533 research outputs found

    Behind the Code: Identifying Zero-Day Exploits in WordPress

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    The rising awareness of cybersecurity among governments and the public underscores the importance of effectively managing security incidents, especially zero-day attacks that exploit previously unknown software vulnerabilities. These zero-day attacks are particularly challenging because they exploit flaws that neither the public nor developers are aware of. In our study, we focused on dynamic application security testing (DAST) to investigate cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. We closely examined 23 popular WordPress plugins, especially those requiring user or admin interactions, as these are frequent targets for XSS attacks. Our testing uncovered previously unknown zero-day vulnerabilities in three of these plugins. Through controlled environment testing, we accurately identified and thoroughly analyzed these XSS vulnerabilities, revealing their mechanisms, potential impacts, and the conditions under which they could be exploited. One of the most concerning findings was the potential for admin-side attacks, which could lead to multi-site insider threats. Specifically, we found vulnerabilities that allow for the insertion of malicious scripts, creating backdoors that unauthorized users can exploit. We demonstrated the severity of these vulnerabilities by employing a keylogger-based attack vector capable of silently capturing and extracting user data from the compromised plugins. Additionally, we tested a zero-click download strategy, allowing malware to be delivered without any user interaction, further highlighting the risks posed by these vulnerabilities. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recognized these vulnerabilities and assigned them CVE numbers: CVE-2023-5119 for the Forminator plugin, CVE-2023-5228 for user registration and contact form issues, and CVE-2023-5955 for another critical plugin flaw. Our study emphasizes the critical importance of proactive security measures, such as rigorous input validation, regular security testing, and timely updates, to mitigate the risks posed by zero-day vulnerabilities. It also highlights the need for developers and administrators to stay vigilant and adopt strong security practices to defend against evolving threats

    Spartan Web Application Firewall

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    Computer security is an ongoing issue and attacks are growing more sophisit- cated. One category of attack utilizes cross-site scripting (XSS) to extract confiden- tial data such as a user’s login credential’s without the knowledge of either the user nor the web server by utilizing vulnerabilities on web pages and internet browsers. Many people develop their own web applications without learning about or having good coding practices or security in mind. Web application firewalls are able to help but can be enhanced to be more effective than they currently are at detecting re- flected XSS attacks by analyzing the request and response data sent between the web application by a user’s browser to more quickly determine if a reflected XSS attack is being attempted. Spartan Web Application Firewall is designed to do this efficiently without being limited to requiring users to be using a specific web browser or web browser plug-in

    A Framework for Hybrid Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Web application security is a definite threat to the world’s information technology infrastructure. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), generally defines web application security violations as unauthorized or unintentional exposure, disclosure, or loss of personal information. These breaches occur without the company’s knowledge and it often takes a while before the web application attack is revealed to the public, specifically because the security violations are fixed. Due to the need to protect their reputation, organizations have begun researching solutions to these problems. The most widely accepted solution is the use of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Such systems currently rely on either signatures of the attack used for the data breach or changes in the behavior patterns of the system to identify an intruder. These systems, either signature-based or anomaly-based, are readily understood by attackers. Issues arise when attacks are not noticed by an existing IDS because the attack does not fit the pre-defined attack signatures the IDS is implemented to discover. Despite current IDSs capabilities, little research has identified a method to detect all potential attacks on a system. This thesis intends to address this problem. A particular emphasis will be placed on detecting advanced attacks, such as those that take place at the application layer. These types of attacks are able to bypass existing IDSs, increase the potential for a web application security breach to occur and not be detected. In particular, the attacks under study are all web application layer attacks. Those included in this thesis are SQL injection, cross-site scripting, directory traversal and remote file inclusion. This work identifies common and existing data breach detection methods as well as the necessary improvements for IDS models. Ultimately, the proposed approach combines an anomaly detection technique measured by cross entropy and a signature-based attack detection framework utilizing genetic algorithm. The proposed hybrid model for data breach detection benefits organizations by increasing security measures and allowing attacks to be identified in less time and more efficiently

    Developing an in house vulnerability scanner for detecting Template Injection, XSS, and DOM-XSS vulnerabilities

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    Web applications are becoming an essential part of today's digital world. However, with the increase in the usage of web applications, security threats have also become more prevalent. Cyber attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in web applications to steal sensitive information or take control of the system. To prevent these attacks, web application security must be given due consideration. Existing vulnerability scanners fail to detect Template Injection, XSS, and DOM-XSS vulnerabilities effectively. To bridge this gap in web application security, a customized in-house scanner is needed to quickly and accurately identify these vulnerabilities, enhancing manual security assessments of web applications. This thesis focused on developing a modular and extensible vulnerability scanner to detect Template Injection, XSS, and DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities in web applications. Testing the scanner against other free and open-source solutions on the market showed that it outperformed them on Template injection vulnerabilities and nearly all on XSS-type vulnerabilities. While the scanner has limitations, focusing on specific injection vulnerabilities can result in better performance

    Defense in Depth: Multilayer of security

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    Many types and methodologies of attacks have been developed in order to target the victims in different ways affecting its resources and assets. This paper reviews the defense in depth concept that has been developed in which multilayer of security controls are implemented to protect resources and assets from such attackers through consuming all the resources and capabilities of the attacker before malicious activities affect such targeted resources and assets

    Survey on detecting and preventing web application broken access control attacks

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    Web applications are an essential component of the current wide range of digital services proposition including financial and governmental services as well as social networking and communications. Broken access control vulnerabilities pose a huge risk to that echo system because they allow the attacker to circumvent the allocated permissions and rights and perform actions that he is not authorized to perform. This paper gives a broad survey of the current research progress on approaches used to detect access control vulnerabilities exploitations and attacks in web application components. It categorizes these approaches based on their key techniques and compares the different detection methods in addition to evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. We also spotted and elaborated on some exciting research gaps found in the current literature, Finally, the paper summarizes the general detection approaches and suggests potential research directions for the future

    Protection Models for Web Applications

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    Early web applications were a set of static web pages connected to one another. In contrast, modern applications are full-featured programs that are nearly equivalent to desktop applications in functionality. However, web servers and web browsers, which were initially designed for static web pages, have not updated their protection models to deal with the security consequences of these full-featured programs. This mismatch has been the source of several security problems in web applications. This dissertation proposes new protection models for web applications. The design and implementation of prototypes of these protection models in a web server and a web browser are also described. Experiments are used to demonstrate the improvements in security and performance from using these protection models. Finally, this dissertation also describes systematic design methods to support the security of web applications

    A multi-agent scanner to detect stored-XSS vulnerabilities

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    Proceeding of: 2010 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 8 to 11 November 2010 London, England, United KingdomThe cross-site scripting (XSS) has become a common vulnerability of many web sites and web applications. XSS consists in the exploitation of input validation flaws, with the purpose of injecting arbitrary script code which is later executed at the web browser of the victim. One interesting possibility to prevent this type of vulnerability is the use of vulnerability scanners. However, current scanners are capable of detecting just one of the two main modalities of XSS attacks. This paper introduces a novel multi–agent system for the automated scanning of web sites to detect the presence of XSS vulnerabilities exploitable by an stored–XSS attack. The rate of detection of the system is evaluated in two different scenarios.This work has been partially supported by CDTI (Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio of Spain) in collaboration with Telefonica I+D, Project SEGUR@ with reference CENIT-2007 2004Publicad

    Advanced Automated Web Application Vulnerability Analysis

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    Web applications are an integral part of our lives and culture. We useweb applications to manage our bank accounts, interact with friends,and file our taxes. A single vulnerability in one of these webapplications could allow a malicious hacker to steal your money, toimpersonate you on Facebook, or to access sensitive information, suchas tax returns. It is vital that we develop new approaches to discoverand fix these vulnerabilities before the cybercriminals exploit them.In this dissertation, I will present my research on securing the webagainst current threats and future threats. First, I will discuss mywork on improving black-box vulnerability scanners, which are toolsthat can automatically discover vulnerabilities in web applications.Then, I will describe a new type of web application vulnerability:Execution After Redirect, or EAR, and an approach to automaticallydetect EARs in web applications. Finally, I will present deDacota, afirst step in the direction of making web applications secure byconstruction
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