5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a Change Detection Methodology by Means of Binary Thresholding Algorithms and Informational Fusion Processes

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    Landcover is subject to continuous changes on a wide variety of temporal and spatial scales. Those changes produce significant effects in human and natural activities. Maintaining an updated spatial database with the occurred changes allows a better monitoring of the Earth’s resources and management of the environment. Change detection (CD) techniques using images from different sensors, such as satellite imagery, aerial photographs, etc., have proven to be suitable and secure data sources from which updated information can be extracted efficiently, so that changes can also be inventoried and monitored. In this paper, a multisource CD methodology for multiresolution datasets is applied. First, different change indices are processed, then different thresholding algorithms for change/no_change are applied to these indices in order to better estimate the statistical parameters of these categories, finally the indices are integrated into a change detection multisource fusion process, which allows generating a single CD result from several combination of indices. This methodology has been applied to datasets with different spectral and spatial resolution properties. Then, the obtained results are evaluated by means of a quality control analysis, as well as with complementary graphical representations. The suggested methodology has also been proved efficiently for identifying the change detection index with the higher contribution

    Evaluation of a Change Detection Methodology by Means of Binary Thresholding Algorithms and Informational Fusion Processes

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    Landcover is subject to continuous changes on a wide variety of temporal and spatial scales. Those changes produce significant effects in human and natural activities. Maintaining an updated spatial database with the occurred changes allows a better monitoring of the Earth’s resources and management of the environment. Change detection (CD) techniques using images from different sensors, such as satellite imagery, aerial photographs, etc., have proven to be suitable and secure data sources from which updated information can be extracted efficiently, so that changes can also be inventoried and monitored. In this paper, a multisource CD methodology for multiresolution datasets is applied. First, different change indices are processed, then different thresholding algorithms for change/no_change are applied to these indices in order to better estimate the statistical parameters of these categories, finally the indices are integrated into a change detection multisource fusion process, which allows generating a single CD result from several combination of indices. This methodology has been applied to datasets with different spectral and spatial resolution properties. Then, the obtained results are evaluated by means of a quality control analysis, as well as with complementary graphical representations. The suggested methodology has also been proved efficiently for identifying the change detection index with the higher contribution

    Design of an Adaptive Classification Procedure for the Analysis of High-Dimensional Data with Limited Training Samples

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    In a typical supervised classification procedure the availability of training samples has a fundamental effect on classifier performance. For a fixed number of training samples classifier performance is degraded as the number of dimensions (features) is increased. This phenomenon has a significant influence on the analysis of hyperspectral data sets where the ratio of training samples to dimensionality is small. Objectives of this research are to develop novel methods for mitigating the detrimental effects arising from this small ratio and to reduce the effort required by an analyst in terms of training sample selection. An iterative method is developed where semi-labeled samples (classification outputs) are used with the original training samples to estimate parameters and establish a positive feedback procedure wherein parameter estimation and classification enhance each other in an iterative fashion. This work is comprised of four discrete phases. First, the role of semi-labeled samples on parameter estimates is investigated. In this phase it is demonstrated that an iterative procedure based on positive feedback is achievable. Second, a maximum likelihood pixel-wise adaptive classifier is designed. Third, a family of adaptive covariance estimators is developed that combines the adaptive classifiers and covariance estimators to deal with cases where the training sample set is extremely small. Finally, to fully utilize the rich spectral and spatial information contained in hyperspectral data and enhance the performance and robustness of the proposed adaptive classifier, an adaptive Bayesian contextual classifier based on the Markov random field is developed

    Historical Land use/Land cover classification and its change detection mapping using Different Remotely Sensed Data from LANDSAT (MSS, TM and ETM+) and Terra (ASTER) sensors: a case study of the Euphrates River Basin in Syria with focus on agricultural irrigation projects

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    This thesis deals spatially and regionally with the natural boundaries of the Euphrates River Basin (ERB) in Syria. Scientifically, the research covers the application of remote sensing science (optical remote sensing: LANDSAT-MSS, TM, and ETM+; and TERRA: ASTER); and methodologically, in Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) classification and mapping, automatically and/or semi-automatically; in LULC-change detection; and finally in the mapping of historical irrigation and agricultural projects for the extraction of differing crop types and the estimation of their areas. With regard to time, the work is based on the years 1975, 1987, 2005 and 2007. Initially, preprocessing of the satellite data (geometric- and radiometric- processing, image enhancement, best bands composite selection, transformation, mosaicing and finally subsetting) was carried out. Then, the Land Use/Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was chosen. The following steps were followed in LULC- classification and change detection mapping: visual interpretation in addition to digital image processing techniques; pixel-based classification methods; unsupervised classification: ISODATA-method; and supervised classification and multistage supervised approaches using the algorithms: Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Neural Network classifier (NN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM). These were trialed on a test area to determine the optimized classification approach/algorithm for application on the whole study area (ERB) based on the available imagery. Pre- and post- classification change detection methods (comparison approaches) were used to detect changes in land use/land cover-classes (for the years 1975, 1987 and 2007) in the study area. The remote sensing methods show a high potential in mapping historical and present land use/land cover classes and its changes over time. Significant results are also possible for agricultural crop classification in relatively large regional areas (the ERB in Syria is almost 50,335 km²). Change trends in the study area and period was characterized by land-intensive agricultural expansion. The rapid, more labor- and capital- intensive growth in the agricultural sector was enabled by the introduction of fertilizer, improved access to rural roads and markets, and the expansion of the government irrigation projects. Irrigated areas increased 148 % in the past 32 years from 249,681 ha in 1975 to 596,612 ha in 2007