7,268 research outputs found

    Bayesian model determination in complex systems

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    Managed information gathering and fusion for transient transport problems

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    This paper deals with vehicular traffic management by communication technologies from Traffic Control Center point of view in road networks. The global goal is to manage the urban traffic by road traffic operations, controlling and interventional possibilities in order to minimize the traffic delays and stops and to improve traffic safety on the roads. This paper focuses on transient transport, when the controlling management is crucial. The aim was to detect the beginning time of the transient traffic on the roads, to gather the most appropriate data and to get reliable information for interventional suggestions. More reliable information can be created by information fusion, several fusion techniques are expounded in this paper. A half-automatic solution with Decision Support System has been developed to help with engineers in suggestions of interventions based on real time traffic data. The information fusion has benefits for Decision Support System: the complementary sensors may fill the gaps of one another, the system is able to detect the changing of the percentage of different vehicle types in traffic. An example of detection and interventional suggestion about transient traffic on transport networks of a little town is presented at the end of the paper. The novelty of this paper is the gathering of information - triggered by the state changing from stationer to transient - from ad hoc channels and combining them with information from developed regular channels. --information gathering,information fusion,Kalman filter,transient traffic,Decision Support System

    A Conversation with Eugenio Regazzini

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    Eugenio Regazzini was born on August 12, 1946 in Cremona (Italy), and took his degree in 1969 at the University "L. Bocconi" of Milano. He has held positions at the universities of Torino, Bologna and Milano, and at the University "L. Bocconi" as assistant professor and lecturer from 1974 to 1980, and then professor since 1980. He is currently professor in probability and mathematical statistics at the University of Pavia. In the periods 1989-2001 and 2006-2009 he was head of the Institute for Applications of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.) in Milano and head of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Pavia, respectively. For twelve years between 1989 and 2006, he served as a member of the Scientific Board of the Italian Mathematical Union (U.M.I.). In 2007, he was elected Fellow of the IMS and, in 2001, Fellow of the "Istituto Lombardo---Accademia di Scienze e Lettere." His research activity in probability and statistics has covered a wide spectrum of topics, including finitely additive probabilities, foundations of the Bayesian paradigm, exchangeability and partial exchangeability, distribution of functionals of random probability measures, stochastic integration, history of probability and statistics. Overall, he has been one of the most authoritative developers of de Finetti's legacy. In the last five years, he has extended his scientific interests to probabilistic methods in mathematical physics; in particular, he has studied the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of equations, which are of interest for the kinetic theory of gases. The present interview was taken in occasion of his 65th birthday.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-STS362 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    spBayes: An R Package for Univariate and Multivariate Hierarchical Point-referenced Spatial Models

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    Scientists and investigators in such diverse fields as geological and environmental sciences, ecology, forestry, disease mapping, and economics often encounter spatially referenced data collected over a fixed set of locations with coordinates (latitude-longitude, Easting-Northing etc.) in a region of study. Such point-referenced or geostatistical data are often best analyzed with Bayesian hierarchical models. Unfortunately, fitting such models involves computationally intensive Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods whose efficiency depends upon the specific problem at hand. This requires extensive coding on the part of the user and the situation is not helped by the lack of available software for such algorithms. Here, we introduce a statistical software package, spBayes, built upon the R statistical computing platform that implements a generalized template encompassing a wide variety of Gaussian spatial process models for univariate as well as multivariate point-referenced data. We discuss the algorithms behind our package and illustrate its use with a synthetic and real data example.

    Sequential Bayesian updating for Big Data

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    The velocity, volume, and variety of big data present both challenges and opportunities for cognitive science. We introduce sequential Bayesian updat-ing as a tool to mine these three core properties. In the Bayesian approach, we summarize the current state of knowledge regarding parameters in terms of their posterior distributions, and use these as prior distributions when new data become available. Crucially, we construct posterior distributions in such a way that we avoid having to repeat computing the likelihood of old data as new data become available, allowing the propagation of information without great computational demand. As a result, these Bayesian methods allow continuous inference on voluminous information streams in a timely manner. We illustrate the advantages of sequential Bayesian updating with data from the MindCrowd project, in which crowd-sourced data are used to study Alzheimer’s Dementia. We fit an extended LATER (Linear Ap-proach to Threshold with Ergodic Rate) model to reaction time data from the project in order to separate two distinct aspects of cognitive functioning: speed of information accumulation and caution

    LegumeGRN: a gene regulatory network prediction server for functional and comparative studies

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    Building accurate gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from high-throughput gene expression data is a long-standing challenge. However, with the emergence of new algorithms combined with the increase of transcriptomic data availability, it is now reachable. To help biologists to investigate gene regulatory relationships, we developed a web-based computational service to build, analyze and visualize GRNs that govern various biological processes. The web server is preloaded with all available Affymetrix GeneChip-based transcriptomic and annotation data from the three model legume species, i.e., Medicago truncatula, Lotus japonicus and Glycine max. Users can also upload their own transcriptomic and transcription factor datasets from any other species/organisms to analyze their in-house experiments. Users are able to select which experiments, genes and algorithms they will consider to perform their GRN analysis. To achieve this flexibility and improve prediction performance, we have implemented multiple mainstream GRN prediction algorithms including co-expression, Graphical Gaussian Models (GGMs), Context Likelihood of Relatedness (CLR), and parallelized versions of TIGRESS and GENIE3. Besides these existing algorithms, we also proposed a parallel Bayesian network learning algorithm, which can infer causal relationships (i.e., directionality of interaction) and scale up to several thousands of genes. Moreover, this web server also provides tools to allow integrative and comparative analysis between predicted GRNs obtained from different algorithms or experiments, as well as comparisons between legume species. The web site is available at http://legumegrn.noble.org.Oklahoma Center for The Advancement of Science and Technology: (OCAST Grant No. PSB11-031)

    LegumeGRN: A Gene Regulatory Network Prediction Server for Functional and Comparative Studies

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    Building accurate gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from high-throughput gene expression data is a long-standing challenge. However, with the emergence of new algorithms combined with the increase of transcriptomic data availability, it is now reachable. To help biologists to investigate gene regulatory relationships, we developed a web-based computational service to build, analyze and visualize GRNs that govern various biological processes. The web server is preloaded with all available Affymetrix GeneChip-based transcriptomic and annotation data from the three model legume species, i.e., Medicago truncatula, Lotus japonicus and Glycine max. Users can also upload their own transcriptomic and transcription factor datasets from any other species/organisms to analyze their in-house experiments. Users are able to select which experiments, genes and algorithms they will consider to perform their GRN analysis. To achieve this flexibility and improve prediction performance, we have implemented multiple mainstream GRN prediction algorithms including co-expression, Graphical Gaussian Models (GGMs), Context Likelihood of Relatedness (CLR), and parallelized versions of TIGRESS and GENIE3. Besides these existing algorithms, we also proposed a parallel Bayesian network learning algorithm, which can infer causal relationships (i.e., directionality of interaction) and scale up to several thousands of genes. Moreover, this web server also provides tools to allow integrative and comparative analysis between predicted GRNs obtained from different algorithms or experiments, as well as comparisons between legume species. The web site is available at http://legumegrn.noble.org