2,365 research outputs found

    An effective deep learning approach for the classification of Bacteriosis in peach leave

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    Bacteriosis is one of the most prevalent and deadly infections that affect peach crops globally. Timely detection of Bacteriosis disease is essential for lowering pesticide use and preventing crop loss. It takes time and effort to distinguish and detect Bacteriosis or a short hole in a peach leaf. In this paper, we proposed a novel LightWeight (WLNet) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model based on Visual Geometry Group (VGG-19) for detecting and classifying images into Bacteriosis and healthy images. Profound knowledge of the proposed model is utilized to detect Bacteriosis in peach leaf images. First, a dataset is developed which consists of 10000 images: 4500 are Bacteriosis and 5500 are healthy images. Second, images are preprocessed using different steps to prepare them for the identification of Bacteriosis and healthy leaves. These preprocessing steps include image resizing, noise removal, image enhancement, background removal, and augmentation techniques, which enhance the performance of leaves classification and help to achieve a decent result. Finally, the proposed LWNet model is trained for leaf classification. The proposed model is compared with four different CNN models: LeNet, Alexnet, VGG-16, and the simple VGG-19 model. The proposed model obtains an accuracy of 99%, which is higher than LeNet, Alexnet, VGG-16, and the simple VGG-19 model. The achieved results indicate that the proposed model is more effective for the detection of Bacteriosis in peach leaf images, in comparison with the existing models

    Improvement of seed quality of medicinal plants and herbs in organic farming

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    As in vegetable growing or grain cropping the seed quality is an important factor for the successful cultivation of medicinal plants and herbs. In spite of intensive efforts made by specialised seed producers there are recurring problems with important quality parameters (e.g. germination capacity, emergence or seed health). The lack of sufficient study results is typical for special purpose crops, also concerning the particular host-parasite relationship and its methodical verification. Few experiences with the improvement of seed quality of medicinal plants and herbs are available. The intention of the study is to test physical and biological methods of seed treat-ment for their practicability in medicinal plants and herb cultivation. Fundamental information on the pathogens is also examined. Moreover there is a focus on further aspects of the production techniques (e.g. harvesting time) as a means to improve the seed quality

    Investigation of Disinfectant\u27s Effectiveness as to Contaminating Microflora in Sugar Production

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    The article presents the results of the studies of the effectiveness of disinfection means, based on chlorinated guanidines, tetradic ammonium salts, dichlorisocyanuric acid, peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide as to the contaminating microflora of sugar beets. There was investigated the influence of disinfectants on bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Leuconostoс mesenteroides, mycelia fungi Aspergillus Niger, Penicillium chrysogenum and yeast Sacharomyses сerevisiae.It was experimentally established, that the studied means has the high effectiveness as to most microorganisms that cause saccharose losses in the process of its extracting from beet chip and result in worsening a technological quality of semi-products of beet-sugar.There was established the high effectiveness of modern disinfection means as to inhibiting slime-forming bacteria of Leuconostoc generis. There was proved a possibility of their use at different technological stages of beet-sugar production for preventing the development of mucous bacteriosis.It was determined that means consumption depends on a type and extent of microbiological contamination of raw materials, semi-products, technological waters at sugar production. There were established concentrations of the studied means as to inhibiting the development of main contaminants of the microflora of raw materials and semi-products in sugar production.There is offered to use the studied means in industrial beet-sugar production that would favor the decrease of microbial contamination of semi-products and the increase of a sugar output from a raw material unit

    Parameters and genetic divergence to identify resistance to anthracnose and bacteriosis in cassava accessions

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os parĂąmetros genĂ©ticos de genĂłtipos de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) cultivados em campo, bem como a divergĂȘncia genĂ©tica entre eles, para identificar quais apresentam maior resistĂȘncia Ă  antracnose e Ă  bacteriose. Foram realizados trĂȘs experimentos independentes, tendo-se avaliado 133 acessos e nove cultivares comerciais de mandioca distribuĂ­dos em cinco blocos, com cinco plantas por parcela, em cada experimento. No primeiro experimento, as plantas foram submetidas Ă  inoculação de Xanthomonas phaseolis pv. manihotis (bacteriose). No segundo, as plantas foram submetidas Ă  inoculação de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. manihotis (antracnose). No terceiro, realizado em delineamento de blocos aumentados e sob ocorrĂȘncia natural das doenças, foram feitas avaliaçÔes visuais das plantas por escala de notas. A herdabilidade foi utilizada como parĂąmetro genĂ©tico, e o mĂ©todo de grupos de pares nĂŁo ponderados com mĂ©dia aritmĂ©tica foi aplicado para determinação de divergĂȘncia genĂ©tica e agrupamento. No terceiro experimento, detectaram-se diferenças genĂ©ticas entre os acessos, que foram avaliados quanto Ă  ĂĄrea abaixo da curva de progressĂŁo da doença (AUDPC) para antracnose e bacteriose. No primeiro e no terceiro experimentos de bacteriose, as chances de sucesso na seleção de acessos resistentes sĂŁo maiores, em razĂŁo dos altos valores de herdabilidade obtidos. Os acessos BGM-1170 e BGM-1134 mostram as menores mĂ©dias de AUDPC e sĂŁo considerados resistentes Ă  antracnose e Ă  bacteriose.The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic parameters of cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypes cultivated in the field, as well as the genetic divergence between them, in order to identify which ones show a greater resistance to anthracnose and bacteriosis. Three independent experiments were carried out, evaluating 133 accessions and nine commercial cultivars of cassava distributed in five blocks, with five plants per plot in each experiment. In the first experiment, the plants were subjected to inoculation with Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis (bacteriosis). In the second, the plants were subjected to inoculation with Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. manihotis (anthracnose). In the third, carried out in an augmented block design and under naturally occurring diseases, visual evaluations of the plants were performed using a rating scale. Heritability was used as a genetic parameter, and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean was applied to determine genetic divergence and clustering. In the third experiment, genetic variability was detected among accessions, which were evaluated for the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for anthracnose and bacteriosis. In the first and third experiments of bacteriosis, the chances of success in the selection of resistant accessions are higher due to the high heritability values obtained. The BGM-1170 and BGM-1134 accessions show the lowest mean for AUDPC and are considered resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis

    Carvacrol ameliorates acute campylobacteriosis in a clinical murine infection model

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    Background: The prevalence of human infections with the zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is rising worldwide. Therefore, the identification of compounds with potent anti-pathogenic and anti-inflammatory properties for future therapeutic and/or preventive application to combat campylobacteriosis is of importance for global health. Results of recent studies suggested carvacrol (4-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) as potential candidate molecule for the treatment of campylobacteriosis in humans and for the prevention of Campylobacter colonization in farm animals. Results: To address this in a clinical murine infection model of acute campylobacteriosis, secondary abiotic IL-10-/- mice were subjected to synthetic carvacrol via the drinking water starting 4 days before peroral C. jejuni challenge. Whereas at day 6 post-infection placebo treated mice suffered from acute enterocolitis, mice from the carvacrol cohort not only harbored two log orders of magnitude lower pathogen loads in their intestines, but also displayed significantly reduced disease symptoms. Alleviated campylobacteriosis following carvacrol application was accompanied by less distinct intestinal apoptosis and pro-inflammatory immune responses as well as by higher numbers of proliferating colonic epithelial cells. Remarkably, the inflammation-ameliorating effects of carvacrol treatment were not restricted to the intestinal tract, but could also be observed in extra-intestinal organs such as liver, kidneys and lungs and, strikingly, systemically as indicated by lower IFN-Îł, TNF, MCP-1 and IL-6 serum concentrations in carvacrol versus placebo treated mice. Furthermore, carvacrol treatment was associated with less frequent translocation of viable C. jejuni originating from the intestines to extra-intestinal compartments. Conclusion: The lowered C. jejuni loads and alleviated symptoms observed in the here applied clinical murine model for human campylobacteriosis highlight the application of carvacrol as a promising novel option for both, the treatment of campylobacteriosis and hence, for prevention of post-infectious sequelae in humans, and for the reduction of C. jejuni colonization in the intestines of vertebrate lifestock animals

    Bacterial Diseases of Wheat in the Southern Ural: Manifestations, Biological Characteristics and Monitoring Features

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    The paper presents the results of a long-term monitoring of bacterial diseases of wheat in the steppe zone of the Southern Ural. A clear domination of the genus Xanthomonas over the genus Pseudomonas has been revealed (60 and 11% of the total samples collected, respectively). The frequency of a winter wheat infection with these two pathogens exceeded that of the spring wheat. The field phytosanitary assessment resulted in the observation of the earlier unknown manifestation of the Xanthomonas infection called as tip bacteriosis. The frequency of wheat infection with Xanthomonas sp. almost did not depend on the relief type, observation period, and sowing date, though the frequency of infection observed for the northern slope and lowland clearly exceeded those observed for other relief types. The frequency of infection with Pseudomonas sp. clearly depended on the sowing date and local relief type reaching the maximum at the lowlands (19–27%), so this relief type can be considered as a “signal” point for the early diagnostics of this pathogen

    Enfermedades del frijol causadas por bacterias

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    The etiology, symptomatology, cultural and chemical control measures, and general aspects of control through var. resistance to bean diseases are described for the bacterial pathogens Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. Some var. resistant to these pathogens are listed. (CIAT)Se describen la etiologia, sintomatologia, medidas de control cultural y quimico, y aspectos generales de control por resistencia var. de las enfermedades del frijol causadas por los patogenos bacterianos Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola y Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. Se mencionan algunas var. resistentes a estos patogenos. (CIAT
