2,934 research outputs found

    A Collective Case Study of Mobile E-Book Learning Experiences

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    This research was designed to explore the learning experiences of state college students using mobile e-book readers. The purpose of the study was to build a rich description of how students used electronic textbooks delivered on mobile computing devices for college-level, introductory sociology courses. This research employed a multiple case study design that thoroughly investigated and documented student experiences with this instructional technology. The bounding frame was comprised of the literature on mobile technology, mobile learning theories, and e-books. Situated within the mobile learning framework was a theoretical lens of learning theories commonly found in the literature on mobile learning (constructivism, social cognitive theory, self-efficacy theory, expectancy x value theory, self-determination theory, and situated cognition). This lens was used to provide insight into the student’s learning experiences. This study was comprised of data from a variety of sources that were chosen for their ability to produce insight into the learning experiences of mobile e-book students taking introduction to sociology courses at a Southeastern public state college. The data analysis was comprised of three levels of increasing stages of granular examination. These included level one: descriptive summaries of student cases, level two: student and instructor interview data and excerpts from audio recording transcriptions organized by topical categories, and level three: cross-case synthesis relating to the theoretical framework and research questions. Students were found to be competent with the e-books, confident, metacognitive, and desirous of more social learning opportunities within their e-books. By addressing the primary research question and the subquestions, six major conclusions were reached. These were: (a) students expressed competence in their use of the mobile e-books, (b) students expressed feelings of high self-efficacy when using the mobile e-books, (c) students overall valued the use of the e-book for their learning, (d) students were individualized and metacognitive in their learning with the mobile e-books, (e) students enhanced their learning socially and within situated learning opportunities, and (f) the students and the instructor had divergent views on the value and utility of social, interactive textbooks. Increasing understanding of the use of electronic and mobile instructional technologies such as e-books may better assist educational leaders with preparing students for today’s global knowledge economy. Based on the conclusions of this study, recommendations for future research and educational leadership were addressed

    University of Missouri Chemical Engineering 1903 to 2013 : a history from the beginning

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    "September 3, 2013."This treatise is a history of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Missouri. It covers the years 1903 to 2013 and includes the successful development of the Nuclear Engineering Graduate Program, the faculty members, accomplishments and future directions of the department.Preface -- Pt. 1. The first 120 years -- Pt. 2. Tracking the growth of chemical engineering technology -- Pt. 3. Chemical engineering faculty -- Pt. 4. Future directions for chemical engineering


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas e-book interaktif pada materi Momentum dan Impuls. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keharusan seorang pendidik membuat bahan ajar untuk Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh yang terjadi ketika masa pandemi ini. Dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh pendidik harus mengembangkan bahan ajar yang mudah diakses oleh semua siswa dan bahan ajar yang bisa dipelajari secara mandiri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Research and Developmant (R&D) dengan model ADDIE yaitu Analysis, Design, Developmant, Implementation, Evaluation. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan model yang digunakan yaitu tahap analisis, perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Untuk mengukur kualitas e-book interaktif digunakan lembar validasi konten yang terdiri dari aspek materi, penyajian dan kebahasaan, lembar validasi media yang terdiri dari aspek kegrafikan dan perangkat lunak, dan angket respon siswa.Validasi konten dan media dilakukan oleh dua ahli fisika dan satu guru mata pelajaran fisika kelas 10. Penilaian terhadap e-book interaktif dilakukan oleh kelas 10 SMA. Hasil dari validasi konten yaitu e-book interaktif dinyatakan sangat layak untuk digunakan. Hasil validasi media juga dinyatakan e-book interaktif layak untuk digunakan. E-book interaktif ini juga mendapatkan respon positif dari siswa. Kata kunci: E-book, E-book Interaktif, Momentun dan Impuls The research aims to determine the quality of attractive e-books on Momentum and Impulse material. This research is motivated by the obligation of an educator to make teaching materials for Long-Distance Learning that occurred during this pandemic. In Long Distance Learning, educators must develop teaching materials that are easily accessible to all students and teaching materials that can be studied independently. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The stages in this study are in accordance with the model used, namely the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation stages. The interactive book used content validation sheets consisting of material aspects, presentation and language, media validation sheets consisting of graphic aspects and software, and student response questionnaires. Content and media validation was carried out by two physicists and one 10th-grade physics teacher. The evaluation of the interactive e-book was carried out by 10th graders. The results of the content validation, namely the interactive e-book were declared very suitable for use. Then, the media validation results also stated that the interactive e-book was feasible to use. And this interactive e-book is also get a positive response from student

    An investigation into the technology of a state-wide educational electronic data processing system design for Montana

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    2013 Presentation Abstracts

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    Online development in the Nordic countries : a history of online information from the 1960s to the '00s and NORDINFO's role in its development

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    Some of the contributions to this book have previously been published as unedited manuscripts in 2007 at http://hdl.handle.net/1975/149

    ResearchNews, Volume, 6, 2012

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    A study of the thermoregulatory characteristics of a liquid-cooled garment with automatic temperature control based on sweat rate: Experimental investigation and biothermal man-model development

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    Experimental results for three subjects walking on a treadmill at exercise rates of up to 590 watts showed that thermal comfort could be maintained in a liquid cooled garment by using an automatic temperature controller based on sweat rate. The addition of head- and neck-cooling to an Apollo type liquid cooled garment increased its effectiveness and resulted in greater subjective comfort. The biothermal model of man developed in the second portion of the study utilized heat rates and exchange coefficients based on the experimental data, and included the cooling provisions of a liquid-cooled garment with automatic temperature control based on sweat rate. Simulation results were good approximations of the experimental results

    Advanced extravehicular activity systems requirements definition study. Phase 2: Extravehicular activity at a lunar base

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    The focus is on Extravehicular Activity (EVA) systems requirements definition for an advanced space mission: remote-from-main base EVA on the Moon. The lunar environment, biomedical considerations, appropriate hardware design criteria, hardware and interface requirements, and key technical issues for advanced lunar EVA were examined. Six remote EVA scenarios (three nominal operations and three contingency situations) were developed in considerable detail
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