676 research outputs found

    On-line non-contact gas analysis

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    In-Situ Measurements of Temperature and Emissivity during MSW Combustion using Spectral Analysis and Multispectral Imaging Processing

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    By using a novel multispectral imaging technology, the 2-D distributions of flame temperature and emissivity were measured in a 16 MW incinerator to co-fire municipal solid waste (MSW) and municipal sludge. A way to establish the relationship between the multispectral flame images and the temperature was proposed by combing the Newton iteration method and Hottel emissivity model. The results showed that the measured temperatures at different locations varied by 31.25% with a fixed steam evaporation rate, and 11.76% with different steam evaporation rates at a given port. The temperatures and emissivities decreased at upper locations due to the lower local soot particle concentration and the change of the measured flame temperatures with load were correlated with the MSW caloric values. Flame temperatures near the left wall were higher than those near the right wall. This deviation was caused by the high moisture content of municipal sludge that inhibited combustion. The emissivities of flame near the right wall were lower than those near the left wall due to the low fixed carbon in municipal sludge. The normalized flame emissivities between the left and the right walls indicated that obvious differences existed in the radiative characteristics of soot, which confirmed the uneven mixing of MSW and municipal sludge. Besides, a spectrometer system was used to measure the release of alkali metal elements including Na, K during the incineration process. The characteristic spectra showed that the alkali metal radiative intensity was related to the moisture content in the wastes. Overall, these results justified that the multi-wavelength thermometry was feasible for monitoring combustion in the MSW incinerator

    Method for measuring pollutant formation

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    Diagnostic methods for determining an instantaneous rate of pollutant formation in a combustion system are based on measurement of chemiluminescence intensity generated simultaneously with the formation of the pollutant. The chemiluminescent signal is generated by an analog reaction which occurs in parallel with a key step in the formation of a specific pollutant of interest. The connection between the analog reaction and the pollution reaction is such that the chemiluminescent signal indicates the local, instantaneous formation rate of the pollutant of interest

    Combustion monitoring for biomass boilers using multivariate image analysis

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    Les procédés de combustion sont utilisés dans la plupart des industries chimiques, métallurgiques et manufacturières, pour produire de la vapeur (chaudières), pour sécher des solides ou les transformer dans des fours rotatifs (ou autres). Or, les combustibles fossiles qui les alimentent (ex. : gaz naturel) sont de plus en plus dispendieux, ce qui incite plusieurs compagnies à utiliser d’autres sources de combustibles tels que de la biomasse, des rejets inflammables produits par le procédé lui-même ou des combustibles fossiles de moindre qualité. Ces alternatives sont moins coûteuses, mais de composition, et donc de pouvoir calorifique, plus variable. De telles variations dans la chaleur dégagée par la combustion perturbent l’opération des procédés et la qualité des produits qui dépendent de ces installations. De nouvelles stratégies de contrôle de la combustion doivent donc être élaborées afin de tenir compte de cette nouvelle réalité. Il a été récemment démontré que l’énergie dégagée par la combustion est corrélée à l’aspect visuel de la flamme, principalement sa couleur, ce qui permet d’en quantifier les variations par imagerie numérique. L’objectif de ce projet industriel consiste à faire la démonstration que l’analyse d’images multivariées peut servir à l’identification du comportement d’une chaudière à biomasse. La chaudière à biomasse opérée par Irving Pulp & Paper Ltd (Saint-John, Nouveau-Brunswick) fera office d’exemple. Les résultats montrent qu’un modèle bâtit à partir des informations fournies par les images ainsi que les données de procédé donne de bonnes prédictions de la quantité de vapeur produite (R2modèle=93.6%, R2validation=70.1%) et ce, 2,5 minutes à l’avance. Ce projet est la première étape du développement d’une nouvelle stratégie de contrôle automatique de la combustion de biomasse, capable de stabiliser l’énergie dégagée, malgré les variations imprévisibles dans le pouvoir calorifique et les proportions des combustibles utilisés provenant de différentes sources.Biomass is increasingly used in the process industry, particularly in utility boilers, as a low cost source of renewable, carbon neutral energy. It is, however, a solid fuel with some degree of moisture which feed rate and heat of combustion is often highly variable and difficult to control. Indeed, the variable bark properties such as its carbon content or its moisture content have an influence on heat released. Moreover, the uncertain and unsteady bark flow rate increases the level of difficulty for predicting heat released. The traditional 3-element boiler control strategy normally used needs to be improved to make sure the resulting heat released remains as steady as possible, thus leading to a more widespread use biomass as a combustible. It has been shown in the past that the flame digital images can be used to estimate the heat released by combustion processes. Therefore, this work investigates the use of Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) of biomass combustion images for early detection of combustion disturbances. Applied to a bark boiler operated by Irving Pulp & Paper Ltd, it was shown to provide good predictions, 2.5 minutes in advance, of variations in steam flow rate (R2fit=93.6%, R2val=70.1%) when information extracted from images were combined with relevant process data. This project is the first step in the development of a new automatic control scheme for biomass boilers, which would have the ability to take proactive control actions before such disturbances in the manipulated variable (i.e. bark flow and bark properties) could affect steam production and steam header pressure

    Quantitative Assessment of Flame Stability Through Image Processing and Spectral Analysis

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    This paper experimentally investigates two generalized methods, i.e., a simple universal index and oscillation frequency, for the quantitative assessment of flame stability at fossil-fuel-fired furnaces. The index is proposed to assess the stability of flame in terms of its color, geometry, and luminance. It is designed by combining up to seven characteristic parameters extracted from flame images. The oscillation frequency is derived from the spectral analysis of flame radiation signals. The measurements involved in these two methods do not require prior knowledge about fuel property, burner type, and other operation conditions. They can therefore be easily applied to flame stability assessment without costly and complex adaption. Experiments were carried out on a 9-MW heavy-oil-fired combustion test rig over a wide range of combustion conditions including variations in swirl vane position of the tertiary air, swirl vane position of the secondary air, and the ratio of the primary air to the total air. The impact of these burner parameters on the stability of heavy oil flames is investigated by using the index and oscillation frequency proposed. The experimental results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods and the importance of maintaining a stable flame for reduced NOx emissions. It is envisaged that such methods can be easily transferred to existing flame closed-circuit television systems and flame failure detectors in power stations for flame stability monitoring

    New IR-UV gas sensor to energy and transport sector

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    Fundamental Study of Single Biomass Particle Combustion

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    Laser-Induced Photofragmentation Fluorescence Imaging of Alkali Compounds in Flames

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    Laser-induced photofragmentation fluorescence has been investigated for the imaging of alkali compounds in premixed laminar methane–air flames. An ArF excimer laser, providing pulses of wavelength 193 nm, was used to photodissociate KCl, KOH, and NaCl molecules in the post-flame region and fluorescence from the excited atomic alkali fragment was detected. Fluorescence emission spectra showed distinct lines of the alkali atoms allowing for efficient background filtering. Temperature data from Rayleigh scattering measurements together with simulations of potassium chemistry presented in literature allowed for conclusions on the relative contributions of potassium species KOH and KCl to the detected signal. Experimental approaches for separate measurements of these components are discussed. Signal power dependence and calculated fractions of dissociated molecules indicate the saturation of the photolysis process, independent on absorption cross-section, under the experimental conditions. Quantitative KCl concentrations up to 30 parts per million (ppm) were evaluated from the fluorescence data and showed good agreement with results from ultraviolet absorption measurements. Detection limits for KCl photofragmentation fluorescence imaging of 0.5 and 1.0 ppm were determined for averaged and single-shot data, respectively. Moreover, simultaneous imaging of KCl and NaCl was demonstrated using a stereoscope with filters. The results indicate that the photofragmentation method can be employed for detailed studies of alkali chemistry in laboratory flames for validation of chemical kinetic mechanisms crucial for efficient biomass fuel utilization
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