion in image processing

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    ©1996 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/83.541424In this paper, we analyze the behavior of the anisotropic diffusion model of Perona and Malik (1990). The main idea is to express the anisotropic diffusion equation as coming from a certain optimization problem, so its behavior can be analyzed based on the shape of the corresponding energy surface. We show that anisotropic diffusion is the steepest descent method for solving an energy minimization problem. It is demonstrated that an anisotropic diffusion is well posed when there exists a unique global minimum for the energy functional and that the ill posedness of a certain anisotropic diffusion is caused by the fact that its energy functional has an infinite number of global minima that are dense in the image space. We give a sufficient condition for an anisotropic diffusion to be well posed and a sufficient and necessary condition for it to be ill posed due to the dense global minima. The mechanism of smoothing and edge enhancement of anisotropic diffusion is illustrated through a particular orthogonal decomposition of the diffusion operator into two parts: one that diffuses tangentially to the edges and therefore acts as an anisotropic smoothing operator, and the other that flows normally to the edges and thus acts as an enhancement operator

    An enhanced NAS-RIF algorithm for blind image deconvolution

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    We enhance the performance of the nonnegativity and support constraints recursive inverse filtering (NAS-RIF) algorithm for blind image deconvolution. The original cost function is modified to overcome the problem of operation on images with different scales for the representation of pixel intensity levels. Algorithm resetting is used to enhance the convergence of the conjugate gradient algorithm. A simple pixel classification approach is used to automate the selection of the support constraint. The performance of the resulting enhanced NAS-RIF algorithm is demonstrated on various image

    Performance Analysis of Intensity Averaging By Anisotropic Diffusion Method for MRI Denoising Corrupted By Random Noise

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    The two parameters which plays important role in MRI(magnetic resonance imaging),acquired by various imaging modalities are Feature extraction and object recognition. These operations will become difficult if the images are corrupted with noise. Noise in MR image is always random type of noise. This noise will change the value of amplitude and phase of each pixel in MR image. Due to this, MR image gets corrupted and we cannot make perfect diagnostic for a body. So noise removal is essential task for perfect diagnostic. There are different approaches for noise reduction, each of which has its own advantages and limitation. MRI denoising is a difficult task task as fine details in medical image containing diagnostic information should not be removed during noise removal process. In this paper, we are representing an algorithm for MRI denoising in which we are using iterations and Gaussian blurring for amplitude reconstruction and image fusion,anisotropic diffusion and FFT for phase reconstruction. We are using the PSNR(Peak signal to noise ration),MSE(Mean square error) and RMSE(Root mean square error) as performance matrices to measure the quality of denoised MRI. The final result shows that this method is effectively removing the noise while preserving the edge and fine information in the images

    Consensus image method for unknown noise removal

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    Noise removal has been, and it is nowadays, an important task in computer vision. Usually, it is a previous task preceding other tasks, as segmentation or reconstruction. However, for most existing denoising algorithms the noise model has to be known in advance. In this paper, we introduce a new approach based on consensus to deal with unknown noise models. To do this, different filtered images are obtained, then combined using multifuzzy sets and averaging aggregation functions. The final decision is made by using a penalty function to deliver the compromised image. Results show that this approach is consistent and provides a good compromise between filters.This work is supported by the European Commission under Contract No. 238819 (MIBISOC Marie Curie ITN). H. Bustince was supported by Project TIN 2010-15055 of the Spanish Ministry of Science

    Refined upper bounds on the coarsening rate of discrete, ill-posed diffusion equations

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    "We study coarsening phenomena observed in discrete, ill-posed diffusion equations that arise in a variety of applications, including computer vision, population dynamics and granular flow. Our results provide rigorous upper bounds on the coarsening rate in any dimension. Heuristic arguments and the numerical experiments we perform indicate that the bounds are in agreement with the actual rate of coarsening."http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64211/1/non8_12_002.pd

    Flaw Simulation in Product Radiographs

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