779 research outputs found

    Subject-specific modelling of paired comparison data: A lasso-type penalty approach

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    In traditional paired comparison models heterogeneity in the population is simply ignored and it is assumed that all persons or subjects have the same preference structure. In the models considered here the preference of an object over another object is explicitly modelled as depending on subject-specific covariates, therefore allowing for heterogeneity in the population. Since by construction the models contain a large number of parameters we propose to use penalized estimation procedures to obtain estimates of the parameters. The used regularized estimation approach penalizes the differences between the parameters corresponding to single covariates. It enforces variable selection and allows to find clusters of objects with respect to covariates. We consider simple binary but also ordinal paired comparisons models. The method is applied to data from a pre-election study from Germany. </jats:p

    Vol. 16, No. 2 (Full Issue)

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    Untangling hotel industry’s inefficiency: An SFA approach applied to a renowned Portuguese hotel chain

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    The present paper explores the technical efficiency of four hotels from Teixeira Duarte Group - a renowned Portuguese hotel chain. An efficiency ranking is established from these four hotel units located in Portugal using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. This methodology allows to discriminate between measurement error and systematic inefficiencies in the estimation process enabling to investigate the main inefficiency causes. Several suggestions concerning efficiency improvement are undertaken for each hotel studied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vol. 16, No. 1 (Full Issue)

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    Contributions on metric spaces with applications in personalized medicine

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    Esta tesis tiene como objetivo proponer nuevas representaciones distribucionales y métodos estadísticos en espacios métricos para modelar de forma eficaz los datos procedentes de la monitorización continua de los pacientes durante las actividades propias de su vida diaria. Proponemos nuevas pruebas de hipótesis para datos emparejados, modelos de regresión, algoritmos de cuantificación de la incertidumbre, pruebas de independencia estadística y algoritmos de análisis de conglomerados para las nuevas representaciones distribucionales y otros objetos estadísticos complejos. Los diferentes resultados recogidos a lo largo de la tesis muestran las ventajas en términos de predicción, interpretabilidad y capacidad de modelización de las nuevas propuestas frente a los metodos existentes

    Marginal methods and software for clustered data with cluster- and group-size informativeness.

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    Clustered data result when observations have some natural organizational association. In such data, cluster size is defined as the number of observations belonging to a cluster. A phenomenon termed informative cluster size (ICS) occurs when observation outcomes vary in a systematic way related to the cluster size. An additional form of informativeness, termed informative within-cluster group size (IWCGS), arises when the distribution of group-defining categorical covariates within clusters similarly carries information related to outcomes. Standard methods for the marginal analysis of clustered data can produce biased estimates and inference when data have informativeness. A reweighting methodology has been developed that is resistant to ICS and IWCGS bias, and this method has been used to establish clustered data analogs of classical hypothesis tests related to ranks and correlation. In this work, we extend the reweighting methodology to develop a versatile collection of marginal hypothesis tests related to proportions, means, and variances in clustered data that are analogous to classical forms. We evaluate the performance of these tests compared to other cluster-appropriate methods through simulation and show that only reweighted tests maintain appropriate size when data have informativeness. We construct reweighted tests of clustered categorical data using several variance estimators, and demonstrate that the method of variance estimation can have substantial effect on these tests. Additionally, we show that when testing simple hypotheses in data lacking informativeness, reweighted tests can outperform other standard cluster-appropriate methods both in terms of size and power. Combining our novel tests with the existing tests of ranks and correlations, we compile a comprehensive R software package that executes this collection of ICS/IWCGS-appropriate methods through a thoughtful and user-friendly design

    Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling : July 20- 24, 2020 Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

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    466 p.The InternationalWorkshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM) is a reference workshop in promoting statistical modelling, applications of Statistics for researchers, academics and industrialist in a broad sense. Unfortunately, the global COVID-19 pandemic has not allowed holding the 35th edition of the IWSM in Bilbao in July 2020. Despite the situation and following the spirit of the Workshop and the Statistical Modelling Society, we are delighted to bring you the proceedings book of extended abstracts

    Book of Abstracts XVIII Congreso de Biometría CEBMADRID

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    Abstracts of the XVIII Congreso de Biometría CEBMADRID held from 25 to 27 May in MadridInteractive modelling and prediction of patient evolution via multistate models / Leire Garmendia Bergés, Jordi Cortés Martínez and Guadalupe Gómez Melis : This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) [PID2019104830RBI00]; and the Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain) [2017SGR622 and 2020PANDE00148].Operating characteristics of a model-based approach to incorporate non-concurrent controls in platform trials / Pavla Krotka, Martin Posch, Marta Bofill Roig : EU-PEARL (EU Patient-cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatforms) project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 853966. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA and Children’s Tumor Foundation, Global Alliance for TB Drug Development non-profit organisation, Spring works Therapeutics Inc.Modeling COPD hospitalizations using variable domain functional regression / Pavel Hernández Amaro, María Durbán Reguera, María del Carmen Aguilera Morillo, Cristobal Esteban Gonzalez, Inma Arostegui : This work is supported by the grant ID2019-104901RB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Spatio-temporal quantile autoregression for detecting changes in daily temperature in northeastern Spain / Jorge Castillo-Mateo, Alan E. Gelfand, Jesús Asín, Ana C. Cebrián / Spatio-temporal quantile autoregression for detecting changes in daily temperature in northeastern Spain : This work was partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under Grant PID2020-116873GB-I00; Gobierno de Aragón under Research Group E46_20R: Modelos Estocásticos; and JC-M was supported by Gobierno de Aragón under Doctoral Scholarship ORDEN CUS/581/2020.Estimation of the area under the ROC curve with complex survey data / Amaia Iparragirre, Irantzu Barrio, Inmaculada Arostegui : This work was financially supported in part by IT1294-19, PID2020-115882RB-I00, KK-2020/00049. The work of AI was supported by PIF18/213.INLAMSM: Adjusting multivariate lattice models with R and INLA / Francisco Palmí Perales, Virgilio Gómez Rubio and Miguel Ángel Martínez Beneito : This work has been supported by grants PPIC-2014-001-P and SBPLY/17/180501/000491, funded by Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) and FEDER, grant MTM2016-77501-P, funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain), grant PID2019-106341GB-I00 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) and a grant to support research groups by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). F. Palmí-Perales has been supported by a Ph.D. scholarship awarded by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

    Supervised machine learning in psychiatry:towards application in clinical practice

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    In recent years, the field of machine learning (often named with the more general term artificial intelligence) has literally exploded and its application has been proposed in basically all fields, including psychiatry and mental health. This has been motivated by the promise of using machine learning to develop new clinical tools that could help perform personalized predictions and recommendations, ultimately improving the results achievable in the psychiatric clinical practice that still faces only a limited success in the fight against mental diseases. However, despite this huge interest, there is still a substantial lack of tools in psychiatry that are based on machine learning algorithms. Massimiliano Grassi, in his Ph.D. thesis, investigates the challenges of translating machine learning algorithms into clinical practice and proposes innovative solutions to these challenges. The thesis presents the development and validation of new algorithms for the prediction of the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, the remission of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the automatization of sleep staging in polysomnography, a method to diagnose sleep disorders. The results from these studies demonstrate that the use of machine learning in psychiatric clinical practice is not just a promise, and it is possible to develop machine learning algorithms that achieve clinically relevant performance even if based solely on information that can be easily accessible in the daily clinical routine